961 resultados para hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis


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Regulation of β-catenin stability is essential for Wnt signal transduction during development and tumorigenesis. It is well known that serine-phosphorylation of β-catenin by the Axin–glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)–3β complex targets β-catenin for ubiquitination–degradation, and mutations at critical phosphoserine residues stabilize β-catenin and cause human cancers. How β-catenin phosphorylation results in its degradation is undefined. Here we show that phosphorylated β-catenin is specifically recognized by β-Trcp, an F-box/WD40-repeat protein that also associates with Skp1, an essential component of the ubiquitination apparatus. β-catenin harboring mutations at the critical phosphoserine residues escapes recognition by β-Trcp, thus providing a molecular explanation for why these mutations cause β-catenin accumulation that leads to cancer. Inhibition of endogenous β-Trcp function by a dominant negative mutant stabilizes β-catenin, activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling, and induces axis formation in Xenopus embryos. Therefore, β-Trcp plays a central role in recruiting phosphorylated β-catenin for degradation and in dorsoventral patterning of the Xenopus embryo.


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Caspase-3 knockout mice exhibit thickening of the internal granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Concurrently, it has been shown that intracerebral injection of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) induces a transient increase of the thickness of the cerebellar cortex. In the present study, we have investigated the possible effect of PACAP on caspase activity in cultured cerebellar granule cells from 8-day-old rat. Incubation of granule neurons with PACAP for 24 h promoted cell survival and prevented DNA fragmentation. Exposure of cerebellar granule cells to the specific caspase-3 inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp fluoromethylketone (Z-DEVD-FMK) for 24 h markedly enhanced cell survival and inhibited apoptotic cell death. Time-course studies revealed that PACAP causes a prolonged inhibition of caspase-3 activity without affecting caspase-1. Administration of graded concentrations of PACAP for 3 h induced a dose-dependent inhibition of caspase-3 activity. Incubation of granule cells with both dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) mimicked the inhibitory effect of PACAP on caspase-3. Cotreatment of cultured neurons with the protein kinase A inhibitor H89 and the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine abrogated the effect of PACAP on caspase-3 activity. In contrast, the ERK kinase inhibitor U0126 did not affect the action of PACAP on caspase-3 activity. These data demonstrate that PACAP prevents cerebellar granule neurons from apoptotic cell death through a protein kinase A- and protein kinase C-dependent inhibition of caspase-3 activity.


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The mechanisms through which LH-RH antagonists suppress gonadotroph functions and LH-RH receptor (LH-RH-R) production are incompletely understood. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated the effects of Cetrorelix on the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in three experimental systems with different pituitary LH-RH environments. Ovariectomy induced 3.61-fold and 6.34-fold increases in the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R in rats after 11 and 21 days, respectively. After (5 h) a single injection of 100 μg Cetrorelix, no significant decrease occurred in the mRNA levels of pituitary LH-RH-R in ovariectomized (OVX) rats with high pituitary exposure to LH-RH, but there was a significant 23.2% reduction in cycling rats with normal hypophysial LH-RH environment. Prolonged treatment for 10 days with a Cetrorelix depot formulation releasing 100 μg/day decreased the concentration of mRNA for pituitary LH-RH-R by 72.6% in OVX rats, but only by 32.9% in normal rats. The decline in serum LH was 98.7% in OVX rats and 63.2% in normal rats, resulting in a minimal 0.1–0.2 ng/ml LH concentration in both groups. A continuous exposure of pituitary cells to 100 nM Cetrorelix in the superfusion system, which is devoid of LH-RH, did not cause any significant changes in LH-RH-R mRNA level. These studies demonstrate that prolonged exposure to Cetrorelix in vivo, but not in vitro, down-regulates the mRNA expression of the pituitary receptors for LH-RH. Our findings indicate that LH-RH antagonists exert their inhibitory effects on the gene expression of pituitary LH-RH-R by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH.


