1000 resultados para cancer
BACKGROUND: Mediastinal lymph-node dissection was compared to systematic mediastinal lymph-node sampling in patients undergoing complete resection for non-small cell lung cancer with respect to morbidity, duration of chest tube drainage and hospitalization, survival, disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. METHODS: A consecutive series of one hundred patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, clinical stage T1-3 N0-1 after standardized staging, was divided into two groups of 50 patients each, according to the technique of intraoperative mediastinal lymph-node assessment (dissection versus sampling). Mediastinal lymph-node dissection consisted of removal of all lymphatic tissues within defined anatomic landmarks of stations 2-4 and 7-9 on the right side, and stations 4-9 on the left side according to the classification of the American Thoracic Society. Systematic mediastinal lymph-node sampling consisted of harvesting of one or more representative lymph nodes from stations 2-4 and 7-9 on the right side, and stations 4-9 on the left side. RESULTS: All patients had complete resection. A mean follow-up time of 89 months was achieved in 92 patients. The two groups of patients were comparable with respect to age, gender, performance status, tumor stage, histology, extent of lung resection, and follow-up time. No significant difference was found between both groups regarding the duration of chest tube drainage, hospitalization, and morbidity. However, dissection required a longer operation time than sampling (179 +/- 38 min versus 149 +/- 37 min, p < 0.001). There was no significant difference in overall survival between the two groups; however, patients with stage I disease had a significantly longer disease-free survival after dissection than after sampling (60.2 +/- 7 versus 44.8 +/- 8 months, p < 0.03). Local recurrence was significantly higher after sampling than after dissection in patients with stage I tumor (12.5% versus 45%, p = 0.02) and in patients with nodal tumor negative mediastinum (N0/N1 disease) (46% versus 13%, p = 0.004). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that mediastinal lymph-node dissection may provide a longer disease-free survival in stage I non-small cell lung cancer and, most importantly, a better local tumor control than mediastinal lymph-node sampling after complete resection for N0/N1 disease without leading to increased morbidity.
This work aimed to develop a new therapeutic approach to increase the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the treatment of advanced or recurrent colon cancer. 5-FU-loaded biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone) nanoparticles (PCL NPs) were combined with the cytotoxic suicide gene E (combined therapy). The SW480 human cancer cell line was used to assay the combined therapeutic strategy. This cell line was established from a primary adenocarcinoma of the colon and is characterized by an intrinsically high resistance to apoptosis that correlates with its resistance to 5-FU. 5-FU was absorbed into the matrix of the PCL NPs during synthesis using the interfacial polymer disposition method. The antitumor activity of gene E from the phage ϕX174 was tested by generating a stable clone (SW480/12/E). In addition, the localization of E protein and its activity in mitochondria were analyzed. We found that the incorporation of 5-FU into PCL NPs (which show no cytotoxicity alone), significantly improved the drug's anticancer activity, reducing the proliferation rate of colon cancer cells by up to 40-fold when compared with the nonincorporated drug alone. Furthermore, E gene expression sensitized colon cancer cells to the cytotoxic action of the 5-FU-based nanomedicine. Our findings demonstrate that despite the inherent resistance of SW480 to apoptosis, E gene activity is mediated by an apoptotic phenomenon that includes modulation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 expression and intense mitochondrial damage. Finally, a strongly synergistic antiproliferative effect was observed in colon cancer cells when E gene expression was combined with the activity of the 5-FU-loaded PCL NPs, thereby indicating the potential therapeutic value of the combined therapy.
Pregnancy reduces maternal risk of breast cancer in the long term, but the biological determinants of the protection are unknown. Animal experiments suggest that estrogens and progesterone could be involved, but direct human evidence is scant. A case-control study (536 cases and 1,049 controls) was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort. Eligible were primiparous women who delivered at term a singleton offspring before age 40. For each case, two individually matched controls by age (±6 months) and date of sampling (±3 months) were selected. Estradiol, estrone and progesterone in first-trimester serum were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) by immunoassay. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated through conditional logistic regression. In the whole study population there was no association of breast cancer with any of the studied hormones. In analyses stratified by age at diagnosis, however, estradiol concentrations were positively associated with risk of breast cancer before age 40 (upper quartile OR, 1.81; CI, 1.08-3.06), but inversely associated with risk in women who were diagnosed ≥age 40 (upper quartile OR, 0.64; CI, 0.40-1.04), p(interaction) 0.004. Risk estimates for estrone mirrored those for estradiol but were less pronounced. Progesterone was not associated with risk of subsequent breast cancer. Our results provide initial evidence that concentrations of estrogens during the early parts of a primiparous pregnancy are associated with maternal risk of breast cancer and suggest that the effect may differ for tumors diagnosed before and after age 40.
