934 resultados para evening courses
L'utilisation de l'Internet comme medium pour faire ses courses et achats a vu une croissance exponentielle. Cependant, 99% des nouveaux business en ligne échouent. La plupart des acheteurs en ligne ne reviennent pas pour un ré-achat et 60% abandonnent leur chariot avant de conclure l'achat. En effet, après le premier achat, la rétention du consommateur en ligne devient critique au succès du vendeur de commerce électronique. Retenir des consommateurs peut sauver des coûts, accroître les profits, et permet de gagner un avantage compétitif.Les recherches précédentes ont identifié la loyauté comme étant le facteur le plus important dans la rétention du consommateur, et l'engagement ("commitment") comme étant un des facteurs les plus importants en marketing relationnel, offrant une réflexion sur la loyauté. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver d'étude en commerce électronique examinant l'impact de la loyauté en ligne et de l'engagement en ligne ("online commitment") sur le ré-achat en ligne. Un des avantages de l'achat en ligne c'est la capacité à chercher le meilleur prix avec un clic. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver de recherche empirique en commerce électronique qui examinait l'impact de la perception post-achat du prix sur le ré-achat en ligne.L'objectif de cette recherche est de développer un modèle théorique visant à comprendre le ré-achat en ligne, ou la continuité d'achat ("purchase continuance") du même magasin en ligne.Notre modèle de recherche a été testé dans un contexte de commerce électronique réel, sur un échantillon total de 1,866 vrais acheteurs d'un même magasin en ligne. L'étude est centrée sur le ré-achat. Par conséquent, les répondants sélectionnés aléatoirement devaient avoir acheté au moins une fois de ce magasin en ligne avant le début de l'enquête. Cinq mois plus tard, nous avons suivi les répondants pour voir s'ils étaient effectivement revenus pour un ré-achat.Notre analyse démontre que l'intention de ré-achat en ligne n'a pas d'impact significatif sur le ré-achat en ligne. La perception post-achat du prix en ligne ("post-purchase Price perception") et l'engagement normatif en ligne ("Normative Commitment") n'ont pas d'impact significatif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. L'engagement affectif en ligne ("Affective Commitment"), l'attitude loyale en ligne ("Attitudinal Loyalty"), le comportement loyal en ligne ("Behavioral Loyalty"), l'engagement calculé en ligne ("Calculative Commitment") ont un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. De plus, l'attitude loyale en ligne a un effet de médiation partielle entre l'engagement affectif en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. Le comportement loyal en ligne a un effet de mediation partielle entre l'attitude loyale en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne.Nous avons réalisé deux analyses complémentaires : 1) Sur un échantillon de premiers acheteurs, nous trouvons que la perception post-achat du prix en ligne a un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. 2) Nous avons divisé l'échantillon de l'étude principale entre des acheteurs répétitifs Suisse-Romands et Suisse-Allemands. Les résultats démontrent que les Suisse-Romands montrent plus d'émotions durant l'achat en ligne que les Suisse-Allemands. Nos résultats contribuent à la recherche académique mais aussi aux praticiens de l'industrie e-commerce.AbstractThe use of the Internet as a shopping and purchasing medium has seen exceptional growth. However, 99% of new online businesses fail. Most online buyers do not comeback for a repurchase, and 60% abandon their shopping cart before checkout. Indeed, after the first purchase, online consumer retention becomes critical to the success of the e-commerce vendor. Retaining existing customers can save costs, increase profits, and is a means of gaining competitive advantage.Past research identified loyalty as the most important factor in achieving customer retention, and commitment as one of the most important factors in relationship marketing, providing a good description of what type of thinking leads to loyalty. Yet, we could not find an e-commerce study investing the impact of both online loyalty and online commitment on online repurchase. One of the advantages of online shopping is the ability of browsing for the best price with one click. Yet, we could not find an e- commerce empirical research investigating the impact of post-purchase price perception on online repurchase.The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical model aimed at understanding online repurchase, or purchase continuance from the same online store.Our model was tested in a real e-commerce context with an overall sample of 1, 866 real online buyers from the same online store.The study focuses on repurchase. Therefore, randomly selected respondents had purchased from the online store at least once prior to the survey. Five months later, we tracked respondents to see if they actually came back for a repurchase.Our findings show that online Intention to repurchase has a non-significant impact on online Repurchase. Online post-purchase Price perception and online Normative Commitment have a non-significant impact on online Intention to repurchase, whereas online Affective Commitment, online Attitudinal Loyalty, online Behavioral Loyalty, and online Calculative Commitment have a positive impact on online Intention to repurchase. Furthermore, online Attitudinal Loyalty partially mediates between online Affective Commitment and online Intention to repurchase, and online Behavioral Loyalty partially mediates between online Attitudinal Loyalty and online Intention to repurchase.We conducted two follow up analyses: 1) On a sample of first time buyers, we find that online post-purchase Price perception has a positive impact on Intention. 2) We divided the main study's sample into Swiss-French and Swiss-German repeated buyers. Results show that Swiss-French show more emotions when shopping online than Swiss- Germans. Our findings contribute to academic research but also to practice.