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Ets factors play a critical role in oncogenic Ras- and growth factor-mediated regulation of the proximal rat prolactin (rPRL) promoter in pituitary cells. The rPRL promoter contains two key functional Ets binding sites (EBS): a composite EBS/Pit-1 element located at –212 and an EBS that co-localizes with the basal transcription element (BTE, or A-site) located at –96. Oncogenic Ras exclusively signals to the –212 site, which we have named the Ras response element (RRE); whereas the response of multiple growth factors (FGFs, EGF, IGF, insulin and TRH) maps to both EBSs. Although Ets-1 and GA binding protein (GABP) have been implicated in the Ras and insulin responses, respectively, the precise identity of the pituitary Ets factors that specifically bind to the RRE and BTE sites remains unknown. In order to identify the Ets factor(s) present in GH4 and GH3 nuclear extracts (GH4NE and GH3NE) that bind to the EBSs contained in the RRE and BTE, we used EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs), antibody supershift assays, western blot analysis of partially purified fractions and UV-crosslinking studies. EMSAs, using either the BTE or EBS-RRE probes, identified a specific protein–DNA complex, designated complex A, which contains an Ets factor as determined by oligonucleotide competition studies. Using western blot analysis of GH3 nuclear proteins that bind to heparin–Sepharose, we have shown that Ets-1 and GABP, which are MAP kinase substrates, co-purify with complex A, and supershift analysis with specific antisera revealed that complex A contains Ets-1, GABPα and GABPβ1. In addition, we show that recombinant full-length Ets-1 binds equivalently to BTE and EBS-RRE probes, while recombinant GABPα/β preferentially binds to the BTE probe. Furthermore, comparing the DNA binding of GH4NE containing both Ets-1 and GABP and HeLa nuclear extracts devoid of Ets-1 but containing GABP, we were able to show that the EBS-RRE preferentially binds Ets-1, while the BTE binds both GABP and Ets-1. Finally, UV-crosslinking experiments with radiolabeled EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides showed that these probes specifically bind to a protein of ∼64 kDa, which is consistent with binding to Ets-1 (54 kDa) and/or the DNA binding subunit of GABP, GABPα (57 kDa). These studies show that endogenous, pituitary-derived GABP and Ets-1 bind to the BTE, whereas Ets-1 preferentially binds to the EBS-RRE. Taken together, these data provide important insights into the mechanisms by which the combination of distinct Ets members and EBSs transduce differential growth factor responses.


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Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal underactivity has been reported in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This phenomenon has implications with regard to the pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the secretion of the adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and its relation to clinical variables in RA, spondyloarthropathy (Spa), and undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis (UIA). Eighty-seven patients (38 with RA, 29 with Spa, and 20 with UIA) were studied, of whom 54 were women. Only 12 patients (14%) had taken glucocorticoids previously. Age-matched, healthy women (134) and men (149) served as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken for determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum DHEAS and insulin, and plasma glucose. Insulin resistance was estimated by the homeostasis-model assessment (HOMAIR). DHEAS concentrations were significantly decreased in both women and men with inflammatory arthritis (IA) (P < 0.001). In 24 patients (28%), DHEAS levels were below the lower extreme ranges found for controls. Multiple intergroup comparisons revealed similarly decreased concentrations in each disease subset in both women and men. After the ESR, previous glucocorticoid usage, current treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, duration of disease and HOMAIR were controlled for, the differences in DHEAS levels between patients and controls were markedly attenuated in women (P = 0.050) and were no longer present in men (P = 0.133). We concluded that low DHEAS concentrations are commonly encountered in IA and, in women, this may not be fully explainable by disease-related parameters. The role of hypoadrenalism in the pathophysiology of IA deserves further elucidation. DHEA replacement may be indicated in many patients with IA, even in those not taking glucocorticoids.


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Mutations in Tg737 cause a wide spectrum of phenotypes, including random left-right axis specification, polycystic kidney disease, liver and pancreatic defects, hydrocephalus, and skeletal patterning abnormalities. To further assess the biological function of Tg737 and its role in the mutant pathology, we identified the cell population expressing Tg737 and determined the subcellular localization of its protein product called Polaris. Tg737 expression is associated with cells possessing either motile or immotile cilia and sperm. Similarly, Polaris concentrated just below the apical membrane in the region of the basal bodies and within the cilia or flagellar axoneme. The data suggest that Polaris functions in a ciliogenic pathway or in cilia maintenance, a role supported by the loss of cilia on the ependymal cell layer in ventricles of Tg737orpk brains and by the lack of node cilia in Tg737Δ2-3βGal mutants.


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One major morphological difference between chordates and annelids or arthropods is the opposite orientation of the nerve cord and heart. A long-standing proposal is that the chordate axis evolved by inverting the body of an ancestor with the annelid/arthropod orientation. However, the data can also be explained by a common ancestor with diffuse dorsoventral organization, followed by oppositely directed condensation of the nerve cord and relocation of the heart in the two lines.


