999 resultados para hydrophobic parameter


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The hydrophobic interaction, the tendency for nonpolar molecules to aggregate in solution, is a major driving force in biology. In a direct approach to the physical basis of the hydrophobic effect, nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations were performed on increasing numbers of hydrocarbon solute molecules in water-filled boxes of different sizes. The intermittent formation of solute clusters gives a free energy that is proportional to the loss in exposed molecular surface area with a constant of proportionality of 45 ± 6 cal/mol⋅Å2. The molecular surface area is the envelope of the solute cluster that is impenetrable by solvent and is somewhat smaller than the more traditional solvent-accessible surface area, which is the area transcribed by the radius of a solvent molecule rolled over the surface of the cluster. When we apply a factor relating molecular surface area to solvent-accessible surface area, we obtain 24 cal/mol⋅Å2. Ours is the first direct calculation, to our knowledge, of the hydrophobic interaction from molecular dynamics simulations; the excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiment proves that simple van der Waals interactions and atomic point-charge electrostatics account for the most important driving force in biology.


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Neutron scattering experiments are used to determine scattering profiles for aqueous solutions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid analogs. Solutions of hydrophobic solutes show a shift in the main diffraction peak to smaller angle as compared with pure water, whereas solutions of hydrophilic solutes do not. The same difference for solutions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic side chains is also predicted by molecular dynamics simulations. The neutron scattering curves of aqueous solutions of hydrophobic amino acids at room temperature are qualitatively similar to differences between the liquid molecular structure functions measured for ambient and supercooled water. The nonpolar solute-induced expansion of water structure reported here is also complementary to recent neutron experiments where compression of aqueous solvent structure has been observed at high salt concentration.


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A molecular model of poorly understood hydrophobic effects is heuristically developed using the methods of information theory. Because primitive hydrophobic effects can be tied to the probability of observing a molecular-sized cavity in the solvent, the probability distribution of the number of solvent centers in a cavity volume is modeled on the basis of the two moments available from the density and radial distribution of oxygen atoms in liquid water. The modeled distribution then yields the probability that no solvent centers are found in the cavity volume. This model is shown to account quantitatively for the central hydrophobic phenomena of cavity formation and association of inert gas solutes. The connection of information theory to statistical thermodynamics provides a basis for clarification of hydrophobic effects. The simplicity and flexibility of the approach suggest that it should permit applications to conformational equilibria of nonpolar solutes and hydrophobic residues in biopolymers.


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The central structural feature of natural proteins is a tightly packed and highly ordered hydrophobic core. If some measure of exquisite, native-like core packing is necessary for enzymatic function, this would constitute a significant obstacle to the development of novel enzymes, either by design or by natural or experimental evolution. To test the minimum requirements for a core to provide sufficient structural integrity for enzymatic activity, we have produced mutants of the ribonuclease barnase in which 12 of the 13 core residues have together been randomly replaced by hydrophobic alternatives. Using a sensitive biological screen, we find that a strikingly high proportion of these mutants (23%) retain enzymatic activity in vivo. Further substitution at the 13th core position shows that a similar proportion of completely random hydrophobic cores supports enzyme function. Of the active mutants produced, several have no wild-type core residues. These results imply that hydrophobicity is nearly a sufficient criterion for the construction of a functional core and, in conjunction with previous studies, that refinement of a crudely functional core entails more stringent sequence constraints than does the initial attainment of crude core function. Since attainment of crude function is the critical initial step in evolutionary innovation, the relatively scant requirements contributed by the hydrophobic core would greatly reduce the initial hurdle on the evolutionary pathway to novel enzymes. Similarly, experimental development of novel functional proteins might be simplified by limiting core design to mere specification of hydrophobicity and using iterative mutation-selection to optimize core structure.


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The effect of temperature from 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C on the retention of dansyl derivatives of amino acids in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) was investigated by HPLC on three stationary phases. Plots of the logarithmic retention factor against the reciprocal temperature in a wide range were nonlinear, indicative of a large negative heat capacity change associated with retention. By using Kirchoff's relations, the enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes were evaluated from the logarithmic retention factor at various temperatures by fitting the data to a logarithmic equation and a quadratic equation that are based on the invariance and on an inverse square dependence of the heat capacity on temperature, respectively. In the experimental temperature interval, the heat capacity change was found to increase with temperature and could be approximated by the arithmetic average. For HIC retention of a set of dansylamino acids, both enthalpy and entropy changes were positive at low temperatures but negative at high temperatures as described in the literature for other processes based on the hydrophobic effect. The approach presented here shows that chromatographic measurements can be not only a useful adjunct to calorimetry but also an alternative means for the evaluation of thermodynamic parameters.


