992 resultados para discrete optimization


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DNA microarrays provide a huge amount of data and require therefore dimensionality reduction methods to extract meaningful biological information. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) was proposed by several authors as an interesting means. Unfortunately, experimental data are usually of poor quality- because of noise, outliers and lack of samples. Robustness to these hurdles will thus be a key feature for an ICA algorithm. This paper identifies a robust contrast function and proposes a new ICA algorithm. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper addresses the design of algorithms for the collective optimization of a cost function defined over average quantities in the presence of limited communication. We argue that several meaningful collective optimization problems can be formulated in this way. As an application of the proposed approach, we propose a novel algorithm that achieves synchronization or balancing in phase models of coupled oscillators under mild connectedness assumptions on the (possibly time-varying and unidirectional) communication graphs. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper reports on fuel design optimization of a PWR operating in a self sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. Monte Carlo simulated annealing method was used in order to identify the fuel assembly configuration with the most attractive breeding performance. In previous studies, it was shown that breeding may be achieved by employing heterogeneous Seed-Blanket fuel geometry. The arrangement of seed and blanket pins within the assemblies may be determined by varying the designed parameters based on basic reactor physics phenomena which affect breeding. However, the amount of free parameters may still prove to be prohibitively large in order to systematically explore the design space for optimal solution. Therefore, the Monte Carlo annealing algorithm for neutronic optimization is applied in order to identify the most favorable design. The objective of simulated annealing optimization is to find a set of design parameters, which maximizes some given performance function (such as relative period of net breeding) under specified constraints (such as fuel cycle length). The first objective of the study was to demonstrate that the simulated annealing optimization algorithm will lead to the same fuel pins arrangement as was obtained in the previous studies which used only basic physics phenomena as guidance for optimization. In the second part of this work, the simulated annealing method was used to optimize fuel pins arrangement in much larger fuel assembly, where the basic physics intuition does not yield clearly optimal configuration. The simulated annealing method was found to be very efficient in selecting the optimal design in both cases. In the future, this method will be used for optimization of fuel assembly design with larger number of free parameters in order to determine the most favorable trade-off between the breeding performance and core average power density.


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The design challenges of the fertile-free based fuel (FFF) can be addressed by careful and elaborate use of burnable poisons (BP). Practical fully FFF core design for PWR reactor has been reported in the past [1]. However, the burnable poison option used in the design resulted in significant end of cycle reactivity penalty due to incomplete BP depletion. Consequently, excessive Pu loading were required to maintain the target fuel cycle length, which in turn decreased the Pu burning efficiency. A systematic evaluation of commercially available BP materials in all configurations currently used in PWRs is the main objective of this work. The BP materials considered are Boron, Gd, Er, and Hf. The BP geometries were based on Wet Annular Burnable Absorber (WABA), Integral Fuel Burnable Absorber (IFBA), and Homogeneous poison/fuel mixtures. Several most promising combinations of BP designs were selected for the full core 3D simulation. All major core performance parameters for the analyzed cases are very close to those of a standard PWR with conventional UO2 fuel including possibility of reactivity control, power peaking factors, and cycle length. The MTC of all FFF cores was found at the full power conditions at all times and very close to that of the UO2 core. The Doppler coefficient of the FFF cores is also negative but somewhat lower in magnitude compared to UO2 core. The soluble boron worth of the FFF cores was calculated to be lower than that of the UO2 core by about a factor of two, which still allows the core reactivity control with acceptable soluble boron concentrations. The main conclusion of this work is that judicial application of burnable poisons for fertile free fuel has a potential to produce a core design with performance characteristics close to those of the reference PWR core with conventional UO2 fuel.


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The problem of calculating the minimum lap or maneuver time of a nonlinear vehicle, which is linearized at each time step, is formulated as a convex optimization problem. The formulation provides an alternative to previously used quasi-steady-state analysis or nonlinear optimization. Key steps are: the use of model predictive control; expressing the minimum time problem as one of maximizing distance traveled along the track centerline; and linearizing the track and vehicle trajectories by expressing them as small displacements from a fixed reference. A consequence of linearizing the vehicle dynamics is that nonoptimal steering control action can be generated, but attention to the constraints and the cost function minimizes the effect. Optimal control actions and vehicle responses for a 90 deg bend are presented and compared to the nonconvex nonlinear programming solution. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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A small-strain two-dimensional discrete dislocation plasticity (DDP) framework is developed wherein dislocation motion is caused by climb-assisted glide. The climb motion of the dislocations is assumed to be governed by a drag-type relation similar to the glide-only motion of dislocations: such a relation is valid when vacancy kinetics is either diffusion limited or sink limited. The DDP framework is employed to predict the effect of dislocation climb on the uniaxial tensile and pure bending response of single crystals. Under uniaxial tensile loading conditions, the ability of dislocations to bypass obstacles by climb results in a reduced dislocation density over a wide range of specimen sizes in the climb-assisted glide case compared to when dislocation motion is only by glide. A consequence is that, at least in a single slip situation, size effects due to dislocation starvation are reduced. By contrast, under pure bending loading conditions, the dislocation density is unaffected by dislocation climb as geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) dominate. However, climb enables the dislocations to arrange themselves into lower energy configurations which significantly reduces the predicted bending size effect as well as the amount of reverse plasticity observed during unloading. The results indicate that the intrinsic plasticity material length scale associated with GNDs is strongly affected by thermally activated processes and will be a function of temperature. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A sensitivity study has been conducted to assess the robustness of the conclusions presented in the MIT Fuel Cycle Study. The Once Through Cycle (OTC) is considered as the base-line case, while advanced technologies with fuel recycling characterize the alternative fuel cycles. The options include limited recycling in LWRs and full recycling in fast reactors and in high conversion LWRs. Fast reactor technologies studied include both oxide and metal fueled reactors. The analysis allowed optimization of the fast reactor conversion ratio with respect to desired fuel cycle performance characteristics. The following parameters were found to significantly affect the performance of recycling technologies and their penetration over time: Capacity Factors of the fuel cycle facilities, Spent Fuel Cooling Time, Thermal Reprocessing Introduction Date, and incore and Out-of-core TRU Inventory Requirements for recycling technology. An optimization scheme of the nuclear fuel cycle is proposed. Optimization criteria and metrics of interest for different stakeholders in the fuel cycle (economics, waste management, environmental impact, etc.) are utilized for two different optimization techniques (linear and stochastic). Preliminary results covering single and multi-variable and single and multi-objective optimization demonstrate the viability of the optimization scheme.


