974 resultados para directional coupler


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For migratory birds, the earlier arrival of males to breeding grounds is often expected to have fitness benefits. However, the selection differential on male arrival time has rarely been decomposed into the direct effect of male arrival and potential indirect effects through female traits. We measured the directional selection differential on male arrival time in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) using data from 6 years and annual number of fledglings as the fitness proxy. Using structural equation modeling, we were able to take into account the temporal structure of the breeding cycle and the hierarchy between the examined traits. We found directional selection differentials for earlier male arrival date and earlier female laying date, as well as strong selection differential for larger clutch size. These selection differentials were due to direct selection only as indirect selection for these traits was nonsignificant. When decomposing the direct selection for earlier male arrival into direct and indirect effects, we discovered that it was almost exclusively due to the direct effect of male arrival date on fitness and not due to its indirect effects via female traits. In other words, we showed for the first time that there is a direct effect of male arrival date on fitness while accounting for those effects that are mediated by effects of the social partner. Our study thus indicates that natural selection directly favored earlier male arrival in this flycatcher population.


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Wettability is an essential property originating from liquid-solid contact and involved in various processes and applications. For fabric materials, the wettability plays important role that it can even determine the fabric’s usefulness and comfort feature. This book introduces three functional fabrics, such as superhydrophobic fabric, directional water-transfer fabric, and electrically conductive superhydrophobic fabric, which are prepared by tuning the fabric wettability using wet-chemical coating technologies. It covers details about the preparation of coating materials, coating processes, and detailed characterizations of the coatings and their effects on fabric properties.


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Air-permeable, super-liquid-repellent fabrics show strong resistance to various liquid fluids and have self-cleaning, anti-sticking, and anti-contaminating functions, which are very useful for development of function clothing. However, most of the liquid repellent fabrics are poor in durability.This book elaborated the development of durable super-liquid-repellent fabrics and explore novel property of liquid-repellent fabrics. It has resulted in two novel concepts to prepare durable liquid repellent fabrics. By combining liquid repellent with liquid absorbing features on different sides of single layer fabric, a novel directional-fluid transport property was observed.


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This study examined longitudinal relationships between depressive symptoms and use of alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit substances among adolescents, addressing methodological limitations and potential confounding in the extant literature. The sample comprised adolescents who were surveyed in Grades 6 (n = 916), 9 (n = 804), and 11 (n = 791). Cross-lagged path analyses were used to examine bi-directional relationships between substance use and depressive symptoms. Early adolescent depressive symptoms predicted mid-adolescent cigarette, alcohol, and illicit substance use (the latter among females only). Mid-adolescent depressive symptoms predicted late adolescent illicit substance use (females only). There were no statistically significant pathways from substance use to later depressive symptoms. However, these relationships were reduced to non-significance with the addition of covariates associated with the family environment, school, and individual. The findings suggest that the association between adolescent depressive symptoms and later substance use can be explained by common risk factors that produce vulnerability to both depression and substance use.


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Existing solutions to carrier-based sensor placement by a single robot in a bounded unknown Region of Interest (ROI) do not guarantee full area coverage or termination. We propose a novel localized algorithm, named Back-Tracking Deployment (BTD). To construct a full coverage solution over the ROI, mobile robots (carriers) carry static sensors as payloads and drop them at the visited empty vertices of a virtual square, triangular, or hexagonal grid. A single robot will move in a predefined order of directional preference until a dead end is reached. Then it back-tracks to the nearest sensor adjacent to an empty vertex (an "entrance" to an unexplored/uncovered area) and resumes regular forward movement and sensor dropping from there. To save movement steps, the back-tracking is carried out along a locally identified shortcut. We extend the algorithm to support multiple robots that move independently and asynchronously. Once a robot reaches a dead end, it will back-track, giving preference to its own path. Otherwise, it will take over the back-track path of another robot by consulting with neighboring sensors. We prove that BTD terminates within finite time and produces full coverage when no (sensor or robot) failures occur. We also describe an approach to tolerate failures and an approach to balance workload among robots. We then evaluate BTD in comparison with the only competing algorithms SLD [Chang et al. 2009a] and LRV [Batalin and Sukhatme 2004] through simulation. In a specific failure-free scenario, SLD covers only 40-50% of the ROI, whereas BTD covers it in full. BTD involves significantly (80%) less robot moves and messages than LRV.


