955 resultados para digraphic sequences


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The aim of this work was to investigate the involvement of caspases in apoptosis induced by L-amino acid oxidase isolated from Bothrops atrox snake venom. The isolation of LAAO involved three chromatographic steps: molecular exclusion on a G-75 column; ion exchange column by HPLC and affinity chromatography on a Lentil Lectin column. SDS-PAGE was used to confirm the expected high purity level of BatroxLAA0. It is a glycoprotein with 12% sugar and an acidic character, as confirmed by its amino acid composition, rich in ""Asp and Glu"" residues. It displays high specificity toward hydrophobic L-amino acids. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and internal peptide sequences showed close structural homology to other snake venom LAAOs. This enzyme induces in vitro platelet aggregation, which may be due to H(2)O(2) production by LAAOs, since the addition of catalase completely inhibited the aggregation effect. It also showed cytotoxicity towards several cancer cell lines: HL60, Jurkat, B16F10 and PC12. The cytotoxicity activity was abolished by catalase. A fluorescence microscopy evaluation revealed a significant increase in the apoptotic index of these cells after BatroxLAAO treatment. This observation was confirmed by phosphatidyl serine exposure and activation of caspases. BatroxLAAO is a protein with various biological functions that can be involved in envenomation. Further investigations of its function will contribute to toxicology advances. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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This paper reports the purification and biochemical/pharmacological characterization of two myotoxic phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)S) from Bothrops brazili venom, a native snake from Brazil. Both myotoxins (MTX-I and II) were purified by a single chromatographic step on a CM-Sepharose ion-exchange column up to a high purity level, showing M-r similar to 14,000 for the monomer and 28,000 Da for the dimer. The N-terminal and internal peptide amino acid sequences showed similarity with other myotoxic PLA2S from snake venoms, MTX-I belonging to Asp49 PLA(2) class, enzymatically active, and MTX-II to Lys49 PLA(2)S, catalytically inactive. Treatment of MTX-I with BPB and EDTA reduced drastically its PLA(2) and anticoagulant activities, corroborating the importance of residue His48 and Ca2+ ions for the enzymatic catalysis. Both PLA(2)S induced myotoxic activity and dose-time dependent edema similar to other isolated snake venom toxins from Bothrops and Crotalus genus. The results also demonstrated that MTXs and cationic synthetic peptides derived from their 115-129 C-terminal region displayed cytotoxic activity on human T-cell leukemia (JURKAT) lines and microbicidal effects against Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and Leishmania sp. Thus, these PLA(2) proteins and C-terminal synthetic peptides present multifunctional properties that might be of interest in the development of therapeutic strategies against parasites, bacteria and cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Metarhizium spp. is an important worldwide group of entomopathogenic fungi used as an interesting alternative to chemical insecticides in programs of agricultural pest and disease vector control. Metarhizium conidia are important in fungal propagation and also are responsible for host infection. Despite their importance, several aspects of conidial biology, including their proteome, are still unknown. We have established conidial and mycelial proteome reference maps for Metarhizium acridum using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In all, 1130 +/- 102 and 1200 +/- 97 protein spots were detected in ungerminated conidia and fast-growing mycelia, respectively. Comparison of the two protein-expression profiles reveled that only 35 % of the protein spots were common to both developmental stages. Out of 94 2-DE protein spots (65 from conidia, 25 from mycelia and two common to both) analyzed using mass spectrometry, seven proteins from conidia, 15 from mycelia and one common to both stages were identified. The identified protein spots exclusive to conidia contained sequences similar to known fungal stress-protector proteins (such as heat shock proteins (HSP) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) plus the fungal allergen Alt a 7, actin and the enzyme cobalamin-independent methionine synthase. The identified protein spots exclusive to mycelia included proteins involved in several cell housekeeping biological processes. Three proteins (HSP 90, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and allergen Alt a 7) were present in spots in conidial and mycelial gels, but they differed in their locations on the two gels. (c) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The genus Cryptococcus includes free-developing species, a few of which are of medical importance. Some, such as C. neoformans and C. gattii, cause infections in man frequently and C. albidus and C. laurentii cause less so. The aims of this study were to evaluate organ colonization after inoculation of C. albidus and C. laurentii isolates in normal BALB/c mice, the virulence factors (growth at 37A degrees C, capsule, melanin, proteinase, and phospholipase production) and the molecular profile (PCR-fingerprinting) of the yeasts before and after infection. The importance of different profiles (virulence and molecular) was considered in relation to the distribution in different organs and to the time intervals of isolation from organs. C. albidus was isolated from animal organs 2 to 10 days after inoculation and C. laurentii from 2 to 120 days. Most isolates of the two species kept the virulence factors showed before inoculation. The high homogeneity of the molecular profile of C. albidus and the high heterogeneity of C. laurentii were kept through the passages in animals. It is concluded that most isolates of both species were recovered from the animal organs after 5 or more days, and phenotypes were not altered by inoculation. No molecular alteration was detected and the virulence factors were not related to the time intervals before isolation from organs.