Les sports équestres sont en plein développement en France où l'on compte plus d'un million de chevaux. Le nombre de cavaliers pratiquant en club ou chez eux est estimé à 600 000 et l'on dénombre plus de 68 000 emplois en France dans tous les domaines : agriculture, environnement, courses, loisirs, sports (www.haras-nationaux.fr). On trouve également dans les métiers du cheval les vétérinaires spécialisés ainsi que les maréchaux-ferrants. De plus, la France est un pays reconnu pour son activité d'élevage avec une production de chevaux de concours de très grande qualité.Récemment, plusieurs études relatant les expositions professionnelles à la poussière des écuries ont paru dans les journaux scientifiques. Les résultats montrent que la poussière issue des écuries contient, entre autres, des concentrations relativement élevées d'endotoxines (1) et de ?(1-3)-glucan (2) pouvant avoir des conséquences sur la santé respiratoire des travailleurs. En effet, des études précédentes ont montré que le fait de travailler ou de côtoyer des chevaux était associé avec une augmentation des risques de problèmes des voies respiratoires supérieures tels que des irritations du nez, de la toux (sèche et productive), de l'asthme, des bronchites chroniques et des épisodes d'" organic dust toxic syndrome (3) " (Gallagher et al., 2007 ; Mazan et al., 2009). [Auteure]
Good food habits set early in childhood can last a lifetime. Lunches provide around one third of our daily nutritional needs, so it’s important to put some thought and planning into them. Here are some tips on how to prepare a healthy lunchbox. Sevensteps to creatinghealthy, varied and interestinglunchboxes Include a wide variety of foods - starchy foods, protein, dairy, and fruit and vegetables Try to offer different foods every day - no one wants to be eating a ham sandwich five days a week! Vary the types of bread e.g. pitta bread, bagels, wholemeal rolls - - keep a stock in the freezer Cook extra rice/pasta in the evening - these can make interesting salads Theme your lunchbox on a different country, e.g. Italian - try a pasta salad, Mexican fill flour tortillas Home-made soup (in a Thermos flask) is great for cold days, while salads are light and refreshing for warmer weather. Both are packed with essential vitamins and minerals Fluids are important for children - up to 6 cups of fluid should be encouraged daily. Milk and water are the best options. Straws and brightly coloured drinks bottles can make rehydrating more interesting!
