945 resultados para exclusion of shareholder proposals
This paper examines the main EU-level initiatives that have been put forward in the weeks following the attacks in Paris in January 2015, which will be discussed in the informal European Council meeting of 12 February 2015. It argues that a majority of these proposals predated the Paris shootings and had until that point proved contentious as regards their efficacy, legitimacy and lawfulness. The paper finds that EU counterterrorism responses raise two fundamental challenges: A first challenge is posed to the freedom of movement, Schengen and EU citizenship. Priority is being given to the expanded use of large-scale surveillance and systematic monitoring of all travellers including EU citizens, which stands in contravention of Schengen and the free movement principle. A second challenge concerns EU democratic rule of law. Current pressures calling for the adoption of measures such as the EU Passenger Name Record challenge the scrutiny roles held by the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU on counterterrorism measures in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting. The paper proposes that the EU adopts a new European Agenda on Security and Liberty based on an EU security (criminal justice-led) cooperation model that is firmly anchored in current EU legal principles and rule of law standards. This model would call for ‘less is more’ concerning the use, processing and retention of data by police and intelligence communities. Instead, it would pursue better and more accurate use of data meeting the quality standards of evidence in criminal judicial proceedings.
The European Commission’s Action Plan consists, in a nutshell, of a short list of technical proposals and a longer one of (rather general) potential actions. Overall, the plan indeed proposes to achieve some short-term objectives, such as a reduction of listing costs for SMEs, but it lacks long-term vision. The plan bundles actions under rather generic objectives of long-term finance or cross-border investing. Improving the informational infrastructure (e.g. accounting standards, company data) and cross-border enforcement of rules is left to vaguely defined future actions, but these constitute the core of the capital markets infrastructure. Without a well-defined set of measurable objectives, the whole plan may lose political momentum and become an opportunity for interested parties to cherry pick their pet provisions. Building a single market, i.e. removing cross-border obstacles to capital circulation, is too challenging a task to simply appear as one of many items on a long list of general objectives, which incidentally do not include institutional reform. The ultimate risk is that the Commission may just miss a unique opportunity to revamp and improve the financial integration process in Europe after almost a decade of harmful financial retrenchment.
Much has been made of the divide that opened up in 2015 between eastern and western member states as a result of acrimonious discussions on how to handle the refugee crisis and distribute asylum applicants across the EU. Against the prevailing political sentiment in certain member state capitals, Germany and France pushed through a plan devised by the European Commission to relocate 120,000 refugees, by a qualified majority vote in the Council. Rather than creating an east/west divide, however, the vote split the group of (relatively) new Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) of the EU into two factions: Romania, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan, whereas several other CEECs, namely Poland, Bulgaria and the Baltic states, joined the controversial motion on the side of the other (northern, southern and western) member states. Finland abstained. Few member states have shifted their positions in the meantime. If anything, in fact, they have coalesced among the Visegrad 4, following a change of government in Poland; and they have hardened, as a result of new proposals by the Commission to fine member states that refuse to accept refugees. With Hungary’s referendum on the Commission’s relocation scheme scheduled for October 2nd, tensions are set to intensify even further.
More than 50 discrete volcanic ash layers were recovered at the five drill sites of the Blake Nose depth transect (Leg 171B, western central Atlantic). The majority of these ash layers are intercalated with Eocene hemipelagic sediments with a pronounced frequency maximum in the upper Eocene. Several ash layers appear to be deposited from volcanic fallout with little or no indication of secondary remobilization. They provide excellent stratigraphic markers for a correlation of the Leg 171B drill sites. Other ash layers were probably redeposited from volcaniclastic-rich turbidity currents, but they still represent geologically instantaneous events that can be used in stratigraphic correlation between adjacent drill holes. Additional nonvolcanic marker beds, like the suspect late Eocene impact event layer, were included in our hole-to-hole correlations. Stratigraphic and downcore positions of marker beds were compiled and plotted against existing composite depth records that were constructed to guide high-resolution sampling. Comparison of our correlation with the spliced composite sections of each drill site reveals several minor and some major discrepancies. These may result from drilling distortion or missing sections, from the lack of unambiguous criteria for the synchronism of ash layers, or from the systematic exclusion of marker-bed data in the construction of the spliced record. Integration of both correlation approaches will help eliminate most of the observed discrepancies.
Acquisition made accessible thanks to a 2015-2017 grant from the Council on Libraries and Information Resources.
