950 resultados para atypical mycobacterium


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Background & Aims: Access to sufficient amounts of safe and culturally-acceptable foods is a fundamental human right. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food insecurity therefore occurs when the availability or access to sufficient amounts of nutritionally-adequate, culturally-appropriate and safe foods, or, the ability to acquire such foods in socially-acceptable ways, is limited. Food insecurity may result in significant adverse effects for the individual and these outcomes may vary between adults and children. Among adults, food insecurity may be associated with overweight or obesity, poorer self-rated general health, depression, increased health-care utilisation and dietary intakes less consistent with national recommendations. Among children, food insecurity may result in poorer self or parent-reported general health, behavioural problems, lower levels of academic achievement and poor social outcomes. The majority of research investigating the potential correlates of food insecurity has been undertaken in the United States (US), where regular national screening for food insecurity is undertaken using a comprehensive multi-item measurement. In Australia, screening for food insecurity takes place on a three yearly basis via the use of a crude, single-item included in the National Health Survey (NHS). This measure has been shown to underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity by 5%. From 1995 – 2004, the prevalence of food insecurity among the Australian population remained stable at 5%. Due to the perceived low prevalence of this issue, screening for food insecurity was not undertaken in the most recent NHS. Furthermore, there are few Australian studies investigating the potential determinants of food insecurity and none investigating potential outcomes among adults and children. This study aimed to examine these issues by a) investigating the prevalence of food insecurity among households residing in disadvantaged urban areas and comparing prevalence rates estimated by the more comprehensive 18-item and 6-item United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Security Survey Module (FSSM) to those estimated by the current single-item measure used for surveillance in Australia and b) investigating the potential determinants and outcomes of food insecurity, Methods: A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to investigate the potential determinants and consequences of food insecurity among developed countries. This was followed by a cross-sectional study in which 1000 households from the most disadvantaged 5% of Brisbane areas were sampled and data collected via mail-based survey (final response rate = 53%, n = 505). Data were collected for food security status, sociodemographic characteristics (household income, education, age, gender, employment status, housing tenure and living arrangements), fruit and vegetable intakes, meat and take-away consumption, presence of depressive symptoms, presence of chronic disease and body mass index (BMI) among adults. Among children, data pertaining to BMI, parent-reported general health, days away from school and activities and behavioural problems were collected. Rasch analysis was used to investigate the psychometric properties of the 18-, 10- and 6-item adaptations of the USDA-FSSM, and McNemar's test was used to investigate the difference in the prevalence of food insecurity as measured by these three adaptations compared to the current single-item measure used in Australia. Chi square and logistic regression were used to investigate the differences in dietary and health outcomes among adults and health and behavioural outcomes among children. Results were adjusted for equivalised household income and, where necessary, for indigenous status, education and family type. Results: Overall, 25% of households in these urbanised-disadvantaged areas reported experiencing food insecurity; this increased to 34% when only households with children were analysed. The current reliance on a single-item measure to screen for food insecurity may underestimate the true burden among the Australian population, as this measure was shown to significantly underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity by five percentage points. Internationally, major potential determinants of food insecurity included poverty and indicators of poverty, such as low-income, unemployment and lower levels of education. Ethnicity, age, transportation and cooking and financial skills were also found to be potential determinants of food insecurity. Among Australian adults in disadvantaged urban areas, food insecurity was associated with a three-fold increase in experiencing poorer self-rated general health and a two-to-five-fold increase in the risk of depression. Furthermore, adults from food insecure households were twoto- three times more likely to have seen a general practitioner and/or been admitted to hospital within the previous six months, compared to their food secure counterparts. Weight status and intakes of fruits, vegetables and meat were not associated with food insecurity. Among Australian households with children, those in the lowest tertile were over 16 times more likely to experience food insecurity compared to those in the highest tertile for income. After adjustment for equivalised household income, children from food insecure households were three times more likely to have missed days away from school or other activities. Furthermore, children from food insecure households displayed a two-fold increase in atypical emotions and behavioural difficulties. Conclusions: Food insecurity is an important public health issue and may contribute to the burden on the health care system through its associations with depression and increased health care utilisation among adults and behavioural and emotional problems among children. Current efforts to monitor food insecurity in Australia do not occur frequently and use a tool that may underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity. Efforts should be made to improve the regularity of screening for food insecurity via the use of a more accurate screening measure. Most of the current strategies that aim to alleviate food insecurity do not sufficiently address the issue of insufficient financial resources for acquiring food; a factor which is an important determinant of food insecurity. Programs to address this issue should be developed in collaboration with groups at higher risk of developing food insecurity and should incorporate strategies to address the issue of low income as a barrier to food acquisition.