SUMMARY:Cylindroma, trichoepithelioma and spiradenoma are benign tumors of hair follicle. They are caused by mutations and loss of heterozygosity in the CYLD gene. CYLD is a ubiquitously expressed, but the tumors are restricted to skin, suggesting that the tumorigenesis is influenced by skin-specific regulators and probably by mutations in other genes. The objectives of the thesis were to analyze the molecular mechanisms leading to the aforementioned tumors. In the first project, we have identified five new mutations in CYLD gene in tive families affected with different combinations of these skin appendage tumors. F our of these mutations caused the introduction of a premature stop codon in CYLD protein sequence, but one was a missense mutation changing aspartic acid 681 into glycine (D68lG), in patients exhibiting multiple trichoepitheliomas. CYLD is a deubiquitinase which can downregulate NF-κB and INK pathways through the deubiquitination of TRAF2, for example. We showed that the CYLD-D681G mutant was unable to remove polyubiquitin chains from TRAF2. We also proved that CYLD-D68lG could not inhibit TRAP 2- or TNFα- mediated NF-κB or INK activations in 293T cells. These results underlined the importance of the D68l residue for the enzymatic activity of CYLD. TRAP-interacting protein (TRIP), which is a E3-Ubiquitin ligase, is a partner of CYLD. In the second project of the thesis, we studied the function of TRIP in the epidermis. We found that TRIP was a nucleolar protein in cultured human primary keratinocytes (HEK) and HeLa cells, and was detected in the midbody of HeLa cells. Moreover, TRIP expression was shown to be downregulated through a PKC-dependent mechanism before induction of keratinocyte differentiation. We also proved that TRIP was upregulated in basal cell carcinomas. Furthermore, TRIP was found to be important for keratinocyte survival and proliferation through the regulation of the Gl/S transition. Our results suggest that TRIP may be involved in keratinocyte tumorigenesis.RÉSUMÉ :Les cylindromes, trichoépithéliomes et spiradénomes sont des tumeurs bénignes du follicule pileux causées par des mutations et une perte d'hétérozygotie du gène CYLD. CYLD est ubiquitaire mais les tumeurs sont limitées à la peau, suggérant que la tumorigénèse est influencée par des protéines spécifiques de la peau et par des mutations dans d'autres gènes. Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d'2malyser les mécanismes moléculaires aboutissant à la formation de ces tumeurs. Dans le premier projet, cinq nouvelles mutations du gène CYLD ont été identifiées chez cinq familles présentant différentes combinaisons des tumeurs citées ci- dessus. Quatre de ces mutations causaient I' introduction d'un codon stop prématuré dans la séquence protéique, mais une était une mutation «misser1se» changeant l'aspartate 681 en résidu glycine (D68lG) chez des patients présentant des trichoépithéliomes multiples. CYLD est une déubiquitinase qui inhibe les voies de signalisation de NF-κB et JNK, en déubiquitinant notamment TRAF2. Nous avons montré que la protéine mutante CYLD- D68lG ne pouvait pas cliver la chaîne de poly-ubiquitines liée à TRAF2. CYLD-D68lG était aussi incapable d'inhiber l'activation de NF-κB ou de JNK induite par TRAF2 ou TNF-o dans les cellules 293T. Ces résultats ont donc souligné l'impo1tance du résidu D68l pour l'activité de CYLD. «TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP)», qui est une «E3-ubiquitin-ligase», est un partenaire de CYLD. Dans le second proj et de la thèse, nous avons étudié la fonction de TRIP dans l'épidenne. Nous avons montrépque TRIP était nucléolaire dans les cellules HeLa et les kératinocytes primaires humains en culture et était détectée dans le «midbody» des cellules HeLa. Nous avons prouvé que l'ARNm de TRIP était diminué avant l'induction de la différentiation des kératinocytes, par un mécanisme dépendent de la protéine kinase C, tandis qu'il était augmenté dans les carcinomes baso-cellulaires. Nous avons aussi montré que TRIP influençait la prolifération et la survie des kératinocytes en régulant la transition G1/S, Nos résultats suggèrent que TRIP est peut-être impliquée dans la tumorigénèse des kératinocytes. 7
Impact of immune microenvironment in prognosis of solid tumors has been extensively studied in the last few years. Specifically in colorectal carcinoma, increased knowledge of the immune events around these tumors and their relation with clinical outcomes have led to consider immune microenvironment as one of the most important prognostic factors in this disease. In this review we will summarize and update the current knowledge with respect to this intriguing and complex new hallmark of cancer, paying special attention to infiltration by T-infiltrating lymphocytes and their subtypes in colorectal cancer, as well as its eventual clinical translation in terms of long-term prognosis. Finally, we suggest some possible investigational approaches based on combinatorial strategies to trigger and boost immune reaction against tumor cells.
