981 resultados para flow over bottom topography


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Les proliférations nuisibles de la cyanobactérie filamenteuse benthique Lyngbya wollei qui forme des tapis déposés sur les sédiments ont augmenté en fréquence au cours des 30 dernières années dans les rivières, lacs et sources de l'Amérique du Nord. Lyngbya wollei produit des neurotoxines et des composés organiques volatils (géosmin, 2-méthylisobornéol) qui ont des répercussions sur la santé publique de même que des impacts d'ordre socioéconomiques. Cette cyanobactérie est considérée comme un habitat et une source de nourriture de piètre qualité pour les invertébrés en raison de sa gaine robuste et de sa production de toxines. Les proliférations de L. wollei ont été observées pour la première fois en 2005 dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent (SLR; Québec, Canada). Nous avons jugé important de déterminer sa distribution sur un tronçon de 250 km afin d'élaborer des modèles prédictifs de sa présence et biomasse en se basant sur les caractéristiques chimiques et physiques de l'eau. Lyngbya wollei était généralement observé en aval de la confluence de petits tributaires qui irriguent des terres agricoles. L’écoulement d’eaux enrichies à travers la végétation submergée se traduisait par une diminution de la concentration d’azote inorganique dissous (DIN), alors que les concentrations de carbone organique dissous (DOC) et de phosphore total dissous (TDP) demeuraient élevées, produisant un faible rapport DIN :TDP. Selon nos modèles, DOC (effet positif), TP (effet négatif) et DIN :TDP (effet négatif) sont les variables les plus importantes pour expliquer la répartition de cette cyanobactérie. La probabilité que L. wollei soit présent dans le SLR a été prédite avec exactitude dans 72 % à 92 % des cas pour un ensemble de données indépendantes. Nous avons ensuite examiné si les conditions hydrodynamiques, c'est-à-dire le courant généré par les vagues et l'écoulement du fleuve, contrôlent les variations spatiales et temporelles de biomasse de L. wollei dans un grand système fluvial. Nous avons mesuré la biomasse de L. wollei ainsi que les variables chimiques, physiques et météorologiques durant trois ans à 10 sites le long d'un gradient d'exposition au courant et au vent dans un grand (148 km2) lac fluvial du SLR. L'exposition aux vagues et la vitesse du courant contrôlaient les variations de biomasses spatiales et temporelles. La biomasse augmentait de mai à novembre et persistait durant l'hiver. Les variations interannuelles étaient contrôlées par l'écoulement de la rivière (niveau d'eau) avec la crue printanière qui délogeait les tapis de l'année précédente. Les baisses du niveau d'eau et l'augmentation de l'intensité des tempêtes anticipées par les scénarios de changements climatiques pourraient accroître la superficie colonisée par L. wollei de même que son accumulation sur les berges. Par la suite, nous avons évalué l'importance relative de L. wollei par rapport aux macrophytes et aux épiphytes. Nous avons examiné l'influence structurante de l'échelle spatiale sur les variables environnementales et la biomasse de ces producteurs primaires (PP) benthiques. Nous avons testé si leur biomasse reflétait la nature des agrégats d'habitat basées sur l'écogéomorphologie ou plutôt le continuum fluvial. Pour répondre à ces deux questions, nous avons utilisé un design à 3 échelles spatiales dans le SLR: 1) le long d'un tronçon de 250 km, 2) entre les lacs fluviaux localisés dans ce tronçon, 3) à l'intérieur de chaque lac fluvial. Les facteurs environnementaux (conductivité et TP) et la structure spatiale expliquent 59% de la variation de biomasse des trois PP benthiques. Spécifiquement, les variations de biomasses étaient le mieux expliquées par la conductivité (+) pour les macrophytes, par le ratio DIN:TDP (+) et le coefficient d'extinction lumineuse (+) pour les épiphytes et par le DOC (+) et le NH4+ (-) pour L. wollei. La structure spatiale à l'intérieur des lacs fluviaux était la plus importante composante spatiale pour tous les PP benthiques, suggérant que les effets locaux tels que l'enrichissement par les tributaire plutôt que les gradients amont-aval déterminent la biomasse de PP benthiques. Donc, la dynamique des agrégats d'habitat représente un cadre général adéquat pour expliquer les variations spatiales et la grande variété de conditions environnementales supportant des organismes aquatiques dans les grands fleuves. Enfin, nous avons étudié le rôle écologique des tapis de L. wollei dans les écosystèmes aquatiques, en particulier comme source de nourriture et refuge pour l'amphipode Gammarus fasciatus. Nous avons offert aux amphipodes un choix entre des tapis de L. wollei et soit des chlorophytes filamenteuses ou un tapis artificiel de laine acrylique lors d'expériences en laboratoire. Nous avons aussi reconstitué la diète in situ des amphipodes à l'aide du mixing model (d13C et δ15N). Gammarus fasciatus choisissait le substrat offrant le meilleur refuge face à la lumière (Acrylique>Lyngbya=Rhizoclonium>Spirogyra). La présence de saxitoxines, la composition élémentaire des tissus et l'abondance des épiphytes n'ont eu aucun effet sur le choix de substrat. Lyngbya wollei et ses épiphytes constituaient 36 et 24 % de l'alimentation in situ de G. fasciatus alors que les chlorophytes, les macrophytes et les épiphytes associées représentaient une fraction moins importante de son alimentation. Les tapis de cyanobactéries benthiques devraient être considérés comme un bon refuge et une source de nourriture pour les petits invertébrés omnivores tels que les amphipodes.