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Experimental evidence suggests that somatostatin analogues may have a role to play in the management of lung tumours. We evaluated membrane preparations of nine small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines and of tumour samples from 3 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 1 patient with an atypical carcinoid and another with a bronchial carcinoid for the presence of specific binding sites for RC-160, a potent growth inhibitory octapeptide analogue of somatostatin. Specific binding was noted on six of nine SCLC lines. Radio-receptor assay on the cell line NCI H 69 showed evidence of two specific binding sites for RC-160, one with high affinity and the other with low affinity. Binding sites were also found on all five tumour samples. Scatchard analysis indicated the presence of a single class of receptors with high affinity in each case. Histological assessment of the resected specimens before binding assay showed them to be comprised of tumour cells and necrotic tissue, stroma and/or inflammatory cells. Therefore, the specific binding of RC-160 may be to tissues other than the tumour cells. In 3 patients, from whom the tumour samples were obtained, radiolabelled somatostatin analogue scintigraphy using [111In] pentetreotide was performed prior to surgery. In all cases, the radiolabel localised the disease. This study demonstrates the presence of specific binding sites for RC-160 in SCLC. Furthermore, the detection of specific binding in vitro and in vivo in NSCLC and intrapulmonary carcinoids demonstrates that these tumours contain cells which express specific binding sites for somatostatin. These results suggest that RC-160 may have a role toplay as a therapeutic agent in lung cancer.


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The link between chronic immune activation and tumorigenesis is well established. Compelling evidence has accumulated that histologic assessment of infiltration patterns of different host immune response components in non-small cell lung cancer specimens helps identify different prognostic patient subgroups. This review provides an overview of recent insights gained in the understanding of the role played by chronic inflammation in lung carcinogenesis. The usefulness of quantification of different populations of lymphocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages, and mast cells within the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer is also discussed. In particular, the importance of assessment of inflammatory cell microlocalization within both the tumor islet and surrounding stromal components is emphasized. Copyright © 2010 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.


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Two hundred million people are displaced annually due to natural disasters with a further one billion living in inadequate conditions in urban areas. Architects have a responsibility to respond to this statistic as the effects of natural and social disasters become more visibly catastrophic when paired with population rise. The research discussed in this paper initially questions and considers how digital tools can be employed to enhance rebuilding processes, but still achieve sensitive, culturally appropriate and accepted built solutions. Secondly the paper reflects on the impact ‘real-world’ projects have on architectural education. Research aspirations encouraged an atypical ‘research by design’ methodology involving a focused case study in the recently devastated village Keigold, Ranongga, Solomon Islands. Through this qualitative approach specific place data and the accounts of those affected were documented through naturalistic and archival methods of observation and participation. Findings reveal a number of unanticipated results which would have been otherwise undetected if field research within the design and rebuilding process was not undertaken, reflecting the importance of place specific research in the design process. Ultimately, the study proves that it is critical for issues of disaster to be addressed on a local rather than global scale; decisions cannot be speculative, or solved at a distance, but require intensive collaborative work with communities to achieve optimum solutions. Architectural education and design studios would continue to benefit from focused community engagement and field research within the design process.


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Antimetropia, a sub-classification of anisometropia, is a rare refractive condition in which one eye is myopic and the fellow eye is hyperopic. This case report describes the ocular characteristics and atypical refractive progression in an adult male with a moderate degree of non-amblyopic antimetropia over a 20-year period. The potential mechanisms underlying unilateral axial elongation, anisometropia and myopia progression in adulthood are discussed.


