989 resultados para crystal structure and symmetry


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Relaxin- 3 is the most recently discovered member of the relaxin family of peptide hormones. In contrast to relaxin- 1 and - 2, whose main functions are associated with pregnancy, relaxin- 3 is involved in neuropeptide signaling in the brain. Here, we report the solution structure of human relaxin- 3, the first structure of a relaxin family member to be solved by NMR methods. Overall, relaxin- 3 adopts an insulin- like fold, but the structure differs crucially from the crystal structure of human relaxin- 2 near the B- chain terminus. In particular, the B- chain C terminus folds back, allowing Trp(B27) to interact with the hydrophobic-core. This interaction partly blocks the conserved RXXXRXXI motif identified as a determinant for the interaction with the relaxin receptor LGR7 and may account for the lower affinity of relaxin- 3 relative to relaxin for this receptor. This structural feature is likely important for the activation of its endogenous receptor, GPCR135.


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Pyrin domain (PYD)-containing proteins are key components of pathways that regulate inflammation, apoptosis, and cytokine processing. Their importance is further evidenced by the consequences of mutations in these proteins that give rise to autoimmune and hyperinflammatory syndromes. PYDs, like other members of the death domain ( DD) superfamily, are postulated to mediate homotypic interactions that assemble and regulate the activity of signaling complexes. However, PYDs are presently the least well characterized of all four DD subfamilies. Here we report the three-dimensional structure and dynamic properties of ASC2, a PYD-only protein that functions as a modulator of multidomain PYD-containing proteins involved in NF-KB and caspase-1 activation. ASC2 adopts a six-helix bundle structure with a prominent loop, comprising 13 amino acid residues, between helices two and three. This loop represents a divergent feature of PYDs from other domains with the DD fold. Detailed analysis of backbone N-15 NMR relaxation data using both the Lipari-Szabo model-free and reduced spectral density function formalisms revealed no evidence of contiguous stretches of polypeptide chain with dramatically increased internal motion, except at the extreme N and C termini. Some mobility in the fast, picosecond to nanosecond timescale, was seen in helix 3 and the preceding alpha 2-alpha 3 loop, in stark contrast to the complete disorder seen in the corresponding region of the NALP1 PYD. Our results suggest that extensive conformational flexibility in helix 3 and the alpha 2-alpha 3 loop is not a general feature of pyrin domains. Further, a transition from complete disorder to order of the alpha 2-alpha 3 loop upon binding, as suggested for NALP1, is unlikely to be a common attribute of pyrin domain interactions.


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The green fluorescent protein (avGFP), its variants, and the closely related GFP-like proteins are characterized structurally by a cyclic tri-peptide chromophore located centrally within a conserved beta-can fold. Traditionally, these GFP family members have been isolated from the Cnidaria although recently, distantly related GFP-like proteins from the Bilateria, a sister group of the Cnidaria have been described, although no representative structure from this phylum has been reported to date. We have determined to 2.1 angstrom resolution the crystal structure of copGFP, a representative GFP-like protein from a copepod, a member of the Bilateria. The structure of copGFP revealed that, despite sharing only 19% sequence identity with GFP, the tri-peptide chromophore (Gly57-Tyr58-Gly59) of copGFP adopted a cis coplanar conformation within the conserved beta-can fold. However, the immediate environment surrounding the chromophore of copGFP was markedly atypical when compared to other members of the GFP-superfamily, with a large network of bulky residues observed to surround the chromophore. Arg87 and Glu222 (GFP numbering 96 and 222), the only two residues conserved between copGFP, GFP and GFP-like proteins are involved in autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore. Accordingly, the copGFP structure provides an alternative platform for the development of a new suite of fluorescent protein tools. Moreover, the structure suggests that the autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore is remarkably tolerant to a high degree of sequence and structural variation within the beta-can fold of the GFP superfamily. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd . All rights reserved.


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The design and construction of a sputtering system for the deposition of barium titanate thin films is described. The growth and structure of barium titanate films deposited on a variety of substrates including amorphous carbon fi1ms, potassium bromide single crystals, and polycrystalline gold films has been studied. Films deposited on all substrates at room temperature were amorphous. Polycrystalline titanate films were formed on polycrystalline and amorphous substrates at temperatures above 450°C while films with a pronounced texture could be expitaxially deposited on single crystal potassium bromide above a temperature of only 200°C. Results of dielectric measurements made on the films are reported. Amorphous films were highly insulating (resistivities ~1014 ohm.cm with dielectric constants of between 10 and 20.


