993 resultados para classroom integration


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a generic model of Integrated Management System of Quality, Environment and Safety (IMS-QES) that can be adapted and progressively to assimilate various Management Systems, of which highlights: ISO 9001 for Quality; ISO 14001 for Environment; OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety. Design/methodology/approach – The model was designed in the real environment of a Portuguese Organization and 160 employees were surveyed. The rate response was equal to 86 percent. The conceived model was implemented in a first phase for the integration of Quality, Environment and Safety Management Systems. Findings – Among the main findings of the survey the paper highlights: the elimination of conflicts between individual systems with resources optimization; creation of added value to the business by eliminating several types of wastes; the integrated management of sustainability components in a global market; the improvement of partnerships with suppliers of goods and services; reducing the number of internal and external audits. Originality/value – This case study is one of the first Portuguese empirical researches about IMS-QES and the paper believes that it can be useful in the creation of a Portuguese guideline for integration, namely the Quality Management Systems; Environmental Management Systems and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems among others.


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Abstract: The growing proliferation of management systems standards (MSSs), and their individualized implementation, is a real problem faced by organizations. On the other hand, MSSs are aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of organizational responses in order to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Each organization has its own identity and this is an issue that cannot be neglected; hence, two possible approaches can be attended. First, continue with the implementation of individualized management systems (MSs); or, integrate the several MSSs versus related MSs into an integrated management system (IMS). Therefore, in this context, organizations are faced with a dilemma, as a result of the increasing proliferation and diversity of MSSs. This paper takes into account the knowledge gained through a case study conducted in the context of a Portuguese company and unveils some of the advantages and disadvantages of integration. A methodology is also proposed and presented to support organizations in developing and structuring the integration process of their individualized MSs, and consequently minimize problems that are generators of inefficiencies, value destruction and loss of competitiveness. The obtained results provide relevant information that can support Top Management decision in solving that dilemma and consequently promote a successful integration, including a better control of business risks associated to MSSs requirements and enhancing sustainable performance, considering the context in which organizations operate.


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All over the world Distributed Generation is seen as a valuable help to get cleaner and more efficient electricity. Under this context distributed generators, owned by different decentralized players can provide a significant amount of the electricity generation. To get negotiation power and advantages of scale economy, these players can be aggregated giving place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer. Virtual Power Producers are multi-technology and multi-site heterogeneous entities. Virtual Power Producers should adopt organization and management methodologies so that they can make Distributed Generation a really profitable activity, able to participate in the market. In this paper we address the integration of Virtual Power Producers into an electricity market simulator –MASCEM – as a coalition of distributed producers.


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With the restructuring of the energy sector in industrialized countries there is an increased complexity in market players’ interactions along with emerging problems and new issues to be addressed. Decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets are extremely useful to provide players with competitive advantage. In this context arises MASCEM, a multi-agent simulator for competitive electricity markets. It is essential to reinforce MASCEM with the ability to recreate electricity markets reality in the fullest possible extent, making it able to simulate as many types of markets models and players as possible. This paper presents the development of the Balancing Market in MASCEM. A key module to the study of competitive electricity markets, as it has well defined and distinct characteristics previously implemented.


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The restructuring that the energy sector has suffered in industrialized countries originated a greater complexity in market players’ interactions, and thus new problems and issues to be addressed. Decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets become extremely useful to provide players with competitive advantage. In this context arises MASCEM, a multi-agent system for simulating competitive electricity markets. To provide MASCEM with the capacity to recreate the electricity markets reality in the fullest possible extent, it is essential to make it able to simulate as many market models and player types as possible. This paper presents the development of the Complex Market in MASCEM. This module is fundamental to study competitive electricity markets, as it exhibits different characteristics from the already implemented market types.


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Electric vehicles (EV) offer a great potential to address the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the power grid, and thus reduce the dependence on oil as well as the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The high share of wind energy in the Portuguese energy mix expected for 2020 can led to eventual curtailment, especially during the winter when high levels of hydro generation occur. In this paper a methodology based on a unit commitment and economic dispatch is implemented, and a hydro-thermal dispatch is performed in order to evaluate the impact of the EVs integration into the grid. Results show that the considered 10 % penetration of EVs in the Portuguese fleet would increase load in 3 % and would not integrate a significant amount of wind energy because curtailment is already reduced in the absence of EVs. According to the results, the EV is charged mostly with thermal generation and the associated emissions are much higher than if they were calculated based on the generation mix.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialidade Supervisão em Educação


