987 resultados para harmonic oscillator elementary review classical quantum


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The mechanisms of nucleation and growth and the solid-to-liquid transition of metallic nanoclusters embedded in sodium borate glass were recently studied in situ via small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-an-le X-ray scattering (WAXS). SAXS results indicate that, under isothermal annealing conditions, the formation and growth of Bi or Ag nanoclusters embedded in sodium borate glass occurs through two successive stages after a short incubation period. The first stage is characterized by the nucleation and growth of spherical metal clusters promoted by the diffusion of Bi or Ag atoms through the initially supersaturated glass phase. The second stage is named the coarsening stage and occurs when the (Bi- or Ag-) doping level of the vitreous matrix is close to the equilibrium value. The experimental results demonstrated that, at advanced stages of the growth process, the time dependence of the average radius and density number of the clusters is in agreement with the classical Lifshitz-Slyozov-Waoner (LSW) theory. However, the radius distribution function is better described by a lognormal function than by the function derived from the theoretical LSW model. From the results of SAXS measurements at different temperatures, the activation energies for the diffusion of Ag and Bi through sodium borate glass were determined. In addition, via combination of the results of simultaneous WAXS and SAXS measurements at different temperatures, the crystallographic structure and the dependence of melting temperature T(m) on crystal radius R of Bi nanocrystals were established. The experimental results indicate that T(m) is a linear and decreasing function of nanocrystal reciprocal radius 1/R, in agreement with the Couchman and Jesser theoretical model. Finally, a weak contraction in the lattice parameters of Bi nanocrystals with respect to bulk crystals was established.


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We present a description of the Stem-Gerlach type experiments using only the concepts of classical electrodynamics and the Newton`s equations of motion. The quantization of the projections of the spin (or the projections of the magnetic dipole) is not introduced in our calculations. The main characteristic of our approach is a quantitative analysis of the motion of the magnetic atoms at the entrance of the magnetic field region. This study reveals a mechanism which modifies continuously the orientation of the magnetic dipole of the atom in a very short time interval, at the entrance of the magnetic field region. The mechanism is based on the conservation of the total energy associated with a magnetic dipole which moves in a non uniform magnetic field generated by an electromagnet. A detailed quantitative comparison with the (1922) Stem-Gerlach experiment and the didactical (1967) experiment by J.R. Zacharias is presented. We conclude, contrary to the original Stern-Gerlach statement, that the classical explanations are not ruled out by the experimental data.


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A new formulation of potential scattering in quantum mechanics is developed using a close structural analogy between partial waves and the classical dynamics of many non-interacting fields. Using a canonical formalism we find nonlinear first-order differential equations for the low-energy scattering parameters such as scattering length and effective range. They significantly simplify typical calculations, as we illustrate for atom-atom and neutron-nucleus scattering systems. A generalization to charged particle scattering is also possible.


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We revisit the problem of an otherwise classical particle immersed in the zero-point radiation field, with the purpose of tracing the origin of the nonlocality characteristic of Schrodinger`s equation. The Fokker-Planck-type equation in the particles phase-space leads to an infinite hierarchy of equations in configuration space. In the radiationless limit the first two equations decouple from the rest. The first is the continuity equation: the second one, for the particle flux, contains a nonlocal term due to the momentum fluctuations impressed by the field. These equations are shown to lead to Schrodinger`s equation. Nonlocality (obtained here for the one-particle system) appears thus as a property of the description, not of Nature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study and compare the information loss of a large class of Gaussian bipartite systems. It includes the usual Caldeira-Leggett-type model as well as Anosov models ( parametric oscillators, the inverted oscillator environment, etc), which exhibit instability, one of the most important characteristics of chaotic systems. We establish a rigorous connection between the quantum Lyapunov exponents and coherence loss, and show that in the case of unstable environments coherence loss is completely determined by the upper quantum Lyapunov exponent, a behavior which is more universal than that of the Caldeira-Leggett-type model.


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It is known that the actions of field theories on a noncommutative space-time can be written as some modified (we call them theta-modified) classical actions already on the commutative space-time (introducing a star product). Then the quantization of such modified actions reproduces both space-time noncommutativity and the usual quantum mechanical features of the corresponding field theory. In the present article, we discuss the problem of constructing theta-modified actions for relativistic QM. We construct such actions for relativistic spinless and spinning particles. The key idea is to extract theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles from path-integral representations of the corresponding noncommutative field theory propagators. We consider the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations for the causal propagators in such theories. Then we construct for the propagators path-integral representations. Effective actions in such representations we treat as theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles. To confirm the interpretation, we canonically quantize these actions. Thus, we obtain the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the noncommutative field theories. The theta-modified action of the relativistic spinning particle is just a generalization of the Berezin-Marinov pseudoclassical action for the noncommutative case.


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This paper completes the review of the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators for physicists as a basis for constructing quantum-mechanical observables. It contains a comparative presentation of the well-known methods and a newly proposed method for constructing ordinary self-adjoint differential operators associated with self-adjoint differential expressions in terms of self-adjoint boundary conditions. The new method has the advantage that it does not require explicitly evaluating deficient subspaces and deficiency indices (these latter are determined in passing) and that boundary conditions are of explicit character irrespective of the singularity of a differential expression. General assertions and constructions are illustrated by examples of well-known quantum-mechanical operators like momentum and Hamiltonian.