BACKGROUND Spain shows the highest bladder cancer incidence rates in men among European countries. The most important risk factors are tobacco smoking and occupational exposure to a range of different chemical substances, such as aromatic amines. METHODS This paper describes the municipal distribution of bladder cancer mortality and attempts to "adjust" this spatial pattern for the prevalence of smokers, using the autoregressive spatial model proposed by Besag, York and Molliè, with relative risk of lung cancer mortality as a surrogate. RESULTS It has been possible to compile and ascertain the posterior distribution of relative risk for bladder cancer adjusted for lung cancer mortality, on the basis of a single Bayesian spatial model covering all of Spain's 8077 towns. Maps were plotted depicting smoothed relative risk (RR) estimates, and the distribution of the posterior probability of RR>1 by sex. Towns that registered the highest relative risks for both sexes were mostly located in the Provinces of Cadiz, Seville, Huelva, Barcelona and AlmerÃa. The highest-risk area in Barcelona Province corresponded to very specific municipal areas in the Bages district, e.g., SurÃa, Sallent, Balsareny, Manresa and Cardona. CONCLUSION Mining/industrial pollution and the risk entailed in certain occupational exposures could in part be dictating the pattern of municipal bladder cancer mortality in Spain. Population exposure to arsenic is a matter that calls for attention. It would be of great interest if the relationship between the chemical quality of drinking water and the frequency of bladder cancer could be studied.
Despite the high prevalence of colon cancer in the world and the great interest in targeted anti-cancer therapy, only few tumor-specific gene products have been identified that could serve as targets for the immunological treatment of colorectal cancers. The aim of our study was therefore to identify frequently expressed colon cancer-specific antigens. We performed a large-scale analysis of genes expressed in normal colon and colon cancer tissues isolated from colorectal cancer patients using massively parallel signal sequencing (MPSS). Candidates were additionally subjected to experimental evaluation by semi-quantitative RT-PCR on a cohort of colorectal cancer patients. From a pool of more than 6000 genes identified unambiguously in the analysis, we found 2124 genes that were selectively expressed in colon cancer tissue and 147 genes that were differentially expressed to a significant degree between normal and cancer cells. Differential expression of many genes was confirmed by RT-PCR on a cohort of patients. Despite the fact that deregulated genes were involved in many different cellular pathways, we found that genes expressed in the extracellular space were significantly over-represented in colorectal cancer. Strikingly, we identified a transcript from a chromosome X-linked member of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) H family that was frequently and selectively expressed in colon cancer but not in normal tissues. Our data suggest that this sequence should be considered as a target of immunological interventions against colorectal cancer.
