913 resultados para index model


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Sensors for real-time monitoring of environmental contaminants are essential for protecting ecosystems and human health. Refractive index sensing is a non-selective technique that can be used to measure almost any analyte. Miniaturized refractive index sensors, such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) microring resonators are one possible platform, but require coatings selective to the analytes of interest. A homemade prism refractometer is reported and used to characterize the interactions between polymer films and liquid or vapour-phase analytes. A camera was used to capture both Fresnel reflection and total internal reflection within the prism. For thin-films (d = 10 μm - 100 μm), interference fringes were also observed. Fourier analysis of the interferogram allowed for simultaneous extraction of the average refractive index and film thickness with accuracies of ∆n = 1-7 ×10-4 and ∆d < 3-5%. The refractive indices of 29 common organic solvents as well as aqueous solutions of sodium chloride, sucrose, ethylene glycol, glycerol, and dimethylsulfoxide were measured at λ = 1550 nm. These measurements will be useful for future calibrations of near-infrared refractive index sensors. A mathematical model is presented, where the concentration of analyte adsorbed in a film can be calculated from the refractive index and thickness changes during uptake. This model can be used with Fickian diffusion models to measure the diffusion coefficients through the bulk film and at the film-substrate interface. The diffusion of water and other organic solvents into SU-8 epoxy was explored using refractometry and the diffusion coefficient of water into SU-8 is presented. Exposure of soft baked SU-8 films to acetone, acetonitrile and methanol resulted in rapid delamination. The diffusion of volatile organic compound (VOC) vapours into polydimethylsiloxane and polydimethyl-co-polydiphenylsiloxane polymers was also studied using refractometry. Diffusion and partition coefficients are reported for several analytes. As a model system, polydimethyl-co-diphenylsiloxane films were coated onto SOI microring resonators. After the development of data acquisition software, coated devices were exposed to VOCs and the refractive index response was assessed. More studies with other polymers are required to test the viability of this platform for environmental sensing applications.


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The tourism industry globally has grown steadily in recent decades, showing a progressive interest oriented toward rural areas due to characteristics of tranquility, nature, biodiversity, traditions and culture. Therefore, such aspects should be preserved and can be leveraged through adequate strategic orientation. Within the framework of global tourism trends community tourism is among the options that arise in the tourism market, and is one that is more likely to grow in the future. In the case of Ecuador, community tourism has become more dynamic over the years since many of the natural reserves in the country are in the hands of indigenous communities. Sustainable tourism in this sense is concerned with the maintenance of ethnic, cultural and biological diversity of the country, and current projects and regulatory laws support its development. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a strategy for the integrated management of community tourism following the principles of cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders, this study focuses on the Amazon region of Ecuador, specifically the province of Pastaza, in respect to how community tourism contributes to local development


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The numbers of water-borne oomycete propagules in outdoor reservoirs used in horticultural nurseries within the UK are investigated in this study. Water samples were recovered from 11 different horticultural nurseries in the southern UK during Jan-May in two ‘cool’ years (2010.and 2013; winter temperatures 2.0 and 0.4oC below UK Met Office 30 year winter average respectively) and two ‘warm’ years (2008 and 2012; winter temperatures 1.2 and 0.9oC above UK Met Office 30 year winter average respectively). Samples were analysed for total number of oomycete colony forming units (CFU), predominantly members of the families Saprolegniaceae and Pythiaceae, and these were combined to give monthly mean counts. The numbers of CFU were investigated with respect to prevailing climate in the region: mean monthly air temperatures calculated by using daily observations from the nearest climatological station. The investigations show that the number of CFU during spring can be explained by a linear first-order equation and a statistically significant r2 value of 0.66 with the simple relationship: [CFU] = a(T-Tb )-b, where a is the rate of inoculum development with temperature T, and b is the baseload population at temperatures below Tb. Despite the majority of oomycete CFU detected being non-phytopathogenic members of the Saprolegniaceae, total oomycete CFU counts are still of considerable value as indicators of irrigation water treatment efficacy and cleanliness of storage tanks. The presence/absence of Pythium spp. was also determined for all samples tested, and Pythium CFU were found to be present in the majority, the exceptions all being particularly cold months (January and February 2010 and January 2008). A simple scenario study (+2 deg C) suggests that abundance of water-borne oomycetes during spring could be affected by increased temperatures due to climate change.