"A contribution to the history of bookbinding at Oxford down to the period of the civil war; it treats solely of bindings decorated with stamps and rolls to the exclusion of all gilt-tooled work."
Signatures: a-c⁸ d⁶.
El objetivo de esta monografía es el de analizar el modo en el que un manual didáctico para la enseñanza del español en el contexto educativo sueco de bachillerato aplica y desarrolla la competencia pragmática funcional en sus propuestas didácticas. Para la realización de dicho análisis usaremos como instrumento de medida, por una parte, las actividades de simulación, escenario y role-play que propone Sánchez Sarmiento (2005), y que se dirigen a la activación de la competencia pragmática de los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras y, por otra, los criterios de transacciones e interacciones de colaboración para el desarrollo de la competencia pragmática funcional que se recogen en el §.5 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación (MCER, 2002). La hipótesis de la que parte este estudio postula que el manual que analizamos (Caminando 5, Natur & Kultur, 2013), a pesar de estar compuesto de propuestas didácticas en las que se presentan el componente pragmático funcional, no enuncia de forma explícita el trabajo con ella, no conduce ni a su activación ni a su desarrollo, su frecuencia de aparición en el manual es irregular, y las actividades que forman parte de sus propuestas didácticas no proponen reflexiones metapragmáticas sobre los propios contenidos pragmáticos de la lengua. La investigación que hemos desarrollado confirma que, aunque en algunas propuestas didácticas del manual se proponen actividades que activan y desarrollan algunos de los criterios de transacción e interacción colaborativa del MCER (2002), su tratamiento resulta poco exhaustivo y su explicitación es escasa. Sin embargo, se puede constatar que el manual representa un acercamiento a los principios metodológicos de los enfoques comunicativos y que su explotación didáctica, aunque no de forma explícita, conduce, en parte, al trabajo con algunos de los criterios pragmáticos funcionales que se proponen en el MCER (2002).
Estuaries provide crucial ecosystem functions and contain significant socio-economic value. Within Washington State, estuaries supply rearing habitat for juvenile salmon during their transition period from freshwater to open sea. In order to properly manage wetland resources and restore salmon habitat, the mechanisms through which estuaries evolve and adapt to pressures from climate change, most notably eustatic sea level rise, must be understood. Estuaries maintain elevation relative to sea level rise through vertical accretion of sediment. This report investigates the processes that contribute to local surface elevation change in the Snohomish Estuary, conveys preliminary surface elevation change results from RTK GPS monitoring, and describes how surface elevation change will be monitored with a network of RSET-MH’s. Part of the tidal wetlands within the Snohomish River Estuary were converted for agricultural and industrial purposes in the 1800’s, which resulted in subsidence of organic soils and loss of habitat. The Tulalip Tribes, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are conducting a large-scale restoration project to improve ecosystem health and restore juvenile salmon habitat. A study by Crooks et al. (2014) used 210Pb and carbon densities within sediment cores to estimate wetland re-building capacities, sediment accretion rates, and carbon sequestration potential within the Snohomish Estuary. This report uses the aforementioned study in combination with research on crustal movement, tidal patterns, sediment supply, and sea level rise predictions in the Puget Sound to project how surface elevation will change in the Snohomish Estuary with respect to sea level rise. Anthropogenic modification of the floodplain has reduced the quantity of vegetation and functional connectivity within the Snohomish Estuary. There have been losses up to 99% in vegetation coverage from historic extents within the estuary in both freshwater and mesohaline environments. Hydrographic monitoring conducted by NOAA and the Tulalip Tribe shows that 85% of the historic wetland area is not connected to the main stem of the Snohomish (Jason Hall 2014, unpublished data, NOAA). As vegetation colonization and functional connectivity of the floodplains of the Snohomish estuary is re-established through passive and active restoration, sediment transport and accretion is expected to increase. Under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “medium- probability” scenario sea level is projected to rise at a rate of 4.28 mm/year in the Puget Sound. Sea level rise in the Snohomish Estuary will be exacerbated from crustal deformation from subsidence and post-glacial rebound, which are measured to be -1.4 mm/year and -0.02 mm/year, respectively. Sediment accretion rates calculated by Crooks et al. (2014) and RTK GPS monitoring of surface elevation change of the Marysville Mitigation site from 2011-2014 measured vertical accretion rates that range from -48-19 mm/year and have high spatial variability. Sediment supply is estimated at 490 thousand tons/year, which may be an under-estimate because of the exclusion of tidal transport in this value. The higher rates of sediment accretion measured in the Snohomish Estuary suggest that the Snohomish will likely match or exceed the pace of sea level rise under “medium-probability” projections. The network of RSET-MH instruments will track surface elevation change within the estuary, and provide a more robust dataset on rates of surface elevation change to quantify how vertical accretion and subsidence are contributing to surface elevation change on a landscape scale.