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Extending our previous work `Fields on the Poincare group and quantum description of orientable objects` (Gitman and Shelepin 2009 Eur. Phys. J. C 61 111-39), we consider here a classification of orientable relativistic quantum objects in 3 + 1 dimensions. In such a classification, one uses a maximal set of ten commuting operators (generators of left and right transformations) in the space of functions on the Poincare group. In addition to the usual six quantum numbers related to external symmetries (given by left generators), there appear additional quantum numbers related to internal symmetries (given by right generators). Spectra of internal and external symmetry operators are interrelated, which, however, does not contradict the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem. We believe that the proposed approach can be useful for the description of elementary spinning particles considered as orientable objects. In particular, it gives a group-theoretical interpretation of some facts of the existing phenomenological classification of spinning particles.


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We study the canonical and the coherent state quantizations of a particle moving in a magnetic field on the non-commutative plane. Using a theta-modified action, we perform the canonical quantization and analyze the gauge dependence of the theory. We compare coherent states quantizations obtained through Malkin-Man`ko states and circular squeezed states. The relation between these states and the ""classical"" trajectories is investigated, and we present numerical explorations of some semiclassical quantities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose an approach to the quantum-mechanical description of relativistic orientable objects. It generalizes Wigner`s ideas concerning the treatment of nonrelativistic orientable objects (in particular, a nonrelativistic rotator) with the help of two reference frames (space-fixed and body-fixed). A technical realization of this generalization (for instance, in 3+1 dimensions) amounts to introducing wave functions that depend on elements of the Poincar, group G. A complete set of transformations that test the symmetries of an orientable object and of the embedding space belongs to the group I =GxG. All such transformations can be studied by considering a generalized regular representation of G in the space of scalar functions on the group, f(x,z), that depend on the Minkowski space points xaG/Spin(3,1) as well as on the orientation variables given by the elements z of a matrix ZaSpin(3,1). In particular, the field f(x,z) is a generating function of the usual spin-tensor multi-component fields. In the theory under consideration, there are four different types of spinors, and an orientable object is characterized by ten quantum numbers. We study the corresponding relativistic wave equations and their symmetry properties.


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We report the results concerning the influence of vacuum polarization due to quantum massive vector, scalar and spinor fields on the scalar sector of quasinormal modes in spherically symmetric charged black holes. The vacuum polarization from quantized fields produces a shift in the values of the quasinormal frequencies, and correspondingly the semiclassical system becomes a better oscillator with respect to the classical Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.


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In this paper we propose a scheme for quasi-perfect state transfer in a network of dissipative harmonic oscillators. We consider ideal sender and receiver oscillators connected by a chain of nonideal transmitter oscillators coupled by nearest-neighbour resonances. From the algebraic properties of the dynamical quantities describing the evolution of the network state, we derive a criterion, fixing the coupling strengths between all the oscillators, apart from their natural frequencies, enabling perfect state transfer in the particular case of ideal transmitter oscillators. Our criterion provides an easily manipulated formula enabling perfect state transfer in the special case where the network nonidealities are disregarded. We also extend such a criterion to dissipative networks where the fidelity of the transferred state decreases due to the loss mechanisms. To circumvent almost completely the adverse effect of decoherence, we propose a protocol to achieve quasi-perfect state transfer in nonideal networks. By adjusting the common frequency of the sender and the receiver oscillators to be out of resonance with that of the transmitters, we demonstrate that the sender`s state tunnels to the receiver oscillator by virtually exciting the nonideal transmitter chain. This virtual process makes negligible the decay rate associated with the transmitter line at the expense of delaying the time interval for the state transfer process. Apart from our analytical results, numerical computations are presented to illustrate our protocol.


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As a laboratory for loop quantum gravity, we consider the canonical quantization of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory on a noncompact space with the topology of a cylinder. Working within the loop quantization formalism, we define at the quantum level the constraints appearing in the canonical approach and completely solve them, thus constructing a gauge and diffeomorphism invariant physical Hilbert space for the theory. This space turns out to be infinite dimensional, but separable.


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A very high level of theoretical treatment (complete active space self-consistent field CASSCF/MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z) was used to characterize the spectroscopic properties of a manifold of quartet and doublet states of the species BeP, as yet experimentally unknown. Potential energy curves for 11 electronic states were obtained, as well as the associated vibrational energy levels, and a whole set of spectroscopic constants. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments were also evaluated. Similarities and differences between BeN and BeP were analysed along with the isovalent SiB species. The molecule BeP has a X (4)Sigma(-) ground state, with an equilibrium bond distance of 2.073 angstrom, and a harmonic frequency of 516.2 cm(-1); it is followed closely by the states (2)Pi (R(e) = 2.081 angstrom, omega(e) = 639.6 cm(-1)) and (2)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.074 angstrom, omega(e) = 536.5 cm(-1)), at 502 and 1976 cm(-1), respectively. The other quartets investigated, A (4)Pi (R(e) = 1.991 angstrom, omega(e) = 555.3 cm(-1)) and B (4)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.758 angstrom, omega(e) = 292.2 cm(-1)) lie at 13 291 and 24 394 cm(-1), respectively. The remaining doublets ((2)Delta, (2)Sigma(+)(2) and (2)Pi(3)) all fall below 28 000 cm(-1). Avoided crossings between the (2)Sigma(+) states and between the (2)Pi states add an extra complexity to this manifold of states.


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We have obtained numerically exact results for the spin-related geometric quantum phases that arise in p-type semiconductor ring structures. The interplay between gate-controllable (Rashba) spin splitting and quantum-confinement-induced mixing between hole-spin states causes a much higher sensitivity of magnetoconductance oscillations to external parameters than previously expected. Our results imply a much-enhanced functionality of hole-ring spin-interference devices and shed new light on recent experimental findings.