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In this paper, we present planar mesa termination structure with high k dielectric Al2O3 for high-voltage diamond Schottky barrier diode. Analysis, design, and optimization are carried out by simulations using finite element technology computer-aided design (TCAD) Sentaurus Device software. The performances of planar mesa termination structure are compared to those of conventional field plate termination structure. It is found that optimum geometry of planar mesa terminated diode requires shorter metal plate extension (1/3 of the field plate terminated diode). Consequently, planar mesa terminated diode can be designed with bigger Schottky contact to increase its current carrying capability. Breakdown performance of field plate termination structure is limited at 1480 V due to peak electric field at the corner of Schottky contact (no oxide breakdown occurs). In contrast, peak electric field in planar mesa termination structure only occurs in the field oxide such that its breakdown performance is highly dependent on the oxide material. Due to Al2O3 breakdown, planar mesa termination structure suffers premature breakdown at 1440 V. Considering no oxide breakdown occurs, planar mesa termination structure can realize higher breakdown voltage of 1751 V. Therefore, to fully realize the potential of planar mesa terminated diode, it is important to choose suitable high k dielectric material with sufficient breakdown electric field for the field oxide. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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This book shows how to exploit the special structure of such problems to develop efficient numerical algorithms.


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The integration and application of a new multi-objective tabu search optimization algorithm for Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems are presented. The aim is to enhance the computational design process for real world applications and to achieve higher performance of the whole system for the four considered objectives. The described system combines the optimizer with a well established FSI solver which is based on the fully implicit, monolithic formuFlation of the problem in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian FEM approach. The proposed solver resolves the proposed uid-structure interaction benchmark which describes the self-induced elastic deformation of a beam attached to a cylinder in laminar channel ow. The optimized ow characteristics of the aforementioned geometrical arrangement illustrate the performance of the system in two dimensions. Special emphasis is given to the analysis of the simulation package, which is of high accuracy and is the core of application. The design process identifies the best combination of ow features for optimal system behavior and the most important objectives. In addition, the presented methodology has the potential to run in parallel, which will significantly speed-up the elapsed time. Finite Element Method (FEM), Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), Multi-Ojective Tabu search (MOTS2). Copyright © 2013 Tech Science Press.


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The impact of a slug of dry sand particles against a metallic sandwich beam or circular sandwich plate is analysed in order to aid the design of sandwich panels for shock mitigation. The sand particles interact via a combined linear-spring-and-dashpot law whereas the face sheets and compressible core of the sandwich beam and plate are treated as rate-sensitive, elastic-plastic solids. The majority of the calculations are performed in two dimensions and entail the transverse impact of end-clamped monolithic and sandwich beams, with plane strain conditions imposed. The sand slug is of rectangular shape and comprises a random loose packing of identical, circular cylindrical particles. These calculations reveal that loading due to the sand is primarily inertial in nature with negligible fluid-structure interaction: the momentum transmitted to the beam is approximately equal to that of the incoming sand slug. For a slug of given incoming momentum, the dynamic deflection of the beam increases with decreasing duration of sand-loading until the impulsive limit is attained. Sandwich beams with thick, strong cores significantly outperform monolithic beams of equal areal mass. This performance enhancement is traced to the "sandwich effect" whereby the sandwich beams have a higher bending strength than that of the monolithic beams. Three-dimensional (3D) calculations are also performed such that the sand slug has the shape of a circular cylindrical column of finite height, and contains spherical sand particles. The 3D slug impacts a circular monolithic plate or sandwich plate and we show that sandwich plates with thick strong cores again outperform monolithic plates of equal areal mass. Finally, we demonstrate that impact by sand particles is equivalent to impact by a crushable foam projectile. The calculations on the equivalent projectile are significantly less intensive computationally, yet give predictions to within 5% of the full discrete particle calculations for the monolithic and sandwich beams and plates. These foam projectile calculations suggest that metallic foam projectiles can be used to simulate the loading by sand particles within a laboratory setting. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.