995 resultados para beam scattering


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The electrical and structural characteristics of tantalum-titanium bilayers on silicon reacted by electron beam heating have been investigated over a wide range of temperature and time conditions. The reacted layers exhibit low sheet resistance and stable electrical characteristics up to at least 1100℃. Titanium starts reacting from 750℃ onwards for 100 milliseconds reaction times whereas tantalum starts reacting only above 900℃ for such short reaction times. RBS results confirm that silicon is the major diffusing species and there is no evidence for the formation of ternary silicides. Reactions have also been explored on millisecond time scales by non-isothermal heating.


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To explore the machining characteristics of glassy carbon by focused ion beam (FIB), particles induced by FIB milling on glassy carbon have been studied in the current work. Nano-sized particles in the range of tens of nanometers up to 400 nm can often be found around the area subject to FIB milling. Two ion beam scanning modes - slow single scan and fast repetitive scan - have been tested. Fewer particles are found in single patterns milled in fast repetitive scan mode. For a group of test patterns milled in a sequence, it was found that a greater number of particles were deposited around sites machined early in the sequence. In situ EDX analysis of the particles showed that they were composed of C and Ga. The formation of particles is related to the debris generated at the surrounding areas, the low melting point of gallium used as FIB ion source and the high contact angle of gallium on glassy carbon induces de-wetting of Ga and the subsequent formation of Ga particles. Ultrasonic cleaning can remove over 98% of visible particles. The surface roughness (Ra) of FIB milled areas after cleaning is less than 2 nm. © 2010.


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Non-conventional methods of machining are used for many engineering applications where the traditional processes fail to be cost-effective. Such processes include Ion Beam Machining (IBM), focused ion beam (FIB) machining and plasma discharge machining. The mechanisms of material removal and associated hardware and software developed for industrial applications of these fascinating electro-physical and chemical machining processes are reviewed together with the latest research findings. © 2009 CIRP.


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Laser beam diagnosis is usually carried out off-line in order to minimise the disruption to the process being carried out. This paper presents the results of a fractional sampling device for a high power beam diagnosis system capable of measuring in process beam properties such as beam diameter, intensity and beam position. The paper discusses the application of this sampling technique for monitoring beam properties during the laser materials processing operation.


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Laser beam diagnosis is usually carried out off-line in order to minimise the disruption to the process being carried out. This paper presents the results of a fractional sampling device for a high power beam diagnosis system capable of measuring in process beam properties such as beam diameter, intensity and beam position. The paper discusses the application of this sampling technique for monitoring beam properties during the laser materials processing operation.


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The highly sensitive and molecule-specific technique of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) generates high signal enhancements via localized optical fields on nanoscale metallic materials, which can be tuned by manipulation of the surface roughness and architecture on the submicrometer level. We investigate gold-functionalized vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests (VACNTs) as low-cost straightforward SERS nanoplatforms. We find that their SERS enhancements depend on their diameter and density, which are systematically optimized for their performance. Modeling of the VACNT-based SERS substrates confirms consistent dependence on structural parameters as observed experimentally. The created nanostructures span over large substrate areas, are readily configurable, and yield uniform and reproducible SERS enhancement factors. Further fabricated micropatterned VACNTs platforms are shown to deliver multiplexed SERS detection. The unique properties of CNTs, which can be synergistically utilized in VACNT-based substrates and patterned arrays, can thus provide new generation platforms for SERS detection. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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This paper investigates the effects of design parameters, such as cladding and coolant material choices, and operational phenomena, such as creep and fission product decay heat, on the tolerance of Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) fuel pin cladding to beam interruptions. This work aims to provide a greater understanding of the integration between accelerator and nuclear reactor technologies in ADSRs. The results show that an upper limit on cladding operating temperature of 550 °C is appropriate, as higher values of temperature tend to accelerate creep, leading to cladding failure much sooner than anticipated. The effect of fission product decay heat is to reduce significantly the maximum stress developed in the cladding during a beam-trip-induced transient. The potential impact of irradiation damage and the effects of the liquid metal coolant environment on the cladding are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An error-free free space communication link with 3 angular coverage and 1.25GHz modulation bandwidth is demonstrated by beam steering an ultra high modulation efficiency bright tapered laser diode using a Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator. © OSA 2012.