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infections are a leading cause of infantile diarrhea in developing nations. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) characterizes bacterial strains based on the sequences of internal fragments in housekeeping genes. Little is known about strains of EPEC analyzed by MLST from Brazil. In this study, a diverse collection of 29 EPEC strains isolated from patients with diarrhea, admitted to the University Hospital of Ribeirao Preto, was characterized by MLST. Strain analysis demonstrated 22 different sequence types (STs), of which almost half (48%) were new, indicating a high genotype diversity. The 22 STs were divided by eBURST into 12 clonal complexes. It was not possible to correlate typical and atypical EPEC with other strains in the MLST database. This is the first study that analyzed EPEC strains from South America that are included in the E. coli MLST database. Nine (31%) out of 29 strains are part of the CC10 clonal complex, the major clonal complex in the database, which comprises 174 strains and 86 different STs, suggesting that these strains might be the most important intestinal pathogenic E. coli worldwide. Genetic relationships between typical and atypical EPEC, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and enteroaggregative E. coli strains were not established by MLST.


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Crotalus durissus rattlesnakes are responsible for the most lethal cases of snakebites in Brazil. Crotalus durissus collilineatus subspecies is related to a great number of accidents in Southeast and Central West regions, but few studies on its venom composition have been carried out to date. In an attempt to describe the transcriptional profile of the C. durissus collilineatus venom gland, we generated a cDNA library and the sequences obtained could be identified by similarity searches on existing databases. Out of 673 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) 489 produced readable sequences comprising 201 singletons and 47 clusters of two or more ESTs. One hundred and fifty reads (60.5%) produced significant hits to known sequences. The results showed a predominance of toxin-coding ESTs instead of transcripts coding for proteins involved in all cellular functions. The most frequent toxin was crotoxin, comprising 88% of toxin-coding sequences. Crotoxin B, a basic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) subunit of crotoxin, was represented in more variable forms comparing to the non-enzymatic subunit (crotoxin A), and most sequences coding this molecule were identified as CB1 isoform from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Four percent of toxin-related sequences in this study were identified as growth factors, comprising five sequences for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and one for nerve growth factor (NGF) that showed 100% of identity with C. durissus terrificus NGF. We also identified two clusters for metalloprotease from PII class comprising 3% of the toxins, and two for serine proteases, including gyroxin (2.5%). The remaining 2.5% of toxin-coding ESTs represent singletons identified as homologue sequences to cardiotoxin, convulxin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and C-type natriuretic peptide, Ohanin, crotamin and PLA(2) inhibitor. These results allowed the identification of the most common classes of toxins in C. durissus collilineatus snake venom, also showing some unknown classes for this subspecies and even for C. durissus species, such as cardiotoxins and VEGF. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


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The influence of temporal association on the representation and recognition of objects was investigated. Observers were shown sequences of novel faces in which the identity of the face changed as the head rotated. As a result, observers showed a tendency to treat the views as if they were of the same person. Additional experiments revealed that this was only true if the training sequences depicted head rotations rather than jumbled views; in other words, the sequence had to be spatially as well as temporally smooth. Results suggest that we are continuously associating views of objects to support later recognition, and that we do so not only on the basis of the physical similarity, but also the correlated appearance in time of the objects.