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Alkylation of phenol with methanol has been carried out over Sn-La and Sn-Sm mixed oxides of varying compositions at 623 K in a vapour phase flow reactor. It is found that the product selectivity is greatly influenced by the acid-base properties of the catalysts. Ortho-cresol formation is favoured over catalysts with weak acid sites whereas formation of 2,6-xylenol occurs in the presence of stronger acid sites. The cyclohexanol decomposition reaction and titrimetric method using Hammett indicators have been employed to elucidate the acid-base properties of the catalysts.


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The reaction of aniline with methanol was carried out over Zn1-xNixFe2O4 (x= 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1) type systems in a fixed-bed down-flow reactor. It was observed that systems possessing low ``x'' values are highly selective and active for mono N-alkylation of aniline leading to N-methyl aniline. Selectivity for N-methyl aniline over ZnFe2O4 was more than 99% under the optimized reaction conditions. Even at methanol to aniline molar ratio of 2, the yield of N-methyl aniline was nearly 55.5%, whereas its yield exceeded 67% at the molar ratio of 7. The Lewis acid sites of the catalysts are mainly responsible for the good catalytic performance. Cation distribution in the spinel lattice influences their acido-basic properties, and hence, these factors have been considered as helpful to evaluate the activity and stability of the systems.


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We present a novel approach to computing the orientation moments and rheological properties of a dilute suspension of spheroids in a simple shear flow at arbitrary Peclct number based on a generalised Langevin equation method. This method differs from the diffusion equation method which is commonly used to model similar systems in that the actual equations of motion for the orientations of the individual particles are used in the computations, instead of a solution of the diffusion equation of the system. It also differs from the method of 'Brownian dynamics simulations' in that the equations used for the simulations are deterministic differential equations even in the presence of noise, and not stochastic differential equations as in Brownian dynamics simulations. One advantage of the present approach over the Fokker-Planck equation formalism is that it employs a common strategy that can be applied across a wide range of shear and diffusion parameters. Also, since deterministic differential equations are easier to simulate than stochastic differential equations, the Langevin equation method presented in this work is more efficient and less computationally intensive than Brownian dynamics simulations.We derive the Langevin equations governing the orientations of the particles in the suspension and evolve a procedure for obtaining the equation of motion for any orientation moment. A computational technique is described for simulating the orientation moments dynamically from a set of time-averaged Langevin equations, which can be used to obtain the moments when the governing equations are harder to solve analytically. The results obtained using this method are in good agreement with those available in the literature.The above computational method is also used to investigate the effect of rotational Brownian motion on the rheology of the suspension under the action of an external force field. The force field is assumed to be either constant or periodic. In the case of con- I stant external fields earlier results in the literature are reproduced, while for the case of periodic forcing certain parametric regimes corresponding to weak Brownian diffusion are identified where the rheological parameters evolve chaotically and settle onto a low dimensional attractor. The response of the system to variations in the magnitude and orientation of the force field and strength of diffusion is also analyzed through numerical experiments. It is also demonstrated that the aperiodic behaviour exhibited by the system could not have been picked up by the diffusion equation approach as presently used in the literature.The main contributions of this work include the preparation of the basic framework for applying the Langevin method to standard flow problems, quantification of rotary Brownian effects by using the new method, the paired-moment scheme for computing the moments and its use in solving an otherwise intractable problem especially in the limit of small Brownian motion where the problem becomes singular, and a demonstration of how systems governed by a Fokker-Planck equation can be explored for possible chaotic behaviour.