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Neste artigo, descrevo e analiso uma actividade de trabalho em grupo desenvolvida para uma aula da disciplina de Língua Inglesa VI das turmas do 3º ano do Curso de Línguas e Secretariado do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP). No enquadramento teórico, abordam-se questões relacionadas com o trabalho em grupo numa aula de língua estrangeira, nomeadamente a dimensão social da sala de aula em geral e da interacção aluno-aluno em particular. Apresentam-se então os princípios da Exploratory Practice, com ênfase na possibilidade preconizada por esta abordagem de se poder transformar uma actividade de reflexão e discussão sobre o processo de ensino/aprendizagem numa unidade pedagógica. Segue-se a apresentação da proposta didáctica, respectivo plano de aula e alguns exemplos dos textos produzidos pelos alunos. O artigo termina com a apresentação de alguns comentários críticos, realçando-se a contribuição da Exploratory Practice para o desenvolvimento de uma maior consciencialização por parte dos alunos do seu processo de aprendizagem.


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A new operationalmatrix of fractional integration of arbitrary order for generalized Laguerre polynomials is derived.The fractional integration is described in the Riemann-Liouville sense.This operational matrix is applied together with generalized Laguerre tau method for solving general linearmultitermfractional differential equations (FDEs).Themethod has the advantage of obtaining the solution in terms of the generalized Laguerre parameter. In addition, only a small dimension of generalized Laguerre operational matrix is needed to obtain a satisfactory result. Illustrative examples reveal that the proposedmethod is very effective and convenient for linear multiterm FDEs on a semi-infinite interval.


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The increasing integration of larger amounts of wind energy into power systems raises important operational issues, such as the balance between power generation and demand. The pumped storage hydro (PSH) units are one possible solution to mitigate this problem, once they can store the excess of energy in the periods of higher generation and lower demand. However, the behaviour of a PSH unit may differ considerably from the expected in terms of wind power integration when it operates in a liberalized electricity market under a price-maker context. In this regard, this paper models and computes the optimal PSH weekly scheduling in a price-taker and price-maker scenarios, either when the PSH unit operates in standalone and integrated in a portfolio of other generation assets. Results show that the price-maker standalone PSH will integrate less wind power in comparison with the price-taker situation. Moreover, when the PSH unit is integrated in a portfolio with a base load power plant, the role of the price elasticity of demand may completely change the operational profile of the PSH unit. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The process of resources systems selection takes an important part in Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises (D/A/V Es) integration. However, the resources systems selection is still a difficult matter to solve in a D/A/VE, as it is pointed out in this paper. Globally, we can say that the selection problem has been equated from different aspects, originating different kinds of models/algorithms to solve it. In order to assist the development of a web prototype tool (broker tool), intelligent and flexible, that integrates all the selection model activities and tools, and with the capacity to adequate to each D/A/V E project or instance (this is the major goal of our final project), we intend in this paper to show: a formulation of a kind of resources selection problem and the limitations of the algorithms proposed to solve it. We formulate a particular case of the problem as an integer programming, which is solved using simplex and branch and bound algorithms, and identify their performance limitations (in terms of processing time) based on simulation results. These limitations depend on the number of processing tasks and on the number of pre-selected resources per processing tasks, defining the domain of applicability of the algorithms for the problem studied. The limitations detected open the necessity of the application of other kind of algorithms (approximate solution algorithms) outside the domain of applicability founded for the algorithms simulated. However, for a broker tool it is very important the knowledge of algorithms limitations, in order to, based on problem features, develop and select the most suitable algorithm that guarantees a good performance.


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The increasing integration of wind energy in power systems can be responsible for the occurrence of over-generation, especially during the off-peak periods. This paper presents a dedicated methodology to identify and quantify the occurrence of this over-generation and to evaluate some of the solutions that can be adopted to mitigate this problem. The methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system, in which the wind energy is expected to represent more than 25% of the installed capacity in a near future. The results show that the pumped-hydro units will not provide enough energy storage capacity and, therefore, wind curtailments are expected to occur in the Portuguese system. Additional energy storage devices can be implemented to offset the wind energy curtailments. However, the investment analysis performed show that they are not economically viable, due to the present high capital costs involved.