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Two important features of amphibian metamorphosis are the sequential response of tissues to different concentrations of thyroid hormone (TH) and the development of the negative feedback loop between the pituitary and the thyroid gland that regulates TH synthesis by the thyroid gland. At the climax of metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis (when the TH level is highest), the ratio of the circulating precursor thyroxine (T4) to the active form 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3) in the blood is many times higher than it is in tissues. This difference is because of the conversion of T4 to T3 in target cells of the tadpole catalyzed by the enzyme type II iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) and the local effect (cell autonomy) of this activity. Limb buds and tails express D2 early and late in metamorphosis, respectively, correlating with the time that these organs undergo TH-induced change. T3 is required to complete metamorphosis because the peak concentration of T4 that is reached at metamorphic climax cannot induce the final morphological changes. At the climax of metamorphosis, D2 expression is activated specifically in the anterior pituitary cells that express the genes for thyroid-stimulating hormone but not in the cells that express proopiomelanocortin. Physiological concentrations of T3 but not T4 can suppress thyrotropin subunit β gene expression. The timing and the remarkable specificity of D2 expression in the thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary coupled with the requirement for locally synthesized T3 strongly support a role for D2 in the onset of the negative feedback loop at the climax of metamorphosis.


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All higher life forms critically depend on hormones being rhythmically released by the anterior pituitary. The proper functioning of this master gland is dynamically controlled by a complex set of regulatory mechanisms that ultimately determine the fine tuning of the excitable endocrine cells, all of them heterogeneously distributed throughout the gland. Here, we provide evidence for an intrapituitary communication system by which information is transferred via the network of nonendocrine folliculostellate (FS) cells. Local electrical stimulation of FS cells in acute pituitary slices triggered cytosolic calcium waves, which propagated to other FS cells by signaling through gap junctions. Calcium wave initiation was because of the membrane excitability of FS cells, hitherto classified as silent cells. FS cell coupling could relay information between opposite regions of the gland. Because FS cells respond to central and peripheral stimuli and dialogue with endocrine cells, the form of large-scale intrapituitary communication described here may provide an efficient mechanism that orchestrates anterior pituitary functioning in response to physiological needs.


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Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes differentiated cell function in several systems. We recently reported LIF and LIF receptor expression in human fetal pituitary corticotrophs in vivo and demonstrated LIF stimulation of adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) transcription in vitro, suggesting a role for LIF in corticotroph development. We therefore assessed the action of LIF on proliferating murine corticotroph cells (AtT20). LIF impairs proliferation of AtT20 cells (25% reduction versus control, P < 0.03), while simultaneously enhancing ACTH secretion (2-fold, P < 0.001) and augmenting ACTH responsiveness to corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) action (4-fold, P < 0.001). This attenuation of cell growth is due to a block of cell cycle progression from G1 into S phase, as measured by flow cytometric analysis (24 +/- 0.8 versus 11.57 +/- 1.5, P < 0.001). Using bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assays, loss of cells in S phase was confirmed (25 +/- 0.08 to 9.4 +/- 1.4, P < 0.008). In contrast, CRH induced the G2/M phase (3.6 +/- 0.2 to 15.4 +/- 3, P < 0.001). This effect was blunted by LIF (P < 0.001 versus CRH alone). Cyclin A mRNA levels, which decline in S phase, were stimulated 3.5-fold by LIF and markedly suppressed by CRH. These results indicate a LIF-induced cell cycle block occurring at G1/S in corticotroph cells. Thus, LIF reduces proliferation, enhances ACTH secretion, and potentiates effects of CRH on ACTH secretion while blocking effects of CRH on the cell cycle. Responses of these three markers of differentiated corticotroph function indicate LIF to be a differentiation factor for pituitary corticotroph cells by preferential phenotypic switching from proliferative to synthetic.


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In tetrapods, only one gene encoding a somatostatin precursor has been identified so far. The present study reports the characterization of the cDNA clones that encode two distinct somatostatin precursors in the brain of the frog Rana ridibunda. The cDNAs were isolated by using degenerate oligonucleotides based on the sequence of the central region of somatostatin to screen a frog brain cDNA library. One of the cDNAs encodes a 115-amino acid protein (prepro-somatostatin-14; PSS1) that exhibits a high degree of structural similarity with the mammalian somatostatin precursor. The other cDNA encodes a 103-amino acid protein (prepro-[Pro2, Met13]somatostatin-14; PSS2) that contains the sequence of the somatostatin analog (peptide SS2) at its C terminus, but does not exhibit appreciable sequence similarity with PSS1 in the remaining region. In situ hybridization studies indicate differential expression of the PSS1 and PSS2 genes in the septum, the lateral part of the pallium, the amygdaloid complex, the posterior nuclei of the thalamus, the ventral hypothalamic nucleus, the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum. The somatostatin variant SS2 was significantly more potent (4-6 fold) than somatostatin itself in displacing [125I-Tyr0, D-Trp8] somatostatin-14 from its specific binding sites. The present study indicates that the two somatostatin variants could exert different functions in the frog brain and pituitary. These data also suggest that distinct genes encoding somatostatin variants may be expressed in the brain of other tetrapods.


