924 resultados para high-strength and high-modulus fibres


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This study investigates the use of co-melt fluidised bed granulation for the agglomeration of model pharmaceutical powders, namely, lactose mono-hydrate, PEG 10000, poly-vinyl pyrolidone and ibuprofen as a model drug. Granulation within the co-melt system was found to follow a nucleationâ??steady growthâ??coating regime profile. Using high molecular weight PEG binder, the granulation mechanism and thus the extent of granulation was found to be significantly influenced by binder viscosity. The compression properties of the granulate within the hot fluidised bed were correlated using a novel high temperature experimental procedure. It was found that the fracture stress and fractural modulus of the materials under hot processing conditions were orders of magnitude lower than those measured under ambient conditions. A range of particle velocities within the granulator were considered based on theoretical models. After an initial period of nucleation, the Stokes deformation number analysis indicated that only velocities within the high shear region of the fluidised bed were sufficient to promote significant granule deformation and therefore, coalescence. The data also indicated that larger granules de-fluidised preventing agglomeration by coalescence. Furthermore, experimental data indicated that dissipation of the viscous molten binder to the surface was the most important factor in the latter stages of the granulation process. From a pharmaceutical perspective the inclusion of the model drug, ibuprofen, combined with PVP in the co-melt process proved to be highly significant. It was found that using DSC analysis on the formulations that the decrease in the heat of fusion associated with the melting of ibuprofen within the FHMG systems may be attributed to interaction between PVP and ibuprofen through inter-molecular hydrogen bonding. This interaction decreases the crystallinity of ibuprofen and facilitates solubilisation and bioavailability within the solid matrix.


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The properties of melanoidins prepared from glucose and glycine (GG) were investigated by a three step purification protocol consisting of dialysis, gel filtration at high ionic strength and ion metal affinity chromatography. The high molecular weight fraction obtained in the GG system is responsible for 80% of the total brown colour and its antioxidative ability was about 1/4 of that of Trolox measured by the inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation. GG melanoidins have good affinity towards Cu (II) (32% bound to the resin) while it is much lower towards Pb (II) (10%) and Fe (II) (5%). Capillary zone electrophoresis analysis suggests that GG melanoidins are positively charged, although no signal was observed analysing melanoidins by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS).


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Increased productivity and improved working environment have had high priority in the development of concrete construction over the last decade. Development of a material not needing vibration for compaction—i.e. selfcompacting concrete (SCC)—has successfully met the challenge and is now increasingly being used in routine practice. The key to the improvement of fresh concrete performance has been nanoscale tailoring of molecules for surface active admixtures, as well as improved understanding of particle packing and of the role of mineral surfaces in cementitious matrixes. Fundamental studies of rheological behaviour of cementitious particle suspensions were soon expanded to extensive innovation programmes incorporating applied research, site experiments, instrumented full scale applications supporting technology, standards and guides, information efforts as well as training programmes. The major impact of the introduction of SCC is connected to the production process. The choice and handling of constituents are modified as well as mix design, batching, mixing and transporting. The productivity is drastically improved through elimination of vibration compaction and process reorganisation. The working environment is significantly enhanced through avoidance of vibration induced damages, reduced noise and improved safety. Additionally, the technology is improving performance in terms of hardened material properties like surface quality, strength and durability.


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The kinetics of the acid-catalysed hydrolysis of cellobiose in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, [C(2)mim]Cl, was studied as a model for general lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis in ionic liquid systems. The results show that the rate of the two competing reactions, polysaccharide hydrolysis and sugar decomposition, vary with acid strength, and that for acids with an aqueous pK(a) below approximately zero, the hydrolysis reaction is significantly faster than the degradation of glucose, thus allowing hydrolysis to be performed with a high selectivity in glucose. In tests with soluble cellulose, hemicellulose (xylan), and lignocellulosic biomass (Miscanthus grass), comparable hydrolysis rates were observed with bond scission occurring randomly along the biopolymer chains, in contrast to end-group hydrolysis observed with aqueous acids.


