993 resultados para estatuto lexical


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Here we adopt a novel strategy to investigate phonological assembly. Participants performed a visual lexical decision task in English in which the letters in words and letterstrings were delivered either sequentially (promoting phonological assembly) or simultaneously (not promoting phonological assembly). A region of interest analysis confirmed that regions previously associated with phonological assembly, in studies contrasting different word types (e.g. words versus pseudowords), were also identified using our novel task that controls for a number of confounding variables. Specifically, the left pars opercularis, the superior part of the ventral precentral gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus were all recruited more during sequential delivery than simultaneous delivery, even when various psycholinguistic characteristics of the stimuli were controlled. This suggests that sequential delivery of orthographic stimuli is a useful tool to explore how readers, with various levels of proficiency, use sublexical phonological processing during visual word recognition.


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Biomedical research is currently facing a new type of challenge: an excess of information, both in terms of raw data from experiments and in the number of scientific publications describing their results. Mirroring the focus on data mining techniques to address the issues of structured data, there has recently been great interest in the development and application of text mining techniques to make more effective use of the knowledge contained in biomedical scientific publications, accessible only in the form of natural human language. This thesis describes research done in the broader scope of projects aiming to develop methods, tools and techniques for text mining tasks in general and for the biomedical domain in particular. The work described here involves more specifically the goal of extracting information from statements concerning relations of biomedical entities, such as protein-protein interactions. The approach taken is one using full parsing—syntactic analysis of the entire structure of sentences—and machine learning, aiming to develop reliable methods that can further be generalized to apply also to other domains. The five papers at the core of this thesis describe research on a number of distinct but related topics in text mining. In the first of these studies, we assessed the applicability of two popular general English parsers to biomedical text mining and, finding their performance limited, identified several specific challenges to accurate parsing of domain text. In a follow-up study focusing on parsing issues related to specialized domain terminology, we evaluated three lexical adaptation methods. We found that the accurate resolution of unknown words can considerably improve parsing performance and introduced a domain-adapted parser that reduced the error rate of theoriginal by 10% while also roughly halving parsing time. To establish the relative merits of parsers that differ in the applied formalisms and the representation given to their syntactic analyses, we have also developed evaluation methodology, considering different approaches to establishing comparable dependency-based evaluation results. We introduced a methodology for creating highly accurate conversions between different parse representations, demonstrating the feasibility of unification of idiverse syntactic schemes under a shared, application-oriented representation. In addition to allowing formalism-neutral evaluation, we argue that such unification can also increase the value of parsers for domain text mining. As a further step in this direction, we analysed the characteristics of publicly available biomedical corpora annotated for protein-protein interactions and created tools for converting them into a shared form, thus contributing also to the unification of text mining resources. The introduced unified corpora allowed us to perform a task-oriented comparative evaluation of biomedical text mining corpora. This evaluation established clear limits on the comparability of results for text mining methods evaluated on different resources, prompting further efforts toward standardization. To support this and other research, we have also designed and annotated BioInfer, the first domain corpus of its size combining annotation of syntax and biomedical entities with a detailed annotation of their relationships. The corpus represents a major design and development effort of the research group, with manual annotation that identifies over 6000 entities, 2500 relationships and 28,000 syntactic dependencies in 1100 sentences. In addition to combining these key annotations for a single set of sentences, BioInfer was also the first domain resource to introduce a representation of entity relations that is supported by ontologies and able to capture complex, structured relationships. Part I of this thesis presents a summary of this research in the broader context of a text mining system, and Part II contains reprints of the five included publications.


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This paper gives a full description of the phonetics and phonology of Traditional Cockney and Popular London speech, treating these varieties as constituting a continuum rather than two separate dialects. Exemplification of the vowels, diphthongs and consonants is provided, both in isolate words and in connected speech, along with their range of variation. The frequencies of the vowels have been charted on the basis of the pronunciation of three elderly male speakers. Regarding the consonants, there are detailed observations on the features typically associated with the linguistic varieties examined: strong aspiration of unvoiced plosives, glottalization, H-dropping, L-vocalization and TH-fronting. A section on prosody provides coverage of lexical stress, rhythm and intonation. The paper takes into account up-to-date research on these phenomena, but does not deal with the most recent vowel shifts, some of which form part of Multi-cultural London English.


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Objective To construct a Portuguese language index of information on the practice of diagnostic radiology in order to improve the standardization of the medical language and terminology. Materials and Methods A total of 61,461 definitive reports were collected from the database of the Radiology Information System at Hospital das Clínicas – Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (RIS/HCFMRP) as follows: 30,000 chest x-ray reports; 27,000 mammography reports; and 4,461 thyroid ultrasonography reports. The text mining technique was applied for the selection of terms, and the ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 standard was utilized to construct the index based on a thesaurus structure. The system was created in *html. Results The text mining resulted in a set of 358,236 (n = 100%) words. Out of this total, 76,347 (n = 21%) terms were selected to form the index. Such terms refer to anatomical pathology description, imaging techniques, equipment, type of study and some other composite terms. The index system was developed with 78,538 *html web pages. Conclusion The utilization of text mining on a radiological reports database has allowed the construction of a lexical system in Portuguese language consistent with the clinical practice in Radiology.


