998 resultados para cultivar resistance
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different combinations of grape cultivars and rootstocks on chemical characteristics of grape juices. Six treatments were evaluated, consisting of combinations between the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora grape cultivars and the 'IAC 766', 'IAC 313', and 'IAC 572' rootstocks. Approximately 10 L of juice were obtained per treatment. Analyses of color, total soluble solids content, pH, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total sugars, and quantification and identification of biogenic amines by HPLC were performed. Biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine, were found in all evaluated cultivars. By principal component analysis (PCA), treatments can be divided into two groups, according to the cultivar. Juices obtained from 'Isabel Precoce' are characterized by higher levels of total sugar content and soluble solids; however, juices from 'BRS Cora' are positively correlated with phenolic content, anthocyanins, and color and acidity parameters. The differences found by PCA for juices from the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora cultivars indicate that, regardless of the rootstock used, the most important factor in the chemical characterization of juices is the grape cultivar.
The widespread misuse of drugs has increased the number of multiresistant bacteria, and this means that tools that can rapidly detect and characterize bacterial response to antibiotics are much needed in the management of infections. Various techniques, such as the resazurin-reduction assays, the mycobacterial growth indicator tube or polymerase chain reaction-based methods, have been used to investigate bacterial metabolism and its response to drugs. However, many are relatively expensive or unable to distinguish between living and dead bacteria. Here we show that the fluctuations of highly sensitive atomic force microscope cantilevers can be used to detect low concentrations of bacteria, characterize their metabolism and quantitatively screen (within minutes) their response to antibiotics. We applied this methodology to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, showing that live bacteria produced larger cantilever fluctuations than bacteria exposed to antibiotics. Our preliminary experiments suggest that the fluctuation is associated with bacterial metabolism.
Introduction: Trastuzumab (T) is a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with HER2-overexpressing advanced breast cancer and development of resistance to T is a major therapeutic problem. HER-2 is part of a highly interactive signaling network that may impair efficacy of endocrine therapy. A sequential treatment design was chosen in this trial to ensure complete resistance to single agent therapy before receiving both a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI) and T. Any kind of clinical activity with combined treatment of AI and T after progression of single agent treatments could indicate restoration of sensitivity as a consequence of cross-talking and networking between both pathways. Methods: Key eligibility criteria included postmenopausal patients (pts.) with advanced, measurable, HER-2 positive (assessed by FISH, ratio (≥2)), HR positive disease and progression on prior treatment with a non-steroidal AI, e.g. letrozole or anastrozole, either in an adjuvant or advanced setting. Pts. received standard dose T monotherapy either weekly or three-weekly in step 1 and upon disease progression, continued T in combination with letrozole in step 2. The primary endpoint was clinical benefit response (CBR: CR, PR or SD for at least 24 weeks (+/- 1 week) according to RECIST) in step 2. Results: Thirteen pts. were enrolled in five centers in Switzerland. In step 1, six pts. (46%) achieved CBR. Median time to progression (TTP) was 161 days (Range: 50 - 627). Based on data collected until the end of May 2010, CBR was observed in seven out of the eleven evaluable pts. (64%) in step 2, including one pt. with partial response. Four of the seven pts. within step 2 that achieved CBR also had CBR in step 1. Seven out of eleven pts. have documented tumor progression during step 2 treatment. Median TTP for all eleven pts. was 184 days (range 61 - 471). Mean time on study treatment (TTP in step 1 plus TTP in step 2) for pts. reaching step 2 was 380 days (range 174 - 864). Adverse events were generally mild. Conclusion: Results of this proof-of-principle trial suggest that complete resistance to both AI and T can be overcome in a proportion of pts. by combined treatment of AI and T, as all pts. served as their own control. Our results appear promising for a new treatment strategy which offers a chemotherapy-free and well-tolerated option for at least a subset of the pts. with HR positive, HER-2 positive breast cancer. Further trials will need to corroborate this finding.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed stratification on germination rate, germination speed, and initial development of seedlings of six pecan (Carya illinoinensis) cultivars under subtropical climatic conditions in southern Brazil. For stratification, the seeds were placed in boxes with moist sand, in a cold chamber at 4°C, for 90 days. In the fourteenth week after sowing, the emergence speed index, total emergence, plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves were evaluated. Seed stratification significantly improves the germination potential and morphological traits of the evaluated cultivars.