Health inequalities according to people's social standing are persisting, or even growing, in modern societies. Recent decades have revealed evidence of strong variations in life expectancy, both between countries and within them. This widening of social inequalities has developed despite considerable progress in medical science and an increase in health care spending. The reasons behind this are complex, and the implications considerable. Â This book provides a summary of the major achievements of a five-year European Science Foundation (ESF) Programme on 'Social Variations in Health Expectancy in Europe'. The contributors are major figures in their subjects, and combine state of the art reviews with the latest results from interdisciplinary research in epidemiology, sociology, psychology and biomedicine. Â Three conceptual frameworks of life course influences, health effects of stressful environments, and macro social determinants of health, are unified, while each chapter addresses the policy implications and recommendations derived from currently available evidence. The major topics covered include the role of family in early life, social integration and health, work stress and job security, successful ways of facing adversity, and the impact of the larger environment on health. Epidemiologists, public health research and policy makers, and students of related public health and sociology courses wlll find the results of this research fascinating.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The latest results from the study paint a picture of how these families are faring across a range of areas in their lives including their health, family life and financial and economic circumstances. In general the findings show that three-year-olds in Ireland are in good health with a few notable public health and related issues (including overweight and obesity), there is overall stability in family structures over the short term and that the recession has had a substantial effect on families with young children over the last number of years. These are the first longitudinal findings from the study. The first wave of fieldwork with the families of the Infant Cohort included approximately 11,100 nine-month-olds, their parents and carers. Interviews began in September 2008 and were completed in March 2009. Interviews for the second round of interviews with this cohort took place between January and August 2011. A total of 90% of the original sample of nine-month-olds were successfully re-interviewed. (A full download of the results released today, presented in three briefing documents can be found by clicking here. Key findings include: Health â?¢ Most of the children were described as being in good health; 75% were rated as very healthy and a further 23% were rated as healthy, but a few minor problems. Girls were more likely to be reported as very healthy (78%) compared with boys (72%). â?¢ One in four or almost one quarter of three-year-old children were overweight (19%) or obese (6%). â?¢ Childrenâ?Ts weight was related to household social class. 5% of children in families in the professional/managerial group were classified as obese at three years of age compared with 9% of those in the most disadvantaged social class group. However, at least one-fifth of children in every social class were overweight. â?¢ Childrens consumption of energy-dense foods such as crisps, sweets, chips, and non-diet fizzy drinks increased as parental education fell. 63% of children whose mother had a lower secondary education or less ate at least one portion of crisps compared with 36% of those from degree-level backgrounds, although consumption of biscuits/chocolates was over 70% for both groups of children. â?¢ Two-thirds (66%) of three-year-olds had received at least one course of antibiotics in the 12 months preceding the interview. Children with a full medical card (35% of the sample) or a GP-only medical card (5% of the sample) were more likely to have received a course of antibiotics than â?¢ Children with a full medical card received a higher number of antibiotic courses on average (2.6) compared with those without a medical card (2.1). â?¢ Just under 16% of three-year-old children were reported as having at least one longstanding illness, condition or disability. The most commonly reported illness types included Asthma (5.8%), Eczema/Skin allergies (3.9%) and Food/digestive allergies (1.2%) Family Life and Childcare â?¢ While the overall distribution of family structure was stable, there have been transitions from one-parent families to two-parent families and vice-versa over the 27 months between interview â?" approximately 2 to 3 percent in each direction. â?¢ 50% of three year olds were in some form of non-parental childcare for eight or more hours a week. The most common form used was centre-based childcare which almost tripled between nine months and three years, from 11% to 30%. â?¢ A similar percentage of grandparents were caring for children at both nine months and three years, 12% and 11% respectively. A total of 10% of three-year-olds were being minded by a childminder, an increase of 3 percentage points from when the children were nine months of age. â?¢ Children who were in some form of non-parental childcare were spending an average of 23 hours a week in their main type of childcare. â?¢ At time of interview the vast majority of mothers reported that they had regular contact with the Study Childâ?Ts grandparents (91%). In offering support to parents, grandparents were most likely to babysit (50%), and buy clothes (40%) at least on a monthly basis. One-parent families were more likely than two-parent families to receive financial support from grandparents with just under one-third (66%) of one-parent families receiving financial support from grandparents at least once every three months. â?¢ The most frequently used discipline technique was â?~discussing or explaining why the behaviour was wrongâ?T, with 63% of mothers saying they always did this. â?