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An ultrasound image is created from backscattered echoes originating from both diffuse and directional scattering. It is potentially useful to separate these two components for the purpose of tissue characterization. This article presents several models for visualization of scattering fields on 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging. By scanning the same anatomy from multiple directions, we can observe the variation of specular intensity as a function of the viewing angle. This article considers two models for estimating the diffuse and specular components of the backscattered intensity: a modification of the well-known Phong reflection model and an existing exponential model. We examine 2-dimensional implementations and also propose novel 3D extensions of these models in which the probe is not constrained to rotate within a plane. Both simulation and experimental results show that improved performance can be achieved with 3D models. © 2013 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.


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This paper proposed a non-intrusive method of measuring the optical beam profile at the surface of the liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) device in an optical fiber switch. This method is based on blazed grating and can be employed in situ (on-line) for two-dimensional beam profiling in the LCOS-based optical fiber switches without introducing additional components or rearranging the system. The measured beam radius was in excellent agreement with that measured by the knife-edge technique. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Besides the Kondo effect observed in dilute magnetic alloys, the Cr-doped perovskite manganate compounds La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 also exhibit Kondo effect and spin-glass freezing in a certain composition range. An extensive investigation for the La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 (x=0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0) system on the magnetization and ac susceptibility, the resistivity and magnetoresistance, as well as the thermal conductivity is done at low temperature. The spin-glass behavior has been confirmed for these compounds with x=0.05, 0.1, and 0.3. For temperatures above Tf (the spin-glass freezing temperature) a Curie-Weiss law is obeyed. The paramagnetic Curie temperature θ is dependent on Cr doping. Below Tf there exists a Kondo minimum in the resistivity. Colossal magnetoresistance has been observed in this system with Cr concentration up to x=0.6. We suppose that the substitution of Mn with Cr dilutes Mn ions and changes the long-range ferromagnetic order of La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3. These behaviors demonstrate that short-range ferromagnetic correlation and fluctuation exist among Mn spins far above Tf. Furthermore, these interactions are a precursor of the cooperative freezing at Tf. The "double bumps" feature in the resistivity-temperature curve is observed in compounds with x=0.05 and 0.1. The phonon scattering is enhanced at low temperatures, where the second peak of double bumps comes out. The results indicate that the spin-cluster effect and lattice deformation induce Kondo effect, spin-glass freezing, and strong phonon scattering in mixed perovskite La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetic, electrical and thermal transport properties of the perovskite La 0.7Ca 0.3Mn 0.9Cr 0.1O 3 have been investigated by measuring dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, the magnetoresistance and thermal conductivity in the temperature range of 5-300K. The spin glass behaviour with a spin freezing temperature of 70 K has been well confirmed for this compound, which demonstrates the coexistence and competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic clusters by the introduction of Cr. Colossal magnetoresistance has been observed over the temperature range investigated. The introduction of Cr causes the "double-bump" feature in electrical resistivity ρ(T). Anomalies on the susceptibility and the thermal conductivity associated with the double-bumps in ρ(T) are observed simultaneously. The imaginary part of ac susceptibility shows a sharp peak at the temperature of insulating-metallic transition where the first resistivity bump was observed, but it is a deep-set valley near the temperature where the second bump in ρ(T) emerges. The thermal conductivity shows an increase below the temperature of the insulating-metallic transition, but the phonon scattering is enhanced accompanying the appearance of the second peak of double-bumps in ρ(T). We relate those observed in magnetic and transport properties of La 0.7Ca 0.3Mn 0.9Cr 0.1O 3 to the spin-dependent scattering. The results reveal that the spin-phonon interaction may be of more significance than the electron (charge)-phonon interaction in the mixed perovskite system. © 2005 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.