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Pro gradu-tutkielma tutkii demokratian ja turvallisuuden paradoksia Pakistanissa esitellen kuusi tekijää, jotka vaikuttavat kyseiseen paradoksiin. Näitä tekijöitä ovat historiallinen kehitys; eliittihallinto; taloudellinen kehitys; Pakistanin poliittisten tekijöiden demokratian eri määritelmät; opetuksen puuttuminen; ja valtataistelu hallituksen, armeijan, tiedustelupalvelun, oikeusjärjestelmän, poliittisten puolueiden sekä eri heimojen, uskonnollisten ja etnisten ryhmien välillä. Tutkimus tarkastelee myös sitä miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat demokratian kehitykseen Pakistanissa. Keskeinen argumentti on, että länsimainen demokratia ei esiinny eikä toimi Pakistanissa vallitsevissa oloissa, etenkin historiallisen kehityksen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden takia. Pro gradu-tutkielma käyttää sekundäärisiä lähteitä, kuten kirjoja, artikkeleita, maaraportteja, kommentaareja sekä omiin kokemuksiin perustuvia havaintoja Pakistanin matkalta 2010-2011. Keskeiset teoriat gradussa ovat Guillermo O’ Donnelin delegaattidemokratia sekä Duncan McCargon eliittihallintoteoria, jotka yhdessä selittävät historiallista kehitystä ja eliittihallinnon dynamiikkaa, mitkä johtavat paradoksiin. Kautta historian armeija on hallinnut Pakistania, ja siviilihallinto on ainoastaan neljä kertaa onnistunut olemaan vallassa, mutta silloinkin siviilihallinto päättyi korruptioväitteisiin tai armeijan vallankaappaukseen. Armeijahallinnoille on luonteenomaista hyvät suhteet USA:n, positiivinen taloudellinen kehitys ja vakaus, kun taas siviilihallinnot ovat epävakaita ja korruptoituneita. Tämä kehitys on paradoksin tausta, joka rakentuu turvallisuuspoliittisen tilanteen pohjalle eli hallitusten ja muiden tekijöiden yritykseen löytää vastapaino Intian uhalle. Tämä on ollut keskeinen huoli kelle tahansa poliittiselle päättäjälle itsenäisyydestä lähtien. Loputon valtataistelu eri poliittisten tekijöiden kesken sekä eliittihallinto pitävät yllä paradoksia, koska eliitit ovat kiinnostuneempia oman valtansa säilyttämisestä kuin kansan tahdon huomioonottamisesta. Koska valtaosa ihmisistä ei ole koulutettuja, he ovat paljolti kiinnostuneita omasta selviytymisestään, ja tämän takia sekä kansa että eliitit suosivat armeijahallintoa, koska se tuo vakautta ja taloudellista kehitystä. Sen vuoksi vallitsevissa oloissa demokratian tulevaisuus Pakistanissa näyttää huonolta, koska liberaalidemokratian vaatimukset eivät täyty puoliksi vapaan oikeussysteemin, puoliksi vapaan lehdistön, valtavan korruption ja monien ihmisoikeusloukkauksien takia unohtamatta armeijan ja tiedustelupalvelun sekaantumista siviilihallintoon.
This paper describes the field oriented control of a salient pole wound field synchronous machine in stator flux coordinates. The procedure for derivation of flux linkage equations along any general rotating axes including stator flux axes is given. The stator flux equations are used to identify the cross-coupling occurring between the axes due to saliency in the machine. The coupling terms are canceled as feedforward terms in the generation of references for current controllers to achieve good decoupling during transients. The design of current controller for stator-flux-oriented control is presented. This paper proposes the method of extending rotor flux closed loop observer for sensorless control of wound field synchronous machine. This paper also proposes a new sensorless control by using stator flux closed loop observer and estimation of torque angle using stator current components in stator flux coordinates. Detailed experimental results from a sensorless 15.8 hp salient pole wound field synchronous machine drive are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed control strategy from a low speed of 0.8 Hz to 50 Hz.