¢ 12% of mothers said they used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline now and again and less than 1% used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline more frequently. Over half reported that they never smacked the Study Child. Financial and Economic Circumstances â?¢ Just over half (53%) of mothers of three-year-olds worked outside the home, 38% said they were on home duties and 6% said they were unemployed. â?¢ The biggest change in terms of the work status of three-year-oldsâ?T parents was an increase in the percentage of unemployed fathers â?" 6% when the child was nine months rising to almost 14% when s/he was three years of age. â?¢ 61% of families of three-year-olds reported experiencing difficulties in making â?~ends meetâ?T. This was a substantial increase from 44% in the first round of interviews when the children were nine-months-old. â?¢ Almost two thirds (63%) of all families with three-year-olds reported that the recession had had a very significant or significant effect on them. â?¢ The most frequently recorded effects were: a reduction in wages (63%); canâ?Tt afford luxuries (54%), social welfare reduction (53%) and canâ?Tt afford/cut back on basics (32%). Growing Up in Ireland is a Government funded study tracking the development of two nationally representative cohorts of children: an Infant Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine months and subsequently at three years of age; and a Child Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine years and subsequently at 13 years of age. The study is being conducted by a consortium of researchers led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin. For Further Information Please Contact: Jillian Heffernan Communications Officer, Growing Up in Ireland Tel: 01 896 3378 Mobile: 087 9016880This resource was contributed to our repository by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Food and Health Project offers practical healthy eating and lifestyle courses to groups cooking on a lower income. Courses offered include: C/O Athlone Community Taskforce Ball Alley Lane Athlone Westmeath HSE and community group Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Longford Westmeath Funding HSE and community group Partner Agencies HSE
Provision of community based Healthy Food Made Easy, Cool Dude and related courses. Based at Birchgrove Community Centre, Birchgrove, Portlaoise. HSE Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Laois Offaly Funding HSE Partner Agencies HSE Health Promotion
El projecte en qüestió té com a finalitat la creació d'una aplicació web que ofereixi a una escola de dansa un entorn senzill per a la gestió de les dades dels seus alumnes, professors i cursos.
The catering section, at present, offers the following: The Resource Centre accommodates classes in Healthy Eating. In the near future we hope to offer Cookery Classes in Healthy Eating, and low income meals: teaching adults and children the importance of a healthy-balanced diet which is within a low income budget; showing them how to cook these meals; supervising groups while they cook a selection of dishes which incorporate the low cost, balanced diet Initiative Type Community Food Centres Meals on Wheels Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 10
To better assess biomonitoring data in workers exposed to captan and folpet, the kinetics of ring metabolites [tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI), phthalimide (PI) and phthalic acid] were determined in urine and plasma of dermally exposed volunteers. A 10 mg kg(-1) dose of each fungicide was applied on 80 cm(2) of the forearm and left without occlusion or washing for 24 h. Blood samples were withdrawn at fixed time periods over the 72 h following application and complete urine voids were collected over 96 h post-dosing, for metabolite analysis. In the hours following treatment, a progressive increase in plasma levels of THPI and PI was observed, with peak levels being reached at 24 h for THPI and 10 h for PI. The ensuing elimination phase appeared monophasic with a mean elimination half-life (t(½) ) of 24.7 and 29.7 h for THPI and PI, respectively. In urine, time courses PI and phthalic acid excretion rate rapidly evolved in parallel, and a mean elimination t(½) of 28.8 and 29.6 h, respectively, was calculated from these curves. THPI was eliminated slightly faster, with a mean t(½) of 18.7 h. Over the 96 h period post-application, metabolites were almost completely excreted, and on average 0.02% of captan dose was recovered in urine as THPI while 1.8% of the folpet dose was excreted as phthalic acid and 0.002% as PI, suggesting a low dermal absorption fraction for both fungicides. This study showed the potential use of THPI, PI and phthalic acid as key biomarkers of exposure to captan and folpet.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis lives in the cecal and mesenteric arteries of its vertebrate hosts, and causes an inflammatory disease in humans. To investigate unknown aspects of the abdominal angiostrogyliasis pathogenesis, infected Sigmodon hispidus were sequentially studied in different times of infection. The study revealed that L3 goes alternatively through two migratory courses during its development into an adult worm: lymphatic/venous-arterial and venous portal pathways. The former is considered the principal one, because it is used by most of the larvae. Like other metastrongylides, A. costaricensis passes over the pulmonary circulation to migrate from the lymphatic system to the arterial circulation, where they circulate during some days before reaching their definitive habitat. The oviposition by mature females began on 15th day. Eggs and L1 were detected mainly in the intestine and stomach, surrounded by inflammatory reaction constituted by macrophages, monocytes, and eosinophils. They were also spread to the lungs, mesenteric lymph nodes, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys. The larvae (L1) exhibited the centripetal capacity to invade the lymphatic and venous vessels of the intestine and mesentery. Adult worms that developed in the venous intrahepatic pathway migrated downstream to reach the mesenteric veins and laid eggs that embolized in the portal hepatic vessels.