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Mucosal adjuvants are important to overcome the state of immune tolerance normally associated with mucosal delivery and to enhance adaptive immunity to often-weakly immunogenic subunit vaccine antigens. Unfortunately, adverse side effects of many experimental adjuvants limit the number of adjuvants approved for vaccination. Lipid C is a novel, non-toxic, lipid oral vaccine-delivery formulation, developed originally for oral delivery of the live Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. In the present study, murine models of chlamydial respiratory and genital tract infections were used to determine whether transcutaneous immunization (TCI) with Lipid C-incorporated protein antigens could elicit protective immunity at the genital and respiratory mucosae. BALB/c mice were immunized transcutaneously with Lipid C containing the chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP), with and without addition of cholera toxin and CpG-ODN 1826 (CT/CpG). Both vaccine combinations induced mixed cell-mediated and mucosal antibody immune responses. Immunization with Lipid C-incorporated MOMP (Lipid C/MOMP), either alone or with CT/CpG resulted in partial protection following live challenge with Chlamydia muridarum as evidenced by a significant reduction in recoverable Chlamydia from both the genital secretions and lung tissue. Protection induced by immunization with Lipid C/MOMP alone was not further enhanced by the addition of CT/CpG. These results highlight the potential of Lipid C as a novel mucosal adjuvant capable of targeting multiple mucosal surfaces following TCI. Protection at both the respiratory and genital mucosae was achieved without the requirement for potentially toxic adjuvants, suggesting that Lipid C may provide a safe effective mucosal adjuvant for human vaccination.


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In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is an emerging technology that provides minimally invasive, high resolution, steady-state assessment of the ocular surface at the cellular level. Several challenges still remain but, at present, IVCM may be considered a promising technique for clinical diagnosis and management. This mini-review summarizes some key findings in IVCM of the ocular surface, focusing on recent and promising attempts to move “from bench to bedside”. IVCM allows prompt diagnosis, disease course follow-up, and management of potentially blinding atypical forms of infectious processes, such as acanthamoeba and fungal keratitis. This technology has improved our knowledge of corneal alterations and some of the processes that affect the visual outcome after lamellar keratoplasty and excimer keratorefractive surgery. In dry eye disease, IVCM has provided new information on the whole-ocular surface morphofunctional unit. It has also improved understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms and helped in the assessment of prognosis and treatment. IVCM is particularly useful in the study of corneal nerves, enabling description of the morphology, density, and disease- or surgically induced alterations of nerves, particularly the subbasal nerve plexus. In glaucoma, IVCM constitutes an important aid to evaluate filtering blebs, to better understand the conjunctival wound healing process, and to assess corneal changes induced by topical antiglaucoma medications and their preservatives. IVCM has significantly enhanced our understanding of the ocular response to contact lens wear. It has provided new perspectives at a cellular level on a wide range of contact lens complications, revealing findings that were not previously possible to image in the living human eye. The final section of this mini-review provides a focus on advances in confocal microscopy imaging. These include 2D wide-field mapping, 3D reconstruction of the cornea and automated image analysis.


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Mycobacterium kansasii is a pulmonary pathogen that has been grown readily from municipal water, but rarely isolated from natural waters. A definitive link between water exposure and disease has not been demonstrated and the environmental niche for this organism is poorly understood. Strain typing of clinical isolates has revealed seven subtypes with Type 1 being highly clonal and responsible for most infections worldwide. The prevalence of other subtypes varies geographically. In this study 49 water isolates are compared with 72 patient isolates from the same geographical area (Brisbane, Australia), using automated repetitive unit PCR (Diversilab) and ITS RFLP. The clonality of the dominant clinical strain type is again demonstrated but with rep-PCR, strain variation within this group is evident comparable with other reported methods. There is significant heterogeneity of water isolates and very few are similar or related to the clinical isolates. This suggests that if water or aerosol transmission is the mode of infection, then point source contamination likely occurs from an alternative environmental source.