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This doctoral thesis addresses the growing concern about the significant changes in the climatic and weather patterns due to the aerosol loading that have taken place in the Indo Gangetic Plain(IGP)which includes most of the Northern Indian region. The study region comprises of major industrial cities in India (New Delhi, Kanpur, Allahabad, Jamshedpur and Kolkata). Northern and central parts of India are one of the most thickly populated areas in the world and have the most intensely farmed areas. Rapid increase in population and urbanization has resulted in an abrupt increase in aerosol concentrations in recent years. The IGP has a major source of coal; therefore most of the industries including numerous thermal power plants that run on coal are located around this region. They inject copious amount of aerosols into the atmosphere. Moreover, the transport of dust aerosols from arid locations is prevalent during the dry months which increase the aerosol loading in theatmosphere. The topography of the place is also ideal for the congregation of aerosols. It is bounded by the Himalayas in the north, Thar Desert in the west, the Vindhyan range in the south and Brahmaputra ridge in the east. During the non‐monsoon months (October to May) the weather in the location is dry with very little rainfall. Surface winds are weak during most of the time in this dry season. The aerosols that reach the location by means of long distance transport and from regional sources get accumulated under these favourable conditions. The increase in aerosol concentration due to the complex combination of aerosol transport and anthropogenic factors mixed with the contribution from the natural sources alters the optical properties and the life time of clouds in the region. The associated perturbations in radiative balance have a significant impact on the meteorological parameters and this in turn determines the precipitation forming process. Therefore, any change in weather which disturbs the normal hydrological pattern is alarming in the socio‐economic point of view. Hence, the main focus of this work is to determine the variation in transport and distribution of aerosols in the region and to understand the interaction of these aerosols with meteorological parameters and cloud properties.


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A better understanding of the rainfall climatology of the Middle East region identifying the mechanisms responsible for the rain producing systems is essential for effective utilization of the water resources over the arid region. A comprehensive analysis on the rainfall climatology of the Middle East region is carried out to bring out the spatial and temporal variation of rainfall and mechanisms responsible for the rain events. The study was carried out utilizing rainfall, OLR, wind and humidity data sets procured from TRMM, NOAA and NCEP-NCAR. Climatology of annual rainfall brings out two areas of alarmingly low rainfall in the Middle East region: one in Egypt, Jordan and adjoining areas and the other in the southern part of Saudi Arabia. Daily rainfall analysis indicates that northern region gets rainfall mainly during winter and spring associated with the passage of Mediterranean low pressure systems whereas rain over the southern region is caused mainly by the monsoon organized convection, cross equatorial flow and remnants of low pressure systems associated with the monsoon during the summer season. Thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere reveals that the region does not have frequent local convection due to insufficient moisture content. The sinking motion associated with the sub tropic high pressure system and subsidence associated with the Walker circulation are responsible for maintaining warm and dry air over the region.


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Most speciation events probably occur gradually, without complete and immediate reproductive isolation, but the full extent of gene flow between diverging species has rarely been characterized on a genome-wide scale. Documenting the extent and timing of admixture between diverging species can clarify the role of geographic isolation in speciation. Here we use new methodology to quantify admixture at different stages of divergence in Heliconius butterflies, based on whole-genome sequences of 31 individuals. Comparisons between sympatric and allopatric populations of H. melpomene, H. cydno, and H. timareta revealed a genome-wide trend of increased shared variation in sympatry, indicative of pervasive interspecific gene flow. Up to 40% of 100-kb genomic windows clustered by geography rather than by species, demonstrating that a very substantial fraction of the genome has been shared between sympatric species. Analyses of genetic variation shared over different time intervals suggested that admixture between these species has continued since early in speciation. Alleles shared between species during recent time intervals displayed higher levels of linkage disequilibrium than those shared over longer time intervals, suggesting that this admixture took place at multiple points during divergence and is probably ongoing. The signal of admixture was significantly reduced around loci controlling divergent wing patterns, as well as throughout the Z chromosome, consistent with strong selection for Müllerian mimicry and with known Z-linked hybrid incompatibility. Overall these results show that species divergence can occur in the face of persistent and genome-wide admixture over long periods of time.


