999 resultados para cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio
The polemical discussion between orthodontic therapeutic and surgical approaches with relation to borderline cases receives a new impulse with the emergence of temporary anchorage devices. This branch of Orthodontics has brought new treatment perspectives, but it has still been applied empirically, while the various factors involved in determining and conducting the treatment planning are neglected. The objective of the present study is to identify the several factors to be considered in both forms of treatment in order to provide the orthodontist with information that may contribute for the correct decision.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of the conservative condylectomy technique and articular disc repositioning as the surgical treatment approach for management of mandibular condylar osteochondroma, with appropriate Orthognathic surgery. Fifteen patients (12 females and 3 males), average age of 32.3 years (range, 13 to 56 years), with unilateral active osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle were analyzed. All patients underwent conservative condylectomy, recontouring of the remaining condylar neck stump and articular disc repositioned and indicated orthognatic surgical procedures. Average post surgical follow-up was 19 months. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced at 3 intervals (presurgery, immediate post surgery and long-term follow-up). Immediate after surgery the oclusal plane angle decreased -2.8 ± 4.5o, the maxillomandibular complex rotated counter-clockwise with advancement at menton 5.3 ± 5.6 mm, pogonion 5.0 ± 5.1 mm, B point 3.4 ± 4.2 mm and A point 1.0 ± 1.5 mm. The long-term follow-up showed significant changes in overbite (-0.6 ± 0.5 mm) and SNGoMe (0,93° ± 1,53°). Horizontally and vertically small instabilities occurred in Me (-1.21 ± 1.94 mm) and PNS (-1.48 ± 1.67 mm) respectively. The treatment protocol studied produced counterclockwise rotation and maxillofacial mandibular advancement. The long-term follow-up showed solid dental and skeletal stability with horizontal instability of Me and PNS in the vertical direction.
Introduction: The configuration and dimensions of the upper airway are determined by anatomical structures such as soft tissues, muscles and craniofacial skeleton, composing or surrounding the pharynx. Anatomical abnormalities of the soft tissues and / or craniofacial skeleton may become more narrow upper airway. The orthognathic surgery, which is used in the correction of dentoskeletal deformities, also causes changes in the upper airway. Objective: In view of the facts presented, this article aims to review the literature on the changes of the upper airway in patients’ class III undergoing orthognathic surgery. Methodology: International Literature on Health Sciences (Pubmed ) and Port Journals CAPES original and review published between 1990 and 2010, in two bibliographic databases articles were selected. Results: thirty-nine (39) articles were selected for writing this review. Conclusion: The upper airway deformity and dental- skeletal class III should be carefully evaluated prior to orthognathic surgery and whenever surgical planning permit should prefer the maxillary advances to mandibular setbacks
Introduction: pre-operative assessment is of fundamental importance for the prevention of transoperative and of postoperative complications. Objective: to identify the prevalence of diseases and systemic conditions in patients undergoing surgical treatment in the discipline of surgery and Traumatology of University Center of Araraquara, in the period of 2004 to 2009. Material and method: for the development of this study, a survey in medical records of patients was performed and the factors considered included: age, sex, presence of vices, and systemic conditions that affect the world’s population. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and recorded in a table. Result: Considering all patient records analyzed (693), 340 affirmative responses were detected (49,06%) to one or more diseases. Cardiovascular diseases were the most prevalent (22,34%). Considering the prevalence of diseases related to age, the age of less than 20 years represented 16,32%; of 20-29 years, 43,06%; 30-39 years, 45,16%; 40-44 years, 48,64%; 45-49 years, 56,25%; 50-54 years, 58,33%; 55-59 years, 57,74%; 60-64 years, 70,37%; 65-69 years, 66,66%; and 70 years or more, 68,75%. Conclusion: diseases and systemic alterations with higher prevalence were cardiovascular diseases, anemia, sinusitis and diabetes. The frequency of affirmative answers to systemic conditions was age-dependent and there was a predominance of females. The tobacco addiction was the most frequent. Thus, it was found that the preoperative assessment of the health of patients who will undergo surgical dental treatment is of fundamental importance.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare occlusal plane angulation measured in two different types of semi-adjustable articulators with that obtained on the lateral cephalometric radiograph. Materials and Methods: 20 patients due to undergo orthognathic surgery had dental casts mounted in two different types of semi-adjustable articulators through face bow transfer from the position of the maxilla and occlusal recording to the mandible. After mounting, the inclination of the occlusal plane in the articulators was measured and compared with the inclination measured at on both articulators and compared with the inclination measured on the lateral cephalometric radiographs and between the articulators themselves. The results obtained werestatistically analyzed. Results: Mean angulation values for the Bio Art (7.55º) and Kavo (-5.70º) articulators differ by 13.25º, which is statistically significant (p=0.00). When individually compared to the lateral cephalometric radiograph (5.075º), the Bio Art articulator showed more similar angulation values, with a difference of 2.475º, while the Kavo articulator presented a difference of 10.775º. Conclusion: Neither of the models of semi-adjustable articulators accurately reproduced the inclination of the maxillary occlusal plane of patients with dentofacial deformities; the difference between the two articulators tested and the lateral cephalometric radiograph was lower for the Bio Art than for the Kavo articulator.
This work aims at contributing to increase and improve the communication between orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons, reviewing and discussing the principles of diagnosis and orthodontic movement specific to patients with surgical indication. It describes the elective points in the conduct of the orthodontist so that their decisions could lead to an individualized and appropriate planning, striving for excellence in terms of outcomes for the surgical-orthodontic treatment of dentofacial discrepancies.
