944 resultados para bacterium contamination


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The majority of studies pertaining to lead retention by clays and soils have examined the mechanisms, kinetics, and adsorption isotherms using the batch experiment technique that employs solid: water extracts of 1:10 and 1:20. Field soil deposits generally have much lower gravimetric water content ranging between 9 and 45%. Given the wide disparity in the solids: water ratio employed in the batch experiment technique and that prevailing in field deposits, this paper examines the lead retention characteristics of soils at field moisture contents (6%, 13%, and 25%) using artificially lead-contaminated soil specimens. A residually derived (i.e., formed by in-situ weathering of parent rock) red soil was used to prepare the artificially contaminated soil specimens. The impact of variations in clay content on lead retention was examined by diluting the residual soil with various amounts (0 to 60%) of river sand. Soil specimens remolded at 6 and 13% moisture contents produced very stiff to hard soils on compaction, while specimens remolded at 25% moisture content existed in the slurry state. The soil specimens were contaminated with low (30mg/kg) to high (2500mg/kg) concentrations of lead ions by remolding them with 160ppm to 10,000ppm ionic lead solutions. Lead retention by soils at field moisture contents was determined by extracting the lead from the soil using a water leach test. Experimental results showed that the bulk (71 to 99%) of the added lead was retained by the soil in insoluble form at the field moisture content. Correlations between the amount of lead retained and soil/solution parameters indicated that the amounts of Pb retained at field moisture content is a function of the initial Pb addition, total sand content, effective clay porosity, and soil pH.


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that rapidly acquires resistance to frontline antibiotics. The characterization of novel protein targets from this bacterium is thus an important step towards future therapeutic strategies. Here, the crystal structure of an amidohydrolase, SACOL0085, from S. aureus COL is described. SACOL0085 is a member of the M20D family of peptidases. Unlike other M20D peptidases, which are either monomers or dimers, SACOL0085 adopts a butterfly-shaped homotetrameric arrangement with extensive intersubunit interactions. Each subunit of SACOL0085 contains two Mn2+ ions at the active site. A conserved cysteine residue at the active site distinguishes M20D peptidases from other M20 family members. This cysteine, Cys103, serves as bidentate ligand coordinating both Mn2+ ions in SACOL0085.


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Assessment of chemistry of groundwater infiltrated by pit-toilet leachate and contaminant removal by vadose zone form the focus of this study. The study area is Mulbagal Town in Karnataka State, India. Groundwater level measurements and estimation of unsaturated permeability indicated that the leachate recharged the groundwater inside the town at the rate of 1 m/day. The average nitrate concentration of groundwater inside the town (148 mg/L) was three times larger than the permissible limit (45 mg/L), while the average nitrate concentration of groundwater outside the town (30 mg/L) was below the permissible limit. The groundwater inside the town exhibited E. coli contamination, while groundwater outside the town was free of pathogen contamination. Infiltration of alkalis (Na+, K+) and strong acids (Cl-, SO4 (2-)) caused the mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (60 %) and Na-Cl type (28 %) facies to predominate groundwater inside the town, while, Ca-HCO3 (35 %), mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (35 %) and mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type (28 %) facies predominated groundwater outside/periphery of town. Reductions in E. coli and nitrate concentrations with vadose zone thickness indicated its participation in contaminant removal. A 4-m thickness of unsaturated sand + soft, disintegrated weathered rock deposit facilitates the removal of 1 log of E. coli pathogen. The anoxic conditions prevailing in the deeper layers of the vadose zone (> 19 m thickness) favor denitrification resulting in lower nitrate concentrations (28-96 mg/L) in deeper water tables (located at depths of -29 to -39 m).


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Ground management problems are typically solved by the simulation-optimization approach where complex numerical models are used to simulate the groundwater flow and/or contamination transport. These numerical models take a lot of time to solve the management problems and hence become computationally expensive. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) models were developed and coupled for the management of groundwater of Dore river basin in France. The Analytic Element Method (AEM) based flow model was developed and used to generate the dataset for the training and testing of the ANN model. This developed ANN-PSO model was applied to minimize the pumping cost of the wells, including cost of the pipe line. The discharge and location of the pumping wells were taken as the decision variable and the ANN-PSO model was applied to find out the optimal location of the wells. The results of the ANN-PSO model are found similar to the results obtained by AEM-PSO model. The results show that the ANN model can reduce the computational burden significantly as it is able to analyze different scenarios, and the ANN-PSO model is capable of identifying the optimal location of wells efficiently.


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Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that colonizes human stomach and causes gastric inflammation. The species is naturally competent and displays remarkable diversity. The presence of a large number of restriction-modification (R-M) systems in this bacterium creates a barrier against natural transformation by foreign DNA. Yet, mechanisms that protect incoming double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) from restriction enzymes are not well understood. A DNA-binding protein, DNA Processing Protein A (DprA) has been shown to facilitate natural transformation of several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria by protecting incoming single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and promoting RecA loading on it. However, in this study, we report that H. pylori DprA (HpDprA) binds not only ssDNA but also dsDNA thereby conferring protection to both from various exo-nucleases and Type II restriction enzymes. Here, we observed a stimulatory role of HpDprA in DNA methylation through physical interaction with methyltransferases. Thus, HpDprA displayed dual functional interaction with H. pylori R-M systems by not only inhibiting the restriction enzymes but also stimulating methyltransferases. These results indicate that HpDprA could be one of the factors that modulate the R-M barrier during inter-strain natural transformation in H. pylori.


