995 resultados para instrumentation


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We demonstrate that etched fiber Bragg gratings (eFBGs) coated with single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene oxide (GO) are highly sensitive and accurate biochemical sensors. Here, for detecting protein concanavalin A (Con A), mannose-functionalized poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimers (DMs) have been attached to the SWNTs (or GO) coated on the surface modified eFBG. The dendrimers act as multivalent ligands, having specificity to detect lectin Con A. The specificity of the sensor is shown by a much weaker response (factor of similar to 2500 for the SWNT and similar to 2000 for the GO coated eFBG) to detect non specific lectin peanut agglutinin. DM molecules functionalized GO coated eFBG sensors showed excellent specificity to Con A even in the presence of excess amount of an interfering protein bovine serum albumin. The shift in the Bragg wavelength (Delta lambda(B)) with respect to the lambda(B) values of SWNT (or GO)-DM coated eFBG for various concentrations of lectin follows Langmuir type adsorption isotherm, giving an affinity constant of similar to 4 x 10(7) M-1 for SWNTs coated eFBG and similar to 3 x 10(8) M-1 for the GO coated eFBG. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a computerized medical imaging technique which reconstructs the electrical impedance images of a domain under test from the boundary voltage-current data measured by an EIT electronic instrumentation using an image reconstruction algorithm. Being a computed tomography technique, EIT injects a constant current to the patient's body through the surface electrodes surrounding the domain to be imaged (Omega) and tries to calculate the spatial distribution of electrical conductivity or resistivity of the closed conducting domain using the potentials developed at the domain boundary (partial derivative Omega). Practical phantoms are essentially required to study, test and calibrate a medical EIT system for certifying the system before applying it on patients for diagnostic imaging. Therefore, the EIT phantoms are essentially required to generate boundary data for studying and assessing the instrumentation and inverse solvers a in EIT. For proper assessment of an inverse solver of a 2D EIT system, a perfect 2D practical phantom is required. As the practical phantoms are the assemblies of the objects with 3D geometries, the developing of a practical 2D-phantom is a great challenge and therefore, the boundary data generated from the practical phantoms with 3D geometry are found inappropriate for assessing a 2D inverse solver. Furthermore, the boundary data errors contributed by the instrumentation are also difficult to separate from the errors developed by the 3D phantoms. Hence, the errorless boundary data are found essential to assess the inverse solver in 2D EIT. In this direction, a MatLAB-based Virtual Phantom for 2D EIT (MatVP2DEIT) is developed to generate accurate boundary data for assessing the 2D-EIT inverse solvers and the image reconstruction accuracy. MatVP2DEIT is a MatLAB-based computer program which simulates a phantom in computer and generates the boundary potential data as the outputs by using the combinations of different phantom parameters as the inputs to the program. Phantom diameter, inhomogeneity geometry (shape, size and position), number of inhomogeneities, applied current magnitude, background resistivity, inhomogeneity resistivity all are set as the phantom variables which are provided as the input parameters to the MatVP2DEIT for simulating different phantom configurations. A constant current injection is simulated at the phantom boundary with different current injection protocols and boundary potential data are calculated. Boundary data sets are generated with different phantom configurations obtained with the different combinations of the phantom variables and the resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS. Boundary data of the virtual phantoms, containing inhomogeneities with complex geometries, are also generated for different current injection patterns using MatVP2DEIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. The effect of regularization method on the image reconstruction is also studied with the data generated by MatVP2DEIT. Resistivity images are evaluated by studying the resistivity parameters and contrast parameters estimated from the elemental resistivity profiles of the reconstructed phantom domain. Results show that the MatVP2DEIT generates accurate boundary data for different types of single or multiple objects which are efficient and accurate enough to reconstruct the resistivity images in EIDORS. The spatial resolution studies show that, the resistivity imaging conducted with the boundary data generated by MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, can reconstruct two circular inhomogeneities placed with a minimum distance (boundary to boundary) of 2 mm. It is also observed that, in MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, the boundary data generated for a phantom with a circular inhomogeneity of a diameter less than 7% of that of the phantom domain can produce resistivity images in EIDORS with a 1968 element mesh. Results also show that the MatVP2DEIT accurately generates the boundary data for neighbouring, opposite reference and trigonometric current patterns which are very suitable for resistivity reconstruction studies. MatVP2DEIT generated data are also found suitable for studying the effect of the different regularization methods on reconstruction process. Comparing the reconstructed image with an original geometry made in MatVP2DEIT, it would be easier to study the resistivity imaging procedures as well as the inverse solver performance. Using the proposed MatVP2DEIT software with modified domains, the cross sectional anatomy of a number of body parts can be simulated in PC and the impedance image reconstruction of human anatomy can be studied.


