985 resultados para compressed natural gas


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C0 capture and storage (CCS) projects are presently developed to reduce the emission of anthropogenic co2 into the atmosphere. CCS technologies are expected to account for the 20% of the C0 reduction by 2050.The results of this paper are referred to the OXYCFB300 Compostilla Project (European Energy Program for Recover). Since the detection and control of potential leakage from storage formation is mandatory in a project of capture and geological storage of C02 (CCS), geophysical , ground deformation and geochemical monitoring have been carried out to detect potentialleakage, and, in the event that this occurs, identify and quantify it. This monitoring needs to be developed prior, during and after the injection stage. For a correct interpretation and quantification of the leakage, it is essential to establish a pre-injection characterization (baseline)of the area affected by the C02 storage at reservoir level as well as at shallow depth, surface and atmosphere, via soil gas measurements.


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Se ha analizado el problema de la deteccin de fugas de CO2 en reservorios naturales utilizados como almacenes de este gas. Los trabajos han sido realizados sobre un rea del Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Espaa, donde a causa de la actividad volcnica remanente se pueden encontrar puntos de emisin de CO2. Se han utilizado imgenes QuickBird y WorldView-2 para la generacin de firmas espectrales e ndices de vegetacin. Estos ndices han sido evaluados para obtener los ms idneos para la deteccin de fugas de CO2. Palabras clave: teledeteccin, CO2, vegetacin, satlite. ABSTRACT The problem of detecting CO2 leaks in natural reservoirs used to store the gas has been analyzed. The works have been done over an area where, because of the residual volcanic activity, CO2 delivery spots can be found. This area is located in Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Spain. QuickBird and WorldView-2 imagery has been used to generate spectral signatures and vegetation indexes. These indexes have been evaluated in order to obtain the most suitable ones to detect CO2 leaks. Keywords: remote sensing, CO2, vegetation, satellite.


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La cuenca terciaria de Gauelas-Mazarrn se caracteriza por la existencia de un acufero salino profundo (mayor que500m) sobresaturado en CO2 que puede considerarse como un anlogo natural de un Almacenamiento Geolgico Profundo (AGP) de CO2 de origen industrial. El CO2 de dicho acufero ha permanecido oculto desde su almacenamiento hasta 1960-70, poca en que comenz la sobreexplotacin de los acuferos ms someros de la cuenca con fines agrcolas . Actualmente este anlogo natural est siendo objeto de estudio con el fin de determinar: i) las principales caractersticas de la citada cuenca y acufero salino, incluyendo el origen del CO2; ii) los principales procesos de interaccin agua/gas/roca que controlan la evolucin de dicho sistema natural, y las principales analogas entre estos procesos naturales y los esperables en un AGP de CO2; iii) el comportamiento del sistema como almacenamiento natural de CO2; y iv) el comportamiento y la seguridad, a largo plazo, de un AGP artificial de CO2, aplicando los resultados del estudio del sistema natural citado.


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Natural analogs offer a valuable opportunity to investigate the long-term impacts associated with thepotential leakage in geological storage of CO2.Degassing of CO2and radon isotopes (222Rn?220Rn) from soil, gas vents and thermal water dischargeswas investigated in the natural analog of Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field (CCVF; Central Spain) todetermine the CO2?Rn relationships and to assess the role of CO2as carrier gas for radon. Furthermore,radon measurements to discriminate between shallow and deep gas sources were evaluated under theperspective of their applicability in monitoring programs of carbon storage projects.CO2flux as high as 5000 g m?2d?1and222Rn activities up to 430 kBq m?3were measured;220Rn activi-ties were one order of magnitude lower than those of222Rn. The222Rn/220Rn ratios were used to constrainthe source of the Campo de Calatrava soil gases since a positive correlation between radon isotopic ratiosand CO2fluxes was observed. Thus, in agreement with previous studies, our results indicate a deepmantle-related origin of CO2for both free and soil gases, suggesting that carbon dioxide is an efficientcarrier for Rn. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the increase of222Rn in the soil gases was likely pro-duced by two main processes: (i) direct transport by a carrier gas, i.e., CO2and (ii) generation at shallowlevel due to the presence of relatively high concentrations of dissolved U and Ra in the thermal aquiferof Campo de Calatrava.The diffuse CO2soil flux and radon isotopic surveys carried out in the Campo de Calatrava VolcanicFields can also be applicable to geochemical monitoring programs in CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)areas as these parameters are useful to: (i) constrain CO2leakages once detected and (ii) monitor both theevolution of the leakages and the effectiveness of subsequent remediation activities. These measurementscan also conveniently be used to detect diffuse leakages.