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The neuronal nicotinic synapse in tissue slices of the adrenal medulla was studied with whole-cell patch-clamp. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were evoked by local field stimulation or occurred spontaneously especially when external [K+] was increased. EPSCs were carried by channels sharing biophysical and pharmacological properties of neuronal-type nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). A single-channel conductance (gamma) of 43-45 pS was found from nonstationary variance analysis of EPSCs. Spontaneous EPSCs were tetrodotoxin-insensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent and occurred in burst-like clusters. Quantal analysis of spontaneous EPSCs gave a quantal size of 20 pA and amplitude histograms were well described by binomial models with low values of quantal content, consistent with a small number of spontaneously active release sites. However, rare large amplitude EPSCs suggest that the total number of sites is higher and that extrajunctional receptors are involved. Our estimates of quantal content and size at the chromaffin cell neuronal nicotinic synapse may be useful in characterizing central neuronal-type nicotinic receptor-mediated cholinergic synaptic transmission.


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A novel OTX-related homeodomain transcription factor has been identified on the basis of its ability to interact with the transactivation domain of the pituitary-specific POU domain protein, Pit-1. This factor, referred to as P-OTX (pituitary OTX-related factor), is expressed in primordial Rathke's pouch, oral epithelium, first bronchial arch, duodenum, and hindlimb. In the developing anterior pituitary, it is expressed in all regions from which cells with distinct phenotypes will emerge in the mature gland. P-OTX is able to independently activate and to synergize with Pit-1 on pituitary-specific target gene promoters. Therefore, P-OTX may subserve functions in generating both precursor and specific cell phenotypes in the anterior pituitary gland and in several other organs.


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The progression of animal life from the paleozoic ocean to rivers and diverse econiches on the planet's surface, as well as the subsequent reinvasion of the ocean, involved many different stresses on ionic pattern, osmotic pressure, and volume of the extracellular fluid bathing body cells. The relatively constant ionic pattern of vertebrates reflects a genetic "set" of many regulatory mechanisms--particularly renal regulation. Renal regulation of ionic pattern when loss of fluid from the body is disproportionate relative to the extracellular fluid composition (e.g., gastric juice with vomiting and pancreatic secretion with diarrhea) makes manifest that a mechanism to produce a biologically relatively inactive extracellular anion HCO3- exists, whereas no comparable mechanism to produce a biologically inactive cation has evolved. Life in the ocean, which has three times the sodium concentration of extracellular fluid, involves quite different osmoregulatory stress to that in freshwater. Terrestrial life involves risk of desiccation and, in large areas of the planet, salt deficiency. Mechanisms integrated in the hypothalamus (the evolutionary ancient midbrain) control water retention and facilitate excretion of sodium, and also control the secretion of renin by the kidney. Over and above the multifactorial processes of excretion, hypothalamic sensors reacting to sodium concentration, as well as circumventricular organs sensors reacting to osmotic pressure and angiotensin II, subserve genesis of sodium hunger and thirst. These behaviors spectacularly augment the adaptive capacities of animals. Instinct (genotypic memory) and learning (phenotypic memory) are melded to give specific behavior apt to the metabolic status of the animal. The sensations, compelling emotions, and intentions generated by these vegetative systems focus the issue of the phylogenetic emergence of consciousness and whether primal awareness initially came from the interoreceptors and vegetative systems rather than the distance receptors.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was the first cytokine to be described, but for 30 years its role in the immune response remained enigmatic. In recent studies, MIF has been found to be a novel pituitary hormone and the first protein identified to be released from immune cells on glucocorticoid stimulation. Once secreted, MIF counterregulates the immunosuppressive effects of steroids and thus acts as a critical component of the immune system to control both local and systemic immune responses. We report herein the x-ray crystal structure of human MIF to 2.6 angstrom resolution. The protein is a trimer of identical subunits. Each monomer contains two antiparallel alpha-helices that pack against a four-stranded beta-sheet. The monomer has an additional two beta-strands that interact with the beta-sheets of adjacent subunits to form the interface between monomers. The three beta-sheets are arranged to form a barrel containing a solvent-accessible channel that runs through the center of the protein along a molecular 3-fold axis. Electrostatic potential maps reveal that the channel has a positive potential, suggesting that it binds negatively charged molecules. The elucidated structure for MIF is unique among cytokines or hormonal mediators, and suggests that this counterregulator of glucocorticoid action participates in novel ligand-receptor interactions.