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In this work, we present the characterization and performance studies of self-priming peristaltic pump for drug delivery application. Conventional materials and methods have been used to fabricate single cam mechanism based peristaltic micropump. To control the fluid flow precisely in micro liter range, a single cam mechanism has been used instead of conventional roller mechanism. The fabricated pump is suitable for liquid, gas and foam. Using water as a fluid medium, a flow rate of 12.5 mu l/rpm is achieved using a flexible silicone tube of inner diameter 1.5 mm and outer diameter 2.5 mm. Other than water, higher viscosity fluids showed a decrease in the flow rate. The designed micropump exhibits a linear dependence of flow rate in the voltage range of 2.5V to 5V. Drug delivery using micropump demands that the micropump has to pump against the blood pressure (maximum of 25kPa) with constant flow rate. Here the designed pump is able to pump the liquid with a constant flow rate of 500 mu l/min (water) up to a backpressure of 40kPa. It was observed that, by increasing the backpressure above 40kPa, flow rate of the pump gradually decreased to 125 mu l/min at 120kPa. In addition, Micropump based drug delivery demands that the micropump should be normally in closed condition in all the positions to avoid drug leakage and bleeding. Hence, micropump has been characterized for normally closed condition in all positions (0 degrees to 360 degrees). However, a minute leak of 0.14 % was found for an inlet pressure of 140kPa. Also, the normally closed region with no leak is observed up to 60kPa of pressure in all positions (0 degrees to 360 degrees).


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This paper presents the design technique that has been adopted for packaging of Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor for biomedical applications. The PVDF film with the dimension of length 10mm, width 5mm and thickness 28 mu m was firmly adhered on one end of plastic base (8mmx5mmx30 mu m) in such a way that it forms a cantilever configuration leaving the other end free for deflection. Now with the leads attached on the surface of the PVDF film, the cantilever configuration becomes the PVDF nasal sensor. For mounting a PVDF nasal sensor, a special headphone was designed, that can fit most of the human head sizes. Two flexible strings are soldered on either side of the headphone. Two identical PVDF nasal sensors were then connected to either side of flexible string of the headphone in such a way that they are placed below the right and left nostrils respectively without disturbing the normal breathing. When a subject wares headphone along with PVDF nasal sensors, two voltage signals due to the piezoelectric property of the PVDF film were generated corresponding to his/her nasal airflow from right and left nostril. The entire design was made compact, so that PVDF nasal sensors along with headphone can be made portable. No special equipment or machines are needed for mounting the PVDF nasal sensors. The time required for packaging of PVDF nasal sensors was less and the approximate cost of the entire assembly (PVDF nasal sensors + headphone) was very nominal.


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Self catalytic growth of Indium Oxide (In2O3) nanowires (NWs) have been grown by resistive thermal evaporation of Indium (In) in the presence of oxygen without use of any additional metal catalyst. Nanowires growth took place at low substrate temperature of 370-420 degrees C at an applied current of 180-200 A to the evaporation boat. Morphology, microstructures, and compositional studies of the grown nanowires were performed by employing field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. Nanowires were uniformly grown over the entire Si substrate and each of the nanowire is capped with a catalyst particle at their end. X-ray diffraction study reveals the crystalline nature of the grown nanowires. Transmission electron microscopy study on the nanowires further confirmed the single crystalline nature of the nanowires. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis on the nanowires and capped nanoparticle confirmed that Indium act as catalyst for In2O3 nanowires growth. A self catalytic Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) growth mechanism was responsible for the growth of In2O3 nanowires. Effect of oxygen partial pressure variation and variation of applied currents to the evaporation boat on the nanowires growth was systematically studied. These studies concluded that at oxygen partial pressure in the range of 4 x 10(-4), 6 x 10(-4) mbar at applied currents to the evaporation boat of 180-200 A were the best conditions for good nanowires growth. Finally, we observed another mode of VLS growth along with the standard VLS growth mode for In2O3 nanowires similar to the growth mechanism reported for GaAs nanowires.