BACKGROUND. Either higher levels of initial DNA damage or lower levels of radiation-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes have been associated to increased risk for develop late radiation-induced toxicity. It has been recently published that these two predictive tests are inversely related. The aim of the present study was to investigate the combined role of both tests in relation to clinical radiation-induced toxicity in a set of breast cancer patients treated with high dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy. METHODS. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were taken from 26 consecutive patients with locally advanced breast carcinoma treated with high-dose hyperfractioned radical radiotherapy. Acute and late cutaneous and subcutaneous toxicity was evaluated using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group morbidity scoring schema. The mean follow-up of survivors (n = 13) was 197.23 months. Radiosensitivity of lymphocytes was quantified as the initial number of DNA double-strand breaks induced per Gy and per DNA unit (200 Mbp). Radiation-induced apoptosis (RIA) at 1, 2 and 8 Gy was measured by flow cytometry using annexin V/propidium iodide. RESULTS. Mean DSB/Gy/DNA unit obtained was 1.70 ± 0.83 (range 0.63-4.08; median, 1.46). Radiation-induced apoptosis increased with radiation dose (median 12.36, 17.79 and 24.83 for 1, 2, and 8 Gy respectively). We observed that those "expected resistant patients" (DSB values lower than 1.78 DSB/Gy per 200 Mbp and RIA values over 9.58, 14.40 or 24.83 for 1, 2 and 8 Gy respectively) were at low risk of suffer severe subcutaneous late toxicity (HR 0.223, 95%CI 0.073-0.678, P = 0.008; HR 0.206, 95%CI 0.063-0.677, P = 0.009; HR 0.239, 95%CI 0.062-0.929, P = 0.039, for RIA at 1, 2 and 8 Gy respectively) in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS. A radiation-resistant profile is proposed, where those patients who presented lower levels of initial DNA damage and higher levels of radiation induced apoptosis were at low risk of suffer severe subcutaneous late toxicity after clinical treatment at high radiation doses in our series. However, due to the small sample size, other prospective studies with higher number of patients are needed to validate these results.
Frequent expression of cancer testis antigens (CTA) has been consistently observed in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). For instance, in 52 HNSCC patients, MAGE-A3 and -A4 CTA were expressed in over 75% of tumors, regardless of the sites of primary tumors such as oral cavity or hypopharynx. Yet, T-cell responses against these CTA in tumor-bearing patients have not been investigated in detail. In this study, we assessed the naturally acquired T-cell response against MAGE-A3 and -A4 in nonvaccinated HNSCC patients. Autologous antigen-presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptide pools were used to detect and isolate MAGE-A3 and MAGE-A4 specific CD4(+) T cells from healthy donors and seven head and neck cancer patients. CD4(+) T-cell clones were characterized by cytokine secretion. We could detect and isolate MAGE-A3 and MAGE-A4 specific CD4(+) T cells from 7/7 cancer patients analyzed. Moreover, we identified six previously described and three new epitopes for MAGE-A3. Among them, the MAGE-A3(111-125) and MAGE-A3(161-175) epitopes were shown to be naturally processed and presented by DC in association with HLA-DP and DR, respectively. All of the detected MAGE-A4 responses were specific for new helper epitopes. These data suggest that naturally acquired CD4(+) T-cell responses against CT antigens often occur in vivo in HNSCC cancer patients and provide a rationale for the development of active immunotherapeutic approaches in this type of tumor.
PURPOSE: To evaluate and validate mRNA expression markers capable of identifying patients with ErbB2-positive breast cancer associated with distant metastasis and reduced survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression of 60 genes involved in breast cancer biology was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) in 317 primary breast cancer patients and correlated with clinical outcome data. Results were validated subsequently using two previously published and publicly available microarray data sets with different patient populations comprising 295 and 286 breast cancer samples, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 60 genes measured by qrt-PCR, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA or PLAU) mRNA expression was the most significant marker associated with distant metastasis-free survival (MFS) by univariate Cox analysis in patients with ErbB2-positive tumors and an independent factor in multivariate analysis. Subsequent validation in two microarray data sets confirmed the prognostic value of uPA in ErbB2-positive tumors by both univariate and multivariate analysis. uPA mRNA expression was not significantly associated with MFS in ErbB2-negative tumors. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed in all three study populations that patients with ErbB2-positive/uPA-positive tumors exhibited significantly reduced MFS (hazard ratios [HR], 4.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 11.8; HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.2; and, HR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.1 to 7.1; all P < .02) as compared with the group with ErbB2-positive/uPA-negative tumors who exhibited similar outcome to those with ErbB2-negative tumors, irrespective of uPA status. CONCLUSION: After evaluation of 898 breast cancer patients, uPA mRNA expression emerged as a powerful prognostic indicator in ErbB2-positive tumors. These results were consistent among three independent study populations assayed by different techniques, including qrt-PCR and two microarray platforms.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review and summarize current knowledge on gender differences and sex steroid hormones in nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: Beyond the proven role of gender as a risk factor for the development of bladder cancer, recent studies indicate that women present with more advanced bladder cancer tumor stages than men, which may be due to differences in both bladder cancer care and biology. In addition, female gender has been identified as an independent prognostic factor for both recurrence and progression and may be associated with worse response to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin instillation therapy. Overall, sex steroid hormones and their receptors impact bladder carcinogenesis, recurrence and progression. Basic and transitional research evidence suggests that estrogens may initially protect against bladder cancer development, but later promote bladder cancer progression. Androgens, in contrast, seem to initiate and drive bladder cancer with its receptor playing a central role. Promising novel research shows a potential role of sex steroid hormones as therapeutic targets. SUMMARY: Whereas men are more likely to develop bladder cancer, women present generally with more advanced disease and have worse oncologic outcomes even after adjusting for tumor stage. Sex steroid hormones and their receptors play an active role in bladder cancer development and progression and represent attractive therapeutic targets for gender-specific care.