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos fitotóxicos de fungicidas, acaricidas e inseticidas e algumas associações entre eles, em plantas de mamoeiros (Carica papaya L.) cv. Sunrise Solo Improved Line 72/12, em condições de campo, no município de São Mateus -- ES, pertencente à maior região produtora do Estado. O experimento foi arranjado em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições e 03 plantas úteis por parcela. Foram utilizados os seguintes produtos, com as respectivas doses, para cada 100 L de água: chlorothalonil (Daconil PM-200g); mancozeb (Dithane PM -- 200g); oxicloreto de cobre (Reconil -- 400g); thiabendazole (Tecto 450 -- 100ml); dicofol + tetradifon (Carbax -- 200ml); triazophós (Hostathion 400 BR -- 150ml); óxido de fenbutatina (Torque 500 SC -- 60ml); e abamectin (Vertimec 18 CE -- 50ml): Analisou-se a fitotoxicidade dos produtos testados, em relação à altura da planta, nº de folhas, número de flores e frutos ; diâmetro do caule e queimaduras ou injúrias foliares. As datas das avaliações foram: 01 dia antes das pulverizações, 15 dias e 30 dias após as mesmas. Os fungicidas Daconil BR, Reconil e Tecto 450; o fungicida acaricida Dithane PM; os acaricidas Carbax e Torque 500 SC; e o inseticida-acaricida Vertimec 18 CE, aplicados isoladamente, não afetaram o crescimento e a produção das plantas, nem causaram injúrias nas folhas das mesmas. A associação de fungicidas e fungicida-acaricida, com os acaricidas, ou inseticida-acaricida, não mostrou nenhum efeito fitotóxico sobre os parâmetros de crescimento avaliados, nem causaram queimaduras ou injúrias foliares.
Treatment options for chronic hepatitis B have significantly expanded over the last decade. Six nucleoside or nucleotide analogs (NA) with activity against the hepatitis B virus are currently available. Prolonged NA treatment is required in many cases to maintain viral suppression, with an inherent risk of the development of antiviral resistance. The purpose of this concise review is to provide an introduction to the prevention, diagnosis and management of antiviral resistance in chronic hepatitis B.
Foram coletadas, em área comercial da fazenda Córrego dos Bois, município de Canápolis -- MG, 20 plantas matrizes de abacaxizeiro cultivar Smooth Cayenne, para avaliação de similaridade e padrões genotípicos através de marcadores moleculares RAPD e padrões isoenzimáticos. As plantas matrizes foram selecionadas mediante as seguintes características: planta sadia, frutos cilíndricos, ausência de fasciação, pedúnculo curto, ausência de espinhos nas folhas, "olho" do fruto chato e peso dos frutos entre 1,6 a 2,2kg. Para análise de marcadores RAPD, foram testados 100 "primers", dos quais, 43 foram eficientes na amplificação das amostras, onde foram observados padrões de bandas diferentes entre as plantas matrizes utilizadas, indicando a existência de variabilidade genética. Nos padrões isoenzimáticos, dos 15 sistemas utilizados para revelação das amostras, 8 apresentaram atividade enzimática, sendo 5 deles com baixa resolução; entretanto, estes sistemas não foram eficientes em diferenciar as amostras devido à ausência de polimorfismo
Verifica-se, a nível mundial, uma forte tendência para o plantio da macieira em alta densidade de cultivo. Neste sistema de plantio, são utilizados porta-enxertos de pequeno porte, conhecidos como anões. O mais utilizado é o M-9, em virtude do forte controle sobre o porte da copa, da precocidade de produção, da alta produtividade e da boa qualidade dos frutos que induz à copa. No Sul do Brasil, por questões de tradição internacional, facilidade de obtenção e do menor custo de investimento no plantio, até recentemente, têm sido plantados porta-enxertos de vigor médio, como o MM-106, o M-7 e o MM-111, para plantios de média densidade. O primeiro é atualmente pouco usado devido à alta suscetibilidade à podridão-do-colo (Phytophthora cactorum). O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho do anão M-9, do semi-anão M-7 e do semivigoroso MM-111 no controle do vigor da copa, na precocidade de produção, na produtividade e no tamanho dos frutos da cv. de macieira Fuji. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições de 3 plantas por parcela. Como copa, foi utilizada a cv. Fuji, polinizada pela cv. Gala. O experimento foi implantado em 1996, em Fraiburgo-SC, principal pólo produtor de maçãs do País. O espaçamento de cultivo foi de 2,0 m por 5,0 m. O experimento foi conduzido por 4 anos, avaliando-se a precocidade (n0 de gemas de flor/cm² de área transversal do caule), produção (kg/planta), produtividade (t/ha), peso médio dos frutos (g) e distribuição dos frutos por categoria de tamanho (%). