906 resultados para composição mineral


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This study aimed to analyze the effect of a saline solution on growth and chemical composition of Atriplex nummularia, shrubby plant, absorbing salts used in the diet of animals and the management of water and saline soils. These plant seedlings were planted and grown in a reserved area at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The plantation was divided into two blocks, in which one of them was irrigated with saline solution with a concentration of 2840 mgL-1 of NaCl and the second group was irrigated with drinking water. After six months, the plants were collected, harvested and divided into three parts: leaf, thin and thick stem. Monthly, dimension measurements were carried out for cataloging the growth of Atriplex. Ion Chromatography (IC) and Optical Emission Spectroscopy Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) were used to analyze the chemical composition of the partition plant parts. The results of these analyses revealed that an absorption process of anions and cations by Atriplex nummularia plant during its growth was achieved, in particular by a higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions. Scanning electron microscopy images showed and confirmed the presence of small crystals on the leaf surface. Electrical conductivity and pH measurements of the aerial parts of the plant were carried out and these results showed that the leaf is the plant part where there is a largest concentration of ions. In addition, measurements of specific surface were obtained from irrigated plants with saline solution, achieving higher surface area, in all cases. Plant dimensions obtained monthly showed that the plants irrigated with water grew 5% more than those plants irrigated with saline solution. Based on results obtained, Atriplex plant showed a higher potential to survive and adapt to environments (aquatic or geological) with high levels of salinity and this property can be used as a tool for removing salts/metals from industrial contaminated soils and effluents.


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In this work were synthesized matrix-based commercial white clay in its composition having large amounts of kaolinite and quartz, with a certain percentage of iron oxide for use as an adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide (H2S). To characterize the effect of initial matrix techniques were used to characterize XRD, FTIR, XRF and TG. The initial clay mineral matrix was placed in contact with 0.1 molar solutions of the salts of Co2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and a solution 0.1 g / 100ml rhodamine B. During the synthesis process, the solutions were placed in contact with the initial matrix for a period of 48 hours in order to have ion exchange with the clay mineral. To check the amount of exchanged metals, we used the technique of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). After synthesis was initiated the process of adsorption of H2S, where the arrays were placed in the reactor, then by passing a stream of hydrogen sulfide. The matrix along with the reactor was weighed before and after to measure the amount of gas adsorbed. Based on the gravimetric data the matrix which had the highest performance of the adsorption matrix was exchanged with Ni2+ ions, obtaining a result of 11.13 mg H2S / g matrix, then the matrix coated with rhodamine B which was reached 10.13 mg H2S / g matrix


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Leather tanneries generate effluents with high content of heavy metals, especially chromium, which is used in the mineral tanning process. Microemulsions have been studied in the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Considering the problems related with the sediment resulting from the tanning process, due to its high content in chromium, in this work this sediment was characterized and microemulsion systems were applied for chromium removal. The extraction process consists in the removal of heavy metal ions present in an aqueous feeding solution (acid digestion solution) by a microemulsion system. First three different solid sludge digestion methods were evaluated, being chosen the method with higher digestion capacity. For this digestion method, seeking its optimization, was evaluated the influence of granule size, temperature and digestion time. Experimental results showed that the method proposed by USEPA (Method A) was the most efficient one, being obtained 95.77% of sample digestion. Regarding to the evaluated parameters, the best results were achieved at 95°C, 14 Mesh granule size, and 60 minutes digestion time. For chromium removal, three microemulsion extraction methods were evaluated: Method 1, in a Winsor II region, using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution; Method 2, in a Winsor IV region, being obtained by the addition of the acid digestion solution to a microemulsion phase, whose aqueous phase is distilled water, until the formation of Winsor II system; and Method 3, in a Winsor III region, consisting in the formation of a Winsor III region using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution, diluted in NaOH 0.01N. Seeking to optimize the extraction process only Method 1 (Systems I, II, and VIII) and Method 2 (System IX) were evaluated, being chosen points inside the interest regions (studied domains) to study the influence of contact time and pH in the extraction percentiles. The studied systems present the following compositions: System I: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase 2% NaCl solution; System II: Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution with pH adjusted using KOH (pH 3.5); System VIII: Aqueous phase - Acid digestion solution (pH 0.06); and System IX Aqueous phase Distilled water (pH 10.24), the other phases of Systems II, VIII and IX are similar to System I. Method 2 showed to be the more efficient one regarding chromium extraction percentile (up to 96.59% - pH 3.5). Considering that with Method 2 the microemulsion region only appears in the Winsor II region, it was studied Method 3 (System X) for the evaluation and characterization of a triphasic system, seeking to compare with a biphases system. System X is composed by: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution diluted with water and with its pH adjusted using 0.01N NaOH solution. The biphasic and triphasic microemulsion systems were analyzed regarding its viscosity, extraction efficiency and drop effective diameter. The experimental results showed that for viscosity studies the obtained values were low for all studied systems, the diameter of the drop is smaller in the Winsor II region, with 15.5 nm, reaching 46.0 nm in Winsor III region, being this difference attributed to variations in system compositions and micelle geometry. In chromium extraction, these points showed similar results, being achieved 99.76% for Winsor II system and 99.62% for Winsor III system. Winsor III system showed to be more efficient due to the obtaining of a icroemulsion with smaller volume, with the possibility to recover the oil phase in excess, and the use of a smaller proportion of surfactant and cosurfactant (C/S)


