976 resultados para congenital nasolacrimal obstruction
Introduction. After hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), many patients present genital graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) that can culminate with sexual problems, which are poorly dimensioned. Aim. We hope to draw attention to the need to perform genital biopsy to diagnose genital GVHD, and thus to call attention to the need to incorporate careful attention to sexual health in the treatment of these patients. Methods. Five allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients complaining of coital pain after HSCT were clinically diagnosed for genital GVHD. Genital biopsies were given for histological analysis, and microphotographs of the corresponding marked field in the slide were taken. Specimens were evaluated by the site pathologist and then sent to a reference pathologist, each blinded to the histological findings. A literature search was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE (1966-2009) for cross-sectional and cohort studies or trials related to genital GVHD. Expert opinions peer reviews and case reports were also considered. Main Outcome Measures. HSCT, genital GVHD, genital biopsy. Results. The biopsy showed evidence of dilated apoptotic cells in the basal layer and detachment of the epithelial lining of the mucosa, hyalinization and thickening of collagen fibers, capillary ectasia, and mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the submucosa. Three patients presented vulval lesion such as leucoplasia and ulcer on the large lip. Histological analyses showed evidence of epithelial hyperplasia and influx of inflammatory cells to the epithelial surface, intercellular edema and spongiosis, apoptotic bodies on the basal layer of the epithelium, spongiosis, and nuclear vacuolization. A common treatment based on corticotherapy resulted in complete remission of coetaneous or mucous genital lesions in all five patients. Conclusion. Genital biopsy is important to differentially diagnose GVHD and secondary symptoms due to hypoestrogenism. Prevention is the most important step in controlling the evolution GVHD in the vagina to prevent vaginal obstruction and sexual dysfunction. da Silva Lara LA, de Andrade JM, Mauad LMQ, Ferrarese SR, Marana HRC, Tiezzi DG, and de Sa Rosa e Silva ACJ. Genital manifestation of graft-vs.-host disease: A series of case reports. J Sex Med 2010;7:3216-3225.
OBJECTIVE: To determine contribution of reinfection with new strains of cytomegalovirus in cytomegalovirus seromimmune women to incidence of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. STUDY DESIGN: In 7848 women studied prospectively for congenital cytomegalovirus infection from a population with near universal cytomegalovirus seroimmunity, sera from 40 mothers of congenitally infected infants and 109 mothers of uninfected newborns were analyzed for strain-specific anticytomegalovirus antibodies. RESULTS: All women were cytomegalovirus seroimmune at first prenatal visit. Reactivity for 2 cytomegalovirus strains was found in 14 of 40 study mothers and in 17 of 109 control mothers at first prenatal visit (P=.009). Seven of 40 (17.5%) study women and 5 of 109 (4.6%) controls (P=.002) acquired antibodies reactive with new cytomegalovirus strains during pregnancy. Evidence of infection with more than 1 strain of cytomegalovirus before or during current pregnancy occurred in 21 of 40 study mothers and 22 of 109 controls (P<.0001). CONCLUSION: Maternal reinfection by new strains of cytomegalovirus is a major source of congenital infection in this population.
Objectives Because of the large number of cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) recorded in Brazil over the last few years, this disease has been showing characteristics different from previously known ones. We report cases of pregnant women treated for VL, describing their course and outcome and the chemotherapeutic medication used according to the clinical signs and symptoms of each patient. Study design We report five cases of pregnant women treated for VL in a central-western region of Brazil. Results No case of vertical transmission was observed, even in patients who were treated after delivery. One of the patients with a late diagnosis made after the onset of symptoms died. Thus, the treatment of VL during pregnancy reduces maternal mortality and the rate of vertical transmission of the disease, being safe and effective as long as the disease is diagnosed early. Conclusion At present, amphotericin B and its derivatives appear to be the best therapeutic option for the mother-child binomial.