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The mechanical and electrical characteristics of cellular network of the carbon nanotubes (CNT) impregnated with metallic and nonmetallic nanoparticles were examined simultaneously by employing the nanoindentation technique. Experimental results show that the nanoparticle dispersion not only enhances the mechanical strength of the cellular CNT by two orders of magnitude but also imparts variable nonlinear electrical characteristics; the latter depends on the contact resistance between nanoparticles and CNT, which is shown to depend on the applied load while indentation. Impregnation with silver nanoparticles enhances the electrical conductance, the dispersion with copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles reduces the conductance of CNT network. In all cases, a power law behavior with suppression in the differential conductivity at zero bias was noted, indicating electron tunneling through the channels formed at the CNT-nanoparticle interfaces. These results open avenues for designing cellular CNT foams with desired electro-mechanical properties and coupling. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This letter studies the impact of electrode segmentation on energy harvesting with piezoelectrics. For cases where the load can be distributed, it is concluded that segmentation of electrodes helps to improve energy content by minimizing surface currents. Using a ribbon of polyvinylidene fluoride under tension as an example, we show that using a six segmented electrode improves energy content by a factor of 2.5. Power delivery remains almost constant except for an anomalous increase when the number of segments is made large. Models are developed to predict improvements in energy content and power delivery.