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The relative levels of different sigma factors dictate the expression profile of a bacterium. Extracytoplasmic function sigma factors synchronize the transcriptional profile with environmental conditions. The cellular concentration of free extracytoplasmic function sigma factors is regulated by the localization of this protein in a sigma/anti-sigma complex. Anti-sigma factors are multi-domain proteins with a receptor to sense environmental stimuli and a conserved anti-sigma domain (ASD) that binds a sigma factor. Here we describe the structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis anti-sigma(D) (RsdA) in complex with the -35 promoter binding domain of sigma(D) (sigma(D)(4)). We note distinct conformational features that enable the release of sigma(D) by the selective proteolysis of the ASD in RsdA. The structural and biochemical features of the sigma(D)/RsdA complex provide a basis to reconcile diverse regulatory mechanisms that govern sigma/anti-sigma interactions despite high overall structural similarity. Multiple regulatory mechanisms embedded in an ASD scaffold thus provide an elegant route to rapidly re-engineer the expression profile of a bacterium in response to an environmental stimulus.


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The potential merit of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been demonstrated for detection and quantification of trace pollutants trapped in snow/ice samples. In this technique, a high-power pulsed laser beam from Nd:YAG Laser (Model no. Surelite III-10, Continuum, Santa Clara, CA, USA) is focused on the surface of the target to generate plasma. The characteristic emissions from laser-generated plasma are collected and recorded by a fiber-coupled LIBS 2000+ (Ocean Optics, Santa Clara, CA, USA) spectrometer. The fingerprint of the constituents present in the sample is obtained by analyzing the spectral lines by using OOI LIBS software. Reliable detection of several elements like Zn, Al, Mg, Fe, Ca, C, N, H, and O in snow/ice samples collected from different locations (elevation) of Manali and several snow samples collected from the Greater Himalayan region (from a cold lab in Manali, India) in different months has been demonstrated. The calibration curve approach has been adopted for the quantitative analysis of these elements like Zn, Al, Fe, and Mg. Our results clearly demonstrate that the level of contamination is higher in those samples that were collected in the month of January in comparison to those collected in February and March.


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Seasonal studies were carried out from 21 stations, comprising of three zones, of Cochin Estuary, to assess the organic matter quality and trophic status. The hydographical parameters showed significant seasonal variations and nutrients and chlorophylls were generally higher during the monsoon season. However, chemical contamination along with the seasonal limitations of light and nitrogen imposed restrictions on the primary production and as a result, mesotrophic conditions generally prevailed in the water column. The nutrient stoichometries and delta C-13 values of surficial sediments indicated significant allochthonous contribution of organic matter. Irrespective of the higher content of total organic matter, the labile organic matter was very low. Dominance of carbohydrates over lipids and proteins indicated the lower nutritive aspect of the organic matter, and their aged and refractory nature. This, along with higher amount of phytodetritus and the low algal contribution to the biopolymeric carbon corroborated the dominance of allochthonous organic matter and the heterotrophic nature. The spatial and seasonal variations of labile organic components could effectively substantiate the observed shift in the productivity pattern. An alternative ratio, lipids to tannins and lignins, was proposed to ascertain the relative contribution of allochthonous organic matter in the estuary. This study confirmed the efficiency of an integrated biogeochemical approach to establish zones with distinct benthic trophic status associated with different degrees of natural and anthropogenic input. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that the biochemical composition alone could lead to erroneous conclusions in the case of regions that receive enormous amounts of anthropogenic inputs.


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The industrial production and commercial applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles have increased considerably in recent times, which has increased the probability of environmental contamination with these agents and their adverse effects on living systems. This study was designed to assess the genotoxicity potential of TiO2 NPs at high exposure concentrations, its bio-uptake, and the oxidative stress it generated, a recognised cause of genotoxicity. Allium cepa root tips were treated with TiO2 NP dispersions at four different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100 mu g/mL). A dose dependant decrease in the mitotic index (69 to 21) and an increase in the number of distinctive chromosomal aberrations were observed. Optical, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed chromosomal aberrations, including chromosomal breaks and sticky, multipolar, and laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage were also validated by the comet assay. The bio-uptake of TiO2 in particulate form was the key cause of reactive oxygen species generation, which in turn was probably the cause of the DNA aberrations and genotoxicity observed in this study.