The pyogenic granuloma, a lesion considered hyperplastic regenerative inflammatory reaction is a finding commonly found in the oral cavity, affecting large numbers of individuals, being more prevalent in females. But its pathogenesis is not well defined and may be associated with numerous factors that stimulate tissue proliferation. Correct diagnosis and treatment plan are essential for success in approach, restoring function and aesthetics to the periodontal tissues. In agreement with the literature, the most common treatment and greater predictability is surgical removal, which involves resection of the lesion, together with its base inserted into the underlying tissue, periosteum and bone tissue. However, the excision can promote aesthetic defects, particularly in anterior regions where it is most affected. This article reports on the importance of a correct surgical approach for removal of pyogenic granuloma in the region of the interdental papilla between teeth 42 and 43, resulting in a good anatomical result and aesthetic.
The ability to tridimensionally evaluate pathological and anatomical areas, in apical surgery planning, presents a number of advantages. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was developed for dental applications. This paper aims to present a literature review on CBCT, highlighting its advantages over both conventional computed tomography (CT) and radiography. Moreover, its clinical applications in apical surgery are discussed. LITERATURE REVIEW AND CONCLUSION: Unlikely CT, CBCT captures a volume of data in a single 360º rotation, providing benefits such as higher accuracy, better resolution, reduced scanning time and reduced radiation dose. In the maxillofacial region, CBCT has been mainly used in the assessment of dento-alveolar pathology and oral traumatology. CBCT provides a better diagnosis and quantitative information on periodontal bone levels than conventional radiography. It has also been used for patients requiring surgical facial reconstruction, orthognathic surgery, dental implants, and more complex tooth extractions. Besides that, it seems to be a significant tool in modern endodontic practice, presenting useful applications in apical surgery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study's aim was to verify coping strategies among children aged between 7 and 12 years old who will be experiencing surgery and the potential relationship of coping strategies with sociodemographic variables, stress in children and in companions, and the child's prior experience with surgery. A total of 58 children hospitalized and waiting for elective surgeries responded to the Assessment Instrument of Coping to Hospitalization and an instrument to assess stress. The companion received a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory. Problem-solving strategies and distraction were the most frequent strategies used, while social withdrawal and opposition were the least frequent. Girls and children of stressful parents used emotion regulation strategies with significantly more frequency. Likewise, greater cognitive restructuring was observed in older children and those with prior experience with surgeries. The results show the need to consider the studied variables when developing pre-operative preparation programs.
Após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), ocorrem alterações complexas na arquitetura ventricular, envolvendo tanto a região infartada como a não infartada. Nos últimos anos, estas adaptações, que podem ser identificadas na fase aguda do IAM, ou mais tardiamente, passaram a ser estudadas com o nome de remodelação ventricular (RV) pós-IAM 1 . O reconhecimento e entendimento deste processo é crítico, pois a RV pode estar associada a um pior prognóstico, pós-infarto, na dependência de diversos fatores. Outro aspecto relevante é que sua evolução pode ser modificada, por meio de diversas intervenções terapêuticas. Assim, abordaremos aspectos fisiopatológicos que envolvem a RV, bem como os efeitos das medicações comumente usadas no tratamento do infarto, nesse processo adaptativo.
The aim of this research was to verify the accuracy of the prediction trace. Records in 15 patients admitted for orthognathic surgical treatment were analysed. Predictive and postoperative positíons of maxilla were compared with linear measurements. Statistically significant difference between predicted and postoperative position were demonstrated, but the prediction trace revealed to be very useful to help in decision of direction of movements, easy to do at low cost
This research evaluated the surgical stabilily in patients with mandibular prognathism and retrognathism in which was used sagital split technic to correct those detormities. Twelve patients were selected from the clinic of only one experienced surgeon. Six patients presenter a Class III 6 a Class II molar relationship. A comparative cefalometric analysis using linear and angular measurements was performed of pre-surgery, imediate pós-surgery and 1 year follow-up. The following conclusions were obtained. 1 The Dal Pont sagital split technic modified by Epker to correct mandibular prognathisn and retroghnatism is a stable technic and must be indicated to correct those deformities. 2 Small relapses are easily corrected by the post-surgical orthodontic treatment. 3 A small over correction is advised in cases of large mandibular advancements or set bascks. 4 In those cases which a large amount of mandibular retrusion on advancement need to be performed, a combination of maxillary and mandibular surgery should be used. Rigid fixation technic is also indicated in those cases
The indications for adenotonsillectomy in pediatric patients have changed considerably during the 90th decade. Local or systemic complications of the adenoid or tonsil hypertrophy itself have now been substituted by signs of obstructive ventilatory disturbances, including obstructive sleep apnea as the major indications for surgery. Objective: This study analyses the clinical profile of children submitted to adenotonsilectomy in their pre and postoperative state, at Botucatu Medical School-State University São Paulo, UNESP. Methods: 332 children of both genders, aged 1 to 12 years, who underwent adenotonsillectomy between 1999 and 2004, were studied, focused on epidemiological profile, pre and postoperative (1 month) symptoms, obtained from medical records. Height and weight were compared to brazilian normal age related values. Results: We found a predominance of the male gender, except in he group aged from 10 to 12 years. Considering wheight and height, we found important failure to thrive, mostly for height deficit. Among clinical aspects, we found a significant reduction in obstructive symptoms like snoring or apneia (p<0001) in the postoperative period. Conclusion: Our results were similar to the literature findings of patients clinical profile. The major indication for adenotonsillectomy in our service was clinical diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.