966 resultados para calcium-dependent proteolysis


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We report a detailed magnetic, dielectric and Raman studies on partially disordered and biphasic double perovskite La2NiMnO6. DC and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements show two magnetic anomalies at T-C1 similar to 270 K and T-C2 similar to 240 K, which may indicate the ferromagnetic ordering of the monoclinic and rhombohedral phases, respectively. A broad peak at a lower temperature (T-sg similar to 70 K) is also observed indicating a spin-glass transition due to partial anti-site disorder of Ni2+ and Mn4+ ions. Unlike the pure monoclinic phase, the biphasic compound exhibits a broad but a clear dielectric anomaly around 270 K which is a signature of magneto-dielectric effect. Temperature-dependent Raman studies between the temperature range 12-300 K in a wide spectral range from 220 cm(-1) to 1530 cm(-1) reveal a strong renormalization of the first as well as second-order Raman modes associated with the (Ni/Mn)O-6 octahedra near T-C1 implying a strong spin-phonon coupling. In addition, an anomaly is seen in the vicinity of spin-glass transition temperature in the temperature dependence of the frequency of the anti-symmetric stretching vibration of the octahedra. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The temperature dependent electrical properties of the dropcasted Cu2SnS3 films have been measured in the temperature range 140 K to 317 K. The log I versus root V plot shows two regions. The region at lower bias is due to electrode limited Schottky emission and the higher bias region is due to bulk limited Poole Frenkel emission. The ideality factor is calculated from the ln I versus V plot for different temperatures fitted with the thermionic emission model and is found to vary from 6.05 eV to 12.23 eV. This large value is attributed to the presence of defects or amorphous layer at the Ag / Cu2SnS3 interface. From the Richardson's plot the Richardson's constant and the barrier height were calculated. Owing to the inhomogeneity in the barrier heights, the Richardson's constant and the barrier height were also calculated from the modified Richardson's plot. The I-V-T curves were also fitted using the thermionic field emission model. The barrier heights were found to be higher than those calculated using thermionic emission model. From the fit of the I-V-T curves to the field emission model, field emission was seen to dominate in the low temperature range of 140 K to 177 K. The temperature dependent current graphs show two regions of different mechanisms. The log I versus 1000/T plot gives activation energies E-a1 = 0.367095 - 0.257682 eV and E-a2 = 0.038416 - 0.042452 eV. The log ( I/T-2) versus 1000/T graph gives trap depths Phi(o1) = 0.314159 - 0.204752 eV and Phi(o2) = 0.007425- 0.011163 eV. With increasing voltage the activation energy E-a1 and the trap depth Phi(o1) decrease. From the ln (IT1/ 2) versus 1/T-1/ 4 graph, the low temperature region is due to variable range hopping mechanism and the high temperature region is due to thermionic emission. (C) 2014 Author(s).


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Objective: In this study, we report the role of miRNAs involved under nitrogen starvation from widely grown vegetable crop, French bean. In recent years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the elucidation of miRNAs involved in low nitrate stress. Methods: To identify miRNAs expressed under stress, cDNA libraries were analyzed. Results: We reported the nine potential miRNAs with 67 targets involved in nutrient transporters and other stress specific genes. Among the miRNA sequences obtained 6 sequences belong to miR172 family, one with miR169. RT-PCR analysis of expression of miR172 family was induced upon low nitrate stress while miR169 family was repressed. In addition, Pvu-SN7b and Pvu-miR16 may be new members of miRNA172 and miR169 families, respectively. Conclusion: The targets of Pvu-SN7b were major protein kinases, one among which is the Protein Kinase CK2. CK2 Kinase is found to involve in transcription-directed signaling, gene control and cell-cycle regulation. Other targets of Pvu-SN7b were involved in DNA-dependent transcription regulation, photo-periodism, calcium-mediated signaling. Pvu-miR16 targets Thymidine kinase, the key enzyme of deoxy-nucleotide synthesis. The cleavage of these targets affects cell proliferation there by affecting nodule formation. Pvu-miR8 inhibits translation of its target protein Pre-protein translocase, a membrane-bound protein transporter involved in trans-membrane protein transportation. Together these results denote the response and role of miRNAs to nitrate-limiting conditions in French bean.


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Transparent glasses in CaO-Bi2O3-B2O3 system were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) carried out on the as-quenched samples confirmed their amorphous and glassy nature respectively. The surface crystallization behaviour of these glasses with and without ultrasonic surface treatment (UST) was monitored using XRD, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The volume fraction, depth of crystallization and the (001) orientation factor for the heat treated samples with and without UST were compared. The ultrasonically-treated samples on subsequent heat treatment were found to crystallize at lower temperatures associated with the highest degree of orientation factor (0.95) in contrast with those of non-UST samples. These surface crystallized glasses were found to exhibit nonlinear optical behaviour emitting green light (532 nm) when they were exposed to the infrared radiation (1064 nm) using Nd:YAG laser.


