967 resultados para hollow atom


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The two-dimensional polymeric structures of the caesium complexes with the phenoxyacetic acid analogues (4-fluorophenoxy)acetic acid, (3-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid and the herbicidally active (2,4-dichlorophen­oxy)acetic acid (2,4-D), namely poly[[5-(4-fluorophenoxy)acetato][4-(4-fluorophenoxy)acetato]dicaesium], [Cs2(C8H6FO3)2]n, (I), poly[aqua[5-(3-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetato]caesium], [Cs(C9H8ClO3)(H2O)]n, (II), and poly[[7-(2,4-di­chlorophenoxy)acetato][(2,4-dichlorphenoxy)acetic acid]caesium], [Cs(C8H5Cl2O3)(C8H6Cl2O3)]n, (III), are described. In (I), the Cs+ cations of the two individual irregular coordination polyhedra in the asymmetric unit (one CsO7 and the other CsO8) are linked by bridging carboxylate O-atom donors from the two ligand molecules, both of which are involved in bidentate chelate Ocarboxy,Ophenoxy interactions, while only one has a bidentate carboxylate O,O'-chelate inter­action. Polymeric extension is achieved through a number of carboxylate O-atom bridges, with a minimum CsCs separation of 4.3231 (9) Å, giving layers which lie parallel to (001). In hydrated complex (II), the irregular nine-coordination about the Cs+ cation comprises a single monodentate water molecule, a bidentate Ocarboxy,Ophenoxy chelate interaction and six bridging carboxylate O-atom bonding interactions, giving a CsCs separation of 4.2473 (3) Å. The water mol­ecule forms intralayer hydrogen bonds within the two-dimensional layers, which lie parallel to (100). In complex (III), the irregular centrosymmetric CsO6Cl2 coordination environment comprises two O-atom donors and two ring-substituted Cl-atom donors from two hydrogen bis[(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate] ligand species in a bidentate chelate mode, and four O-atom donors from bridging carboxyl groups. The duplex ligand species lie across crystallographic inversion centres, linked through a short O-HO hydrogen bond involving the single acid H atom. Structure extension gives layers which lie parallel to (001). The present set of structures of Cs salts of phenoxyacetic acids show previously demonstrated trends among the alkali metal salts of simple benzoic acids with no stereochemically favourable interactive substituent groups for formation of two-dimensional coordination polymers.


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We report on spectroscopic studies of the chiral structure in phospholipid tubules formed in mixtures of alcohol and water. Synthetic phospholipids containing diacetylenic moieties in the acyl chains self-assemble into hollow, cylindrical tubules in appropriate conditions. Circular dichroism provides a direct measure of chirality of the molecular structure. We find that the CD spectra of tubules formed in mixtures of alcohol and water depends strongly on the alcohol used and the lipid concentration. The relative spectral intensity of different circular dichroism bands correlates with the number of bilayers observed using microscopy. The results provide experimental evidence that tubule formation is based on chiral packing of the lipid molecules and that interbilayer interactions are important to the tubule structure


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Gelonin is a single chain ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) with potential application in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Diffraction quality crystals grown using PEG3350, belong to the space group P2(1), with it a = 49.4 Angstrom b = 44.9 Angstrom, c = 137.4 Angstrom and beta = 98.4 degrees, and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data collected to 1.8 Angstrom resolution has a R(m) value of 7.3%. Structure of gelonin has been solved by the molecular replacement method, using ricin A chain as the search model. Crystallographic refinement using X-PLOR resulted in a model for which the r.m.s deviations from ideal bond lengths and bond angles are 0.012 Angstrom and 2.7 degrees, respectively The final R-factor is 18.4% for 39,806 reflections for which I > 1.0 sigma(I).The C-alpha atoms of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit superpose to within 0.38 Angstrom for 247 atom pairs. The overall fold of gelonin is similar to that of other RIPs such as ricin A chain and alpha-momorcharin, the r.m.s.d. for C-alpha superpositions being 1.3 and 1.4 Angstrom, respectively The-catalytic residues (Glu166, Arg169 and Tyr113) in the active site form a hydrogen bond scheme similar to that observed in other RIPs. The conformation of Tyr74 in the active site, however, is significantly different from that in alpha-momorcharin. Three well defined water molecules are located in the active site cavity and one of them, X319, superposes to within 0.2 Angstrom of a corresponding water molecule in the structure of alpha-momorcharin. Any of the three could be the substrate water molecule in the hydrolysis reaction catalysed by gelonin.Difference electron density for a N-linked sugar moiety has been observed near only one of the two potential glycosylation sites in the sequence. The amino acid at position 239 has been established as Lys by calculation of omit electron density maps.The two cysteine residues in the sequence, Cys44 and Cys50, form a disulphide bond, and are therefore not available for disulphide conjugation with antibodies. Based on the structure, the region of the molecule that is involved in intradimer interactions is suggested to be suitable for introducing a Cys residue for purposes of conjugation with an antibody to produce useful immunotoxins.