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v. 46, n. 2, p. 140-148, apr./jun. 2016.


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Nos encontramos en un momento en el que la competitividad empresarial está fundamentada en el desarrollo de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), la innovación y las personas. Concretamente, en el País Vasco, que cuenta con un importante número de empresas manufactureras, la globalización, los procesos de deslocalización y de cambio organizacional han forzado aprestar una atención especialmente estratégica al desarrollo de la innovación y de la gestión del conocimiento como fundamentos para el incremento de su capacidad competitiva. El estudio que aquí presentamos analiza, desde un punto de vista evolutivo, la influencia que ejerce el énfasis realizado por las empresas manufactureras vascas en la innovación y en la implantación de sistemas de gestión que favorezcan la generación de nuevo conocimiento. Sistemas de gestión que deberán estar acordes con las propuestas de Nonaka y Takeuchi (1995); Nonaka et al. (2003) y sintetizadas en el llamado Middle-up-down Management Model. Para este análisis, hemos partido de una importante investigación realizada por las doctoras Aramburu, Sáenz1 y Rivera, de la Universidad de Deusto, de San Sebastián, sobre la Medición de la capacidad de aprendizaje organizativo y valoración de su incidencia en los resultados económico-financieros en las empresas manufactureras del País Vasco (2005).


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This paper presents the conceptualization and use of a virtual classroom in the course EIF-200 Fundamentos de Informática, first course in the Information Systems Engineering career of the Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica. The virtual classroom is seen as a complement to the class and is conceived as a space that allows to centralize teaching resources, thereby promoting the  democratization of knowledge among students and teachers. Furthermore, this concept of virtual classroom helps to reduce the culture of individualism, present many times in university teaching practices, and contributes to create new opportunities to learn from other colleagues within a culture of reflection, analysis and respectful dialogue aimed to improve the teaching practices.


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We estimate the monthly volatility of the US economy from 1968 to 2006 by extending the coincidentindex model of Stock and Watson (1991). Our volatility index, which we call VOLINX, hasfour applications. First, it sheds light on the Great Moderation. VOLINX captures the decrease in thevolatility in the mid-80s as well as the different episodes of stress over the sample period. In the 70sand early 80s the stagflation and the two oil crises marked the pace of the volatility whereas 09/11 is themost relevant shock after the moderation. Second, it helps to understand the economic indicators thatcause volatility. While the main determinant of the coincident index is industrial production, VOLINXis mainly affected by employment and income. Third, it adapts the confidence bands of the forecasts.In and out-of-sample evaluations show that the confidence bands may differ up to 50% with respect to amodel with constant variance. Last, the methodology we use permits us to estimate monthly GDP, whichhas conditional volatility that is partly explained by VOLINX. These applications can be used by policymakers for monitoring and surveillance of the stress of the economy.


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Understanding and predicting patterns of distribution and abundance of marine resources is important for con- servation and management purposes in small-scale artisanal fisheries and industrial fisheries worldwide. The goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) is an important shellfish resource and its distribution is closely related to wave exposure at different spatial scales. We modelled the abundance (percent coverage) of P. pollicipes as a function of a simple wave exposure index based on fetch estimates from digitized coastlines at different spatial scales. The model accounted for 47.5% of the explained deviance and indicated that barnacle abundance increases non-linearly with wave exposure at both the smallest (metres) and largest (kilometres) spatial scales considered in this study. Distribution maps were predicted for the study region in SW Portugal. Our study suggests that the relationship between fetch-based exposure indices and P. pollicipes percent cover may be used as a simple tool for providing stakeholders with information on barnacle distribution patterns. This information may improve assessment of harvesting grounds and the dimension of exploitable areas, aiding management plans and support- ing decision making on conservation, harvesting pressure and surveillance strategies for this highly appreciated and socio- economically important marine resource.