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In order to obtain a biofuel similar to mineral diesel, lanthanum-incorporated SBA- 15 nanostructured materials, LaSBA-15(pH), with different Si/La molar ratios (75, 50, 25), were synthesized in a two-steps hydrothermal procedure, with pH-adjusting of the synthesis gel at 6, and were used like catalytic solids in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking. These solids were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen porosimetry and ethanol dehydration, aiming to active sites identify. Taken together, the analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials highly ordered mesostructures with large average pore sizes and high surface area, besides suggested that the lanthanum was incorporated in the SBA-15 both into the framework as well as within the mesopores. Catalytic dehydration of ethanol over the LaSBA-15(pH) products has shown that they have weak Lewis acid and basic functionalities, indicative of the presence of lanthanum oxide in these samples, especially on the La75SBA-15(pH) sample, which has presented the highest selectivity to ethylene. The buriti oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. One the other hand, OL coming from second ones, called green diesel (GD), have presented low acid index, particularly that one obtained from the thermal catalytic process realized over LaSBA-15(pH) samples. The acid sites presence in these samples, associated to their large average pore sizes and high surface areas, have allowed them, especially the La75SBA-15(pH), to present deoxygenating activity in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking, providing an oxygenates content reduction, particularly carboxylic acids, in the GD. Furthermore, the GD comes from the second liquid fraction obtained in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking over this latest solid sample has shown hydrocarbons composition and physic-chemical properties similar to that mineral diesel, beyond sulfur content low


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e a composição bromatológica de forrageiras em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária, em diferentes datas de semeadura. Foi usado delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x3, com quatro forrageiras - braquiária, Urochloa brizantha; capim-moa, Setaria italica; milheto, Pennisetum glaucum; e sorgo forrageiro, Sorghum bicolor - semeadas em três datas nas estações inverno/primavera e verão/outono, em sucessão à soja. O milheto e o sorgo forrageiro produziram maior quantidade de matéria seca em todas as datas de semeadura, nas duas estações de cultivo e, ao contrário da braquiária e do capim-moa, não diminuíram o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais no inverno/primavera. Os teores de proteína bruta reduziram com o avanço das datas de semeadura no inverno/primavera e aumentaram no verão/outono, exceto para braquiária e milheto. O sorgo apresentou os menores teores de fibras em detergente neutro nas segunda e terceira datas de semeadura no inverno/primavera, e na primeira data de semeadura no verão/outono. Nas segunda e terceiras datas do inverno/primavera, o sorgo apresentou menor teor de fibras em detergente ácido. Quanto aos constituintes da parede celular, apenas os teores de hemicelulose não se alteram nas forrageiras em virtude das datas de semeadura, em ambas as estações.


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A utilização de fertilizante organomineral da indústria produtora dos aminoácidos lisina e treonina pode melhorar a fertilidade de solos tropicais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes dosagens do fertilizante organomineral denominado Ajifer L-14 nos atributos químicos e no aumento de produção de forragem de um Latossolo Vermelho do noroeste paulista. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: T1- testemunha (sem aplicação de Ajifer L-14); T2- testemunha com vegetação natural; T3- adubação mineral de acordo com a necessidade da cultura e a análise do solo (usando 1,35 kg de ureia, 2,20 kg de superfosfato simples e 0,51 kg de KCl por parcela, o que corresponde a 60 kg de N, 40 kg de P2O5 e 30 kg ha-1 de K2O, respectivamente); T4- adubação com Ajifer L-14 de acordo com a recomendação da análise química do solo (40 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 60 kg ha-1 N); T5- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 50 % acima da recomendação (60 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 90 kg ha-1 N; T6- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 50 % abaixo da recomendação (20 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 30 kg ha-1 N); T7- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 25 % acima da recomendação (50 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 75 kg ha-1 N); e T8- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 25 % abaixo da recomendação (30 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 45 kg ha-1 N). Nas profundidades de 0,0-0,1 e 0,1-0,2 m, avaliaram-se os seguintes atributos químicos do solo:, teor de matéria orgânica (MO), pH, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), acidez potencial e saturação por bases. A aplicação do fertilizante organomineral não influenciou os atributos químicos do solo. Na análise de regressão, houve relação polinomial entre as doses de aplicação do fertilizante organomineral e a produção de massa seca e proteína bruta de Bracharia brizantha.