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En la actualidad ms del 80 % de la energa elctrica empleada en el mundo se obtiene a partir de combustibles de origen fsil. Sin embargo, estas fuentes de energa (gas natural, el carbn o el petrleo) presentan problemas de emisin de cantidades importantes de contaminantes a la atmsfera como CO, NOx y SOx. Estas emisiones estn llevando a intentar reducir las emisiones enfocando el consumo a la utilizacin de fuentes de energa renovable, menos dainas para el ambiente como la energa solar, la elica, la biomasa, etc. En los almacenamientos de biomasa, sta es potencialmente capaz de absorber oxgeno produciendo reacciones exotrmicas de oxidacin. Si el calor producido en estas reacciones no se disipa adecuadamente, provoca un auto-calentamiento de la materia orgnica que puede ser causa de descomposicin e inflamacin. En el mbito de la posible auto-combustin en el almacenamiento y manipulacin de las biomasas existen diversos factores que influyen en la susceptibilidad trmica de las biomasas, es decir, en su tendencia a la oxidacin y posterior inflamacin de la materia. Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende evaluar el riesgo de auto-combustin de las biomasas almacenadas, para su uso en procesos de gasificacin. En este estudio se ha trabajado con biomasas de origen agrcola, forestal y residual empleadas en procesos industriales de gasificacin con distinta composicin qumica. Los mtodos empleados se han basado en tcnicas clsicas de termogravimetra, calorimetra diferencial de barrido, anlisis de composicin y morfologa. Con estos ensayos se pretende definir un rango de temperaturas lo ms estrecho posible donde las muestras presentan mayor susceptibilidad a un calentamiento espontneo que puede derivar en auto-combustin, en funcin de las distintas propiedades estudiadas de las biomasas, para poder servir as de herramienta de evaluacin y anlisis del riesgo de autocombustin. Como conclusin se muestran umbrales y valores que relacionan las propiedades fsicas y qumicas de las biomasas estudiadas en su auto-combustin, analizando la influencia de los procesos de preparacin de las biomasas sobre las variables que caracterizan su susceptibilidad trmica.


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Activity of radon gas in natural soils is commonly low (in the order of few thousands of Bqm-3) due to the fast decay (half-life= 3.8 days in the case of 222Rn) that prevents accumulation in soil pores. Exceptionally, high Rn soil activity (up to 430 KBqm-3) is found around point sources of deep CO2 fluxes. These fluxes allow the transport of trace gases (including Rn) to long distances in the geosphere leading to a potential hazard as Rn accumulation in buildings. CO2 degassing is common in active or ancient volcanic fields and occurs as free gas fluxes or dissolved in groundwater. In this work, the occurrence of Rnbearing, CO2 fluxes from the Campo de Calatrava region in Central Spain has been studied in order to determine their (1) magnitude, (2) migration paths and (3) potential impact on the environment, and (4) methodologies to best detection and measurement.