Objective: The aims of this study were to assess the feasibility of performing a complete fetal echocardiographic study during the first trimester of pregnancy, to establish the best week to accomplish a complete evaluation, and to find a relationship between the diameters of the cardiac valves and gestational age. Methods: 46 fetuses with normal nuchal translucency and venous duct Doppler velocimetry were submitted to echocardiographic studies by the transvaginal approach between the 11 + 0 and 14 + 6 weeks of gestation. A complete echocardiographic evaluation was defined as an examination in which the three basic planes, four-chamber, longitudinal and short-axis views, were obtained. Results: The rates of complete echocardiography evaluation were 37, 85 and 100% at 11, 12 and 13-14 weeks, respectively. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain and the short-axis view was the most difficult one. The diameter of the cardiac valves was compared with the crown-rump length (CRL) and there was no statistically significant difference between either the diameters of the mitral and tricuspid or the aortic and pulmonary valves. A linear growth curve was constructed to demonstrate the diameter correlations. Conclusions: The study demonstrated the feasibility of a complete fetal echocardiographic evaluation by the transvaginal approach during the first trimester of gestation. The rate of a complete evaluation increased along the period and reached 100% when the CRL was 64 mm or 13 weeks of gestational age. There was a linear correlation between the cardiac valve diameters and the CRL revealing a relationship between the cardiac and fetal development. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the left and right valve dimensions possibly means that there is no predominance of right or left chambers during this period of evaluation. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background. Morphological and dentofacial alterations have been attributed to impaired respiratory function. Objective. To examine the influence of mouth breathing (MB) on children facial morphology before and after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy. Methods. Thirty-three MB children who restored nasal breathing (NB) after surgery and 22 NB children were evaluated. Both groups were submitted to lateral cephalometry, at time 1 (T1) before and at time 2 (T2) 28 months on average postoperatively. Results. Comparison between the MB and NB groups at T1 showed that mouth breathers had higher inclination of the mandibular plane; more obtuse gonial angle; dolichofacial morphology; and a decrease in the total and inferior posterior facial heights. Twenty-eight months after the MB surgical intervention, they still presented a dolichofacial morphologic pattern. During this period, MB altered the face growth direction and decreased their mandible plane inclination, with reduction in the SN.GoGn, PP.MP, SNGn, and ArGo.GoMe parameters as well as an increase in BaN.PtGn. Conclusion. After the MB rehabilitation, children between 3 and 6 years old presented significant normalization in the mandibular growth direction, a decrease in the mandible inclination, and an increase in the posterior facial height. Instead, they still persisted with a dolichofacial pattern when compared with nasal breathers.
Angiogenic T/natural killer (NK)-cell lymphoma is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by necrosis and vascular destruction that is strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus and AIDS. Early diagnosis is essential to improve the chances of patient survival, but severe local inflammatory infiltrate impairs histologic diagnosis by obscuring neoplastic cells. The most common markers are CD2, CD56, cytoplasmic CD3, and CD43 EBV We describe 3 cases of angiogenic T/NK-cell lymphoma that show the diverse Presentation of the same disease. Patient I was HIV positive and had nasal obstruction, facial edema, and ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Patient 2 had fever, a sore throat, and weight loss. Patient 3 had facial edema, fever, proptosis, and rapid development Of neurologic alterations. Several biopsies were needed for histologic confirmation in these patients, despite positivity for the CD3 and CD56 markers.
Because dry eye disease is rare in children and its pathogenesis is less well known than in adults, its diagnosis is often overlooked. It can occur in association with a number of congenital, autoimmune, endocrine, and inflammatory disorders, or under certain environmental and nutritional conditions. In some cases, early detection allows the underlying cause of the dry eye to be successfully treated and eliminated. In other cases, the disease may represent a lifelong problem, whose proper management can prevent ulceration and scarring of the ocular surface. Because of the association of pediatric dry eye with other conditions, a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment is usually required. The purpose of this review is to enhance physician awareness of dry eye in children, to describe the most frequently associated conditions, and to discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic options available.