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Uanda house is of historical importance to Queensland both in terms of its architectural design and its social history. Uanda is a low set, single story house built in 1928, located in the inner city Brisbane suburb of Wilston. Architecturally, the house has a number of features that distinguish it from the surrounding bungalow influenced inter-war houses. The house has been described as a Queensland style house with neo-Georgian influences. Historically, it is associated with the entry of women into the profession of architecture in Queensland. Uanda is the only remaining intact work of architect/draftswoman Nellie McCredie and one of a very few examples of works by pioneering women architects in Queensland. The house was entered into the Queensland Heritage Register, in 2000, after an appeal against Brisbane City Council’s refusal of an application to demolish the house was disputed in the Queensland Planning and Environment court in 1998/1999. In the court’s report, Judge Robin QC, DCJ, stated that, “The importance of preserving women's history and heritage, often previously marginalised or lost, is now accepted at government level, recognising that role models are vital for bringing new generations of women into the professions and public life.” While acknowledging women’s contribution to the profession of architecture is an important endeavour, it also has the potential to isolate women architects as separate to a mainstream history of architecture. As Julie Willis writes, it can imply an atypical, feminine style of architecture. What is the impact or potential implications of recognising heritage buildings designed by women architects? The Judge also highlights the absence of a recorded history of unique Brisbane houses and questions the authority of the heritage register. This research looks at these points of difference through a case study of the Uanda house. The paper will investigate the processes of adding the house to the heritage register, the court case and existing research on Nellie McCredie and Uanda House.


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Background Numerous studies demonstrate the generation and short-term survival of adipose tissue; however, long-term persistence remains elusive. This study evaluates long-term survival and transferability of de novo adipose constructs based on a ligated vascular pedicle and tissue engineering chamber combination. Methods Defined adipose tissue flaps were implanted into rats in either intact or perforated domed chambers. In half of the groups, the chambers were removed after 10 weeks and the constructs transferred on their vascular pedicle to a new site, where they were observed for a further 10 weeks. In the remaining groups, the tissue construct was observed for 20 weeks inside the chamber. Tissue volume was assessed using magnetic resonance imaging and histologic measures, and constructs were assessed for stability and necrosis. Sections were assessed histologically and for proliferation using Ki-67. Results At 20 weeks, volume analysis revealed an increase in adipose volume from 0.04 ± 0.001 ml at the time of insertion into the chambers to 0.27 ± 0.004 ml in the closed and 0.44 ± 0.014 ml in the perforated chambers. There was an additional increase of approximately 10 to 15 percent in tissue volume in flaps that remained in chambers for 20 weeks, whereas the volume of the transferred tissue not in chambers remained unaltered. Histomorphometric assessment of the tissues documented no signs of hypertrophy, fat necrosis, or atypical changes of the newly generated tissue. Conclusion This study presents a promising new method of generating significant amounts of mature, vascularized, stable, and transferable adipose tissue for permanent autologous soft-tissue replacement.


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A novel method of spontaneous generation of new adipose tissue from an existing fat flap is described. A defined volume of fat flap based on the superficial inferior epigastric vascular pedicle in the rat was elevated and inset into a hollow plastic chamber implanted subcutaneously in the groin of the rat. The chamber walls were either perforated or solid and the chambers either contained poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) sponge matrix or not. The contents were analyzed after being in situ for 6 weeks. The total volume of the flap tissue in all groups except the control groups, where the flap was not inserted into the chambers, increased significantly, especially in the perforated chambers (0.08 ± 0.007 mL baseline compared to 1.2 ± 0.08 mL in the intact ones). Volume analysis of individual component tissues within the flaps revealed that the adipocyte volume increased and was at a maximum in the chambers without PLGA, where it expanded from 0.04 ± 0.003 mL at insertion to 0.5 ± 0.08 mL (1250% increase) in the perforated chambers and to 0.16 ± 0.03 mL (400% increase) in the intact chambers. Addition of PLGA scaffolds resulted in less fat growth. Histomorphometric analysis rather than simple hypertrophy documented an increased number of adipocytes. The new tissue was highly vascularized and no fat necrosis or atypical changes were observed.