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Permanent displacements of a gas turbine founded on a fine, poorly graded, and medium density sand are studied. The amplitudes and modes of vibration are computed using Barkans formulation, and the High-Cycle Accumulation (HCA) model is employed to account for accumulated deformations due to the high number of cycles. The methodology is simple: it can be easily incorporated into standard mathematical software, and HCA model parameters can be estimated based on granulometry and index properties. Special attention is devoted to transient situations at equipments start-up, during which a range of frequencies including frequencies that could be similar to the natural frequencies of the ground is traversed. Results show that such transient situations could be more restrictive than stationary situations corresponding to normal operation. Therefore, checking the stationary situation only might not be enough, and studying the influence of transient situations on computed permanent displacements is needed to produce a proper foundation design


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Entre las soluciones ms satisfactorias al problema de las emisiones de CO2 est la captura y almacenamiento de este gas de efecto invernadero en reservorios profundos. Esta tcnica implica la necesidad de monitorizar grandes extensiones de terreno. Utilizando una zona de vulcanismo residual, en la provincia de Ciudad Real, se han monitorizado las emisiones de CO2 utilizando imgenes de muy alta resolucin espacial. Se han generado ndices de vegetacin, y estos se han correlacionado con medidas de contenido de CO2 del aire en los puntos de emisin. Los resultados han arrojado niveles de correlacin significativos (p. ej.: SAVI = -0,93) y han llevado a descubrir un nuevo punto de emisin de CO2. Palabras clave: teledeteccin, CO2, vegetacin, satlite Monitoring CO2 emissions in a natural analogue by correlating with vegetation indices Abstract: Among the most satisfactory solutions for the CO2 emissions problem is the capture and storage of this greenhouse gas in deep reservoirs. This technique involves the need to monitor large areas. Using a volcanic area with residual activity, in the province of Ciudad Real, CO2 emissions were monitored through very high spatial resolution imagery. Vegetation indexes were generated and correlated with measurements of the air?s CO2 content at the emission points. The results yielded significant correlation levels (e.g.: SAVI = -0.93) and led to the discovery of a new CO2 emission point. Keywords: remote sensing, CO2, vegetation, satellite.


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El shale gas es un gas no convencional que actualmente se est considerando como una fuente de energa primaria en el momento en que las reservas del petrleo y gas natural convencionales se agoten, razn por la que muchos pases estn interesados. No obstante, el procedimiento de extraccin es complejo y conlleva muchos riesgos de contaminacin. En este Proyecto Fin de Carrera se hace un estudio de las posibilidades de extraccin en el futuro de shale gas o shale oil en la Cuenca del Guadiato. Para ello se evalu el contenido de materia orgnica, el tipo y la madurez en muestras de la serie estratigrfica tipo del Carbonfero. nicamente 3 niveles presentaban materia orgnica madura, que tendran escaso potencial para extraer gas, descartndose la extraccin de shale oil.


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NO synthases are widely distributed in the lung and are extensively involved in the control of airway and vascular homeostasis. It is recognized, however, that the O2-rich environment of the lung may predispose NO toward toxicity. These Janus faces of NO are manifest in recent clinical trials with inhaled NO gas, which has shown therapeutic benefit in some patient populations but increased morbidity in others. In the airways and circulation of humans, most NO bioactivity is packaged in the form of S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), which are relatively resistant to toxic reactions with O2/O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. This finding has led to the proposition that channeling of NO into SNOs may provide a natural defense against lung toxicity. The means to selectively manipulate the SNO pool, however, has not been previously possible. Here we report on a gas, O-nitrosoethanol (ENO), which does not react with O2 or release NO and which markedly increases the concentration of indigenous species of SNO within airway lining fluid. Inhalation of ENO provided immediate relief from hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction without affecting systemic hemodynamics. Further, in a porcine model of lung injury, there was no rebound in cardiopulmonary hemodynamics or fall in oxygenation on stopping the drug (as seen with NO gas), and additionally ENO protected against a decline in cardiac output. Our data suggest that SNOs within the lung serve in matching ventilation to perfusion, and can be manipulated for therapeutic gain. Thus, ENO may be of particular benefit to patients with pulmonary hypertension, hypoxemia, and/or right heart failure, and may offer a new therapeutic approach in disorders such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, where the airways may be depleted of SNOs.