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The photoluminescence (PL) of ZnO is shown to be dependent on the excitation intensity (EI) of the laser, and the substantial shift observed in the band to band transition is attributed to the heating effect. In order to understand this phenomenon in detail, we investigate the EI dependent PL of various ZnO samples systematically from liquid nitrogen (LN) to room temperature by varying the laser power. Some of the samples exhibit substantial red shift in the band to band transition with increasing EI even in LN environment, negligible effect is observed for others. Hence, our results strongly suggest that the EI dependent PL is not a characteristic of all ZnO samples. This indicates that laser-induced heating effect is not the dominant factor that governs the shifts in the PL spectra. Rather, the defect level excitation accounts for such observation. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Hydroxyapatite (HAp), a primary constituent of human bone, is usually nonstoichiometric with varying Ca/P molar ratios, with the well-known fact that Ca deficiency can cause marked reductions in its mechanical properties. To gain insights into the mechanism of this degradation, we employ first-principles calculations based on density functional theory and determine the effects of Ca deficiency on structure, vibrational, and elastic properties of HAp. Our simulation results confirm a considerable reduction in the elastic constants of HAp due to Ca deficiency, which was experimentally reported earlier. Stress-induced transformation of the Ca-deficient defected structure into a metastable state upon the application of stress could be a reason for this. Local structural stability of HAp and Ca-deficient HAp structures is assessed with full phonon dispersion studies. Further, specific signatures in the computed vibrational spectra for Ca deficiency in HAp can be utilized in experimental characterization of different types of defected HAp.


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This paper attempts to gain an understanding of the effect of lamellar length scale on the mechanical properties of two-phase metal-intermetallic eutectic structure. We first develop a molecular dynamics model for the in-situ grown eutectic interface followed by a model of deformation of Al-Al2Cu lamellar eutectic. Leveraging the insights obtained from the simulation on the behaviour of dislocations at different length scales of the eutectic, we present and explain the experimental results on Al-Al2Cu eutectic with various different lamellar spacing. The physics behind the mechanism is further quantified with help of atomic level energy model for different length scale as well as different strain. An atomic level energy partitioning of the lamellae and the interface regions reveals that the energy of the lamellae core are accumulated more due to dislocations irrespective of the length-scale. Whereas the energy of the interface is accumulated more due to dislocations when the length-scale is smaller, but the trend is reversed when the length-scale is large beyond a critical size of about 80 nm. (C) 2014 Author(s).


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Enzymes utilizing pyridoxal 5'-phosphate dependent mechanism for catalysis are observed in all cellular forms of living organisms. PLP-dependent enzymes catalyze a wide variety of reactions involving amino acid substrates and their analogs. Structurally, these ubiquitous enzymes have been classified into four major fold types. We have carried out investigations on the structure and function of fold type I enzymes serine hydroxymethyl transferase and acetylornithine amino transferase, fold type n enzymes catabolic threonine deaminase, D-serine deaminase, D-cysteine desulfhydrase and diaminopropionate ammonia lyase. This review summarizes the major findings of investigations on fold type II enzymes in the context of similar studies on other PLP-dependent enzymes. Fold type II enzymes participate in pathways of both degradation and synthesis of amino acids. Polypeptide folds of these enzymes, features of their active sites, nature of interactions between the cofactor and the polypeptide, oligomeric structure, catalytic activities with various ligands, origin of specificity and plausible regulation of activity are briefly described. Analysis of the available crystal structures of fold type II enzymes revealed five different classes. The dimeric interfaces found in these enzymes vary across the classes and probably have functional significance.


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We have synthesized Ag-Cu alloy nanoparticles of four different compositions by using the laser ablation technique with the target under aqueous medium. Following this, we report a morphological transition in the nanoparticles from a normal two-phase microstructure to a structure with random segregation and finally a core shell structure at small sizes as a function of Cu concentration. To illustrate the composition dependence of morphology, we report observations carried out on nanoparticles of two different sizes: similar to 5 and similar to 20 nm. The results could be rationalized through the thermodynamic modeling of free energy of phase mixing and wettability of the alloying phases.