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The role of grammatical class in lexical access and representation is still not well understood. Grammatical effects obtained in picture-word interference experiments have been argued to show the operation of grammatical constraints during lexicalization when syntactic integration is required by the task. Alternative views hold that the ostensibly grammatical effects actually derive from the coincidence of semantic and grammatical differences between lexical candidates. We present three picture-word interference experiments conducted in Spanish. In the first two, the semantic relatedness (related or unrelated) and the grammatical class (nouns or verbs) of the target and the distracter were manipulated in an infinitive form action naming task in order to disentangle their contributions to verb lexical access. In the third experiment, a possible confound between grammatical class and semantic domain (objects or actions) was eliminated by using action-nouns as distracters. A condition in which participants were asked to name the action pictures using an inflected form of the verb was also included to explore whether the need of syntactic integration modulated the appearance of grammatical effects. Whereas action-words (nouns or verbs), but not object-nouns, produced longer reaction times irrespective of their grammatical class in the infinitive condition, only verbs slowed latencies in the inflected form condition. Our results suggest that speech production relies on the exclusion of candidate responses that do not fulfil task-pertinent criteria like membership in the appropriate semantic domain or grammatical class. Taken together, these findings are explained by a response-exclusion account of speech output. This and alternative hypotheses are discussed.


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Performance-based studies on the psychological nature of linguistic competence can conceal significant differences in the brain processes that underlie native versus nonnative knowledge of language. Here we report results from the brain activity of very proficient early bilinguals making a lexical decision task that illustrates this point. Two groups of SpanishCatalan early bilinguals (Spanish-dominant and Catalan-dominant) were asked to decide whether a given form was a Catalan word or not. The nonwords were based on real words, with one vowel changed. In the experimental stimuli, the vowel change involved a Catalan-specific contrast that previous research had shown to be difficult for Spanish natives to perceive. In the control stimuli, the vowel switch involved contrasts common to Spanish and Catalan. The results indicated that the groups of bilinguals did not differ in their behavioral and event-related brain potential measurements for the control stimuli; both groups made very few errors and showed a larger N400 component for control nonwords than for control words. However, significant differences were observed for the experimental stimuli across groups: Specifically, Spanish-dominant bilinguals showed great difficulty in rejecting experimental nonwords. Indeed, these participants not only showed very high error rates for these stimuli, but also did not show an error-related negativity effect in their erroneous nonword decisions. However, both groups of bilinguals showed a larger correctrelated negativity when making correct decisions about the experimental nonwords. The results suggest that although some aspects of a second language system may show a remarkable lack of plasticity (like the acquisition of some foreign contrasts), first-language representations seem to be more dynamic in their capacity of adapting and incorporating new information. &


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The ERP repetition priming paradigm has been shown to be sensitive to the processing differences between regular and irregular verb forms in English and German. The purpose of the present study is to extend this research to a language with a different inflectional system, Spanish. The design (delayed visual repetition priming) was adopted from our previous study on English, and the specific linguistic phenomena we examined are priming relations between different kinds of stem (or root) forms. There were two experimental conditions: In the first condition, the prime and the target shared the same stem form, e.g., "ando-andar" [I walk-to walk], whereas in the second condition, the prime contained a marked (alternated) stem, e.g., "duermo-dormir" [I sleep-to sleep]. A reduced N400 was found for unmarked (nonalternated) stems in the primed condition, whereas marked stems showed no such effect. Moreover, control conditions demonstrated that the surface form properties (i.e., the different degree of phonetic and orthographic overlap between primes and targets) do not explain the observed priming difference. The ERP priming effect for verb forms with unmarked stems in Spanish is parallel to that found for regularly inflected verb forms in English and German. We argue that effective priming is possible because prime target pairs such as "ando-andar" access the same lexical entry for their stems. By contrast, verb forms with alternated stems (e.g., "duermo") constitute separate lexical entries, and are therefore less powerful primes for their corresponding base forms.


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This paper studies the initial development of certain language components. More precisely, we analyse the relation between three aspects that are closely involved in the grammar of the verb: morphological productivity, syntactic complexity, and verb vocabulary learning. The study is based on data about the relationship between lexical development and grammatical development, and also on proposals that a critical mass of vocabulary is needed in order to develop a grammatical component. The sample comprised six subjects who are monolingual or bilingual in Catalan andlor Spanish. Results show a morphological spurt some time afer the learning of a certain quantity of verbs. Moreover, syntactic complexity is only evident some months after this morphological spurt


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El presente trabajo se centra en estudiar la relación que existe entre el desarrollo de léxico y el de la morfosintaxis. Concretamente pretendemos explorar el tipo de vocabulario que mejor predice el desarrollo de la morfología verbal y el de la complejidad gramatical, así como establecer el tipo de relación entre desarrollo léxico y desarrollo morfosintáctico. La muestra comprende 517 niños de edades comprendidas entre los 18 meses y los 30 meses. Los datos se han recogido a partir de la adaptación al catalán del instrumento MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI). Los resultados muestran que el mejor predictor del desarrollo morfológico y gramatical es el vocabulario de clase cerrada, conjuntamente con el vocabulario general. Por otra parte, se observa una relación predominantemente lineal entre el desarrollo del léxico y el desarrollo morfosintáctico


