988 resultados para compositi fibre di carbonio sizing riciclo pirogassificazione CFRP
Venezia : Presso Antonio Zatta 1782
Este artículo trata de mostrar cómo algunas obras de arte permiten reflexionar y entender situaciones sociales, políticas y culturales del pasado a través del análisis tanto del producto artístico final, como del entorno vital de los creadores.
Este artículo trata de mostrar cómo algunas obras de arte permiten reflexionar y entender situaciones sociales, políticas y culturales del pasado a través del análisis tanto del producto artístico final, como del entorno vital de los creadores.
Vil¿na : Evreiskij Kolonialni Bank 1907, Tipografija F. Garbera
Fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) root canal posts are suggested to have biomechanical benefits over traditional metallic posts, but they lack good adhesion to resin composites. The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate the adhesion of individually formed fibre-reinforced composite material to composite resin and dentin, as well as some mechanical properties. Flexural properties were evaluated and compared between individually formed FRC post material and different prefabricated posts. The depth of polymerization of the individually formed FRC post material was evaluated with IR spectrophotometry and microhardness measurements, and compared to that of resin without fibres. Bonding properties of the individually formed FRC post to resin cements and dentin were tested using Pull-out- and Push-out-force tests, evaluated with scanning electron microscopy, and compared to those of prefabricated FRC and metal posts. Load-bearing capacity and microstrain were evaluated and failure mode assessment was made on incisors restored with individually formed FRC posts of different structures and prefabricated posts. The results of these studies show that the individually polymerized and formed FRC post material had higher flexural properties compared to the commercial prefabricated FRC posts. The individually polymerized FRC material showed almost the same degree of conversion after light polymerization as monomer resin without fibres. Moreover, it was found that the individually formed FRC post material with a semiinterpenetrating polymer network (IPN) polymer matrix bonded better to composite resin luting cement, than did the prefabricated posts with a cross-linked polymer matrix. Furthermore, it was found that, contrary to the other posts, there were no adhesive failures between the individually formed FRC posts and composite resin luting cement. This suggests better interfacial adhesion of cements to these posts. Although no differences in load-bearing capacity or microstrain could be seen, the incisors restored with individually formed FRC posts with a hollow structure showed more favourable failures compared to other prefabricated posts. These studies suggest that it is possible to use individually formed FRC material with semi-IPN polymer matrix as root canal post material. They also indicate that there are benefits especially regarding the bonding properties to composite resin and dentin with this material compared to prefabricated FRC post material with a cross-linked matrix. Furthermore, clinically more repairable failures were found with this material compared to those of prefabricated posts.
Selostus: Pellavan ja kuituhampun mikrobiologinen laatu kasvukauden aikana
INTRODUCTION: Acute painful diabetic neuropathy (APDN) is a distinctive diabetic polyneuropathy and consists of two subtypes: treatment-induced neuropathy (TIN) and diabetic neuropathic cachexia (DNC). The characteristics of APDN are (1.) the small-fibre involvement, (2.) occurrence paradoxically after short-term achievement of good glycaemia control, (3.) intense pain sensation and (4.) eventual recovery. In the face of current recommendations to achieve quickly glycaemic targets, it appears necessary to recognise and understand this neuropathy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Over 2009 to 2012, we reported four cases of APDN. Four patients (three males and one female) were identified and had a mean age at onset of TIN of 47.7 years (±6.99 years). Mean baseline HbA1c was 14.2% (±1.42) and 7.0% (±3.60) after treatment. Mean estimated time to correct HbA1c was 4.5 months (±3.82 months). Three patients presented with a mean time to symptom resolution of 12.7 months (±1.15 months). One patient had an initial normal electroneuromyogram (ENMG) despite the presence of neuropathic symptoms, and a second abnormal ENMG showing axonal and myelin neuropathy. One patient had a peroneal nerve biopsy showing loss of large myelinated fibres as well as unmyelinated fibres, and signs of microangiopathy. CONCLUSIONS: According to the current recommendations of promptly achieving glycaemic targets, it appears necessary to recognise and understand this neuropathy. Based on our observations and data from the literature we propose an algorithmic approach for differential diagnosis and therapeutic management of APDN patients.
El narrador de l'Euboic, després de naufragar en els esculls de l'illa d'Eubea, troba un home, un cacador per l'aspecte i la indumentaria, els cabells i les barbes del qual son descrits en comparació amb els dels Abants -els més antics habitants de l'illa-, segons el propi Homer...
We propose a novel formulation to solve the problem of intra-voxel reconstruction of the fibre orientation distribution function (FOD) in each voxel of the white matter of the brain from diffusion MRI data. The majority of the state-of-the-art methods in the field perform the reconstruction on a voxel-by-voxel level, promoting sparsity of the orientation distribution. Recent methods have proposed a global denoising of the diffusion data using spatial information prior to reconstruction, while others promote spatial regularisation through an additional empirical prior on the diffusion image at each q-space point. Our approach reconciles voxelwise sparsity and spatial regularisation and defines a spatially structured FOD sparsity prior, where the structure originates from the spatial coherence of the fibre orientation between neighbour voxels. The method is shown, through both simulated and real data, to enable accurate FOD reconstruction from a much lower number of q-space samples than the state of the art, typically 15 samples, even for quite adverse noise conditions.
"El Circo Máximo es su templo, su hogar, su asamblea y la esperanza de todos sus deseos" (AmmiAnvs mArc., Res gest., XXVIII, 4, 29: eisque templum et habitaculum et contio et cupitorum spes omnis Circus est maximus). De este modo describió el historiador Amiano Marcelino, hacia el 382/397, la pasión que la plebe de Roma sentía hacia los espectáculos, especialmente hacia los ludi circenses. Se trata de una afición que se fue incrementando a lo largo de toda la historia del Imperio Romano, hasta el extremo que a mediados del siglo iv, según el calendario de Filócalo (CIL, I2, 1, p. 256-278), se alcanzaron los 177 días de juegos anuales. Y evidentemente tal apasionamiento no fue exclusivo de la ciudad de Roma, sino que se vivió de un modo común en todo el Imperio, sobre todo en las ciudades más grandes, entre las que destacó de una manera especial la capital de Oriente, Constantinopla, la nueva Roma fundada por Constantino I.