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The structure and spin-crossover magnetic behavior of [FeII16][BF4]2 (1 = isoxazole) and [FeII16][ClO4]2 have been studied. [FeII16][BF4]2 undergoes two reversible spin-crossover transitions at 91 and 192 K, and is the first two-step spin transition to undergo a simultaneous crystallographic phase transition, but does not exhibit thermal hysteresis. The single-crystal structure determinations at 260 [space group P3̄, a = 17.4387(4) Å, c = 7.6847(2) Å] and at 130 K [space group P1̄, a = 17.0901(2) Å, b = 16.7481(2) Å, c = 7.5413(1) Å, α = 90.5309(6)°, β = 91.5231(6)°, γ = 117.8195(8)°] reveal two different iron sites, Fe1 and Fe2, in a 1:2 ratio. The room-temperature magnetic moment of 5.0 μB is consistent with high-spin Fe(II). A plateau in μ(T) having a moment of 3.3 μB centered at 130 K suggests a mixed spin system of some high-spin and some low-spin Fe(II) molecules. On the basis of the Fe−N bond distances at the two temperatures, and the molar fraction of high-spin molecules at the transition plateau, Fe1 and Fe2 can be assigned to the 91 and 192 K transitions, respectively. [FeII16][ClO4]2 [space group P3̄, a = 17.5829(3) Å, c = 7.8043(2) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 295 K] also possesses Fe1:Fe2 in a 1:2 ratio, and magnetic measurements show a single spin transition at 213 K, indicating that both Fe1 and Fe2 undergo a simultaneous spin transition. [FeII16][ClO4]2 slowly decomposes in solutions containing acetic anhydride to form [FeIII3O(OAc)613][ClO4] [space group I2, a = 10.1547(7) Å, b = 16.5497(11) Å, c = 10.3205(9) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 200 K]. The isosceles Fe3 unit contains two Fe···Fe distances of 3.2844(1) Å and a third Fe···Fe distance of 3.2857(1) Å. The magnetic data can be fit to a trinuclear model with ℋ = −2J(S1·S2 + S2·S3) − 2J13(S1·S3), where J = −27.1 and J13 = −32.5 cm-1.


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The reaction of Cs4[Re6Te8(CN)6]·2H2O with Cu(en)2Cl2 in water affords crystals of a cluster complex [{Cu(H2O)(en) 2}{Cu(en)2}Re6Te8(CN)6]·3H2O. The structure of the compound is determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction (a = 10.8082(4) Å, b = 16.5404(6) Å, c = 24.6480(7) Å, β = 92.696(1)°, V = 4401.5(3) Å3, Z = 4, space group P21/n, R 1 = 0.0331, wR 2 (all data) = 0.0652). In the complex, cluster [Re6Te8(CN)6]4- anions are linked by Cu2+ cations into zigzag chains through cyanide bridges. The coordination environment of the copper cations is complemented by ethylenediamine molecules. Each of the cluster anions is additionally coordinated by a terminal fragment {Cu(H2O)(en)2}. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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Hemoproteins are a very important class of enzymes in nature sharing the essentially same prosthetic group, heme, and are good models for exploring the relationship between protein structure and function. Three important hemoproteins, chloroperoxidase (CPO), horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and cytochrome P450cam (P450cam), have been extensively studied as archetypes for the relationship between structure and function. In this study, a series of 1D and 2D NMR experiments were successfully conducted to contribute to the structural studies of these hemoproteins. ^ During the epoxidation of allylbenzene, CPO is converted to an inactive green species with the prosthetic heme modified by addition of the alkene plus an oxygen atom forming a five-membered chelate ring. Complete assignment of the NMR resonances of the modified porphyrin extracted and demetallated from green CPO unambiguously established the structure of this porphyrin as an NIII-alkylated product. A novel substrate binding motif of CPO was proposed from this concluded regiospecific N-alkylation structure. ^ Soybean peroxidase (SBP) is considered as a more stable, more abundant and less expensive substitute of HRP for industrial applications. A NMR study of SBP using 1D and 2D NOE methods successfully established the active site structure of SBP and consequently fills in the blank of the SBP NMR study. All of the hyperfine shifts of the SBP-CN- complex are unambiguously assigned together with most of the prosthetic heme and all proximal His170 resonances identified. The active site structure of SBP revealed by this NMR study is in complete agreement with the recombinant SBP crystal structure and is highly similar to that of the HRP with minor differences. ^ The NMR study of paramagnetic P450cam had been greatly restricted for a long time. A combination of 2D NMR methods was used in this study for P450cam-CN - complexes with and without camphor bound. The results lead to the first unequivocal assignments of all heme hyperfine-shifted signals, together with certain correlated diamagnetic resonances. The observed alternation of the assigned novel proximal cysteine β-CH2 resonances induced by camphor binding indicated a conformational change near the proximal side.^