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The anhydrous salts morpholinium (tetrahydro-2-H-1,4-oxazine) phenxyacetate, C4H10NO+ C8H7O3- (I), (4-fluorophenoxy)acetate, C4H10NO+ C8H6FO3- (II) and isomeric morpholinium (3,5-dichlorophenoxy)acetate (3,5-D) (III) and morpholinium (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate (2,4-D), C4H10NO+ C8H5Cl2O3- (IV), have been determined and their hydrogen-bonded structures are described. In the crystals of (I), (III) and (IV), one of the the aminium H atoms is involved in a three-centre asymmetric cation-anion N-H...O,O' R2/1(4) hydrogen-bonding interaction with the two carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anion. With the structure of (II), the primary N---H...O interaction is linear. In the structures of (I), (II) and (III), the second N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond generates one-dimensional chain structures extending in all cases along [100]. With (IV), the ion pairs are linked though inversion-related N-H...O hydrogen bonds [graph set R2/4(8)], giving a cyclic heterotetrameric structure.


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In the anhydrous salt formed from the reaction of morpholine with cinnamic acid, C4H10NO+ C9H7O2-, the acid side chain in the trans-cinnamate anion is significantly rotated out of the benzene plane [C-C-C-C torsion angle = 158.54(17)deg. In the crystal, one of the the aminium H atoms is involved in a asymmetric three-centre cation-anion N-H...(O,O') R2/1(4) hydrogen-bonding interaction with the two carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anion. The second aminium H atom forms an inter-species N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond, generating a one-dimensional chain structure extending along [100]. Chains are linked by C-H...O interactions forming a supramolecular layer parallel to (01-1).


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The nature of amorphous carbon has been explored by molecular mechanics by examining the structures of species such as C84Hx and C150Hx, wherein the percentage of sp(3) carbons is progressively increased in a graphitic network. The nature of diamond-like carbon has been similarly investigated by examining the structures of C84Hx and C102Hx where the percentage of sp(2) carbons is varied in an sp(3) network. The dependence of the average coordination number as well as the sp(3)/sp(2) atom ratio on the atom fraction of hydrogen has been investigated in light of the random covalent network model.


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UVPES studies and ab initio and DFT computations have been done on the benzene...ICl complex; electron spectral data and computed orbital energies show that donor orbitals are stabilized and acceptor orbitals are destabilized due to complexation. Calculations predict an oblique structure for the complex in which the interacting site is a C=C bond center in the donor and iodine atom in the acceptor, in full agreement with earlier experimental reports. BSSE-corrected binding energies closely match the enthalpy of complexation reported, and the NBO analysis clearly reveals the involvement of the pi orbital of benzene and the sigma* orbital of ICl in the complex.


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The precipitation processes in dilute nitrogen alloys of titanium have been examined in detail by conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) and high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). The alloy Ti-2 at. pct N on quenching from its high-temperature beta phase field has been found to undergo early stages of decomposition. The supersaturated solid solution (alpha''-hcp) on decomposition gives rise to an intimately mixed, irresolvable product microstructure. The associated strong tweed contrast presents difficulties in understanding the characteristic features of the process. Therefore, HREM has been carried out with a view to getting a clear picture of the decomposition process. Studies on the quenched samples of the alloy suggest the formation of solute-rich zones of a few atom layers thick, randomly distributed throughout the matrix. On aging, these zones grow to a size beyond which the precipitate/matrix interfaces appear to become incoherent and the alpha' (tetragonal) product phase is seen distinctly. The structural details, the crystallography of the precipitation process, and the sequence of precipitation reaction in the system are illustrated.


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The diphenoxy bicyclic tetraphosphapentazane derivatives (EtN)(5)P-4(OPh)(2) 2 and its monoxide (EtN)(5)P-4(O)(OPh)(2) 3 have been prepared. Both 2 and 3 exist as a mixture of two isomers. One isomer of (EtN)(5)P-4(O)(OPh)(2) 3a has been isolated and its reaction with tetrachloro-1,2-benzoquinone yielded (EtN)(5)P-4(O)(OPh)(2)(O2C6Cl4) 5 in which the junction phosphorus atom becomes five-co-ordinated. Treatment of 2 or 3a with [Mo(CO)(4)(nbd)] (nbd = norbornadiene, bicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene), on the other hand, yielded the chelate complex [Mo(CO)(4){(EtN)(5)P-4(O)(n)(OPh)(2)}] (n = 0 or 1; 6 or 7) in which the peripheral phosphorus atoms are bonded to the metal. The structures of 3a and 5-7 have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The two P3N3 rings in 3a and 5 adopt twist/twist and irregular/twist conformations respectively; the phenoxy substituents occupy the 'pseudo axial' positions. However, an ideal chair conformation is observed for the P3N3 rings in 6 and 7 with the phenoxy substituents taking up the 'pseudo equatorial' positions. The NMR spectroscopic data for the compounds are discussed.