Aquest TFC es basa en el desenvolupament d'un sistema informàtic que permeti fer cerques de persones dins una organització del tipus d'un institut de formació professional, en el qual s'imparteixin cicles formatius de grau mitjà i de grau superior, i batxillerat. La informació estarà desada en documents que incorporaran dades sobre els alumnes, els cursos i la relació que hi ha entre aquests alumnes i diferents organitzacions (per exemple, empreses on fan les seves pràctiques).
En els estudis d'enginyeria superior d'informàtica fets s'estudien els aspectes tècnics i metodològics de gestió de projectes informàtics. Ara bé, s'aborda breument un dels factors més importants i més determinants dels projectes: el factor humà. Aquest projecte complementa els coneixements sobre la gestió de projectes mitjançant un estudi sobre com el vessant humà afecta el desenvolupament d'un projecte informàtic. El projecte serveix de manual per a conèixer el funcionament d'un equip de projecte informàtic i de guia per a poder dirigir un equip d'aquestes característiques. Aquest treball permet saber per què pot funcionar un equip de projecte informàtic, quins factors individuals i de grup hi ha, quins són els seus participants i quines són les seves funcions, com s'organitzen, els problemes que hi poden aparèixer, i consells i estratègies per a aconseguir un equip eficient. Alhora, el projecte es complementa amb una sèrie d'experiències de persones que desenvolupen o han desenvolupat diferents rols dins equips de diferents projectes informàtics, que ajuden a entendre i identificar l'objectiu estudiat.
1. Interpretation. The purpose of this provision is set out some commonly used terms to be used in the Bill. 2. Establishment day. The purpose of this provision is to require the Minister to specify a day as the establishment day for the purposes of the Bill. This will be the day on which the new authority, to be known as SOLAS, will come into existence. 3. Establishment of SOLAS. The purpose of this head is to provide for the formal establishment of SOLAS and to define its status as a corporate body with the usual consequent powers. 4. Functions of SOLAS. The purpose of this head is to set down the statutory functions of the new further education and training authority. SOLAS is to have overall strategic responsibility for the provision of further education and training in the country. It will be responsible for deciding what further education and training programmes are provided. A core part of its role will be to ensure the referral of jobseekers to appropriate courses which may be delivered by VECs or by other, including private, providers. It will provide the funding stream to VECS and those other bodies for the provision of this training.
This Committee was established on 20 September 1966 to advise the Minister for Education generally on technical education in Ireland and, in particular, to provide the Department of Education Building Consortium with a brief for the technical colleges. This report from the Committee addresses the following aspects: the need/demand for technicians and skilled personnel; the role of the regional technical colleges; analysis of courses and student population; recruitment and training of teachers; organisation structure; accommodation needs (in the colleges, and residential requirements); growth and flexibility; and cost and time. Recommendations are made in relation to: the building program; the establishment of a Building Project Unit to be accountable for all school and college building work for the Department of Education; the establishment of Regional Education Councils with accountability for all education in each of the regions; and the establishment of a National Council for Educational Awards.