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The integration of Plug-in electric vehicles in the transportation sector has a great potential to reduce oil dependency, the GHG emissions and to contribute for the integration of renewable sources into the electricity generation mix. Portugal has a high share of wind energy, and curtailment may occur, especially during the off-peak hours with high levels of hydro generation. In this context, the electric vehicles, seen as a distributed storage system, can help to reduce the potential wind curtailments and, therefore, increase the integration of wind power into the power system. In order to assess the energy and environmental benefits of this integration, a methodology based on a unit commitment and economic dispatch is adapted and implemented. From this methodology, the thermal generation costs, the CO2 emissions and the potential wind generation curtailment are computed. Simulation results show that a 10% penetration of electric vehicles in the Portuguese fleet would increase electrical load by 3% and reduce wind curtailment by only 26%. This results from the fact that the additional generation required to supply the electric vehicles is mostly thermal. The computed CO2 emissions of the EV are 92 g CO2/kWh which become closer to those of some new ICE engines.


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Introdução – Ao aumento exponencial de informação, sobretudo a científica, não corresponde obrigatoriamente a melhoria de qualidade na pesquisa e no uso da mesma. O conceito de literacia da informação ganha pertinência e destaque, na medida em que abarca competências que permitem reconhecer quando é necessária a informação e de atuar de forma eficiente e efetiva na sua obtenção e utilização. A biblioteca académica assume, neste contexto, o papel de parceiro privilegiado, preparando o momento em que o estudante se sente capaz de produzir e registar novo conhecimento através da escrita. Objectivo – A Biblioteca da ESTeSL reestruturou as sessões desenvolvidas desde o ano lectivo 2002/2003 e deu início a um projecto mais formal denominado «Saber usar a informação de forma eficiente e eficaz». Objectivos: a) promover a melhoria da qualidade dos trabalhos académicos e científicos; b) contribuir para a diminuição do risco de plágio; c) aumentar a confiança dos estudantes nas suas capacidades de utilização dos recursos de informação; d) incentivar uma participação mais ativa em sala de aulas; e) colaborar para a integração dos conteúdos pedagógicos e das várias fontes de informação. Método – Dinamizaram-se várias sessões de formação de curta duração, versando diferentes temas associados à literacia de informação, designadamente: 1) Pesquisa de informação com sessões dedicadas à MEDLINE, RCAAP, SciELO, B-ON e Scopus; 2) Factor de impacto das revistas científicas: Journal Citation Reports e SciMAGO; 3) Como fazer um resumo científico?; 4) Como estruturar o trabalho científico?; 5) Como fazer uma apresentação oral?; 6) Como evitar o plágio?; 7) Referenciação bibliográfica usando a norma de Vancouver; 8) Utilização de gestores de referências bibliográficas: ZOTERO (primeira abordagem para os estudantes de 1º ano de licenciatura) e a gestão de referências e rede académica de informação com o MENDELEY (direcionado para estudantes finalistas, mestrandos, docentes e investigadores). O projecto foi apresentado à comunidade académica no site da ESTeSL; cada sessão foi divulgada individualmente no site e por email. Em 2015, a divulgação investiu na nova página da Biblioteca (https://estesl.biblio.ipl.pt/), que alojava informações e recursos abordados nas formações. As inscrições eram feitas por email, sem custos associados ou limite mínimo ou máximo de sessões para participar. Resultados – Em 2014 registaram-se 87 inscrições. Constatou-se a presença de, pelo menos, um participante em cada sessão de formação. Em 2015, o total de inscrições foi de 190. Foram reagendadas novas sessões a pedido dos estudantes cujos horários não eram compatíveis com os inicialmente agendados. Foram então organizados dois dias de formação seguida (cerca de 4h em cada dia) com conteúdos selecionados pelos estudantes. Registou-se, nestas sessões, a presença contante de cerca de 30 estudantes em sala. No total, as sessões da literacia da informação contaram com estudantes de licenciatura de todos os anos, estudantes de mestrado, docentes e investigadores (internos e externos à ESTeSL). Conclusões – Constata-se a necessidade de introdução de novos conteúdos no projeto de literacia da informação. O tempo, os conteúdos e o interesse demonstrado por aqueles que dele usufruíram evidenciam que este é um projeto que está a ganhar o seu espaço na comunidade da ESTeSL e que a literacia da informação contribui de forma efetiva para a construção e para a produção de conhecimento no meio académico.


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The provision of reserves in power systems is of great importance in what concerns keeping an adequate and acceptable level of security and reliability. This need for reserves and the way they are defined and dispatched gain increasing importance in the present and future context of smart grids and electricity markets due to their inherent competitive environment. This paper concerns a methodology proposed by the authors, which aims to jointly and optimally dispatch both generation and demand response resources to provide the amounts of reserve required for the system operation. Virtual Power Players are especially important for the aggregation of small size demand response and generation resources. The proposed methodology has been implemented in MASCEM, a multi agent system also developed at the authors’ research center for the simulation of electricity markets.