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INTRODUCTION: Postural instability is a major source of disability in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD). Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus (GPI-DBS) improves clinician-rated balance control but there have been few quantitative studies of its interactive effects with levodopa (L-DOPA). The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term and interactive effects of GPI-DBS and L-DOPA on objective measures of postural stability in patients with longstanding IPD. METHODS: Static and dynamic posturography during a whole-body leaning task were performed in 10 IPD patients with bilateral GPI stimulators under the following conditions: untreated (OFF); L-DOPA alone; DBS alone; DBS+L-DOPA, and in 9 healthy Control subjects. Clinical status was assessed using the UPDRS and AIMS Dyskinesia Scale. RESULTS: Static sway was greater in IPD patients in the OFF state compared to the Control subjects and was further increased by L-DOPA and reduced by GPI-DBS. In the dynamic task, L-DOPA had a greater effect than GPI-DBS on improving Start Time, but reduced the spatial accuracy and directional control of the task. When the two therapies were combined, GPI-DBS prevented the L-DOPA induced increase in static sway and improved the accuracy of the dynamic task. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate GPI-DBS and L-DOPA have differential effects on temporal and spatial aspects of postural control in IPD and that GPI-DBS counteracts some of the adverse effects of L-DOPA. Further studies on larger numbers of patients with GPI stimulators are required to confirm these findings and to clarify the contribution of dyskinesias to impaired dynamic postural control.


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There is an increasing demand for high performance composites with enhanced mechanical and electrical properties. Carbon nanofibres offer a promising solution but their effectiveness has been limited by difficulty in achieving directional alignment. Here we report the use of an alternating current (AC) electric field to align carbon nanofibres in an epoxy. During the cure process of an epoxy resin, carbon nanofibres (CNFs) are observed to rotate and align with the applied electric field, forming a chain-like structure. The fracture energies of the resultant epoxy nanocomposites containing different concentrations of CNFs (up to 1.6wt%) are measured using double cantilever beam specimens. The results show that the addition of 1.6wt% of aligned CNFs increases the electrical conductivity of such nanocomposites by about seven orders of magnitudes to 10<sup>-2</sup>S/m and increases the fracture energy, G<inf>Ic</inf>, by about 1600% from 134 to 2345J/m<sup>2</sup>. A modelling technique is presented to quantify this major increase in the fracture energy with aligned CNFs. The results of this research open up new opportunities to create multi-scale composites with greatly enhanced multifunctional properties.


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This study examines the cyclic plastic deformation behavior and microstructural development of a dual phase steel in both symmetric and asymmetric cycling in strain and stress control modes. The low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and mean stress relaxation (MSR) tests show very similar fatigue lifetimes. However, fatigue lifetimes reduce and prominent accumulation of directional strain was observed in ratcheting. A microstructural analysis has revealed that the type of cyclic test carried out has a noticeable impact on the substructural development, and this has been correlated with differences in accumulated tensile strain. Electron backscatter diffraction investigation has shown larger in-grain misorientation for ratcheting specimen in comparison with LCF and MSR specimens. The orientation of ferrite grains was found to have very little effect on their substructural development, and strain localization commonly occurred in the ferrite at the ferrite/martensite interface.


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A material model for more thorough analysis of plastic deformation of sheet materials is presented in this paper. This model considers the following aspects of plastic deformation behavior of sheet materials: (1) the anisotropy in yield stresses and in work hardening by using Hill's 1948 quadratic yield function and non-constant stress ratios which leads to different flow stress hardening in different directions, (2) the anisotropy in plastic strains by using a quadratic plastic potential function and non-associated flow rule, also based on Hill's 1948 model and r-values, and (3) the cyclic hardening phenomena such as the Bauschinger effect, permanent softening and transient behavior for reverse loading by using a coupled nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Plasticity fundamentals of the model were derived in a general framework and the model calibration procedure was presented for the plasticity formulations. Also, a generic numerical stress integration procedure was developed based on backward-Euler method, so-called multi-stage return mapping algorithm. The model was implemented in the framework of the finite element method to evaluate the simulation results of sheet metal forming processes. Different aspects of the model were verified for two sheet metals, namely DP600 steel and AA6022 aluminum alloy. Results show that the new model is able to accurately predict the sheet material behavior for both anisotropic hardening and cyclic hardening conditions. The drawing of channel sections and the subsequent springback were also simulated with this model for different drawbead configurations. Simulation results show that the current non-associated anisotropic hardening model is able to accurately predict the sidewall curl in the drawn channel sections.