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o M-9 foi o mais precoce, produzindo, no terceiro ano, 1,94 vez mais gemas de flor que o M-7 e 2,70 vezes mais que o MM-111. Em termos de produção, no terceiro ano, o M-9 produziu 2,53 vezes mais que o M-7 e 2,70 vezes mais que o MM-111. No quarto ano, o M-9 produziu 1,28 vez mais que o M-7 e 1,26 vez mais que o MM-111. O peso médio dos frutos foi de 159,2 g, 135,5 g e 131,2 g, para o M-9, o M-7 e o MM-111, respectivamente. Em termos de distribuição por categoria de tamanho, o M-9 produziu 90,8% de frutos maiores que 62 mm, o M-7 produziu 79,5% e o MM-111, 70,9%, indicando que o M-9, além de mais precoce e mais produtivo, também produz frutos de maior calibre.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronic lung infections are the leading cause of mortality in cystic fibrosis patients, a serious problem which is notably due to the numerous P. aeruginosa virulence factors, to its ability to form biofilms and to resist the effects of most antibiotics. Production of virulence factors and biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa is highly coordinated through complex regulatory systems. We recently found that CzcRS, the zinc and cadmium-specific two-component system is not only involved in metal resistance, but also in virulence and carbapenem antibiotic resistance in P. aeruginosa. Interestingly, zinc has been shown to be enriched in the lung secretions of cystic fibrosis patients. In this study, we investigated whether zinc might favor P. aeruginosa pathogenicity using an artificial sputum medium to mimic the cystic fibrosis lung environment. Our results show that zinc supplementation triggers a dual P. aeruginosa response: (i) it exacerbates pathogenicity by a CzcRS two-component system-dependent mechanism and (ii) it stimulates biofilm formation by a CzcRS-independent mechanism. Furthermore, P. aeruginosa cells embedded in these biofilms exhibited increased resistance to carbapenems. We identified a novel Zn-sensitive regulatory circuit controlling the expression of the OprD porin and modifying the carbapenem resistance profile. Altogether our data demonstrated that zinc levels in the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients might aggravate P. aeruginosa infection. Targeting zinc levels in sputum would be a valuable strategy to curb the increasing burden of P. aeruginosa infections in cystic fibrosis patients.
Foram coletadas, em área comercial da fazenda Córrego dos Bois, município de Canápolis -- MG, plantas de abacaxizeiro cultivar Smooth Cayenne, para serem avaliadas quanto à propagação pelo método do seccionamento do talo e cultura de tecidos, bem como análise por RAPD das mudas decorrentes destes dois processos de propagação. A propagação pelo seccionamento do talo foi eficiente na produção de mudas, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade, em um curto espaço de tempo, além de apresentar a mesma característica genotípica (análise por RAPD) das plantas-matrizes de origem. Já no processo de produção de mudas por cultura de tecidos, não foi obtida uma quantidade suficiente de mudas que comprovasse a utilização de uma metodologia mais sofisticada. Além da perda por contaminação em laboratório de 70% do material em estudo, foi necessária a utilização de um longo período, aproximadamente 18 meses, para a obtenção das mudas. Na análise por RAPD das plantas decorrentes deste processo de propagação, foram observados padrões de bandas diferentes em algumas amostras, as quais podem estar relacionadas com uma possível variação somaclonal.
Objectives: Patients with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS-I) suffer from chronic candidosis caused mainly by Candida albicans, and repeated courses of azole antifungals have led to the development of resistance in the APECED patient population in Finland. The aim of our study was to address whether the patients are persistently colonized with the same or genetically closely related strains, whether epidemic strains are present and which molecular mechanisms account for azole resistance. Methods: Sets of C. albicans (n?=?19) isolates from nine APECED patients reported with decreased susceptibility to fluconazole isolated up to 9 years apart were included. The strains were typed by multilocus sequence typing. CDR1/2, MDR1 and ERG11 mRNA expression was analysed by northern blotting and Cdr1, Cdr2 and Mdr1 protein expression by western blotting, and TAC1 and ERG11 genes were sequenced. Results: All seven patients with multiple C. albicans isolates analysed were persistently colonized with the same or a genetically closely related strain for a mean of 5 years. All patients were colonized with different strains and no epidemic strains were found. The major molecular mechanisms behind the azole resistance were mutations in TAC1 contributing to overexpression of CDR1 and CDR2. Six new TAC1 mutations were found, one of which (N740S) is likely to be a gain-of-function mutation. Most isolates were found to have gained multiple TAC1 and ERG11 point mutations. Conclusions: Despite clinically successful treatment leading to relief of symptoms, colonization by C. albicans strains is persistent within APECED patients. Microevolution and point mutations occur within strains, leading to the development of azole-resistant isolates.