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A grande expansão das indústrias e do mercado consumidor tem provocado, nas últimas décadas, a geração de elevadas quantidades de resíduos, os quais têm constituído constante preocupação econômica e ambiental. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, analisar a viabilidade econômica do uso de três doses de composto orgânico, oriundo da compostagem de resíduos da extração da celulose, em substituição à adubação mineral, na cultura do eucalipto, no município de Selvíria, MS. A metodologia de custos adotada foi a do custo operacional total e do custo total. Concluiu-se que, por causa do elevado custo de transporte e aplicação, a adubação orgânica mostrou-se mais onerosa em relação à mineral, sendo sua utilização viável, economicamente, apenas nas proximidades da indústria produtora.


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A irrigação por aspersão diminui bastante o risco de perda da lavoura por deficiência hídrica e aumenta a produtividade de grãos, incentivando maior uso de tecnologias como adubação mineral. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes manejos da água da irrigação por aspersão com base no coeficiente de cultura (Kc) e da adubação mineral sobre a cultura do arroz cv. IAC 201, foram instalados dois experimentos em Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico, em Selvíria (MS). O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de precipitação pluvial natural e três manejos de água fornecidos por aspersão. O manejo (M2) foi realizado com base no Kc do arroz de terras altas. Os manejos M1 e M3 foram definidos como 0,5 e 1,5 vezes os Kcs utilizados em M2 respectivamente. em 1995/96, utilizou-se o esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo as subparcelas constituídas por dois níveis de adubação: AD1 - 12 kg de N, 90 kg de P2O5 e 30 kg de K2O ha-1, e AD2 - 24 kg de N, 180 kg de P2O5 e 60 kg de K2O ha-1. A deficiência hídrica da emergência da plântula até a diferenciação do primórdio da panícula provocou aumento do ciclo e redução do porte da planta. A deficiência hídrica entre os estádios de diferenciação do primórdio da panícula e os de emborrachamento reduziu o número de espiguetas por panícula. A utilização de 1,5 vezes os valores de Kc recomendados, no manejo da irrigação por aspersão proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos. Os níveis de adubação utilizados não influenciaram a resposta da cultura ao manejo da irrigação por aspersão.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of doses and sources of nitrogen in the productivity and quality characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. A randomized block design in a factorial scheme 5x3x3, with 4 repetitions was used. The treatments were constituted by 5 doses of nitrogen: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg/ha/cut, 3 sources: Entec - amonium sulfonitrate + nitrification inhibitor - dymethilpirazolphosphate, Ammonium sulfate and Urea, in 3 cuts, accomplished with intervals of 30, 30 and 34 days to evaluate the production of dry mass, crude protein content (PB), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (NDT) and chlorophyll content. The chlorophilometer data increased when user as a function of N doses with Entec and Urea sources and up to 174 kg/ha of N with ammonium sulfate; showing significant correlation with N content in plants. Independently of the source, the application up to 200 kg N/ha/application in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu provided increment in the production of dry mass improving the quality composition for increasing the PB and NDT content and, decreasing the FDN and FDA contents.


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Productivity and nutritional quality of Tobiata grass as a function of NPK fertilization. The present study had as objective to study five N rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1)), two P(2)O(5) rates (96 and 30 kg ha(-1)) as superphosphate triple, and two doses of K(2)O (170 and 143 kg ha(-1)) as potassium chloride, in the forage Panicum maximum cv. Tobiata, with irrigation. The experiment was conducted using a randomized blocks design with four replicates. In the implantation of the experiment, P and K were applied based on theoretical doses required to reach values of 40 mg dm(-3) of P and K 5% of CTC. After three cuts, dry mass produced by the forage was estimated in order to obtain the values of the nutrients exported by the plant. Only after this procedure did the application of the doses of N take place. The production of dry mass - DM, crude protein - CP, neutral-detergent fiber - NDF, and acid-detergent fiber - ADF, were influenced by cuts; increasing N fertilization increased the production of DM, CP and decreased ADF and NDF, providing better forage quality. The fertilization with phosphorus and potassium can be done based on DM production or P and K content in soil.