PURPOSE. The goal of this study was to determine whether the medial rectus muscles of patients with a history of medial rectus underaction or overaction show alterations in the process of satellite cell activation when compared with normal age-matched control muscles. METHODS. Medial rectus muscles were obtained with consent from adult patients undergoing surgical resection due to medial rectus underaction or overaction and were prepared for histologic examination by fixation and paraffin embedding. Control muscles were obtained from cornea donor eyes of adults who had no history of strabismus or neuromuscular disease. Cross sections were obtained and stained immunohistochemically for the presence of activated satellite cells, as identified by MyoD immunoreactivity, and the presence of the total satellite cell population, as identified by Pax7 immunoreactivity. The percentages of MyoD- and Pax7-positive satellite cells per 100 myofibers in cross section were calculated. RESULTS. As predicted from results in the literature, MyoD-positive satellite cells, indicative of activation, were present in both the control and resected muscles. In the underacting medial rectus muscles, the percentages of MyoD- and Pax7-positive satellite cells, based on the number of myofibers, were approximately twofold higher than the percentages in the control muscles. In the overacting medial rectus muscles, the percentage of MyoD- positive satellite cells was twofold less than in the control muscles, whereas the percentage of Pax7-positive satellite cells significantly increased compared with that in the control specimens. CONCLUSIONS. The presence of an increased number of activated satellite cells in the resected underacting medial rectus muscles and the decreased numbers of activated satellite cells in the overacting muscles was unexpected. The upregulation in the number of MyoD- positive satellite cells in underacting muscles suggests that there is potential for successful upregulation of size in these muscles, as the cellular machinery for muscle repair and regeneration, the satellite cells, is retained and active in patients with medial rectus underaction. The decreased number of activated satellite cells in overacting MR muscle suggests that factors as yet unknown in these overacting muscles are able to affect the number of satellite cells and/or their responsiveness compared with normal age-matched control muscles. These hypotheses are currently being tested.
Coronary artery aneurysms, commonly atherosclerotic, are usually asymptomatic and can be diagnosed incidentally during investigation for ischemic heart disease or on autopsy. An asymptomatic giant right coronary artery aneurysm presenting as a paracardiac mass discovered on autopsy is reported here. Even though there was great concern due to its large size, complex atherosclerotic lesions, and potential obstruction of blood flow, it had no direct link to the cause of death. We also review the literature on giant right coronary artery aneurysms exceeding 5 cm in the last 10 years. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background. Rubella vaccination is contraindicated during pregnancy. During mass immunization of women of childbearing age against rubella, women unknowingly pregnant may be vaccinated. To evaluate the effects of rubella vaccination during pregnancy, the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo conducted a follow-up study of pregnant women vaccinated during a rubella campaign in 2001. Methods. Women vaccinated during pregnancy were reported to a national surveillance system. In the state of Sao Paulo, follow-up of vaccinated women included household interviews. Serum samples from vaccinated women were tested for antirubella antibodies to classify susceptibility to rubella infection. Children born to susceptible mothers were tested for evidence of congenital rubella infection and evaluated for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Results. The Sao Paulo State Health Department received 6473 notifications of women vaccinated during pregnancy. Serology performed for 5580 women identified 811 (15%) that were previously susceptible. Incidence of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth among previously susceptible vaccinated women was similar to women with prior immunity. Twenty-seven (4.7%) of 580 newborns tested had evidence of congenital rubella infection; none had congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. Mass rubella vaccination of women of childbearing age was not associated with adverse birth outcomes or congenital rubella syndrome among children born to women vaccinated during pregnancy.
Aim: To evaluate whether the ventricular septal defect (VSD) size, along with the degree of preoperative growth impairment and age at repair, may influence postoperative growth, and if VSD size can be useful to identify children at risk for preoperative failure to thrive. Methods: Sixty-eight children submitted to VSD repair in a Brazilian tertiary-care institution were evaluated. Weight and height measurements were converted to Z-scores. Ventricular septal defect size was normalized by dividing it by the aortic root diameter (VSD/Ao ratio). Results: Twenty-six patients (38%) had significantly low weight-for-height, 10 patients (15%) had significantly low height-for-age and 13 patients (19%) had both conditions at repair. Catch-up growth occurred in 82% of patients for weight-for-age, in 75% of patients for height-for-age and in 89% of patients for weight-for-height. Weight-for-height Z-scores at surgery were significantly lower in patients who underwent repair before 9 months of age. The VSD/Ao ratio did not associate with any other data. On multivariate analysis, weight-for-age Z-scores and age at surgery were independent predictors of long-term weight and height respectively. Conclusion: The VSD/Ao ratio was not a good predictor of preoperative failure to thrive. Most patients had preoperative growth impairment and presented catch-up growth after repair. Preoperative growth status and age at surgery influenced long-term growth.