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This thesis begins by studying the thickness of evaporative spin coated colloidal crystals and demonstrates the variation of the thickness as a function of suspension concentration and spin rate. Particularly, the films are thicker with higher suspension concentration and lower spin rate. This study also provides evidence for the reproducibility of spin coating in terms of the thickness of the resulting colloidal films. These colloidal films, as well as the ones obtained from various other methods such as convective assembly and dip coating, usually possess a crystalline structure. Due to the lack of a comprehensive method for characterization of order in colloidal structures, a procedure is developed for such a characterization in terms of local and longer range translational and orientational order. Translational measures turn out to be adequate for characterizing small deviations from perfect order, while orientational measures are more informative for polycrystalline and highly disordered crystals. Finally, to obtain an understanding of the relationship between dynamics and structure, the dynamics of colloids in a quasi-2D suspension as a function of packing fraction is studied. The tools that are used are mean square displacement (MSD) and the self part of the van Hove function. The slow down of dynamics is observed as the packing fraction increases, accompanied with the emergence of 6-fold symmetry within the system. The dynamics turns out to be non-Gaussian at early times and Gaussian at later times for packing fractions below 0.6. Above this packing fraction, the dynamics is non-Gaussian at all times. Also the diffusion coefficient is calculated from MSD and the van Hove function. It goes down as the packing fraction is increased.


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We theoretically investigate the dynamics of two mutually coupled, identical single-mode semi-conductor lasers. For small separation and large coupling between the lasers, symmetry-broken one-color states are shown to be stable. In this case the light outputs of the lasers have significantly different intensities while at the same time the lasers are locked to a single common frequency. For intermediate coupling we observe stable symmetry-broken two-color states, where both lasers lase simultaneously at two optical frequencies which are separated by up to 150 GHz. Using a five-dimensional model, we identify the bifurcation structure which is responsible for the appearance of symmetric and symmetry-broken one-color and two-color states. Several of these states give rise to multistabilities and therefore allow for the design of all-optical memory elements on the basis of two coupled single-mode lasers. The switching performance of selected designs of optical memory elements is studied numerically.


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The crystal structure containing (+/-)-3-methyl-2-phenylbutyramide with salicylic acid is the first example of a kryptoracemate co-crystal. It exhibits the first temperature mediated reversible single-crystal to single-crystal transition between two kryptoracemate forms, in addition to crystallising in another, racemic, form. Theoretical calculations and structural analysis reveal that there are only small differences in both energy and packing arrangements between the three forms. These results suggest that co-crystals can be an opportunity to investigate kryptoracemate behaviour.


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Quantum mechanics, optics and indeed any wave theory exhibits the phenomenon of interference. In this thesis we present two problems investigating interference due to indistinguishable alternatives and a mostly unrelated investigation into the free space propagation speed of light pulses in particular spatial modes. In chapter 1 we introduce the basic properties of the electromagnetic field needed for the subsequent chapters. In chapter 2 we review the properties of interference using the beam splitter and the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In particular we review what happens when one of the paths of the interferometer is marked in some way so that the particle having traversed it contains information as to which path it went down (to be followed up in chapter 3) and we review Hong-Ou-Mandel interference at a beam splitter (to be followed up in chapter 5). In chapter 3 we present the first of the interference problems. This consists of a nested Mach-Zehnder interferometer in which each of the free space propagation segments are weakly marked by mirrors vibrating at different frequencies [1]. The original experiment drew the conclusions that the photons followed disconnected paths. We partition the description of the light in the interferometer according to the number of paths it contains which-way information about and reinterpret the results reported in [1] in terms of the interference of paths spatially connected from source to detector. In chapter 4 we briefly review optical angular momentum, entanglement and spontaneous parametric down conversion. These concepts feed into chapter 5 in which we present the second of the interference problems namely Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with particles possessing two degrees of freedom. We analyse the problem in terms of exchange symmetry for both boson and fermion pairs and show that the particle statistics at a beam splitter can be controlled for suitably chosen states. We propose an experimental test of these ideas using orbital angular momentum entangled photons. In chapter 6 we look at the effect that the transverse spatial structure of the mode that a pulse of light is excited in has on its group velocity. We show that the resulting group velocity is slower than the speed of light in vacuum for plane waves and that this reduction in the group velocity is related to the spread in the wave vectors required to create the transverse spatial structure. We present experimental results of the measurement of this slowing down using Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.