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The experiment was carried in protected (greenhouse) atmosphere, in University of Engineering, UN-ESP of Ilha Solteira-SP, with the objective of evaluating sources (limestone and calcium silicate slag) and doses (0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 times the recommended dose) of corrective in the bromatolouic composition, tillering and production of dry matter of the grass mombaca (Nuncio? maximum Jacq.). The lineation was completely randomized design, with four repetitions. It was evaluated the tiller number, the production of dry matter, the gross protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). The corrective influenced the tillering in almost all of the countings. The limestone provided larger production of dry matter in the doses of 1,5 and 2,0 times the recommended dose. The bromatologic composition of the forage was not influenced by the corrective and doses.


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, estudar a ocorrência natural de ácaros fitófagos e predadores em diferentes cultivares de pessegueiro, no município de Presidente Prudente-SP, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado no período de dezembro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2006. Amostras quinzenais de 72 folhas foram coletadas ao acaso, de pessegueiros das cultivares Talismã, Doçura 2, Dourado 2, Tropical, Aurora 1 e Aurora 2. Coletou-se um total de 2.594 ácaros, sendo 2.092 fitófagos, 403 predadores e 99 de hábitos alimentares pouco conhecidos, com 35 espécies de ácaros de 16 famílias. Aculus fockeui ocorreu de maneira esporádica, não causando danos visíveis às plantas. A família Phytoseiidae apresentou a maior abundância e o maior número de indivíduos. O predador Euseius citrifolius foi o mais abundante. Não houve preferência dos ácaros nas cultivares de pessegueiro avaliadas.


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A considerable number of tree species is the flora in some cases, their fruits and seeds turn out to be good sources of nutrientes. The study aimed to verify the chemical composition of nutrientes in seeds of forest species Pente de Macaco, Flor de Paca, Ita ba, Jatoba and Murici Manso. of forest species of Monkey Comb, Flor de Paca, Ita ba, Jatoba and Murici Manso. The experimental design was randomized with five treatments. Analyses were carried out: moisture content, starch content (mg. g (1)), carbohydrates (mg. g (1)), and proteins (albumin, globulin, prolamin, glutelin) (mg. g (1)) and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S). The results showed that the seeds of Flor de Paca had the highest content of starch and protein of Jatoba is a significant source of carbohydrates and the highest levels of phosphorus, calcium and sulfur. For contents of nitrogen Ita ba showed the highest levels and also obtained satisfactory results for calcium and species Murici Manso had the highest levels of potassium and magnesium.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente as características de carcaça e a composição corporal de machos jovens da raça Nelore não-castrados, filhos de touros com diferencial positivo (Linhagem Seleção) ou nulo (Linhagem Controle) para ganho de peso aos 378 dias de idade. Utilizaram-se informações de 92 zebuínos Nelore, com peso de abate médio de 456,00 kg, sendo 51 animais pertencentes à Linhagem Seleção e 41 animais da Linhagem Controle, foram criados em pastagens cultivadas até os 18 meses, quando foram alocados nos dois sistemas de terminação, de forma a compor grupos homogêneos quanto ao peso e filiação. Os animais de confinamento receberam, em baias individuais, ração para possibilitar ganhos de 1,0 kg/cab/dia. Antes do abate, os animais foram submetidos a jejum e pesados, quando se obteve o peso de abate. Após o armazenamento das carcaças em câmara fria, obteve-se a seção da 9ª-10ª-11ª costelas. Não houve efeito significativo de linhagem para nenhuma das características analisadas, exceto para a porcentagem de ossos, sendo que os animais da Linhagem Seleção superaram os animais da Linhagem Controle. O regime de terminação apresentou efeito significativo para a quase totalidade das características estudadas, com exceção para as características de composição corporal. Não houve efeito significativo de interação entre linhagem e terminação. As classes de idade apresentaram efeito significativo para as características peso de abate, peso de carcaça quente, peso da gordura renal-pélvica-ingüinal, porcentagem de músculo, gordura e osso.


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Pervasive applications use context provision middleware support as infrastructures to provide context information. Typically, those applications use communication publish/subscribe to eliminate the direct coupling between components and to allow the selective information dissemination based in the interests of the communicating elements. The use of composite events mechanisms together with such middlewares to aggregate individual low level events, originating from of heterogeneous sources, in high level context information relevant for the application. CES (Composite Event System) is a composite events mechanism that works simultaneously in cooperation with several context provision middlewares. With that integration, applications use CES to subscribe to composite events and CES, in turn, subscribes to the primitive events in the appropriate underlying middlewares and notifies the applications when the composed events happen. Furthermore, CES offers a language with a group of operators for the definition of composite events that also allows context information sharing