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The banded organization of clouds and zonal winds in the atmospheres of the outer planets has long fascinated observers. Several recent studies in the theory and idealized modeling of geostrophic turbulence have suggested possible explanations for the emergence of such organized patterns, typically involving highly anisotropic exchanges of kinetic energy and vorticity within the dissipationless inertial ranges of turbulent flows dominated (at least at large scales) by ensembles of propagating Rossby waves. The results from an attempt to reproduce such conditions in the laboratory are presented here. Achievement of a distinct inertial range turns out to require an experiment on the largest feasible scale. Deep, rotating convection on small horizontal scales was induced by gently and continuously spraying dense, salty water onto the free surface of the 13-m-diameter cylindrical tank on the Coriolis platform in Grenoble, France. A “planetary vorticity gradient” or “β effect” was obtained by use of a conically sloping bottom and the whole tank rotated at angular speeds up to 0.15 rad s−1. Over a period of several hours, a highly barotropic, zonally banded large-scale flow pattern was seen to emerge with up to 5–6 narrow, alternating, zonally aligned jets across the tank, indicating the development of an anisotropic field of geostrophic turbulence. Using particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques, zonal jets are shown to have arisen from nonlinear interactions between barotropic eddies on a scale comparable to either a Rhines or “frictional” wavelength, which scales roughly as (β/Urms)−1/2. This resulted in an anisotropic kinetic energy spectrum with a significantly steeper slope with wavenumber k for the zonal flow than for the nonzonal eddies, which largely follows the classical Kolmogorov k−5/3 inertial range. Potential vorticity fields show evidence of Rossby wave breaking and the presence of a “hyperstaircase” with radius, indicating instantaneous flows that are supercritical with respect to the Rayleigh–Kuo instability criterion and in a state of “barotropic adjustment.” The implications of these results are discussed in light of zonal jets observed in planetary atmospheres and, most recently, in the terrestrial oceans.


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This paper describes benchmark testing of six two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic models (DIVAST, DIVASTTVD, TUFLOW, JFLOW, TRENT and LISFLOOD-FP) in terms of their ability to simulate surface flows in a densely urbanised area. The models are applied to a 1·0 km × 0·4 km urban catchment within the city of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and are used to simulate a flood event that occurred at this site on 30 July 2002. An identical numerical grid describing the underlying topography is constructed for each model, using a combination of airborne laser altimetry (LiDAR) fused with digital map data, and used to run a benchmark simulation. Two numerical experiments were then conducted to test the response of each model to topographic error and uncertainty over friction parameterisation. While all the models tested produce plausible results, subtle differences between particular groups of codes give considerable insight into both the practice and science of urban hydraulic modelling. In particular, the results show that the terrain data available from modern LiDAR systems are sufficiently accurate and resolved for simulating urban flows, but such data need to be fused with digital map data of building topology and land use to gain maximum benefit from the information contained therein. When such terrain data are available, uncertainty in friction parameters becomes a more dominant factor than topographic error for typical problems. The simulations also show that flows in urban environments are characterised by numerous transitions to supercritical flow and numerical shocks. However, the effects of these are localised and they do not appear to affect overall wave propagation. In contrast, inertia terms are shown to be important in this particular case, but the specific characteristics of the test site may mean that this does not hold more generally.