Background The prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), coronary artery disease, and subclinical cardiomyopathy in diabetic patients without known cardiac disease is unclear. We sought the frequency of these findings to determine whether plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) could be used as an alternative screening tool to identify subclinical LV dysfunction. Methods Asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus without known cardiac disease (n = 10 1) underwent clinical evaluation, measurement of BNP, exercise stress testing, and detailed echocardiographic assessment. After exclusion of overt dysfunction or ischemia, subclinical myocardial function was sought on the basis of myocardial systolic (Sm) and diastolic velocity (Em). Association was. sought between subclinical dysfunction and clinical, biochemical, exercise, and echocardiographic variables. Results Of 101 patients, 22 had LVH and 16 had ischemia evidenced by exercise-induced wall motion abnormalities. Only 4 patients had abnormal BNP levels; BNP was significantly increased in patients with LVH. After exclusion of LVH and coronary artery disease, subclinical cardiomyopathy was identified in 24 of 66 patients: Subclinical disease could not be predicted by BNP. Conclusions Even after exclusion of asymptomatic ischemia and hypertrophy, subclinical systolic and diastolic dysfunction occurs in a significant number of patients with type 2 diabetes. However, screening approaches, including BNP, do not appear to be sufficiently sensitive to identify subclinical dysfunction, which requires sophisticated echocardiographic analysis.
The dynamic lateral segregation of signaling proteins into microdomains is proposed to facilitate signal transduction, but the constraints on microdomain size, mobility, and diffusion that might realize this function are undefined. Here we interrogate a stochastic spatial model of the plasma membrane to determine how microdomains affect protein dynamics. Taking lipid rafts as representative microdomains, we show that reduced protein mobility in rafts segregates dynamically partitioning proteins, but the equilibrium concentration is largely independent of raft size and mobility. Rafts weakly impede small-scale protein diffusion but more strongly impede long-range protein mobility. The long-range mobility of raft-partitioning and raft-excluded proteins, however, is reduced to a similar extent. Dynamic partitioning into rafts increases specific interprotein collision rates, but to maximize this critical, biologically relevant function, rafts must be small (diameter, 6 to 14 nm) and mobile. Intermolecular collisions can also be favored by the selective capture and exclusion of proteins by rafts, although this mechanism is generally less efficient than simple dynamic partitioning. Generalizing these results, we conclude that microdomains can readily operate as protein concentrators or isolators but there appear to be significant constraints on size and mobility if microdomains are also required to function as reaction chambers that facilitate nanoscale protein-protein interactions. These results may have significant implications for the many signaling cascades that are scaffolded or assembled in plasma membrane microdomains.
With rapid advances in video processing technologies and ever fast increments in network bandwidth, the popularity of video content publishing and sharing has made similarity search an indispensable operation to retrieve videos of user interests. The video similarity is usually measured by the percentage of similar frames shared by two video sequences, and each frame is typically represented as a high-dimensional feature vector. Unfortunately, high complexity of video content has posed the following major challenges for fast retrieval: (a) effective and compact video representations, (b) efficient similarity measurements, and (c) efficient indexing on the compact representations. In this paper, we propose a number of methods to achieve fast similarity search for very large video database. First, each video sequence is summarized into a small number of clusters, each of which contains similar frames and is represented by a novel compact model called Video Triplet (ViTri). ViTri models a cluster as a tightly bounded hypersphere described by its position, radius, and density. The ViTri similarity is measured by the volume of intersection between two hyperspheres multiplying the minimal density, i.e., the estimated number of similar frames shared by two clusters. The total number of similar frames is then estimated to derive the overall similarity between two video sequences. Hence the time complexity of video similarity measure can be reduced greatly. To further reduce the number of similarity computations on ViTris, we introduce a new one dimensional transformation technique which rotates and shifts the original axis system using PCA in such a way that the original inter-distance between two high-dimensional vectors can be maximally retained after mapping. An efficient B+-tree is then built on the transformed one dimensional values of ViTris' positions. Such a transformation enables B+-tree to achieve its optimal performance by quickly filtering a large portion of non-similar ViTris. Our extensive experiments on real large video datasets prove the effectiveness of our proposals that outperform existing methods significantly.