We introduce a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model consisting of spins on a two-legged ladder and characterized by Z(2) invariants on the plaquettes of the ladder. We map the model to a fermionic system and identify the topological sectors associated with different Z2 patterns in terms of fermion occupation numbers. Within these different sectors, we investigate the effect of a linear quench across a quantum critical point. We study the dominant behavior of the system by employing a Landau-Zener-type analysis of the effective Hamiltonian in the low-energy subspace for which the effective quenching can sometimes be non-linear. We show that the quenching leads to a residual energy which scales as a power of the quenching rate, and that the power depends on the topological sectors and their symmetry properties in a non-trivial way. This behavior is consistent with the general theory of quantum quenching, but with the correlation length exponent nu being different in different sectors. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010
By using the lower bound limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear programming, the bearing capacity factors due to cohesion, surcharge and unit weight, respectively, have been computed for a circular footing with different values of phi. The recent axisymmetric formulation proposed by the authors under phi = 0 condition, which is based on the concept that the magnitude of the hoop stress (sigma(theta)) remains closer to the least compressive normal stress (sigma(3)), is extended for a general c-phi soil. The computational results are found to compare quite well with the available numerical results from literature. It is expected that the study will be useful for solving various axisymmetric geotechnical stability problems. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 stewart platform
This paper deals with the direct position kinematics problem of a general 6-6 Stewart platform, the complete solution of which is not reported in the literature until now and even establishing the number of possible solutions for the general case has remained an unsolved problem for a long period. Here a canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 Stewart platform is presented. The kinematic equations are expressed as a system of six quadratic and three linear equations in nine unknowns, which has a maximum of 64 solutions. Thus, it is established that the mechanism, in general, can have up to 64 closures. Further reduction of the system is shown arriving at a set of three quartic equations in three unknowns, the solution of which will yield the assembly configurations of the general Stewart platform with far less computational effort compared to earlier models.
A new formula for the solution of the general Abel Integral equation is derived, and an important special case is checked with the known result.
In the past two decades RNase A has been the focus of diverse investigations in order to understand the nature of substrate binding and to know the mechanism of enzyme action. Although this system is reasonably well characterized from the view point of some of the binding sites, the details of interactions in the second base binding (B2) site is insufficient. Further, the nature of ligand-protein interaction is elucidated generally by studies on RNase A-substrate analog complexes (mainly with the help of X-ray crystallography). Hence, the details of interactions at atomic level arising due to substrates are inferred indirectly. In the present paper, the dinucleotide substrate UpA is fitted into the active site of RNase A Several possible substrate conformations are investigated and the binding modes have been selected based on Contact Criteria. Thus identified RNase A-UpA complexes are energy minimized in coordinate space and are analysed in terms of conformations, energetics and interactions. The best possible ligand conformations for binding to RNase A are identified by experimentally known interactions and by the energetics. Upon binding of UpA to RNase A the changes associated,with protein back bone, Side chains in general and at the binding sites in particular are described. Further, the detailed interactions between UpA and RNase A are characterized in terms of hydrogen bonds and energetics. An extensive study has helped in interpreting the diverse results obtained from a number of experiments and also in evaluating the extent of changes the protein and the substrate undergo in order to maximize their interactions.
The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.
The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.
The Shannon cipher system is studied in the context of general sources using a notion of computational secrecy introduced by Merhav and Arikan. Bounds are derived on limiting exponents of guessing moments for general sources. The bounds are shown to be tight for i.i.d., Markov, and unifilar sources, thus recovering some known results. A close relationship between error exponents and correct decoding exponents for fixed rate source compression on the one hand and exponents for guessing moments on the other hand is established.
Coarse (BOn/2)-O-n+/xH(2)O (10
A computational scheme for determining the dynamic stiffness coefficients of a linear, inclined, translating and viscously/hysteretically damped cable element is outlined. Also taken into account is the coupling between inplane transverse and longitudinal forms of cable vibration. The scheme is based on conversion of the governing set of quasistatic boundary value problems into a larger equivalent set of initial value problems, which are subsequently numerically integrated in a spatial domain using marching algorithms. Numerical results which bring out the nature of the dynamic stiffness coefficients are presented. A specific example of random vibration analysis of a long span cable subjected to earthquake support motions modeled as vector gaussian random processes is also discussed. The approach presented is versatile and capable of handling many complicating effects in cable dynamics in a unified manner.
We propose a conformational nomenclature for amphiphilic lipid molecules that is general and compatible with the stereospecific numbering scheme, in contrast to earlier methods in which discrepancies with the sn-scheme lead to contradictory assignments of the absolute configuration of the system. The present method can be rationally extended to different classes of lipids, both natural and synthetic. It is simple and provides a convenient framework for conformational studies on widely varying classes of lipids.
A 6 X 6 transfer matrix is presented to evaluate the response of a multi-layer infinite plate to a given two-dimensional pressure excitation on one of its faces or, alternatively, to evaluate the acoustic pressure distribution excited by the normal velocity components of the radiating surfaces. It is shown that the present transfer matrix is a general case embodying the transfer matrices of normal excitation and one-dimensional pressure excitation due to an oblique incident wave. It is also shown that the present transfer matrix obeys the necessary checks to categorize the physically symmetric multi-layer plate as dynamically symmetric. Expressions are derived to obtain the wave propagation parameters, such as the transmission, absorption and reflection coefficients, in terms of the elements of the transfer matrix presented. Numerical results for transmission loss and reflection coefficients of a two-layer configuration are presented to illustrate the effect of angles of incidence, layer characteristics and ambient media.