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This paper follows previous X-ray diffraction work on crystallisation and phase transformation of electroless nickel–phosphorus deposits, concentrating on microstructural changes. Amorphous or nanocrystalline coatings, depending on their phosphorus content, were heat treated at temperatures between 100 and 500 °C for 1 h. Changes in microstructure after the heat treatment were examined using high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope. Crystallisation and grain growth effects are observed, as well as some inherent defect structures in the coatings and their changes. These are compared with the previous X-ray diffraction work and in general, good agreement is observed. The complementary strength and weakness of the different characterisation techniques are discussed.


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This study reports the effects of: the molecular weight ratio of poly(epsilon -caprolactone) (PCL) in blends containing polymer of high (50 000 g mol(-1)) and low (4000 g mol(-1)) molecular weight; the concentration (0, 1, and 5 wt-%) of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone/iodine) (PVP/I); and storage at 30 degreesC and 75% relative humidity; on the thermomechanical properties of films prepared by solvent evaporation from solutions containing both PCL and PVP/I. The tensile properties were found to be statistically dependent on the molecular weight ratio of PCL but not on the concentration of PVP/I. The reductions in tensile strength and elongation at break associated with increasing amounts of low molecular weight PCL were attributed to a reduction in the concentration of chain entanglements. No changes were observed in viscoelastic properties or the glass transition temperature. Following storage there were no changes in the tensile strength, glass transition temperature, or viscoelastic properties of the films; however, significant reductions in elongation at break were observed. It is suggested that this is due to hydrolytic chain scission of amorphous PCL. Inclusion of 5 wt-% PVP/I increased this process in films containing 100:0 and 80:20 high/low molecular weight PCL (but not 60.40), but the extent of this was small. This study highlighted significant aging properties of PCL in a moist atmosphere. Consequently, it is recommended that suitable packaging materials should be employed to control the exposure of PCL films to water during storage.


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Thermoresponsive polymeric platforms are used to optimise drug delivery in pharmaceutical systems and bioactive medical devices. However, the practical application of these systems is compromised by their poor mechanical properties. This study describes the design of thermoresponsive semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (s-IPNs) based on cross-linked p(NIPAA) or p(NIPAA-co-HEMA) hydrogels containing poly(e-caprolactone) designed to address this issue. Using DSC, the lower critical solution temperature of the co-polymer and p(NIPAA) matrices were circa 34 °C and 32 °C, respectively. PCL was physically dispersed within the hydrogel matrices as confirmed using confocal scanning laser microscopy and DSC and resulted in marked changes in the mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength, Young's modulus) without adversely compromising the elongation properties. P(NIPAA) networks containing dispersed PCL exhibited thermoresponsive swelling properties following immersion in buffer (pH 7), with the equilibrium-swelling ratio being greater at 20 °C than 37 °C and greatest for p(NIPAA)/PCL systems at 20 °C. The incorporation of PCL significantly lowered the equilibrium swelling ratio of the various networks but this was not deemed practically significant for s-IPNs based on p(NIPAA). Thermoresponsive release of metronidazole was observed from s-IPN composed of p(NIPAA)/PCL at 37 °C but not from p(NIPAA-co-HEMA)/PCL at this temperature. In all other platforms, drug release at 20 °C was significantly similar to that at 37 °C and was diffusion controlled. This study has uniquely described a strategy by which thermoresponsive drug release may be performed from polymeric platforms with highly elastic properties. It is proposed that these materials may be used clinically as bioactive endotracheal tubes, designed to offer enhanced resistance to ventilator associated pneumonia, a clinical condition associated with the use of endotracheal tubes where stimulus responsive drug release from biomaterials of significant mechanical properties would be advantageous. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This limited experimental investigation examined the relationships between the compressive strengths of cubes, cylinders, cores and the estimated compressive strengths derived from pull-off tests for a relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete (<35 N/mm2). Test specimens were cast and tested at 7, 14, 28, 56 and 84 days. The relationships of the trends of the test results to the trends of results of standard cube specimens and standard cylinder specimens were compared. It was found that the mean strength of each type of specimen tended to increase as a function of the natural logarithm of the specimen age. The mean strength of cylinders of length/diameter ratio 2.0 was found to be slightly greater (by about 7.5%) than the generally accepted value of 80% of the mean cube strength. Core results were corrected using correction factors defined in BS 6089 and the UK national annex to BS EN 12504-1. The mean corrected cube strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 12% greater than the mean companion cube strength. The mean corrected cylinder strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 5% greater than the mean companion cylinder strength. The potential cube and cylinder strengths of cores taken from slabs cured under different environmental conditions correlated well with companion cube and cylinder strengths respectively at 28 days. The pull-off test results gave a variable but, on average, slightly conservative estimate of the cube compressive strength of the relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete, using a simple general linear estimated compressive cube strength to tensile strength correlation factor of 10.