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We report the self catalytic growth of Sn-doped indium oxide (ITO) nanowires (NWs) over a large area glass and silicon substrates by electron beam evaporation method at low substrate temperatures of 250-400 degrees C. The ITO NWs growth was carried out without using an additional reactive oxygen gas and a metal catalyst particle. Ultrafine diameter (similar to 10-15 nm) and micron long ITO NWs growth was observed in a temperature window of 300-400 degrees C. Transmission electron microscope studies confirmed single crystalline nature of the NWs and energy dispersive spectroscopy studies on the NWs confirmed that the NWs growth proceeds via self catalytic vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism. ITO nanowire films grown on glass substrates at a substrate temperature of 300-400 degrees C have shown similar to 2-6% reflection and similar to 70-85% transmission in the visible region. Effect of deposition parameters was systematically investigated. The large area growth of ITO nanowire films would find potential applications in the optoelectronic devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Micro-Raman studies are conducted on as-quenched and annealed Ge15Te80 -_xIn5Agx glasses to probe the structural network and its evolution with composition. These studies reveal the presence of tetrahedral GeTe4 structural units in as-quenched samples. Specific signatures of the intermediate phase (IP) are observed in the composition dependence of Raman frequencies and corresponding intensities of different modes in the composition range, 8 <= x <= 16. In addition, the Raman peak positions are found to shift with silver doping. Apart from the Raman results, the compositional dependence of density, molar volume and thermal diffusivity, observed in the present study, confirms the presence of the intermediate phase. In thermally annealed samples, a unique variation of Raman wave-numbers in the intermediate region is observed due to the retention of some of the local structure even after the sample is crystallized. The observed Raman peaks are attributed to crystalline tellurium and silver lattice vibrational modes. Based on our present and earlier studies, we propose the occurrence of three thresholds in Ge15Te80 - xIn5Agx glasses, namely percolation of rigidity, percolation of stress and the onset of chemical phase separation on a nanoscale at 8%, 16% and 20% of silver concentration respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The contact behavior of tin mono sulfide (SnS) nanocrystalline thin films with zinc (Zn) and silver (Ag) contacts was studied. SnS films have been deposited on glass substrates by thermal evaporation technique at a growth temperature of 300 degrees C. The as-grown SnS films composed of vertically aligned nanocrystallites with a preferential orientation along the < 010 > direction. SnS films exhibited excellent chemical stoichiometry and direct optical band gap of 1.96 eV. These films also exhibited excellent Ohmic characteristics and low electrical resistivity with Zn contacts. The observed electrical resistivity of SnS films with Zn contacts is 22 times lower than that of the resistivity with Ag contacts. The interfacing analysis reveals the formation of conductive Zn-S layer between SnS and Zn as interfacial layer. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We develop iterative diffraction tomography algorithms, which are similar to the distorted Born algorithms, for inverting scattered intensity data. Within the Born approximation, the unknown scattered field is expressed as a multiplicative perturbation to the incident field. With this, the forward equation becomes stable, which helps us compute nearly oscillation-free solutions that have immediate bearing on the accuracy of the Jacobian computed for use in a deterministic Gauss-Newton (GN) reconstruction. However, since the data are inherently noisy and the sensitivity of measurement to refractive index away from the detectors is poor, we report a derivative-free evolutionary stochastic scheme, providing strictly additive updates in order to bridge the measurement-prediction misfit, to arrive at the refractive index distribution from intensity transport data. The superiority of the stochastic algorithm over the GN scheme for similar settings is demonstrated by the reconstruction of the refractive index profile from simulated and experimentally acquired intensity data. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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Bulk Ge15Te85-xIn5Agx glasses are shown to exhibit electrical switching with switching/threshold voltages in the range of 70-120V for a sample thickness of 0.3 mm. Further, the samples exhibit threshold or memory behavior depending on the ON state current. The compositional studies confirm the presence of an intermediate phase in the range 8 <= x <= 16, revealed earlier by thermal studies. Further, SET-RESET studies have been performed by these glasses using a triangular pulse of 6 mA amplitude (for SET) and 21 mA amplitude (for RESET). Raman studies of the samples after the SET and RESET operations reveal that the SET state is a crystalline phase which is obtained by thermal annealing and the RESET state is the glassy state, similar to the as-quenched samples. It is interesting to note that the samples in the intermediate phase, especially compositions at x = 10, 12, and 14 withstand more set-reset cycles. This indicates compositions in the intermediate phase are better suited for phase change memory applications. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Interaction of adsorbate on charged surfaces, orientation of the analyte on the surface, and surface enhancement aspects have been studied. These aspects have been explored in details to explain the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) spectra of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW or CL-20), a well-known explosive, and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using one-pot synthesis of silver nanoparticles via biosynthetic route using natural precursor extracts of clove and pepper. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (bio Ag Nps) have been characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. SERS studies conducted using bio Ag Nps on different water insoluble analytes, such as CL-20 and TNT, lead to SERS signals at concentration levels of 400 pM. The experimental findings have been corroborated with density functional computational results, electrostatic surface potential calculations, Fukui functions and potential measurements.


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TIN thin films with (200) fibre texture are deposited on Cu substrate at room temperature using reactive magnetron sputtering. They exhibit a discharge capacity of 172 mu Ah cm(-2) mu m(-1) (300 mAh g(-1)) in a non-aqueous electrolyte containing a Li salt. There is a graded decrease in discharge capacity when cycled between 0.01 and 3.0 V. Electron microscopy investigations indicate significant changes in surface morphology of the cycled TiN electrodes in comparison with the as deposited TiN films. From XPS depth profile analysis, it is inferred that Li intercalated TIN films consist of lithium compounds, hydroxyl groups, titanium sub oxides and TiN. Lithium diffusivity and reactivity decrease with increase in depth and the major reaction with lithium takes place at film surface and grain boundaries. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We incorporated tin oxide nanostructures into the graphene nanosheet matrix and observed that the phase of tin oxide varies with the morphology. The highest discharge capacity and coulumbic efficiency were obtained for SnO phase of nanoplates morphology. Platelet morphology of tin oxide shows more reversible capacity than the nanoparticle (SnO2 phase) tin oxide. The first discharge capacity obtained for SnO@GNS is 1393 and 950 mAh/g for SnO2@GNS electrode at a current density of 23 mu A/cm(2). A stable capacity of about 1022 and 715 mAh/g was achieved at a current rate of 23 mu A/cm(2) after 40 cycles for SnO@GNS and SnO2@GNS anodes, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.