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Model AB, a 20-amino acid peptide that was designed to adopt an alpha beta tertiary structure stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between residues in adjacent helical and extended segments, exhibited large pKa shifts of several ionizable groups and slow hydrogen/deuterium exchange rates of nearly all the peptide amide groups [Butcher, D. J., Bruch, M. D. & Moe, G. T. (1995) Biopolymers 36, 109-120]. These properties, which depend on structure and hydration, are commonly observed in larger proteins but are quite unusual for small peptides. To identify which of several possible features of the peptide design are most important in determining these properties, several closely related analogs of Model AB were characterized by CD and NMR spectroscopy. The results show that hydrophobic interactions between adjacent helical and extended segments are structure-determining and have the additional effect of altering water-peptide interactions over much of the peptide surface. These results may have important implications for understanding mechanisms of protein folding and for the design of independently folding peptides.


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Ubiquitin conjugation is a signal for degradation of eukaryotic proteins by the 26S protease. Conjugation of a homopolymeric multiubiquitin chain to a substrate lysine residue results in 10-fold faster degradation than does conjugation of monoubiquitin, but the molecular basis of enhanced targeting by chains is unknown. We show that ubiquitin residues L8, I44, and V70 are critical for targeting. Mutation of pairs of these residues to alanine had little effect on attachment of ubiquitin to substrates but severely inhibited degradation of the resulting conjugates. The same mutations blocked the binding of chains to a specific subunit (S5a) of the regulatory complex of the 26S protease. The side chains implicated in this binding--L8, I44, and V70--form repeating patches on the chain surface. Thus, hydrophobic interactions between these patches and S5a apparently contribute to enhanced proteolytic targeting by multiubiquitin chains.


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In the course of myosin-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis, certain amino acid residues in myosin interact with counterparts in actin to produce the relational changes that underlie muscle contraction; some of these interactions are ionic, but the stronger interactions are hydrophobic. In an effort to identify myosin residues participating in hydrophobic interactions, myosin (from smooth muscle) fragments with mutations at suspected sites were engineered and compared with wild-type fragments. It was found that the ATPase of doubly mutated (Trp546Ser and Phe547His) fragments was minimally activated by actin and did not decorate actin well to form the regular arrowhead pattern characteristic of myosin binding to actin filaments. Thus, we suggest that Trp546 and Phe547 are important participants in the hydrophobic actin-myosin interaction.


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Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.


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The term "clathrate structure" is quantified for solvation of nonpolar groups by enumerating hydrogen-bonded ring sizes both in the solvation shell and through the shell-bulk interface and comparing it to a bulk control using the ST4 water model. For clathrate-like structure to be evident, the distributions along the hydrophobic surface are expected to be dominated by pentagons, with significant depletion of hexagons and larger polygons. While the distribution in this region is indeed distinguished by a large number of pentagons, there are significant contributions from hexagons and larger rings as well. Calculated polygon distributions through the shell-bulk interface indicate that when water structure is highly cooperative along the hydrophobic surface, hydrogen-bonded pathways leading back into bulk are then reduced. These results are qualitatively consistent with the observation that hydrophobicity is proportional to the nonpolar solute surface area.


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The integrase protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is necessary for the stable integration of the viral genome into host DNA. Integrase catalyzes the 3' processing of the linear viral DNA and the subsequent DNA strand transfer reaction that inserts the viral DNA ends into host DNA. Although full-length integrase is required for 3' processing and DNA strand transfer activities in vitro, the central core domain of integrase is sufficient to catalyze an apparent reversal of the DNA strand transfer reaction, termed disintegration. This catalytic core domain, as well as the full-length integrase, has been refractory to structural studies by x-ray crystallography or NMR because of its low solubility and propensity to aggregate. In an attempt to improve protein solubility, we used site-directed mutagenesis to replace hydrophobic residues within the core domain with either alanine or lysine. The single substitution of lysine for phenylalanine at position 185 resulted in a core domain that was highly soluble, monodisperse in solution, and retained catalytic activity. This amino acid change has enabled the catalytic domain of integrase to be crystallized and the structure has been solved to 2.5-A resolution [Dyda, F., Hickman, A. B., Jenkins, T. M., Engelman, A., Craigie, R. & Davies, D. R. (1994) Science 266, 1981-1986]. Systematic replacement of hydrophobic residues may be a useful strategy to improve the solubility of other proteins to facilitate structural and biochemical studies.