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Fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, which is often low in older people, may be associated with improved muscle strength and physical function. However, there is a shortage of intervention trial evidence to support this. The current study examined the effect of increased FV consumption on measures of muscle strength and physical function among healthy, free-living older adults. A randomized controlled intervention study was undertaken. Eighty-three participants aged 65-85 years, habitually consuming =2 portions of FV/day, were randomised to continue their normal diet (=2 portions/day), or to consume =5 portions of FV/day for 16 weeks. FV were delivered to all participants each week, free of charge. Compliance was monitored at baseline, 6, 12 and 16 weeks by diet history and by measuring biomarkers of micronutrient status. Grip strength was measured by a hand-held dynamometer, while lower-extremity physical function was assessed by performance-based measures. Eighty-two participants completed the intervention. The 5 portions/day group showed greater change in daily FV consumption compared to the 2 portions/day group (P?


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Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, which requires efficacious percutaneous cement delivery via a cannulated needle to restore the strength and stiffness in osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Cement viscosity is understood to influence the injectability, cohesion and cement retention within the vertebral body. Altering the liquid to powder ratio modifies the viscosity of bone cement; however, the cement viscosity-response association between cement fill and augmentation of strength and stiffness is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between viscosity, cement fill and the potential augmentation of strength and stiffness in an open pore foam structure that was representative of osteoporotic cancellous bone using an in vitro prophylactic vertebroplasty model. The results showed a strong linear correlation between compressive strength and stiffness augmentation with percentage cement fill, the extent of which was strongly dependent on the cement viscosity. Significant forces were required to ensure maximum delivery of the high viscosity cement using a proprietary screw-driven cement delivery technology. These forces could potentially exceed the normal human physical limit. Similar trends were observed when comparing the results from this study and previously reported cadaveric and animal based in vitro models.


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Carbon nanotube forests that can be spun directly from the growth substrate into pure, highly aligned webs, ribbons or yarn promise novel applications that capture the strength and other characteristics of this material. The precise conditions for high spinnability over a maximum proportion of the reactor space are extremely sensitive. The roles of catalyst, substrate, temperature, gas flow rates, reaction time with acetylene etc. were studied to identify and understand the key parameters and develop a robust, scalable process. Using a 44 mm (id) reactor, the optimum values for these variables were determined as comprising a 2.3 nm thick iron catalyst layer on a silicon substrate with 50 nm of thermal oxide; 670 °C running temperature; 650 sccm helium and 34 sccm acetylene for 20 min. The effects of deviating from these optima were explored and the role of amorphous carbon deposition clarified. Crown Copyright © 2009.