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Using polarization-dependent x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, we have investigated the surface effects on antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain formation. Depth-resolved information obtained from our study indicates the presence of strain-induced surface AFM domains on some of the cleaved NiO(100) crystals, which are unusually thinner than bulk AFM domain wall widths (similar to 150 nm). Existence of such magnetic skin layer is substantiated by exchange-coupled ferromagnetic Fe domains in Fe/NiO(100), thereby evidencing the influence of this surface AFM domains on interfacial magnetic coupling. Our observations demonstrate a depth evolution of AFM structure in presence of induced surface strain, while the surface symmetry-breaking in absence of induced strain does not modify the bulk AFM domain structure. Realization of such thin surface AFM layer will provide better microscopic understanding of the exchange bias phenomena. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In the present paper, thermo-mechanical response of B2-NiAl nanowire along the < 100 >, < 110 >, and < 111 > orientations has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions of similar to 20x20 angstrom(2), similar to 25x25 angstrom(2), and similar to 30x30 angstrom(2) and temperature range of 10 K-900 K has been considered. A Combined effect of size, orientation, and temperature on the stress-strain behavior under uniaxial tensile loading has been presented. It has been observed that < 111 > oriented NiAl nanowire that is energetically most stable gives highest yield stress which further reduces with < 110 > and < 100 > orientations. A remarkable ductile brittle transition (DBT) with an increase in temperature has also been reported for all the orientations considered in the present study. The DBT observed for the nanowire has also been compared with the reported DBT of bulk B2-NiAl obtained from experiments. Alternate technique has also been proposed to increase the toughness of a given material especially at lower temperature regions, i.e. below DBT.


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Iridium nanostructures with different morphologies are synthesized by a simple, environmentally friendly approach in aqueous media under mild conditions. The morphology dependent electrocatalytic activity of Ir nanochains and nanoparticles towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has been demonstrated in both acidic and alkaline media. Comparative electrochemical studies reveal that nanochains exhibit significantly enhanced ORR activities in both acidic and alkaline media as compared with nanoparticles, as a result of the continuous structure of interconnected particles. The mechanism of oxygen reduction on Ir nanostructures predominantly follows a four-electron pathway in alkaline and acidic solutions. Excellent stability and good selectivity towards methanol tolerance are reported.


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We report inelastic light scattering studies on Ca(Fe0.97Co0.03)(2)As-2 in a wide spectral range of 120-5200 cm(-1) from 5 to 300 K, covering the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition as well as magnetic transition at T-sm similar to 160 K. The mode frequencies of two first-order Raman modes B-1g and E-g, both involving the displacement of Fe atoms, show a sharp increase below T-sm. Concomitantly, the linewidths of all the first-order Raman modes show anomalous broadening below T-sm, attributed to strong spin-phonon coupling. The high frequency modes observed between 400 and 1200 cm(-1) are attributed to electronic Raman scattering involving the crystal field levels of d-orbitals of Fe2+. The splitting between xz and yz d-orbital levels is shown to be similar to 25 meV, which increases as temperature decreases below T-sm. A broad Raman band observed at similar to 3200 cm(-1) is assigned to two-magnon excitation of the itinerant Fe 3d antiferromagnet.


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We present comparative analysis of microscopic mechanisms relevant to plastic deformation of the face-centered cubic (FCC) metals Al, Cu, and Ni, through determination of the temperature-dependent free energies of intrinsic and unstable stacking faults along 1 (1) over bar 0] and 1 (2) over bar 1] on the (1 1 1) plane using first-principles density-functional-theory-based calculations. We show that vibrational contribution results in significant decrease in the free energy of barriers and intrinsic stacking faults (ISFs) of Al, Cu, and Ni with temperature, confirming an important role of thermal fluctuations in the stability of stacking faults (SFs) and deformation at elevated temperatures. In contrast to Al and Ni, the vibrational spectrum of the unstable stacking fault (USF1 (2) over bar 1]) in Cu reveals structural instabilities, indicating that the energy barrier (gamma(usf)) along the (1 1 1)1 (2) over bar 1] slip system in Cu, determined by typical first-principles calculations, is an overestimate, and its commonly used interpretation as the energy release rate needed for dislocation nucleation, as proposed by Rice (1992 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 40 239), should be taken with caution.


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Macrophages regulate cell fate decisions during microbial challenges by carefully titrating signaling events activated by innate receptors such as dectin-1 or Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Here, we demonstrate that dectin-1 activation robustly dampens TLR-induced proinflammatory signature in macrophages. Dectin-1 induced the stabilization of beta-catenin via spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk)-reactive oxygen species (ROS) signals, contributing to the expression of WNT5A. Subsequently, WNT5A-responsive protein inhibitors of activated STAT (PIAS-1) and suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS-1) mediate the downregulation of IRAK-1, IRAK-4, and MyD88, resulting in decreased expression of interleukin 12 (IL-12), IL-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). In vivo activation of dectin-1 with pathogenic fungi or ligand resulted in an increased bacterial burden of Mycobacteria, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, or Escherichia, with a concomitant decrease in TLR-triggered proinflammatory cytokines. All together, our study establishes a new role for dectin-1-responsive inhibitory mechanisms employed by virulent fungi to limit the proinflammatory environment of the host.