988 resultados para filter-feeding animals


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Toxicity of effluent from a titanium dioxide factory containing sulphuric acid residue with soluble iron metallic salts and insoluble material such as silica, etc. on fishes, decapods and molluscs was studied. The effluent caused changes in pH and oxygen depletion of the sea water. Sublethal effects of the precipitate of ferrous salts were also studied. Dilutions of effluent up to 1:150 were LC100 for all organisms used while 1:200 dilution was LC50 for fishes at 36 hr and for other organisms at 48 hr. But death of organisms at this concentration was caused by pH changes and oxygen depletion and did not account for the effects of the precipitate. Below this level precipitation started soon after mixing with sea water causing death of organisms by choking their gills and siphons. Dilutions,< 1:1000 were 96 hr LCO.


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Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Design of a compact microstrip band reject filter is proposed. The device consists of an Open Loop Rectangular Resonator (OLRR) coupled to a microstrip line. The transmission line has a U-bend which enhances the coupling with the OLRR element and reduces the size of the filter. The filter can be made tunable by mounting variable capacitance to the system. Simulated and experimental results are presented.


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The use of a split-ring resonator (SRR)-loaded waveguide for the design of a band-rejection filter with adjustable bandwidth is reported. The width of the stopband can be adjusted by suitably positioning the SRR array in the waveguide. The rejection band can be made very narrow by placing the array at the electric-field minimum. The stopband attenuation depends on the number of unit cells in the array.


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This thesis deals with the reproductive physiology of the two species of Indian sea mussels, namely the brown mussel perna indica and the green mussel p viridis .The major aspects of the study include ecophysiology of reproduction linking up the animal reproductive cycle of the animals with the ecological conditions of the natural mussel beds, biochemical and histochemical changes associated with reproduction and neurosecretory cycle in synchrony with the reproductive cycle. Some basic studies on gamete morphology and certain aspects of gamete physiology have been taken up. The experimental work deals with the influence of different feeding levels on gamatogenesis and maturation and the effect of ganglia ablation on spawning. The material for the investigation on perna indica were collected from the natural mussel beds at Vizhinjam near Trivandrum and on p.viridic from Elathur, near Calicut. The period of observation extended from October 1981 to December 1982.


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Alpha glucan phosphorylase plays a very significant role in glycolysis. The inhibition and activation of this enzyme have significant effect on the rate of glycolysis. The rate of glycolysis is also determined by the interconversion between the active 3 and inactive Q forms of phosphorylase by two specific enzymes called phosphorylase phosphatase and phosphorylase kinase. The allosteric properties and interconversion mechanism reported for well—studied animal muscle phosphorylases do not fall under a general pattern. Studies using purified phosphorylase from marine sources are scanty. Detailed studies using specialised tissues from more marine animals are necessary to find the factors that control the properties and activities of the enzyme. This thesis is an attempt in this direction. The thesis deals with a detailed study of the control of the phosphorylase by both allosterism and interconversion between the g and b forms from four different aquatic animals of different habitat. Phosphorylase frm the four different animal muscles were purified either partially or completely and the kinetic and control properties were studied.


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Culturing of fish in captivity demands a detailed knowledge on well balanced diet and adequate feeding. Formulation and production of nutritionally balanced diets for fish require research, quality control and biological evaluation. It is often assuemed that what is ingested is also digested, but this is not always be the case. Digestion depends upon both the physical state of the food and the kind and quantity of enzymes in the digestive tract. The ability of fish to digest a particular component of diet can be ascertained by investigating the complement of digestive enzymes present along the digestive tract. Investigations on the basic digestive physiology will not only enhance our present knowledge on nutrition and feed development, but will also contribute in understanding the digestive functions of lower vertebrates. It is against this background that the present topic of investigation "Studies on the digestive enzymes of the cultivable grey mullet Liza parsia Hamilton Buchanan, l822" has been selected. The thesis is arranged and presented in eight chapters.


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The efficiency of a diet not only depends on its nutrient composition and nutrient balance but also on the effective utilization by the animal. In the utilization of dietary nutrients, the digestive enzymes play the crucial role of catalysing the hydrolytic reactions, splitting the macromolecules into simple absorbable molecules. The activity of these biocatalysts is regulated by alterations in pH, temperature, substrate type and concentrations, and also by the presence of activators and inhibitors. Thus any shift from the optimum conditions necessary for these enzymes may affect their activity, thereby correspondingly modify the digestibility of the nutrients supplied to the animals. Thus, investigations on the important digestive enzymes and their preferential conditions of activity are essential, so that the results obtained could be used in rationally adjusting the quality and quantity of feed supplied to the different stages of prawns In India, directed research on nutritional physiology and biochemical approaches to digestion in commercially important prawns is taken up_ only recently, and the field is still in an infant stage. In view of its emerging importance it is identified as an area of priority and the present investigation has been carried out on the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus