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The evolution of the Arctic polar vortex during observed major mid-winter stratospheric sudden warmings (SSWs) is investigated for the period 1957-2002, using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-40 Ertel’s potential vorticity (PV) and temperature fields. Time-lag composites of vertically weighted PV, calculated relative to the SSW onset time, are derived for both vortex displacement SSWs and vortex splitting SSWs, by averaging over the 15 recorded displacement and 13 splitting events. The evolving vertical structure of the polar vortex during a typical SSW of each type is clearly illustrated by plotting an isosurface of the composite PV field, and is shown to be very close to that observed during representative individual events. Results are verified by comparison with an elliptical diagnostic vortex moment technique. For both types of SSW, little variation is found between individual events in the orientation of the developing vortex relative to the underlying topography, i.e. the location of the vortex during SSWs of each type is largely fixed in relation to the Earth’s surface. During each type of SSW, the vortex is found to have a distinctive vertical structure. Vortex splitting events are typically barotropic, with the vortex split occurring near-simultaneously over a large altitude range (20-40 km). In the majority of cases, of the two daughter vortices formed, it is the ‘Siberian’ vortex that dominates over its ‘Canadian’ counterpart. In contrast, displacement events are characterized by a very clear baroclinic structure; the vortex tilts significantly westward with height, so that the top and bottom of the vortex are separated by nearly 180◦ longitude before the upper vortex is sheared away and destroyed.


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Inertia-gravity waves exist ubiquitously throughout the stratified parts of the atmosphere and ocean. They are generated by local velocity shears, interactions with topography, and as geostrophic (or spontaneous) adjustment radiation. Relatively little is known about the details of their interaction with the large-scale flow, however. We report on a joint model/laboratory study of a flow in which inertia-gravity waves are generated as spontaneous adjustment radiation by an evolving large-scale mode. We show that their subsequent impact upon the large-scale dynamics is generally small. However, near a potential transition from one large-scale mode to another, in a flow which is simultaneously baroclinically-unstable to more than one mode, the inertia-gravity waves may strongly influence the selection of the mode which actually occurs.


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The impact of targeted sonde observations on the 1-3 day forecasts for northern Europe is evaluated using the Met Office four-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme and a 24 km gridlength limited-area version of the Unified Model (MetUM). The targeted observations were carried out during February and March 2007 as part of the Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment, using a research aircraft based in Iceland. Sensitive area predictions using either total energy singular vectors or an ensemble transform Kalman filter were used to predict where additional observations should be made to reduce errors in the initial conditions of forecasts for northern Europe. Targeted sonde data was assimilated operationally into the MetUM. Hindcasts show that the impact of the sondes was mixed. Only two out of the five cases showed clear forecast improvement; the maximum forecast improvement seen over the verifying region was approximately 5% of the forecast error 24 hours into the forecast. These two cases are presented in more detail: in the first the improvement propagates into the verification region with a developing polar low; and in the second the improvement is associated with an upper-level trough. The impact of cycling targeted data in the background of the forecast (including the memory of previous targeted observations) is investigated. This is shown to cause a greater forecast impact, but does not necessarily lead to a greater forecast improvement. Finally, the robustness of the results is assessed using a small ensemble of forecasts.