Takeovers undertaken in Australia are highly regulated transactions. Once shareholders in the target accept an offer they have a limited opportunity, if any at all, to reconsider or revoke their acceptance in the light of new circumstances. Arguably, this explains target shareholders reluctance to accept an offer made for their shares under a takeover. The problem of shareholder inertia in takeovers has been identified by bidders, who have sought to induce bid acceptance through the use of innovative mechanisms. The efficacy of the Acceptance Facility mechanism was recently revisited in the Panel decision in Patrick Corporation Ltd’s takeover by Toll Holdings Ltd.
Esta dissertação propõe uma interface entre duas áreas de conhecimento, a educação e a teologia, a partir de um novo paradigma educacional: a inclusão. Tomamos a perspectiva das pessoas com deficiência e perguntamos pela contribuição da educação inclusiva para os discursos teológicos, bem como dos discursos teológicos para a inclusão social e educacional das pessoas com deficiência. A antropologia dará a nuance desta interface, posto que, historicamente, este tema esteve envolto em antropologias religiosas dicotômicas e excludentes. propomos, portanto, a superação dos paradigmas exclusivamente cartesianos que marcam a sociedade contemporânea, sociedade esta acostumada a classificar as pessoas, hierarquizando as suas diferenças. Nestes termos, a sociologia das ausências nos auxilia na compreensão dos mecanismos de segregação e exclusão das pessoas com deficiência (tanto na educação quanto na teologia) e aponta para a necessária valorização das experiências sociais das pessoas com deficiência - respeitando a diversidade e valorizando a diferença. O movimento se dá, portanto, no sentido da visibilidade das pessoas com deficiência nos discursos teológicos, bem como nos espaços eclesiais (dada à dimensão dialética desta rela-ção). Entendemos que este é um movimento inadiável, já iniciado por alguns teólogos, quando os mesmos falam do necessário reconhecimento recíproco, da digna vulnerabilidade humana e do desafio ético que a inclusão nos coloca no sentido do reconhecimento da interdependência e da necessária operacionalização da solidariedade nos espaços sociais (acessibilidade). Todavia, estas categorias são como frestas entreabertas na porta teológica, pois, em sua maioria, nem os discursos teológicos e nem os espaços eclesiais ainda não dão visibilidade às pessoas com deficiência.
Os ideais de liberdade exigiram do povo negro diferenciadas práticas para romper com o sistema escravista. Eram as rebeliões em navios, os atos de infanticídio, os justiçamentos dos feitores, as revoltas, além de participações em movimentos libertários e formações de quilombos. Dentre estas formas de organização, o quilombo foi fenômeno essencial nos mais de 300 anos de escravismo no Brasil. Em cada região existiam quilombos, pois para a população negra, cativa ou não, esse era o melhor meio de alcançar a liberdade, um meio coletivo para enfrentar o sistema. O Quilombo do Urubu representou a insistência em garantir a condição humana que o regime escravista negava, sobretudo às mulheres, aos homens e às crianças negras. Essa era uma força que saía de suas entranhas como grito de liberdade, configurada nas fugas em busca de um lugar que lhes assegurasse aproximação de uma vida digna e que pudessem orgulhar-sedo seu porte físico e da sua cultura. Todo esse desprendimento, além de uma força física, exigia um completo conhecimento histórico e espiritual, resguardado pela religiosidade que fortalecia seus espíritos para lutar contra toda negação de humanidade do século XIX no subúrbio da capital baiana. A líder Zeferina, inconformada com a exclusão social de seu povo negro, e entusiasmada pelo poder de herança de ancestralidade, pelo conhecimento de raiz da cultura matrilinear angolana, pelo profundo conhecimento histórico de resistência da rainha Nzinga Mbandi e pela tradição de quilombolas e guerreiras, viveu e lutou pelo sonho de liberdade. Hoje, a chama desse poder é mantida acesa na caminhada de celebração do 20 de novembro pela comunidade de Pirajá e arredores, enquanto referencial de resistência negra na luta contra as exclusões sociais vigentes.(AU)