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Residue Number System (RNS) based Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters and traditional FIR filters. This research is motivated by the importance of an efficient filter implementation for digital signal processing. The comparison is done in terms of speed and area requirement for various filter specifications. RNS based FIR filters operate more than three times faster and consumes only about 60% of the area than traditional filter when number of filter taps is more than 32. The area for RNS filter is increasing at a lesser rate than that for traditional resulting in lower power consumption. RNS is a nonweighted number system without carry propogation between different residue digits.This enables simultaneous parallel processing on all the digits resulting in high speed addition and multiplication in the RNS domain


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The recent trends envisage multi-standard architectures as a promising solution for the future wireless transceivers to attain higher system capacities and data rates. The computationally intensive decimation filter plays an important role in channel selection for multi-mode systems. An efficient reconfigurable implementation is a key to achieve low power consumption. To this end, this paper presents a dual-mode Residue Number System (RNS) based decimation filter which can be programmed for WCDMA and 802.16e standards. Decimation is done using multistage, multirate finite impulse response (FIR) filters. These FIR filters implemented in RNS domain offers high speed because of its carry free operation on smaller residues in parallel channels. Also, the FIR filters exhibit programmability to a selected standard by reconfiguring the hardware architecture. The total area is increased only by 24% to include WiMAX compared to a single mode WCDMA transceiver. In each mode, the unused parts of the overall architecture is powered down and bypassed to attain power saving. The performance of the proposed decimation filter in terms of critical path delay and area are tabulated.


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The recent trends envisage multi-standard architectures as a promising solution for the future wireless transceivers. The computationally intensive decimation filter plays an important role in channel selection for multi-mode systems. An efficient reconfigurable implementation is a key to achieve low power consumption. To this end, this paper presents a dual-mode Residue Number System (RNS) based decimation filter which can be programmed for WCDMA and 802.11a standards. Decimation is done using multistage, multirate finite impulse response (FIR) filters. These FIR filters implemented in RNS domain offers high speed because of its carry free operation on smaller residues in parallel channels. Also, the FIR filters exhibit programmability to a selected standard by reconfiguring the hardware architecture. The total area is increased only by 33% to include WLANa compared to a single mode WCDMA transceiver. In each mode, the unused parts of the overall architecture is powered down and bypassed to attain power saving. The performance of the proposed decimation filter in terms of critical path delay and area are tabulated


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The demand for new telecommunication services requiring higher capacities, data rates and different operating modes have motivated the development of new generation multi-standard wireless transceivers. A multi-standard design often involves extensive system level analysis and architectural partitioning, typically requiring extensive calculations. In this research, a decimation filter design tool for wireless communication standards consisting of GSM, WCDMA, WLANa, WLANb, WLANg and WiMAX is developed in MATLAB® using GUIDE environment for visual analysis. The user can select a required wireless communication standard, and obtain the corresponding multistage decimation filter implementation using this toolbox. The toolbox helps the user or design engineer to perform a quick design and analysis of decimation filter for multiple standards without doing extensive calculation of the underlying methods.


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Starve feeding of single screw extruder was described as an important means of improving the performance characteristics of the extruder. In addition to such improvement with versatility, the starve feeding technique also may affect the mechanical properties of the extrudate since the heat transfer an(l mixing characteristics in the starve fed and Hood fed extruders are not the same. Since the material is more loosely packed in the channels of the starve fed extruder, there may be greater bed mobility and uniformity. Further, the. thermal an(l shear induced degradation are also less since possibilities of developing local high temperatures are less compared to a densely compacted extruder bed. This study has been undertaken mainly to explore the effect of feeding rate on the mechanical properties of rubber and plastic extrudates since the effect of feeding rate has not been analysed from this angle so far.


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Prawn shell waste collected from shrimp-processing plants in Cochin, India, was subjected to fermentation using 20 chitinoclastic and proteolytic/non-proteolytic bacterial strains. The products generated were analysed for protein, lipid, total sugars, N-acetyl glucosamine, free amino acids and ash. Shrimp diets were prepared using these 20 fermented products and a control diet using raw prawn shell waste. Feeding experiment was conducted with postlarvae (PL21) of Indian white prawn, Fenneropenaeus indicus for a period of 21 days. Biogrowth parameters such as mean weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were estimated and the animals were challenged with white spot virus orally via diet. Enhanced growth could be observed in prawns fed F134 and F124, incorporated with the fermentation products generated using Bacillus spp., C134 and C124 respectively. The percentage survival of prawns after 7 days of challenge was found to be highest for groups fed diet F111 incorporated with fermentation product generated using Bacillus sp. These products of bacterial fermentation hold promise as growth enhancers and immunostimulants in aquaculture. KEY WORDS: biogrowth parameters, feed


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The paper presents a compact planar Ultra Wide Band ¯lter employing folded stepped impedance resonators with series capacitors and dumb bell shaped defected ground structures. An interdigital quarter wavelength coupled line is used for achieving the band pass characteristics. The transmission zeros are produced by stepped impedance resonators. The ¯lter has steep roll o® rate and good attenuation in its lower and upper stop bands, contributed by the series capacitor and defected ground structures respectively.