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Laboratory determined mineral weathering rates need to be normalised to allow their extrapolation to natural systems. The principle normalisation terms used in the literature are mass, and geometric- and BET specific surface area (SSA). The purpose of this study was to determine how dissolution rates normalised to these terms vary with grain size. Different size fractions of anorthite and biotite ranging from 180-150 to 20-10 mu m were dissolved in pH 3, HCl at 25 degrees C in flow through reactors under far from equilibrium conditions. Steady state dissolution rates after 5376 h (anorthite) and 4992 h (biotite) were calculated from Si concentrations and were normalised to initial- and final- mass and geometric-, geometric edge- (biotite), and BET SSA. For anorthite, rates normalised to initial- and final-BET SSA ranged from 0.33 to 2.77 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric SSA ranged from 5.74 to 8.88 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1) and rates normalised to initial- and final-mass ranged from 0.11 to 1.65 mol(feldspar) g(-1) s(-1). For biotite, rates normalised to initial- and final-BET SSA ranged from 1.02 to 2.03 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric SSA ranged from 3.26 to 16.21 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric edge SSA ranged from 59.46 to 111.32 x 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1) and rates normalised to initial- and final-mass ranged from 0.81 to 6.93 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) g(-1) s(-1). For all normalising terms rates varied significantly (p <= 0.05) with grain size. The normalising terms which gave least variation in dissolution rate between grain sizes for anorthite were initial BET SSA and initial- and final-geometric SSA. This is consistent with: (1) dissolution being dominated by the slower dissolving but area dominant non-etched surfaces of the grains and, (2) the walls of etch pits and other dissolution features being relatively unreactive. These steady state normalised dissolution rates are likely to be constant with time. Normalisation to final BET SSA did not give constant ratios across grain size due to a non-uniform distribution of dissolution features. After dissolution coarser grains had a greater density of dissolution features with BET-measurable but unreactive wall surface area than the finer grains. The normalising term which gave the least variation in dissolution rates between grain sizes for biotite was initial BET SSA. Initial- and final-geometric edge SSA and final BET SSA gave the next least varied rates. The basal surfaces dissolved sufficiently rapidly to influence bulk dissolution rate and prevent geometric edge SSA normalised dissolution rates showing the least variation. Simple modelling indicated that biotite grain edges dissolved 71-132 times faster than basal surfaces. In this experiment, initial BET SSA best integrated the different areas and reactivities of the edge and basal surfaces of biotite. Steady state dissolution rates are likely to vary with time as dissolution alters the ratio of edge to basal surface area. Therefore they would be more properly termed pseudo-steady state rates, only appearing constant because the time period over which they were measured (1512 h) was less than the time period over wich they would change significantly. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report evidence for a major ice stream that operated over the northwestern Canadian Shield in the Keewatin Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation 9000-8200 (uncalibrated) yr BP. It is reconstructed at 450 km in length, 140 km in width, and had an estimated catchment area of 190000 km. Mapping from satellite imagery reveals a suite of bedforms ('flow-set') characterized by a highly convergent onset zone, abrupt lateral margins, and where flow was presumed to have been fastest, a remarkably coherent pattern of mega-scale glacial lineations with lengths approaching 13 km and elongation ratios in excess of 40:1. Spatial variations in bedform elongation within the flow-set match the expected velocity field of a terrestrial ice stream. The flow pattern does not appear to be steered by topography and its location on the hard bedrock of the Canadian Shield is surprising. A soft sedimentary basin may have influenced ice-stream activity by lubricating the bed over the downstream crystalline bedrock, but it is unlikely that it operated over a pervasively deforming till layer. The location of the ice stream challenges the view that they only arise in deep bedrock troughs or over thick deposits of 'soft' fine-grained sediments. We speculate that fast ice flow may have been triggered when a steep ice sheet surface gradient with high driving stresses contacted a proglacial lake. An increase in velocity through calving could have propagated fast ice flow upstream (in the vicinity of the Keewatin Ice Divide) through a series of thermomechanical feedback mechanisms. It exerted a considerable impact on the Laurentide Ice Sheet, forcing the demise of one of the last major ice centres.


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Field studies were carried out on the water and sediment dynamics in the tropical, macro-tidal, Daly Estuary. The estuary is shallow, very-turbid, about 100 km long, and the entrance is funnel-shape. In the wet, high flow season, normal tidal ranges can be suppressed in the estuary, depending on inflow rates, and freshwater becomes dominant up to the mouth. At that time a fraction of the fine sediment load is exported offshore as a bottom-tagging nepheloid layer after the sediment falls out of suspension of the thin, near-surface, river plume. The remaining fraction and the riverine coarse sediment form a large sediment bar 10 km long, up to 6 m in height and extending across the whole width of the channel near the mouth. This bar, as well as shoals in the estuary, partially pond the mid- to upper-estuary. This bar builds up from the deposition of riverine sediment during a wet season with high runoff and can raise mean water level by up to 2 m in the upper estuary in the low flow season. This ponding effect takes about three successive dry years to disappear by the sediment forming the bar being redistributed all over the estuary by tidal pumping of fine and coarse sediment in the dry season, which is the low flow season. The swift reversal of the tidal currents from ebb to flood results in macro-turbulence that lasts about 20 min. Bed load transport is preferentially landward and occurs only for water currents greater than 0.6 m s(-1). This high value of the threshold velocity suggests that the sand may be cemented by the mud. The Daly Estuary thus is a leaky sediment trap with an efficiency varying both seasonally and inter-annually. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.