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The survival and descent of cells is universally dependent on maintaining their proteins in a properly folded condition. It is widely accepted that the information for the folding of the nascent polypeptide chain into a native protein is encrypted in the amino acid sequence, and the Nobel Laureate Christian Anfinsen was the first to demonstrate that a protein could spontaneously refold after complete unfolding. However, it became clear that the observed folding rates for many proteins were much slower than rates estimated in vivo. This led to the recognition of required protein-protein interactions that promote proper folding. A unique group of proteins, the molecular chaperones, are responsible for maintaining protein homeostasis during normal growth as well as stress conditions. Chaperonins (CPNs) are ubiquitous and essential chaperones. They form ATP-dependent, hollow complexes that encapsulate polypeptides in two back-to-back stacked multisubunit rings, facilitating protein folding through highly cooperative allosteric articulation. CPNs are usually classified into Group I and Group II. Here, I report the characterization of a novel CPN belonging to a third Group, recently discovered in bacteria. Group III CPNs have close phylogenetic association to the Group II CPNs found in Archaea and Eukarya, and may be a relic of the Last Common Ancestor of the CPN family. The gene encoding the Group III CPN from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans and Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator was cloned in E. coli and overexpressed in order to both characterize the protein and to demonstrate its ability to function as an ATPase chaperone. The opening and closing cycle of the Chy chaperonin was examined via site-directed mutations affecting the ATP binding site at R155. To relate the mutational analysis to the structure of the CPN, the crystal structure of both the AMP-PNP (an ATP analogue) and ADP bound forms were obtained in collaboration with Sun-Shin Cha in Seoul, South Korea. The ADP and ATP binding site substitutions resulted in frozen forms of the structures in open and closed conformations. From this, mutants were designed to validate hypotheses regarding key ATP interacting sites as well as important stabilizing interactions, and to observe the physical properties of the resulting complexes by calorimetry.


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The LY549-PLA(2)s myotoxins have attracted attention as models for the induction of myonecrosis by a catalytically independent mechanism of action. Structural studies and biological activities have demonstrated that the myotoxic activity of LYS49-PLA(2) is independent of the catalytic activity site. The myotoxic effect is conventionally thought to be to due to the C-terminal region 111-121, which plays an effective role in membrane damage. In the present study, Bn IV LYS49-PLA(2) was isolated from Bothrops neuwiedi snake venom in complex with myristic acid (CH3(CH2)(12)COOH) and its overall structure was refined at 2.2 angstrom resolution. The Bn IV crystals belong to monoclinic space group P2(1) and contain a dimer in the asymmetric unit. The unit cell parameters are a = 38.8, b = 70.4, c = 44.0 angstrom. The biological assembly is a "conventional dimer" and the results confirm that dimer formation is not relevant to the myotoxic activity. Electron density map analysis of the Bn IV structure shows clearly the presence of myristic acid in catalytic site. The relevant structural features for myotoxic activity are located in the C-terminal region and the Bn IV C-terminal residues NKKYRY are a probable heparin binding domain. These findings indicate that the mechanism of interaction between Bn IV and muscle cell membranes is through some kind of cell signal transduction mediated by heparin complexes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Sodium salts of dimethyldithiocarbamate, diethyldithiocarbamate and pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate react with the multiply bonded paramagnetic dirhenium(III,II) complex Re2(μ-O2CCH3)Cl4(μ-dppm)2, 1 (dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2) in refluxing ethanol to afford the paramagnetic substitution products of the type Re2(η2-S,S)2(μ-S,S)(μ-Cl)2(μ-dppm), where S,S represents the dithiocarbamato ligands [S,S = S2CNMe2, 4(LMe); S2CNEt2, 4(LEt) and S2CN(CH2)4, 4(LPyr)]. These are the first examples of dirhenium complexes that contain bridging dithiocarbamato ligand along with the dppm ligand. These complexes have very similar spectral (UV-Vis, IR, EPR) and electrochemical properties which are also reported. The identity of 4(LEt) has been established by single-crystal X-ray structure determination (Re-Re distance 2.6385 (9) Å) and is shown to have edge-shared bioctahedral structure. The electronic structure and the absorption spectra of the complexes are scrutinized by the density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) analyses.