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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The two molecules in the asymmetric unit of adenosine-5'-carboxylic acid, C10H11N5O5, exist as zwitterions with N1 protonated and the carboxyl groups ionized. Both molecules are in an anti conformation with glycosyl torsion angles of -161.4(3) and -155.5(3)degrees. The ribose moieties adopt a C3-endo-C2-exo twist conformation. The pseudo-rotation parameters are P = 0.01(1) and 6.58(1)degrees, and tau(m) = 36.2(2) and 34.6(2)degrees, for molecules A and B, respectively. The carboxyl groups of A and B are not in the standard g(+), g(-) or t conformations. Both Watson-Crick sites, N1 and N6, of the adenine bases are involved in a pair of hydrogen bonds with the dissociated carboxyl groups, forming a cyclic tetramer. The adenine base of molecule A stacks on the ribose O4' atom of a symmetry-related B molecule at a distance of 2.88 Angstrom; the adenine base of B stacks in an analogous way at a distance of 2.91 Angstrom.


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In recent years there has been considerable interest in developing new types of gelators of organic solvents.1 Despite the recent advances, a priori design of a gelator for gelling a given solvent has remained a challenging task. Various noncovalent interactions like hydrogen-bonding,2 metal coordination3 etc. have been used as the driving force for the gelation process. A special class of cholesterol-based gelators were reported by Weiss,4 and by Shinkai.5 Gels derived from these molecules have been used for chiral recognition/sensing,6 for studying photo- and metal-responsive functions,7 and as templates to make hollow fiber silica.8 Other types of organogels have been used for designing polymerized 9 and reverse aerogels,10 and in molecular imprinting.11 Hanabusa’s group has recently reported organogels with a bile acid derivative.12 This has prompted us to disclose our results on a novel electron donor–acceptor (EDA) interaction mediated two-component13 gelator system based on the bile acid14 backbone.


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The application of radical-mediated cyclizations and annulations in organic synthesis has grown in importance steadily over the years to reach the present status where they are now routinely used in the strategy-level planning.2 The presence of a quaternary carbon atom is frequently encountered in terpenoid natural products, and it often creates a synthetic challenge when two or more quaternary carbon atoms are present in a contiguous manner.3 Even though creation of a quaternary carbon atom by employing a tertiary radical is very facile, creation of a quaternary carbon atom (or a spiro carbon atom) via radical addition onto a fully substituted olefinic carbon atom is not that common but of synthetic importance. For example, the primary radical derived from the bromide 1 failed to cyclize to generate the two vicinal quaternary carbon atoms and resulted in only the reduced product 2.4 The tricyclic carbon framework tricyclo[,5]undecane (3) is present in a number of sesquiterpenoids e.g. zizzanes, prelacinanes, etc.5


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The X-ray structure of recombinant bovine pancreatic phospholipase A(2) (PLA2), which specifically catalyzes the cleavage of the sn-2 acylester bond of phospholipids, has been refined at 1.5 Angstrom resolution. The crystal belongs to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit-cell parameters a = 47.12, b = 64.59 and c = 38.14 Angstrom similar to the native enzyme reported previously by Dijkstra et nl. [J. Mel. Biol. (1981), 147, 97-123]. The refinement converged to an R value of 18.4% (R-free = 22.8%) for 16 374 reflections between 10.0 and 1.5 Angstrom resolution. The surface-loop residues (60-70) art: ordered in the present orthorhombic recombinant enzyme, but disordered in the trigonal recombinant enzyme. The active-site residues, His48, Asp99, and the catalytic water superimpose well with the trigonal form. Besides the catalytic water which is hydrogen bonded to His48, it is often seen that there is a second water attached to the same N atom of His48 and simultaneously hydrogen bonded to the O atom of Asp49. It is thought that the second water facilitates the tautomerism of His48 for enzyme catalysis, The catalytic water is also hydrogen bonded to the equatorial water coordinated to the calcium ion, In addition to the equatorial water, there is also an axial calcium water and the additional structural water. These five common water molecules are hydrogen bonded to the additional 16 water molecules in the present orthorhombic structure which may further enhance the structural integrity of the active site. Besides the protein and one calcium ion, a total of 134 water molecules were located in the present high-resolution refinement.


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Hydroxo-bridged homo- and hetero-trinuclear cobalt(III) complexes of the type [MII(H2O)2{(OH)2CoIII(N4)}2]X2·nH2O [MII= a divalent metal ion such as CoII, NiII or ZnII; N4=(en)2(en = ethane-1,2-diamine) or (NH3)4; X = SO4 or (ClO4)2; n= 3 or 5] have been prepared and spectroscopically characterized. The structure of [Cu{(OH)2Co(en)2}2][SO4]2·2H2O 1 has been determined. The geometry around copper atom is a pseudo-square-based pyramid, with the basal sites occupied by four bridging hydroxide oxygens and the apical site is occupied by a weakly co-ordinated sulfate anion [Cu–O 2.516(4)Å]. The hydroxo groups bridge pairs of cobalt(III) ions which are in near-octahedral environments. The ethylenediamine chelate rings have the twist conformation. In the crystal structure of [Cu{(OH)2Co(en)2}2][ClO4]4·2H2O 2 the perchlorate ion is not co-ordinated and the en ligands have envelope conformations. The sulfate ion in [Cu{(OH)2Co(NH3)4}2][SO4]2·4H2O 3 is not co-ordinated to the central copper ion. Electronic, infrared and variable-temperature EPR spectral data are discussed.