961 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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A split-phase induction motor is fed from two three-phase voltage source inverters for speed control. This study analyses carrier-comparison based pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes for a split-phase motor drive, from a space-vector perspective. Sine-triangle PWM, one zero-sequence injection PWM where the same zero-sequence signal is used for both the inverters, and another zero-sequence injection PWM where different zero-sequence signals are employed for the two inverters are considered. The set of voltage vectors applied, the sequence in which the voltage vectors are applied, and the resulting current ripple vector are analysed for all the PWM methods. Besides all the PWM methods are compared in terms of dc bus utilisation. For the same three-phase sine reference, the PWM method with different zero-sequence signals for the two inverters is found to employ a set of vectors different from the other methods. Both analysis and experimental results show that this method results in lower total harmonic distortion and higher dc bus utilisation than the other two PWM methods.


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Constant-volts-per-hertz induction motor drives and vector-controlled induction motor drives utilize pulsewidth modulation (PWM) to control the voltage applied on the motor. The method of PWM influences the pulsations in the torque developed by the motor. A space-vector-based approach to PWM facilitates special switching sequences involving the division of active state time. This paper proposes a space-vector-based hybrid PWM technique, which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique results in a lower peak-to-peak torque ripple than conventional space vector PWM(CSVPWM) at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Furthermore, the magnitude of the dominant torque harmonic due to the proposed hybrid PWM is significantly lower than that due to CSVPWM at high speeds of the drive. Experimental results from a 3.75-kW sensorless vector-controlled induction motor drive under various load conditions are presented to support analytical and simulation results.


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It is shown that for a particle with suitable angular moments in the screened Coulomb potential or isotropic harmonic potential, there still exist closed orbits rather than ellipse, characterized by the conserved aphelion and perihelion vectors, i.e. extended Runge-Lenz vector, which implies a higher dynamical symmetry than the geometrical symmetry O-3. The closeness of a planar orbit implies the radial and angular motional frequencies are commensurable.


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Colliding pulse modelocking is demonstrated for the first time in quantum dot lasers. Using 3.9 mm-long devices with a 245 pm-long central absorber, 7 ps pulses at a repetition rate of 20 GHz is obtained. For Gaussian pulses a time-bandwidth product close to the Fourier transform limit is determined. These results confirm the potential of quantum dot lasers for high repetition rate harmonic modelocking.


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The optimal bounded control of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band random excitation for minimizing their first-passage failure is investigated. First, a stochastic averaging method for multi-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF) strongly nonlinear quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band stationary random excitations using generalized harmonic functions is proposed. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizinig reliability and maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated based on the averaged It$\ddot{\rm o}$ equations by applying the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraints. The relationship between the dynamical programming equations and the backward Kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and the Pontryagin equation for the conditional mean first-passage time of optimally controlled system is discussed. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of first-passage time of an optimally controlled system are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. The application of the proposed procedure and effectiveness of control strategy are illustrated with an example.


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Circadian oscillators provide rhythmic temporal cues for a range of biological processes in plants and animals, enabling anticipation of the day/night cycle and enhancing fitness-associated traits. We have used engineering models to understand the control principles of a plant's response to seasonal variation. We show that the seasonal changes in the timing of circadian outputs require light regulation via feed-forward loops, combining rapid light-signaling pathways with entrained circadian oscillators. Linear time-invariant models of circadian rhythms were computed for 3,503 circadian-regulated genes and for the concentration of cytosolic-free calcium to quantify the magnitude and timing of regulation by circadian oscillators and light-signaling pathways. Bioinformatic and experimental analysis show that rapid light-induced regulation of circadian outputs is associated with seasonal rephasing of the output rhythm. We identify that external coincidence is required for rephasing of multiple output rhythms, and is therefore important in general phase control in addition to specific photoperiod-dependent processes such as flowering and hypocotyl elongation. Our findings uncover a fundamental design principle of circadian regulation, and identify the importance of rapid light-signaling pathways in temporal control.