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This paper presents the results of field geophysical testing and laboratory testing of peat from Carn Park and Roosky raised bogs in the Irish Midlands. The motivation for the work was highlight the importance of these areas and to begin to attempt to understand the reasons for the failure of the bogs despite them having surface slopes of some 1°. It was found that the peat is typical of that of Irish raised bogs being up to 8m thick towards the “high” dome of the bogs. The peat is characterised by low density, high water content, high organic content, low undrained shear strength and high compressibility. The peat is also relatively permeable at in situ stress. Geophysical electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar data shows a clear thinning of the peat in the area of the failures corresponding to a reduction in volume from dewatering by edge drains/peat harvesting. This finding is supported by detailed water content measurements. It was also shown that the peat base topography is relatively flat and indicates that the observed surface movement has come from within the peat rather than from the material below the peat. Potential causes of the failures include conventional slope instability, the effect of seepage forces or the release of built-up gas in the peat mass. Further measurements are required in order to study these in more detail.


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High temperature co-electrolysis of steam and carbon dioxide using a solid oxide cell (SOC) has been shown to be an efficient route to produce syngas (CO + H-2), which can then be converted to synthetic fuel. Optimization of co-electrolysis requires detailed understanding of the complex reactions, transport processes and degradation mechanisms occurring in the SOC during operation. Thermal imaging, Raman spectroscopy and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy are being developed to probe in-situ both the reactions occurring during operation and any associated changes within the structure of the electrodes and electrolyte. Here we discuss the challenges in designing experimental apparatus suitable for high temperature operation with optical spectroscopic access to the areas of the SOC that are of interest. In particular, issues with sealing, temperature gradients, signal strength and cell configuration are discussed and final designs are presented. Preliminary results obtained during co-electrolysis operation are also presented.


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The behaviour of syntactic foam is strongly dependent on temperature and strain rate. This research focuses on the behaviour of syntactic foam made of epoxy and glass microballoons in the glassy, transition and rubbery regions. Both epoxy and epoxy foam are investigated separately under tension and shear loadings in order to study the strain rate and temperature effects. The results indicate that the strength and strain to failure data can be collapsed onto master curves depending on temperature reduced strain rate. The highest strain to failure occurs in the transition zone. The presence of glass microballoons reduces the strain to failure over the entire range considered, an effect that is particularly significant under tensile loading. However, as the microballoons increase the elastic modulus significantly in the rubbery zone but reduce it somewhat in the glassy zone, the effect on the strength is more complicated. Different failure mechanisms are identified over the temperature-frequency range considered. As the temperature reduced strain rate is decreased, the failure mechanism changes from microballoon fracture to matrix fracture and debonding between the matrix and microballoons. © IMechE 2012.


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Objective: The aim of this research is to use finite element analysis (FEA) to quantify the effect of the sample shape and the imperfections induced during the manufacturing process of samples on the bond strength and modes of failure of dental adhesive systems through microtensile test. Using the FEA prediction for individual parameters effect, estimation of expected variation and spread of the microtensile bond strength results for different sample geometries is made. Methods: The estimated stress distributions for three different sample shapes, hourglass, stick and dumbbell predicted by FEA are used to predict the strength for different fracture modes. Parameters such as the adhesive thickness, uneven interface of the adhesive and composite and dentin, misalignment of axis of loading, the existence of flaws such as induced cracks during shaping the samples or bubbles created during application of the adhesive are considered. Microtensile experiments are performed simultaneously to measure bond strength and modes of failure. These are compared with the FEA results. Results: The relative bonding strength and its standard deviation for the specimens with different geometries measured through the microtensile tests confirm the findings of the FEA. The hourglass shape samples show lower tensile bond strength and standard deviation compared to the stick and dumbbell shape samples. ANOVA analysis confirms no significant difference between dumbbell and stick geometry results, and major differences of these two geometries compared to hourglass shape measured values. Induced flaws in the adhesive and misalignment of the angle of application of load have significant effect on the microtensile bond strength. Using adhesive with higher modulus the differences between the bond strength of the three sample geometries increase. Significance: The result of the research clarifies the importance of the sample geometry chosen in measuring the bond strength. It quantifies the effect of the imperfections on the bond strength for each of the sample geometries through a systematic and all embracing study. The results explain the reasons of the large spread of the microtensile test results reported by various researchers working in different labs and the need for standardization of the test method and sample shape used in evaluation of the dentin-adhesive bonding system. © 2007 Academy of Dental Materials.