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It has been proposed that long-term consumption of diets rich in non-digestible carbohydrates (NDCs), such as cereals, fruit and vegetables might protect against several chronic diseases, however, it has been difficult to fully establish their impact on health in epidemiology studies. The wide range properties of the different NDCs may dilution their impact when they are combined in one category for statistical comparisons in correlations or multivariate analysis. Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain the protective effects of NDCs, including increased stool bulk, dilution of carcinogens in the colonic lumen, reduced transit time, lowering pH, and bacterial fermentation to short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the colon. However, it is very difficult to measure SCFA in humans in vivo with any accuracy, so epidemiological studies on the impact of SCFA are not feasible. Most studies use dietary fibre (DF) or Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) intake to estimate the levels, but not all fibres or NSP are equally fermentable. It has been proposed that long-term consumption of diets rich in non-digestible carbohydrates (NDCs), such as cereals, fruit and vegetables might protect against several chronic diseases, however, it has been difficult to fully establish their impact on health in epidemiology studies. The wide range properties of the different NDCs may dilution their impact when they are combined in one category for statistical comparisons in correlations or multivariate analysis. Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain the protective effects of NDCs, including increased stool bulk, dilution of carcinogens in the colonic lumen, reduced transit time, lowering pH, and bacterial fermentation to short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the colon. However, it is very difficult to measure SCFA in humans in vivo with any accuracy, so epidemiological studies on the impact of SCFA are not feasible. Most studies use dietary fibre (DF) or Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) intake to estimate the levels, but not all fibres or NSP are equally fermentable. The first aim of this thesis was the development of the equations used to estimate the amount of FC that reaches the human colon and is fermented fully to SCFA by the colonic bacteria. Therefore, several studies were examined for evidence to determine the different percentages of each type of NDCs that should be included in the final model, based on how much NDCs entered the colon intact and also to what extent they were fermented to SCFA in vivo. Our model equations are FC-DF or NSP$ 1: 100 % Soluble + 10 % insoluble + 100 % NDOs¥ + 5 % TS** FC-DF or NSP 2: 100 % Soluble + 50 % insoluble + 100 % NDOs + 5 % TS FC-DF* or NSP 3: 100 % Soluble + 10 % insoluble + 100 % NDOs + 10 % TS FC-DF or NSP 4: 100 % Soluble + 50 % insoluble + 100 % NDOs + 10 % TS *DF: Dietary fibre; **TS: Total starch; $NSP: non-starch polysaccharide; ¥NDOs: non-digestible oligosaccharide The second study of this thesis aimed to examine all four predicted FC-DF and FC-NSP equations developed, to estimate FC from dietary records against urinary colonic NDCs fermentation biomarkers. The main finding of a cross-sectional comparison of habitual diet with urinary excretion of SCFA products, showed weak but significant correlation between the 24 h urinary excretion of SCFA and acetate with the estimated FC-DF 4 and FC-NSP 4 when considering all of the study participants (n = 122). Similar correlations were observed with the data for valid participants (n = 78). It was also observed that FC-DF and FC-NSP had positive correlations with 24 h urinary acetate and SCFA compared with DF and NSP alone. Hence, it could be hypothesised that using the developed index to estimate FC in the diet form dietary records, might predict SCFA production in the colon in vivo in humans. The next study in this thesis aimed to validate the FC equations developed using in vitro models of small intestinal digestion and human colon fermentation. The main findings in these in vitro studies were that there were several strong agreements between the amounts of SCFA produced after actual in vitro fermentation of single fibre and different mixtures of NDCs, and those predicted by the estimated FC from our developed equation FC-DF 4. These results which demonstrated a strong relationship between SCFA production in vitro from a range of fermentations of single fibres and mixtures of NDCs and that from the predicted FC equation, support the use of the FC equation for estimation of FC from dietary records. Therefore, we can conclude that the newly developed predicted equations have been deemed a valid and practical tool to assess SCFA productions for in vitro fermentation.


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Background and Purpose—An early and reliable prognosis for recovery in stroke patients is important for initiation of individual treatment and for informing patients and relatives. We recently developed and validated models for predicting survival and functional independence within 3 months after acute stroke, based on age and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score assessed within 6 hours after stroke. Herein we demonstrate the applicability of our models in an independent sample of patients from controlled clinical trials. Methods—The prognostic models were used to predict survival and functional recovery in 5419 patients from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA). Furthermore, we tried to improve the accuracy by adapting intercepts and estimating new model parameters. Results—The original models were able to correctly classify 70.4% (survival) and 72.9% (functional recovery) of patients. Because the prediction was slightly pessimistic for patients in the controlled trials, adapting the intercept improved the accuracy to 74.8% (survival) and 74.0% (functional recovery). Novel estimation of parameters, however, yielded no relevant further improvement. Conclusions—For acute ischemic stroke patients included in controlled trials, our easy-to-apply prognostic models based on age and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score correctly predicted survival and functional recovery after 3 months. Furthermore, a simple adaptation helps to adjust for a different prognosis and is recommended if a large data set is available. (Stroke. 2008;39:000-000.)