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The simplest model of three coupled Bose-Einstein condensates is investigated using a group theoretical method. The stationary solutions are determined using the SU(3) group under the mean-field approximation. This semiclassical analysis, using system symmetries, shows a transition in the dynamics of the system from self trapping to delocalization at a critical value for the coupling between the condensates. The global dynamics are investigated by examination of the stable points, and our analysis shows that the structure of the stable points depends on the ratio of the condensate coupling to the particle-particle interaction, and undergoes bifurcations as this ratio is varied. This semiclassical model is compared to a full quantum treatment, which also displays a dynamical transition. The quantum case has collapse and revival sequences superimposed on the semiclassical dynamics, reflecting the underlying discreteness of the spectrum. Nonzero circular current states are also demonstrated as one of the higher-dimensional effects displayed in this system.


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Numerous invertebrate species form long lasting symbioses with bacteria (Buchner, 1949; Buchner, 1965). One of the most common of these bacterial symbionts is Wolbachia pipientis, which has been estimated to infect anywhere from 15–75% of all insect species (Werren et al., 1995a; West et al., 1998; Jeyaprakash and Hoy, 2000; Werren and Windsor, 2000) as well as many species of arachnids, terrestrial crustaceans and filarial nematodes (O’Neill et al., 1997a; Bandi et al., 1998). In most arthropod associations, Wolbachia act as reproductive parasites manipulating the reproduction of their hosts to enhance their own vertical transmission. There appears to be little direct fitness cost to the infected host besides the costs arising from the reproductive manipulations. However instances have been reported where Wolbachia can be either deleterious (Min and Benzer, 1997; Bouchon et al., 1998) or beneficial (Girin and Boultreau, 1995; Stolk and Stouthamer, 1995; Wade and Chang, 1995; Vavre et al., 1999b; Dedeine et al., 2001) to their hosts. Wolbachia were first described as intracellular Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs), infecting the gonad cells of the mosquito, Culex pipiens (Hertig and Wolbach, 1924), and were later named 'Wolbachia pipientis' (Hertig, 1936). It was not until the work of Yen and Barr (Yen and Barr, 1971; Yen and Barr, 1973) that Wolbachia were implicated in causing crossing incompatibilities between different mosquito populations (Laven, 1951; Ghelelovitch, 1952). When polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostics for Wolbachia became available, it became clear that this agent was both extremely widespread and also responsible for a range of different reproductive phenotypes in the different hosts it infected (O’Neill et al., 1992; Rousset et al., 1992; Stouthamer et al., 1993). The most common of these are cytoplasmic incompatibility, inducing parthenogenesis, overriding host sex-determination, and male-killing (O’Neill et al., 1997a). As of the time of this writing, more than 450 different Wolbachia strains with unique gene sequences, different phenotypes, and infecting different hosts have been deposited in GenBank and the Wolbachia host database (http://www.wolbachia.sols. uq.edu.au).


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A spotted fever-like rickettsia was identified in a Hemaphysalis tick by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of the 16S rDNA, ompA, and ompB genes. A comparison of these nucleotide sequences with those of other spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae revealed that the Hemaphysalis tick rickettsia was distinct from other previously reported strains. Phylogenetic analysis based on both ompA and ompB also indicates that the strain’s closest relatives are the agents of Thai tick typhus (Rickettsia honei strain TT-118) and Flinders Island spotted fever (R. honei). This study represents the first report of an R. honei-like agent from a Hemaphysalis tick in Australia and of a spotted fever group rickettsia from Cape York Peninsula, Queensland.