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We review whether migratory Anatidae, i.e., swans, geese and ducks, could be acting as vectors for dispersal of Zostera, Ruppia and Potamogeton propagules by endozoochory (carrying seeds in their guts). We list six prerequisites that must all be fulfilled, if successful dispersal should occur. Several Anatidae species feed on these macrophytes, and undertake rapid long-distance movements, making dispersal possible. We identify four problems, which in combination leads us to conclude that long-distance dispersal events are likely to be rare. (i) Most long-distance movements are out of phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants, and if birds arrive at sites when plants still bear seeds, they are likely to depart well after seed stocks have been depleted. (ii) Seed transport by birds will usually be uni-directional, from north to south on autumn migrations. (iii) Most of the gut contents of migratory birds are likely to have been discarded within 300 km of departure. (iv) In many cases, birds will arrive in habitats seriously different from those they departed, i.e., any seeds carried along will have low chances of surviving in their new site. We suggest that northbound dispersal by endozoochory can only occur during spring if waterbirds feed on seeds that have not been depleted and remained frozen down or buried in sediments, or during moult- or post-moult migrations. Moult migration takes place in summer in phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants. Also epizoochorous dispersal (external attachment) is subject to restrictions i, ii and iv.


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This article analyses the determinants of renewable energy consumption in six major emerging economies who are proactively accelerating the adoption of renewable energy. The long-run elasticities from both panel methods (fully modified ordinary least square and dynamic least square) and the time series method (autoregressive distributed lag) seem to be pretty consistent. For Brazil, China, India and Indonesia, in the long-run, renewable energy consumption is significantly determined by income and pollutant emission. However, for Philippines and Turkey, income seems to be the main driver for renewable energy consumption. In the short-run, for Brazil and China bi-directional causalities between renewable energy and income; and between renewable energy and pollutant emission are found. This research justifies the efforts undertaken by emerging countries to reduce the carbon intensity by increasing the energy efficiency and substantially increasing the share of renewable in the overall energy mix


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 This article examines the short- and long-run causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP of six emerging economies of Asia. Based on cointegration and vector error correction modeling the empirical results show that there exists unidirectional short- and long-run causality running from energy consumption to GDP for China, uni-directional short-run causality from output to energy consumption for India, whilst bi-directional short-run causality for Thailand. Neutrality between energy consumption and income is found for Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. Both the generalized variance decompositions and impulse response functions confirm the direction of causality. These findings have important policy implications for the countries concerned. The results suggest that while India may directly initiate energy conservation measures, China and Thailand may opt for a balanced combination of alternative polices.


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This study examines the cointegrating and long-term causal relationships of equity market prices in equity markets of Chinese states namely, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. I cover the period between October 5, 1992 and March 20, 2006, taking into account both the Asian financial crisis and the opening-up of China’s equity markets in recent years. First, I analysis the cointegration by utilizing Johansen’s (1988) cointegration tests. I find that a long-term equilibrium relationship measured by cointegration has been established among Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taiwanese markets and, to a lesser degree, between these markets and the Singapore market since 1998. Secondly, this study examines causality by exploring the bootstrapped Toda-Yamamoto non-causality tests. I find that there is strong evidence of a bi-directional causality between Shanghai and Shenzhen markets after 1998. Furthermore, I also find that there are more causal linkages between the Chinese states equity markets: two mainland Chinese markets, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore became more dependent on each other. The robustness of the above findings is confirmed by the use of a bootstrap test employed to test the validity of my results.


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This thesis explored predictors of elevated distress symptoms in men during their partner’s pregnancy. Results demonstrated that depression, anxiety and stress (distress symptoms) in men have a bi-directional relationship with one another across their partner’s pregnancy, and that distress symptoms are predictive of that measure across the antenatal period.


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Large-strain elastic superhydrophobicity is highly desirable for its enhanced use performance and functional reliability in mechanically dynamic environments, but remains challenging to develop. Here we have, for the first time, proven that an elastic fibrous membrane after surface hydrophobization can maintain superhydrophobicity during one-directional (uniaxial) stretching to a strain as high as 1500% and two-direction (biaxial) stretching to a strain up to 700%. The fibrous membrane can withstand at least 1,000 cycles of repeated stretching without losing the superhydrophobicity. Stretching slightly increases the membrane air permeability and reduces water breakthrough pressure. It is highly stable in acid and base environments. Such a permeable, highly-elastic superhydrophobic membrane may open up novel applications in membrane separation, healthcare, functional textile and energy fields.