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Background: Recombinant human endostatin (Endostar) has been widely used to suppress angiogenesis in carcinoma patients. Hypertrophic scar (HS) tissue, much like a carcinoma, is often associated with angiogenesis. However, there have been few studies conducted on the effects of Endostar on HS or its mechanism. Objective: This paper investigated the effects Endostar on the HS of rabbit ears and studied the effects of Endostar on VEGF and TIMP-1 expression. Methods: Sixteen New Zealand white rabbits were used to establish HS models. Then, rabbit ears containing HS were randomly assigned to either the Endostar group or the control group. The changes of appearance and histology were evaluated using the naked eye, hematoxylin eosin staining, and a scar elevation index. The VEGF and TIMP-1 expressions were detected by immunohistochemical staining, RT-PCR, and western blot. Results: The thickness of the connective tissue in the Endostar group were thinner, the numbers of micro vessels and fibroblasts were fewer, and the collagen fibers were smoother. Moreover, the mRNA and protein expressions of VEGF and TIMP-1 in the Endostar group were significantly lower than those in the control group. Conclusion: The results suggested that Endostar reduced the formation of HS by down-regulation of VEGF and TIMP-1 expressions.


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Foreseeing functional recovery after stroke plays a crucial role in planning rehabilitation programs. Objectives: To assess differences over time in functional recovery assessed through the Barthel Index (BI) rate of change (BIRC) between admission and discharge in stroke patients. Methods: This is a retrospective hospital-based study of consecutive patients with acute stroke admitted to a hospital in the Northeast Portugal between 2010 and 2014. BIRC was computed as the difference between the admission and discharge BI scores divided by time in days between these assessments. General linear model analysis stratiied by gender was used to know whether there was an increase in BIRC during time period under study. Adjusted regression coeficients and respective 95% conidence interval (95%CI) were obtained. Results: From 483 patients included in this analysis 59% (n = 285) were male. Among women, mean BIRC was 1.8 (± 1.88) units/ day in 2010 and reached 3.7 (± 2.80) units/day in 2014. Among men the mean BIRC in 2010 and in 2014 were similar being 3.2 (± 3.19) and 3.1 (± 3.31) units/day, respectively. After adjustment for age, BI at admission, type and laterality of stroke we observed an increase in BIRC over time among women such that mean BIRC in 2014 was 0.82 (95%: 0.48; 3.69) units higher than the one observed in 2010. No such increase in BIRC over time was observed among men. Conclusions: We observed an improvement in functional recovery after stroke but only among women. Our results suggest differences over time in clinical practice toward rehabilitation of women after stroke.


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The evaluation and identification of habitats that function as nurseries for marine species has the potential to improve conservation and management. A key assessment of nursery habitat is estimating individual growth. However, the discrete growth of crustaceans presents a challenge for many traditional in situ techniques to accurately estimate growth over a short temporal scale. To evaluate the use of nucleic acid ratios (R:D) for juvenile blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), I developed and validated an R:D-based index of growth in the laboratory. R:D based growth estimates of crabs collected in the Patuxent River, MD indicated growth ranged from 0.8-25.9 (mg·g-1·d-1). Overall, there was no effect of size on growth, whereas there was a weak, but significant effect of date. These data provide insight into patterns of habitat-specific growth. These results highlight the complexity of the biological and physical factors which regulate growth of juvenile blue crabs in the field.


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Despite the worship of beauty that has ruled this globalized society and the importance of physical activity for the prevention of cardio-degenerative diseases (US.DHHS, 1996), sedentary behavior continues to increase in the population.  What strategies can be used by professionals of human movement to make the population physically active? It is at this point where the Transtheoretical Model appears as an innovative option that greatly surpasses the classic short-term biological interventions, which have focused on momentary changes produced by physiological values.  This model has great potential since it offers the theoretical basis that makes the acquisition of an active behavior possible.  This article explains the theoretical basis of the transtheoretical model, including the way to assess the stages of change and to develop different strategies to make the person active by using behavioral processes and processes of change.