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Acidic region streaking (ARS) is one of the lacunae in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of bacterial proteome. This streaking is primarily caused by nucleic acid (NuA) contamination and poses major problem in the downstream processes like image analysis and protein identification. Although cleanup and nuclease digestion are practiced as remedial options, these strategies may incur loss in protein recovery and perform incomplete removal of NuA. As a result, ARS has remained a common observation across publications, including the recent ones. In this work, we demonstrate how ultrasound wave can be used to shear NuA in plain ice-cooled water, facilitating the elimination of ARS in the 2DE gels without the need for any additional sample cleanup tasks. In combination with a suitable buffer recipe, IEF program and frequent paper-wick changing approach, we are able to reproducibly demonstrate the production of clean 2DE gels with improved protein recovery and negligible or no ARS. We illustrate our procedure using whole cell protein extracts from two diverse organisms, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Our designed protocols are straightforward and expected to provide good 2DE gels without ARS, with comparable times and significantly lower cost.


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The present study examines an improved detoxification and rapid biological degradation of toxic pollutant acrylamide using a bacterium. The acrylamide degrading bacterium was isolated from the soil followed by its screening to know the acrylamide degrading capability. The minimal medium containing acrylamide (30 mM) served as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen for their active growth. The optimization of three different factors was analyzed by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The bacteria actively degraded the acrylamide at a temperature of 32 degrees C, with a maximum growth at 30 mM substrate (acrylamide) concentration at a pH of 7.2. The acrylamidase activity and degradation of acrylamide was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization Time of Flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF). Based on 168 rRNA analysis the selected strain was identified as Gram negative bacilli Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila MSU12. The acrylamidase was isolated from bacterial extract and was purified by HPLC, whose mass spectrum showed a molecular mass of 38 kDa. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new colorimetric probe has been developed for the detection and estimation of Pd-II at sub-nanomolar concentrations. The probe consisted of rhodamine (signaling unit), which was linked with a bis-picolyl moiety (binding site) through a phenyl ring. Pd-II induced opening of the spirolactam ring of the probe with the generation of a prominent pink color. The excellent selectivity of the probe towards Pd-II over Pd-0 or Rh-II ensured its potential utility for the detection of residual palladium contamination in pharma-ceutical drugs and in Pd-catalyzed reactions. The probe showed a ``turn-on'' (bright yellow) fluorescence upon the addition of Pd-II, which made it suitable for the detection of Pd contaminants in mammalian cells.


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Nitrate contamination of groundwater arises from anthropogenic activities, such as, fertilizer and animal manure applications and infiltration of wastewater/leachates. During migration of wastewater and leachates, the vadose zone (zone residing above the groundwater table), is considered to facilitate microbial denitrification. Particle voids in vadose zone are deficient in dissolved oxygen as the voids are partially filled by water and the remainder by air. Discontinuities in liquid phase would also restrict oxygen diffusion and therefore facilitate denitrification in the vadose/unsaturated soil zone. The degree of saturation of soil specimen (S (r)) quantifies the relative volume of voids filled with air and water. Unsaturated specimens have S (r) values ranging between 0 and 100 %. Earlier studies from naturally occurring nitrate losses in groundwater aquifers in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, Karnataka, showed that the sub-surface soils composed of residually derived sandy soil; hence, natural sand was chosen in the laboratory denitrification experiments. With a view to understand the role of vadose zone in denitrification process, experiments are performed with unsaturated sand specimens (S (r) = 73-90 %) whose pore water was spiked with nitrate and ethanol solutions. Experimental results revealed 73 % S (r) specimen facilitates nitrate reduction to 45 mg/L in relatively short durations of 5.5-7.5 h using the available natural organic matter (0.41 % on mass basis of sand); consequently, ethanol addition did not impact rate of denitrification. However, at higher S (r) values of 81 and 90 %, extraneous ethanol addition (C/N = 0.5-3) was needed to accelerate the denitrification rates.


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Gamma rhythm (which has a center frequency between 30 and 80 Hz) is modulated by cognitive mechanisms such as attention and memory, and has been hypothesized to play a role in mediating these processes by supporting communication channels between cortical areas or encoding information in its phase. We highlight several issues related to gamma rhythms, such as low and inconsistent power, its dependence on low-level stimulus features, problems due to conduction delays, and contamination due to spike-related activity that makes accurate estimation of gamma phase difficult. Gamma rhythm could be a potentially useful signature of excitation-inhibition interactions in the brain, but whether it also provides a mechanism for information processing or coding remains an open question.


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The transcriptional regulation of gene expression is orchestrated by complex networks of interacting genes. Increasing evidence indicates that these `transcriptional regulatory networks' (TRNs) in bacteria have an inherently hierarchical architecture, although the design principles and the specific advantages offered by this type of organization have not yet been fully elucidated. In this study, we focussed on the hierarchical structure of the TRN of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis and performed a comparative analysis with the TRN of the gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we organized the transcription factors (TFs) and sigma-factors in the TRNs of B. subtilis and E. coli into three hierarchical levels (Top, Middle and Bottom) and studied several structural and functional properties across them. In addition to many similarities, we found also specific differences, explaining the majority of them with variations in the distribution of s-factors across the hierarchical levels in the two organisms. We then investigated the control of target metabolic genes by transcriptional regulators to characterize the differential regulation of three distinct metabolic subsystems (catabolism, anabolism and central energy metabolism). These results suggest that the hierarchical architecture that we observed in B. subtilis represents an effective organization of its TRN to achieve flexibility in response to a wide range of diverse stimuli.