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O artigo examina o estatuto da moral ao longo da obra de Descartes, da «moral por provisão» do Discurso à «moral como sabedoria» da carta-prefácio à edição francesa dos Princípios. A constituição da metafísica neste ínterim, com a separação entre a verdade e o bem, permite a Descartes tomar a «moral como sabedoria» como perfeita e definitiva não obstante a dúvida epistemológica que esta moral traz em seu âmago.


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Este artigo se propõe a identificar e investigar, no interior da filosofia de Pierre Bayle, instrumentos por ele utilizados para atribuir estatuto de conceito filosófico à tolerância. Com este objetivo, encontramos a concepção de razão construída no Avis aux Réfugiés. Após análise dos argumentos e das proposições apresentadas no texto acima citado, terminamos por identificar graus de profundidade na razão, de modo que o tolerar resulte de um empenho racional intenso e profundo.


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O fio condutor que perpassa o presente ensaio alinha o peculiar estatuto da problemática transcendental no horizonte aberto pela obra de Merleau-Ponty. Nessa direção, demarcaremos as linhas mestras desse novo discurso transcendental, isto é, sua inflexão ontologicamente decisiva enquanto crítica revisional das condições de todo conhecimento agenciada sob o enigma de nossa conaturalidade carnal e, portanto, corporal com o mundo e com o outro.


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A interpretação padrão da filosofia de Hume o apresenta como um cético radical acerca das pretensões da razão em fundamentar adequadamente nosso sistema de crenças e, ao mesmo tempo, como um naturalista que procurou sustentar que nossas crenças, embora racionalmente infundadas, não podem ser abandonadas na vida comum, em função da ação de sentimentos e impulsos naturais. Este trabalho pretende mostrar que o naturalismo de Hume pode e deve ser interpretado como uma metodologia de abordagem de conceitos filosóficos (ideias e crenças, no vocabulário de Hume) que incorpora elementos irrefletidos da vida comum (como sentimentos e impulsos naturais) e atribui a tais elementos o mesmo estatuto teórico que processos abstratos como raciocínios e argumentos. Uma filosofia que legitima mecanismos não-reflexivos no tratamento de problemas filosóficos é chamada por Hume de "filosofia verdadeira". Tal espécie de filosofia é incompatível com formas radicais de ceticismo, pois mecanismos irrefletidos que originam ideias são imunes à dúvida. Para exemplificar as teses aqui defendidas e tornar minha caracterização do naturalismo mais convincente, faço uma rápida descrição, ao final do artigo, da abordagem abrangente dos agentes morais por Hume.


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O presente artigo se refere a uma parte integrante do projeto de pesquisa intitulado "A Cientificidade na Obra Marxiana de Maturidade" e pretende explicitar o estatuto categorial, determinativo, de dois dos principais conceitos que integram a crítica marxiana da economia política em sua versão madura: formas de ser e modos de produção. Tomados na linguagem corrente como praticamente sinônimos, as duas noções ganham no corpus científico-filosófico construído pela reflexão marxiana, cada qual, uma significação bastante precisa. Propomo-nos a esclarecer o conteúdo e a função teóricos cumpridos pelas duas categorias em questão, chamando a atenção para o problema da articulação categorial pensada que, em Marx, deve reproduzir, ou seja, traduzir e transpor o real na cabeça do homem. Procurar-se-á assim delimitar o efetivo sentido dos modos, histórico-sociais concretos, como modalidades de articulação de formas de ser efetivas da sociabilidade. Modos e formas de ser de entes, relações e processos sociais são momentos da determinação categorial da realidade societária. De um lado, tem-se a multiplicidade das efetivas formas de ser de relações, atividades e produtos. De outro lado, é a articulação que preside a vigência das ditas formas como existentes atualmente e parâmetro da sociabilidade como um todo.


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Entre os temas kantianos discutidos por Nietzsche, o tradicional problema do estatuto da coisa em si é particularmente relevante para a formulação de sua própria filosofia. Por esse motivo, a compreensão de Nietzsche desse problema também se tornou um dos assuntos mais debatidos e controversos entre seus intérpretes. De forma geral, tende-se a identificar na filosofia de Nietzsche uma trajetória que o levaria da admissão de um conceito de coisa em si em sua juventude até uma negação, em sua filosofia madura, da coisa em si, considerada como uma concepção contraditória. A discordância entre os comentadores surge quando se pergunta se o conceito de coisa em si que Nietzsche nega é exatamente aquilo que Kant entendia por coisa em si. Nosso trabalho pretende discutir essa questão a partir do estudo de três objeções de Nietzsche ao conceito de coisa em si, levando em consideração os aspectos históricos do problema e as soluções oferecidas pela literatura secundária.