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de thidiazuron e de ácido giberélico nas características dos cachos de uvas 'Rubi', foi conduzido um experimento, utilizando-se de thidiazuron a 5 e 10 mg.L-1 e ácido giberélico a 20mg.L-1, combinados ou não. As aplicações dos produtos foram realizadas aos 14; 21 ou 28 dias após o pleno florescimento, por meio de imersão dos cachos. Todos os tratamentos com reguladores de crescimento aumentaram a massa dos cachos. A massa dos bagos e dos engaços foi identicamente influenciada pela aplicação dos produtos, porém menos evidente, quando as aplicações foram realizadas aos 28 dias após o pleno florescimento. As aplicações de thidiazuron a 5mg.L-1, aos 14 ou 21 dias após o florescimento, não diferiram das aplicações de ácido giberélico para as variáveis estudadas. Não houve diferenças significativas para as variáveis teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, porém os tratamentos com thidiazuron retardaram a maturação em até 7 dias.
O objetivo desse experimento foi avaliar a aceitação sensorial dos híbridos PV03-44 e PV03-76, provenientes do parental feminino cultivar Pacovan e selecionados pela Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura. Os atributos aroma, sabor, textura e cor foram avaliados por meio de teste de aceitação, utilizando-se de escala hedônica de 9 pontos, com frutos servidos na forma de rodelas de 1,5 cm de espessura. Análises de pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, açúcares totais e redutores e amido também foram realizadas. Os frutos apresentaram valores de pH na faixa de 4,3 a 4,5, acidez total titulável (% ácido málico) de 0,53 a 0,64, sólidos solúveis totais (%) de 22,2 a 27,4, açúcares totais (%) de 15,0 a 24,3, açúcares redutores (%) de 10,7 a 12,4 e amido (%) de 2,1 a 3,2. Os resultados da análise sensorial mostraram os maiores valores para a cultivar Pacovan quanto aos atributos de sabor, textura e cor, com valores de 7,0; 6,8 e 7,8, respectivamente, posicionando-se entre os termos "gostei regularmente" e "gostei muito", na escala hedônica de 9 pontos. Os híbridos PV03-76 e PV03-44 apresentaram resultados similares entre si e significativamente inferiores aos da cultivar Pacovan para os atributos sabor e cor. Conclui-se pela aceitação sensorial satisfatória, exceto para o atributo cor, dos híbridos PV03-44 e PV03-76.
Horizontal gene transfer between commensal and pathogenic Neisseriae is the mechanism proposed to explain how pathogenic species acquire altered portions of the penA gene, which encodes penicillin binding protein 2. These changes resulted in a moderately penicillin-resistant phenotype in the meningococci, whose frequency of isolation in Spain increased at the end of the 1980s. Little has been published about the possibility of this gene transfer in nature or about its simulation in the laboratory. We designed a simple microcosm, formed by solid and liquid media, that partially mimics the upper human respiratory tract. In this microcosm, penicillin-resistant commensal strains and the fully susceptible meningococcus were co-cultivated. The efficiency of gene transfer between the strains depended on the phase of bacterial growth and the conditions of culture. Resistance of penicillin was acquired in different steps irrespective of the source of the DNA. The presence of DNase in the medium had no effect on gene transfer, but it was near zero when nicked DNA was used. Cell-to-cell contact or membrane blebs could explain these results. The analysis of sequences of the transpeptidase domain of PBP2 from transformants, and from donor and recipient strains demonstrated that the emergence of moderately resistant transformants was due to genetic exchange between the co-cultivated strains. Finally, mechanisms other than penA modification could be invoked to explain decreased susceptibility
The idea that bacteriophage transduction plays a role in the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes is gaining momentum. Such transduction might be vital in horizontal transfer from environmental to human bodyassociated biomes and here we review many lines of evidence supporting this notion. It is well accepted that bacteriophages are the most abundant entities in most environments, where they have been shown to be quite persistent. This fact, together with the ability of many phages to infect bacteria belonging to different taxa, makes them suitable vehicles for gene transfer. Metagenomic studies confirm that substantial percentages of the bacteriophage particles present in most environments contain bacterial genes, including mobile genetic elements and antibiotic resistance genes. When specific genes of resistance to antibiotics are detected by real-time PCR in the bacteriophage populations of different environments, only tenfold lower numbers of these genes are observed, compared with those found in the corresponding bacterial populations. In addition, the antibiotic resistance genes from these bacteriophages are functional and generate resistance to the bacteria when these genes are transfected. Finally, reports about the transduction of antibiotic resistance genes are on the increase.