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Coupled-cavity passive harmonic mode-locking of a quantum well based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser has been demonstrated, yielding an output pulse train of 1.5 ps pulses at a repetition rate of 80 GHz and with an average power of 80 mW. Harmonic mode-locking results from coupling between the main laser cavity and a cavity formed within the substrate of the saturable absorber structure. Mode-locking on the second harmonic of the substrate cavity allows a train of 1.1 ps pulses to be generated at a repetition rate of 147 GHz with 40 mW average power. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper details the design and enhanced electrical transduction of a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in a commercial foundry MEMS process utilizing 2.5 μm gaps. The I-V characteristics of electrically addressed silicon resonators are often dominated by capacitive parasitics, inherent to hybrid technologies. This paper benchmarks a variety of drive and detection principles for electrostatically driven square-extensional mode resonators operating in air via analytical models accompanied by measurements of fabricated devices with the primary aim of enhancing the ratio of the motional to feedthrough current at nominal operating voltages. In view of ultimately enhancing the motional to feedthrough current ratio, a new detection technique that combines second harmonic capacitive actuation and piezoresistive detection is presented herein. This new method is shown to outperform previously reported methods utilizing voltages as low as ±3 V in air, providing a promising solution for low voltage CMOS-MEMS integration. To elucidate the basis of this improvement in signal output from measured devices, an approximate analytical model for piezoresistive sensing specific to the resonator topology reported here is also developed and presented. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrically addressed silicon bulk acoustic wave microresonators offer high Q solutions for applications in sensing and signal processing. However, the electrically transduced motional signal is often swamped by parasitic feedthrough in hybrid technologies. With the aim of enhancing the ratio of the motional to feedthrough current at nominal operating voltages, this paper benchmarks a variety of drive and detection principles for electrostatically driven square-extensional mode resonators operating in air and in a foundry MEMS process utilizing 2μm gaps. A new detection technique, combining second harmonic capacitive actuation and piezoresistive detection, outperforms previously reported methods utilizing voltages as low as ± 3V in air providing a promising solution for low voltage CMOS-MEMS integration. ©2009 IEEE.


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High repetition rate passively mode-locked sources are of significant interest due to their potential for applications including optical clocking, optical sampling, communications and others. Due to their short excited state lifetimes mode-locked VECSELs are ideally suited to high repetition rate operation, however fundamentally mode-locked quantum well-based VECSELs have not achieved repetition rates above 10 GHz due to the limitations placed on the cavity geometry by the requirement that the saturable absorber saturates more quickly than the gain. This issue has been overcome by the use of quantum dot-based saturable absorbers with lower saturation fluences leading to repetition rates up to 50 GHz, but sub-picosecond pulses have not been achieved at these repetition rates. We present a passively harmonically mode-locked VECSEL emitting pulses of 265 fs duration at a repetition rate of 169 GHz with an output power of 20 mW. The laser is based around an antiresonant 6 quantum well gain sample and is mode-locked using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Harmonic modelocking is achieved by using an intracavity sapphire etalon. The sapphire then acts as a coupled cavity, setting the repetition rate of the laser while still allowing a tight focus on the saturable absorber. RF spectra of the laser output show no peaks at harmonics of the fundamental repetition rate up to 26 GHz, indicating stable harmonic modelocking. Autocorrelations reveal groups of pulses circulating in the cavity as a result of an increased tendency towards Q-switched modelocking due to the low pulse energies.


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This paper explores the potential of the piecewise linear vibration absorber in a system subject to narrow band harmonic loading. Such a spring is chosen because the design of linear springs is common knowledge among engineers. The two-degrees-of-freedom system is solved by using the Incremental Harmonic Balance method, and response aspects such as stiffness crossing frequency and jump behaviour are discussed. The effects of mass, stiffness, natural frequency ratios, and stiffness crossing positions on the suppression zone are probed. It is shown that a hardening absorber can deliver a wider bandwidth than a linear one over a range of frequencies. The absorber parameters needed to produce good designs have been determined and the quality of the realized suppression zone is discussed. Design guidelines are formulated to aid the parameter selection process.