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El presente artculo analiza aspectos relacionados con el concepto de radiactividad natural, profundizando en los tipos de radiactividad existente en los materiales naturales radiactivos NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) utilizados en la construccin, as como sus fuentes e infl uencias. Este es un artculo que se presenta como la primera parte de un trabajo sobre la radiactividad natural de los materiales de construccin, cuya segunda parte hace referencia a la radiacin interna debida al gas radn emitido de manera natural por dichos materiales y se publica por los mismos autores, en esta misma revista. Se aborda la necesidad de establecer criterios de control en este tipo de materiales y se analiza el establecimiento de diferentes ndices de riesgo segn los distintos pases. Al mismo tiempo, se realiza un recorrido por el marco normativo, tanto internacional como nacional, relativo a estos materiales NORM. El presente trabajo es parte de la tesis doctoral de la primera autora del mismo, Beatriz Piedecausa Garca, a quien el resto de autores agradece su esfuerzo para preparar el texto que ahora se publica y la autorizacin y las facilidades ofrecidas para acceder a su trabajo.


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The main contribution to the radiological impact from natural radiation received by general population is due to the emission of radon (222Rn). The objective of this project is the study of radon gas as a radioactive element in our buildings (existing and future constructions) to avoid its influence in interior rooms. The proposed methodology reflects different aspects of natural radioactivity in buildings, their sources, their control criteria and regulatory framework; aspects related to the presence of radon in our constructions, entryways, measurement methodology for indoor environmental concentration are studied; other protection solutions and remediation measures in both existing buildings and new construction projects are analyzed. In conclusion, the paper presents previous evaluation tools, the analysis of existing concentration and the choice of the most appropriate mitigation / remediation measures depending on each case, through the establishment of different architectural proposals to plan actions against radon where necessary.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of London and its environs : shewing the boundary of the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of work, also the boundaries of the city of London, and the gas companies' districts. It was published by Edward Standford, April 21, 1884. Scale [ca. 1:31,680]. This map is part of a 5 map set showing various thematic districts and boundaries of the London region. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the British National Grid coordinate system (British National Grid, Airy Spheroid OSGB (1936) Datum). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, selected private and public buildings, towns and villages, cemeteries, parks, farms, gas companies' districts, and more. Relief is shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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In recent weeks, Rosneft, a Russian state-owned oil company, has signed co-operation agreements with three Western corporations: Americas ExxonMobil, Italys Eni, and Norways Statoil. In exchange for access to Russian oil fields on the continental shelf as minority shareholders, these Western investors will finance and carry out exploration there. They will also offer to Rosnieft technology transfer, staff exchange and the purchase of shares in their assets outside Russia (for example in the North Sea or in South America). Rosnefts deals with Western energy companies prove that the Russian government is resuming the policy of a controlled opening-up of the Russian energy sectors to foreign investors which it initiated in 2006. So far, investors have been given access to the Russian electric energy sector and some onshore gas fields. The agreements which have been signed so far also allow them to work on the Russian continental shelf. This process is being closely supervised by the Russian government, which has enabled the Kremlin to maintain full control of this sector. The primary goal of this policy is to attract modern technologies and capital to Russia and to gain access to foreign assets since this will help Russian corporations to reinforce their positions in international markets. The signing of the above agreements does not guarantee that production will commence. These are a high-risk projects. It remains uncertain whether crude can be extracted from those fields and whether its development will be cost-effective. According to estimates, the Russian Arctic shelf holds approximately 113 billion tonnes of hydrocarbons. The development of these fields, including building any necessary infrastructure, may consume over US$500 billion within 30 years. Furthermore, the legal regulations currently in force in Russia do not guarantee that foreign investors will have a share in the output from these fields. Without foreign support, Russian companies are unlikely to cope with such technologically complicated and extremely expensive investments. In the most optimistic scenario, the oil production in the Russian Arctic may commence in fifteen to twenty years at the earliest.


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Description based on: 1998.