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Plants can defend themselves from potential pathogenic microorganisms relying on a complex interplay of signaling pathways: activation of the MAPK cascade, transcription of defense related genes, production of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and synthesis of other defensive compounds such as phytoalexins. These events are triggered by the recognition of pathogen’s effectors (effector-triggered immunity) or PAMPs (PAMP-triggered immunity). The Cerato Platanin Family (CPF) members are Cys-rich proteins secreted and localized on fungal cell walls, involved in several aspects of fungal development and pathogen-host interactions. Although more than hundred genes of the CPF have been identified and analyzed, the structural and functional characterization of the expressed proteins has been restricted only to few members of the family. Interestingly, those proteins have been shown to bind chitin with diverse affinity and after foliar treatment they elicit defensive mechanisms in host and non-host plants. This property turns cerato platanins into interesting candidates, worth to be studied to develop new fungal elicitors with applications in sustainable agriculture. This study focus on cerato-platanin (CP), core member of the family and on the orthologous cerato-populin (Pop1). The latter shows an identity of 62% and an overall homology of 73% with respect to CP. Both proteins are able to induce MAPKs phosphorylation, production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, overexpression of defense’s related genes, programmed cell death and synthesis of phytoalexins. CP, however, when compared to Pop1, induces a faster response and, in some cases, a stronger activity on plane leaves. Aim of the present research is to verify if the dissimilarities observed in the defense elicitation activity of these proteins can be associated to their structural and dynamic features. Taking advantage of the available CP NMR structure, Pop1’s 3D one was obtained by homology modeling. Experimental residual dipolar couplings and 1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignments were used to validate the model. Previous works on CPF members, addressed the highly conserved random coil regions (loops b1-b2 and b2-b3) as sufficient and necessary to induce necrosis in plants’ leaves: that region was investigated in both Pop1 and CP. In the two proteins the loops differ, in their primary sequence, for few mutations and an insertion with a consequent diversification of the proteins’ electrostatic surface. A set of 2D and 3D NMR experiments was performed to characterize both the spatial arrangement and the dynamic features of the loops. NOE data revealed a more extended network of interactions between the loops in Pop1 than in CP. In addition, in Pop1 we identified a salt bridge Lys25/Asp52 and a strong hydrophobic interaction between Phe26/Trp53. These structural features were expected not only to affect the loops’ spatial arrangement, but also to reduce the degree of their conformational freedom. Relaxation data and the order parameter S2 indeed highlighted reduced flexibility, in particular for loop b1-b2 of Pop1. In vitro NMR experiments, where Pop1 and CP were titrated with oligosaccharides, supported the hypothesis that the loops structural and dynamic differences may be responsible for the different chitin-binding properties of the two proteins: CP selectively binds tetramers of chitin in a shallow groove on one side of the barrel defined by loops b1-b2, b2-b3 and b4-b5, Pop1, instead, interacts in a non-specific fashion with oligosaccharides. Because the region involved in chitin-binding is also responsible for the defense elicitation activity, possibly being recognized by plant's receptors, it is reasonable to expect that those structural and dynamic modifications may also justify the different extent of defense elicitation. To test that hypothesis, the initial steps of a protocol aimed to the identify a receptor for CP, in silico, are presented.


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The susceptibility of clay bearing rocks to weathering (erosion and/or differential degradation) is known to influence the stability of heterogeneous slopes. However, not all of these rocks show the same behaviour, as there are considerable differences in the speed and type of weathering observed. As such, it is very important to establish relationships between behaviour quantified in a laboratory environment with that observed in the field. The slake durability test is the laboratory test most commonly used to evaluate the relationship between slaking behaviour and rock durability. However, it has a number of disadvantages; it does not account for changes in shape and size in fragments retained in the 2 mm sieve, nor does its most commonly used index (Id2) accurately reflect weathering behaviour observed in the field. The main aim of this paper is to propose a simple methodology for characterizing the weathering behaviour of carbonate lithologies that outcrop in heterogeneous rock masses (such as Flysch slopes), for use by practitioners. To this end, the Potential Degradation Index (PDI) is proposed. This is calculated using the fragment size distribution curves taken from material retained in the drum after each cycle of the slake durability test. The number of slaking cycles has also been increased to five. Through laboratory testing of 117 samples of carbonate rocks, extracted from strata in selected slopes, 6 different rock types were established based on their slaking behaviour, and corresponding to the different weathering behaviours observed in the field.