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Receptor-based detection of pathogens often suffers from non-specific interactions, and as most detection techniques cannot distinguish between affinities of interactions, false positive responses remain a plaguing reality. Here, we report an anharmonic acoustic based method of detection that addresses the inherent weakness of current ligand dependant assays. Spores of Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus anthracis simulant) were immobilized on a thickness-shear mode AT-cut quartz crystal functionalized with anti-spore antibody and the sensor was driven by a pure sinusoidal oscillation at increasing amplitude. Biomolecular interaction forces between the coupled spores and the accelerating surface caused a nonlinear modulation of the acoustic response of the crystal. In particular, the deviation in the third harmonic of the transduced electrical response versus oscillation amplitude of the sensor (signal) was found to be significant. Signals from the specifically-bound spores were clearly distinguishable in shape from those of the physisorbed streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads. The analytical model presented here enables estimation of the biomolecular interaction forces from the measured response. Thus, probing biomolecular interaction forces using the described technique can quantitatively detect pathogens and distinguish specific from non-specific interactions, with potential applicability to rapid point-of-care detection. This also serves as a potential tool for rapid force-spectroscopy, affinity-based biomolecular screening and mapping of molecular interaction networks.


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Resumen: En el marco de un proyecto de la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Caldas denominado “Resignificación músico-pictórica del mito de la Salamanca” surgió la conveniencia de aplicar y diseñar programas de fundamentación matemática que permitieran definir la estructura y el tratamiento acústico de la obra especialmente escrita para este proyecto. Principalmente nos basamos en la implementación de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (Fast Fourier Transform) para el análisis de espectros armónicos y su modificación en vivo y en la utilización de un entorno de programación para procesamiento de sonido en tiempo real. El marco general de la investigación parte del enfoque de Regionalismo Crítico procedente de las propuestas de Kenneth Frampton referentes originalmente a la crítica de la arquitectura. El planteamiento como investigación mutidisciplinaria implica (1) una visión crítica de la substancia mítica y social subyacente, (2) una resignificación pictórica por medio de fotografía, animación y pintura, basada en la sustancia visual que contiene el mito, (3) un enfoque musical electroacústico, a partir del material que surge del folklor local, utilizando la intervención de instrumentos en vivo y procesamiento en tiempo real.


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The rapid evolution of nanotechnology appeals for the understanding of global response of nanoscale systems based on atomic interactions, hence necessitates novel, sophisticated, and physically based approaches to bridge the gaps between various length and time scales. In this paper, we propose a group of statistical thermodynamics methods for the simulations of nanoscale systems under quasi-static loading at finite temperature, that is, molecular statistical thermodynamics (MST) method, cluster statistical thermodynamics (CST) method, and the hybrid molecular/cluster statistical thermodynamics (HMCST) method. These methods, by treating atoms as oscillators and particles simultaneously, as well as clusters, comprise different spatial and temporal scales in a unified framework. One appealing feature of these methods is their "seamlessness" or consistency in the same underlying atomistic model in all regions consisting of atoms and clusters, and hence can avoid the ghost force in the simulation. On the other hand, compared with conventional MD simulations, their high computational efficiency appears very attractive, as manifested by the simulations of uniaxial compression and nanoindenation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The natural frequencies of a cantilever probe can be tuned with an attached concentrated mass to coincide with the higher harmonics generated in a tapping-mode atomic force microscopy by the nonlinear tip-sample interaction force. We provide a comprehensive map to guide the choice of the mass and the position of the attached particle in order to significantly enhance the higher harmonic signals containing information on the material properties. The first three eigenmodes can be simultaneously excited with only one carefully positioned particle of specific mass to enhance multiple harmonics. Accessing the interaction force qualitatively based on the high-sensitive harmonic signals combines the real-time material characterization with the imaging capability. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.