Caveolae are involved in physical compartmentalization between different groups of signaling events. Its main component, CAV1, modulates different pathways in cellular physiology. The emerging evidence pointing to the role of CAV1 in cancer led us to study whether different alleles of this gene are associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Since one of the most characterized enzymes regulated by CAV1 is eNOS, we decided to include both genes in this study. We analyzed five SNPs in 360 unrelated CRC patients and 550 controls from the general population. Two of these SNPs were located within eNOS and three within the CAV1 gene. Although haplotype distribution was not associated with CRC, haplotype TiA (CAV1) was associated with familiar forms of CRC (p<0.05). This was especially evident in CRC antecedents and nuclear forms of CRC. If both CG (eNOS) and TiA (CAV1) haplotypes were taken together, this association increased in significance. Thus, we propose that CAV1, either alone or together with eNOS alleles, might modify CRC heritability.
Androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells turn androgen resistant through complex mechanisms that involve dysregulation of apoptosis. We investigated the role of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL in the progression of prostate cancer as well as the interactions of Bcl-xL with proapoptotic Bax and Bak in androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancer cells. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to study the expression of Bcl-xL in a series of 139 prostate carcinomas and its association with Gleason grade and time to hormone resistance. Expression of Bcl-xL was more abundant in prostate carcinomas of higher Gleason grades and significantly associated with the onset of hormone-refractory disease. In vivo interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax or Bak in untreated and camptothecin-treated LNCaP and PC3 cells were investigated by means of coimmunoprecipitation. In the absence of any stimuli, Bcl-xL interacts with Bax and Bak in androgen-independent PC3 cells but only with Bak in androgen-dependent LNCaP cells. Interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax and Bak were also evidenced in lysates from high-grade prostate cancer tissues. In LNCaP cells treated with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I, the interaction between Bcl-xL and Bak was absent after 36 h, Bcl-xL decreased gradually and Bak increased coincidentally with the progress of apoptosis. These results support a model in which Bcl-xL would exert an inhibitory effect over Bak via heterodimerization. We propose that these interactions may provide mechanisms for suppressing the activity of proapoptotic Bax and Bak in prostate cancer cells and that Bcl-xL expression contributes to androgen resistance and progression of prostate cancer.
BACKGROUND: Alterations in glucose metabolism and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) constitute two important characteristics of carcinoma progression toward invasive cancer. Despite an extensive characterization of each of them separately, the links between EMT and glucose metabolism of tumor cells remain elusive. Here we show that the neuronal glucose transporter GLUT3 contributes to glucose uptake and proliferation of lung tumor cells that have undergone an EMT. RESULTS: Using a panel of human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines, we demonstrate that GLUT3 is strongly expressed in mesenchymal, but not epithelial cells, a finding corroborated in hepatoma cells. Furthermore, we identify that ZEB1 binds to the GLUT3 gene to activate transcription. Importantly, inhibiting GLUT3 expression reduces glucose import and the proliferation of mesenchymal lung tumor cells, whereas ectopic expression in epithelial cells sustains proliferation in low glucose. Using a large microarray data collection of human NSCLCs, we determine that GLUT3 expression correlates with EMT markers and is prognostic of poor overall survival. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our results reveal that GLUT3 is a transcriptional target of ZEB1 and that this glucose transporter plays an important role in lung cancer, when tumor cells loose their epithelial characteristics to become more invasive. Moreover, these findings emphasize the development of GLUT3 inhibitory drugs as a targeted therapy for the treatment of patients with poorly differentiated tumors.