993 resultados para galaxies: star clusters: general
Report on the review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa (University of Iowa) PeopleSoft General Ledger system for the period June 4, 2007 through July 27, 2007
This study evaluated the parasitoid-aphid-plant associations in Brazil with the objective of developing a useful research database for further studies of aphid parasitoid ecology and aphid management. The original material was obtained from collections made in Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo states. The published information on the Aphidiinae in Brazil is revised. The general features of the target parasitoid fauna of Central and South America is summarized and promising biological control programs of some aphid species in Brazil is discussed.
Report of expenditures for DOT legislative reception held Jan. 24, 2008.
We see that the price of an european call option in a stochastic volatilityframework can be decomposed in the sum of four terms, which identifythe main features of the market that affect to option prices: the expectedfuture volatility, the correlation between the volatility and the noisedriving the stock prices, the market price of volatility risk and thedifference of the expected future volatility at different times. We alsostudy some applications of this decomposition.
This paper generalizes the original random matching model of money byKiyotaki and Wright (1989) (KW) in two aspects: first, the economy ischaracterized by an arbitrary distribution of agents who specialize in producing aparticular consumption good; and second, these agents have preferences suchthat they want to consume any good with some probability. The resultsdepend crucially on the size of the fraction of producers of each goodand the probability with which different agents want to consume eachgood. KW and other related models are shown to be parameterizations ofthis more general one.
Customer choice behavior, such as 'buy-up' and 'buy-down', is an importantphe-nomenon in a wide range of industries. Yet there are few models ormethodologies available to exploit this phenomenon within yield managementsystems. We make some progress on filling this void. Specifically, wedevelop a model of yield management in which the buyers' behavior ismodeled explicitly using a multi-nomial logit model of demand. Thecontrol problem is to decide which subset of fare classes to offer ateach point in time. The set of open fare classes then affects the purchaseprobabilities for each class. We formulate a dynamic program todetermine the optimal control policy and show that it reduces to a dynamicnested allocation policy. Thus, the optimal choice-based policy caneasily be implemented in reservation systems that use nested allocationcontrols. We also develop an estimation procedure for our model based onthe expectation-maximization (EM) method that jointly estimates arrivalrates and choice model parameters when no-purchase outcomes areunobservable. Numerical results show that this combined optimization-estimation approach may significantly improve revenue performancerelative to traditional leg-based models that do not account for choicebehavior.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology payroll system for the period March 27 through May 11, 2007
Records with the search string biogeograph* were collected from the Science Citation Index (SCI). A total of 3456 records were downloaded for the 1945-2006 period from titles of articles and reviews, and 10,543 records were downloaded for 1991-2006, taking into consideration also abstracts and keywords. Temporal trends of publications, geographical and institutional distribution of the research output, authorship, and core journals were evaluated. There were as many as 122 countries carrying out biogeographic research; in the most recent period, USA is the top producing country, followed by the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, and Canada. There were 17,493 authors contributing to the field. During 1991-2006 there were 4098 organizations with authors involved in biogeographic research; institutions with higher number of papers are the Natural History Museum (United Kingdom), the University of California, Berkeley (USA), the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), the American Museum of Natural History (USA) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia). Research articles are spread over a variety of journals, with the Journal of Biogeography, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, and Biological Journal of the Linnean Society being the core journals. From 28,759 keywords retrieved those with the highest frequency were evolution, phylogeny, diversity, mitochondrial DNA, pattern(s), systematics, and population(s). We conclude that publications on biogeography have increased substantially during the last years, especially since 1998. The preferred journal for biogeographic papers is the Journal of Biogeography. Most frequent keywords seem to indicate that biogeography fits well within both evolutionary biology and ecology, with molecular biology and phylogenetics being important factors that drive their current development.
This paper illustrates the philosophy which forms the basis of calibrationexercises in general equilibrium macroeconomic models and the details of theprocedure, the advantages and the disadvantages of the approach, with particularreference to the issue of testing ``false'' economic models. We provide anoverview of the most recent simulation--based approaches to the testing problemand compare them to standard econometric methods used to test the fit of non--lineardynamic general equilibrium models. We illustrate how simulation--based techniques can be used to formally evaluate the fit of a calibrated modelto the data and obtain ideas on how to improve the model design using a standardproblem in the international real business cycle literature, i.e. whether amodel with complete financial markets and no restrictions to capital mobility is able to reproduce the second order properties of aggregate savingand aggregate investment in an open economy.
Presenta las observaciones realizadas desde hace varios años, investigadas por el Instituto del Mar del Perú a través de su programa de seguimiento de pesqueras demersales y costeras, y de la evaluación directa de los stocks de peces de mar.
Describe la actividad pesquera artesanal en el Perú, desarrollada hasta las 20 millas aproximadamente. En esta zona se captura una variedad de recursos hidrobiológicos que en su mayoría son destinados al consumo humano directo, considerando que el nivel de las capturas de la pesca artesanal representan el 43% de los detinados al consumo humano y de éstos el 100% son derivados al consumo fresco.
Describe los aspectos metodológicos aplicados en el desarrollo del crucero de evaluación del recurso merluza en invierno de 1996, consistente en dos etapas: un rastreo acústico basado en un muestréo sistemático con lances de comprobación y una evaluación por área barrida propiamente dicha. Así mismo, presenta la estructura y nivel de la población de merluza, las condiciones oceanográficas y la estructura del subsistema demersal.
Comentario general del crucero de evaluación de biomasa desovante de anchoveta. BIC Humboldt 9608-09
Comenta los resultados más relevantes obtenidos durante el crucero realizado en agosto y setiembre de 1996, para estimar la biomasa desovante de la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) de la zona norte centro del litoral, a través del método de producción de huevos (MPH). Teniendo como escenario un ambiente frío, con condiciones favorables para la dispersión de la anchoveta, se determinó una biomasa desovante de 4,02 millones de toneladas, magnitud inferior a la estimada en el año 1995. Se detectó una distribución estratificada de la anchoveta, ubicándose los juveniles hacia la costa, y los adultos lejos de ella. Estos últimos evidenciaron una gran avance en el proceso reproductivo, aunque la frecuencia de desove disminuyó comparándola con la de 1995. La producción de huevos también se redujo y la distribución de éstos no se presentó de la forma densa observada años atrás, cuando los adultos se distribuían principalmente dentro de las 30 a 60 millas de la costa.