Aims: To evaluate cell catabolism by balance of nitrogen and phosphate, and creatinine excretion in children post-cardiac surgery; to establish protein and energy requirements to minimize catabolism; and to assess nutritional therapy by following these parameters and serial anthropometric measurements. Methods: A prospective observational study of children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery. Blood samples and 24-h urine collections were obtained postoperatively for creatinine measurement and nitrogen and phosphate balance. Anthropometric measurements (weight, mid-arm muscle circumference and triceps skinfold thickness) were obtained preoperatively and at paediatric intensive care unit and hospital discharge. Results: Eleven children were studied for 3-10 postoperative days. Anabolism was associated with higher protein and energy intakes compared to catabolism (1.1 vs. 0.1 g/kg/day and 54 vs. 17 kcal/kg/day, respectively). On days with anabolism, phosphate balance was greater compared with that on days with catabolism. Daily creatinine excretion did not correlate with protein balance. Anthropometric measurements did not change significantly over time. Conclusions: Children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery achieved anabolism with > 55 kcal/kg/day and > 1 g/kg/day of protein. Balance of phosphate was useful to monitor cell breakdown. Anthropometric measurements were not valuable to evaluate nutritional therapy in this population.
Objective: To study the prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux in infants with Robin sequence who had severe respiratory obstruction treated with nasopharyngeal intubation and to evaluate the efficacy of nonsurgical treatment. Design: Longitudinal prospective study. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalias Craniofaciais, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients: Twenty infants with severe isolated Robin sequence treated with nasopharyngeal intubation. Interventions: We performed 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring on each child at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Respiratory and feeding status were evaluated. We considered abnormal gastroesophageal reflux as reflux index values above the 95th percentile of the Vandenplas reference for normal children. Results: The prevalence of reflux index above the 95th percentile at the first exam was 6/20, a value significantly higher than the reference (5/103, p < .01). At the second and third exams, reflux index values were decreased. Ninety percent of the infants showed improvement of respiratory difficulty and developed oral feeding capacity. Conclusions: The prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux is higher in infants with severe cases of Robin sequence than in normal infants. Nonsurgical procedures improved respiratory and feeding difficulties of most of these infants.
OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the effect of oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate on the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in children undergoing cardiac surgery. DESIGN. Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING. Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at a tertiary care hospital. patients. One hundred sixty children undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease, randomized into 2 groups: chlorhexidine (n = 87) and control (n = 73). INTERVENTIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate or placebo preoperatively and twice a day postoperatively until PICU discharge or death. RESULTS. Patients in experimental and control groups had similar ages (median, 12.2 vs 10.8 months; P =. 72) and risk adjustment for congenital heart surgery 1 score distribution (66% in category 1 or 2 in both groups; P =. 17). The incidence of nosocomial pneumonia was 29.8% versus 24.6% (Pp. 46) and the incidence of VAP was 18.3% versus 15% (Pp. 57) in the chlorhexidine and the control group, respectively. There was no difference in intubation time (P =. 34), need for reintubation (P =. 37), time interval between hospitalization and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 63), time interval between surgery and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 10), and time on antibiotics (P =. 77) and vasoactive drugs (P =. 16) between groups. Median length of PICU stay (3 vs 4 days; P =. 53), median length of hospital stay (12 vs 11 days; P =. 67), and 28-day mortality (5.7% vs 6.8%; P =. 77) were also similar in the chlorhexidine and the control group. CONCLUSIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate did not reduce the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and VAP in children undergoing cardiac surgery.
Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a common problem following cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in neonates and infants, and its early recognition remains a challenging task. We aimed to test whether a multimarker approach combining inflammatory and cardiac markers provides complementary information for prediction of LCOS and death in children submitted to cardiac surgery with CPB. Forty-six children younger than 18 months with congenital heart defects were prospectively enrolled. No intervention was made. Blood samples were collected pre-operatively, during CPB and post-operatively (PO) for measurement of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP). Clinical data and outcome variables were recorded. Logistic regression was used to identify predictors of LCOS and death. Multivariate logistic regression identified pre-operative NT-proBNP and IL-8 4 h PO as independent predictors of LCOS, while cTnI 4 h PO and CPB length were independent predictors of death. The use of inflammatory and cardiac markers in combination improved sensitivity, negative predictive value and accuracy of the models. In conclusion, the combined assessment of inflammatory and cardiac biochemical markers can be useful for identifying young children at increased risk for LCOS and death after heart surgery with CPB. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.