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Endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among arthropods and can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male-killing or feminization in their hosts. Here, we report phylogenetic relationships of Wolbachia in tephritid fruit flies based on wsp gene sequences. We also report, for the first time, five distinct strains of Wolbachia in Bactrocera ascita sp. B. Four of the five Wolbachia strains found in this species were in the same groups as those found in other tephritid fruit flies, suggesting possible horizontal transmission of Wolbachia from other fruit flies into B. ascita sp. B. The unreliability of wsp-specific group primers demonstrated in this study suggests that these primers might be useful only for preliminary identification of Wolbachia. Final determination of group affiliation needs to be verified with wsp sequence data.


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A nested polymerase chain reaction protocol yielded positive detection of the maternally inherited cytoplasmic proteobacterium Wolbachia in total genomic DNA from coffee berry borers collected in Benin, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uganda. Wolbachia was not detected in specimens from Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Peru. Amplified bands from India and Brazil were cloned and sequenced. The 438-bp sequence clearly conformed to Wolbachia group B and was nearly identical to that of Ephestia kuehniella. The possible implications of Wolbachia infection in the coffee berry borer are discussed.


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The endosymbiotic bacteria in the genus Wolbachia have been proposed as a potential candidate to deliver pathogen-blocking genes into natural populations of medically important insects. The successful application of Wolbachia in insect vector control depends on the ability of the agent to successfully invade and maintain itself at high frequency under field conditions. Here, we evaluated the prevalence of Wolbachia infections in a field population of the Wolbachia-superinfected mosquito Aedes albopictus. A field prevalence of 100% (n = 1,016) was found in a single population in eastern Thailand via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of Wolbachia both from individual parent females and their corresponding F1 offspring. This is the first report of accurate Wolbachia prevalence in a field population of an insect disease vector. The prevalence of superinfection was estimated to be 99.41%. All single-infected individual mosquitoes (n = 6) were found to harbor group A Wolbachia. For this particular population, none was found to be single-infected with group B Wolbachia. Our results also show that PCR testing of field materials alone without checking F1 offspring overestimated the natural prevalence of single infection. Thus, the confirmation of infection status by means of F1 offspring was critical to the accurate estimates of Wolbachia prevalence under field conditions.


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Old and New World phlebotomine sand fly species were screened for infection with Wolbachia, intracellular bacterial endosymbionts found in many arthropods and filarial nematodes. Of 53 samples representing 15 species, nine samples of four species were found positive for Wolbachia by polymerase chain reaction amplification using primers for the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene. Five of the wsp gene fragments from four species were cloned, sequenced, and used for phylogenetic analysis. These wsp sequences were placed in three different clades within the arthropod associated Wolbachia (groups A and B), suggesting that Wolbachia has infected sand flies on more than one occasion. Two distantly related sand fly species, Lutzomyia (Psanthyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) and Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho), infected with an identical Wolbachia strain suggest a very recent horizontal transmission.


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The maternally inherited intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis is well known for inducing a variety of reproductive abnormalities in the diverse arthropod hosts it infects. It has been implicated in causing cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, and the feminization of genetic males in different hosts. The molecular mechanisms by which this fastidious intracellular bacterium causes these reproductive and developmental abnormalities have not yet been determined. In this paper, we report on (i) the purification of one of the most abundantly expressed Wolbachia proteins from infected Drosophila eggs and (ii) the subsequent cloning and characterization of the gene (wsp) that encodes it. The functionality of the wsp promoter region was also successfully tested in Escherichia coli. Comparison of sequences of this gene from different strains of Wolbachia revealed a high level of variability. This sequence variation correlated with the ability of certain Wolbachia strains to induce or rescue the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype in infected insects. As such, this gene will be a very useful tool for Wolbachia strain typing and phylogenetic analysis, as well as understanding the molecular basis of the interaction of Wolbachia with its host.