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In November 2002, a man with ‘atypical pneumonia’ treated in Foshan hospital, Guangdong Province, in the People's Republic of China, was the first known case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). However, it was not until April 2003 that the Chinese government admitted to the full scale of ‘atypical pneumonia’ cases infected with SARS, two months after the disease had rapidly spread across the world with initial infections in Hong Kong and Vietnam sourced to Guangdong. In 2008, Zimbabwe experienced one of the biggest outbreaks of cholera ever recorded. By February 2009, the disease had spread across all of Zimbabwe's 10 provinces and to neighbouring countries—Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique—causing thousands of infections amongst their populations. This article seeks to examine what duties the Chinese and Zimbabwe states had to protect their citizens and the international community from these outbreaks. The article refers to the findings of the International Law Commission's study into the role of states and international organisations in protecting persons in the event of a disaster to consider whether there is an international duty to protect persons from epidemics. The article concludes that both cases reveal a growing concept of protection that entails an international duty to assist individuals when an affected state proves unwilling or unable to assist its own population in the event of a disease outbreak.


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Coleoptera is the most diverse group of insects with over 360,000 described species divided into four suborders: Adephaga, Archostemata, Myxophaga, and Polyphaga. In this study, we present six new complete mitochondrial genome (mtgenome) descriptions, including a representative of each suborder, and analyze the evolution of mtgenomes from a comparative framework using all available coleopteran mtgenomes. We propose a modification of atypical cox1 start codons based on sequence alignment to better reflect the conservation observed across species as well as findings of TTG start codons in other genes. We also analyze tRNA-Ser(AGN) anticodons, usually GCU in arthropods, and report a conserved UCU anticodon as a possible synapomorphy across Polyphaga. We further analyze the secondary structure of tRNA-Ser(AGN) and present a consensus structure and an updated covariance model that allows tRNAscan-SE (via the COVE software package) to locate and fold these atypical tRNAs with much greater consistency. We also report secondary structure predictions for both rRNA genes based on conserved stems. All six species of beetle have the same gene order as the ancestral insect. We report noncoding DNA regions, including a small gap region of about 20 bp between tRNA-Ser(UCN) and nad1 that is present in all six genomes, and present results of a base composition analysis.


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Coral reefs provide an increasingly important archive of palaeoclimate data that can be used to constrain climate model simulations. Reconstructing past environmental conditions may also provide insights into the potential of reef systems to survive changes in the Earth’s climate. Reef-based palaeoclimate reconstructions are predominately derived from colonies of massive Porites, with the most abundant genus in the Indo-Pacific—Acropora—receiving little attention owing to their branching growth trajectories, high extension rates and secondary skeletal thickening. However, inter-branch skeleton (consisting of both coenosteum and corallites) near the bases of corymbose Acropora colonies holds significant potential as a climate archive. This region of Acropora skeleton is atypical, having simple growth trajectories with parallel corallites, approximately horizontal density banding, low apparent extension rates and a simple microstructure with limited secondary thickening. Hence, inter-branch skeleton in Acropora bears more similarities to the coralla of massive corals, such as Porites, than to traditional Acropora branches. Cyclic patterns of Sr/Ca ratios in this structure suggest that the observed density banding is annual in nature, thus opening up the potential to use abundant corymbose Acropora for palaeoclimate reconstruction.


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Objective To identify cytomorphological patterns of metastatic melanoma (MM) in breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens and highlight the differential diagnoses and features most useful in identifying MM. Methods The clinical, radiological and FNA findings of 16 cases were reviewed. Cytological features evaluated related to cell arrangement, size and shape of cells, nuclear and cytoplasmic features, and the presence or absence of necrosis. Results The series consisted of 14 females and two males, ranging in age from 24 to 83 years (mean = 50 years). A previous history of melanoma was available in 12/16 (75%) cases at the time of FNA reporting; however the clinical/radiological impression in 4/16 cases was of a breast cyst. The cases were classified into six morphological variants: classical (8/16), pseudopapillary (3/16), spindle-cell (1/16), melanin-rich (1/16), pleomorphic (2/16) and lymphoma-like (1/16). The varying patterns raised a wide range of differential diagnoses; however, discohesion, binucleation and granular cytoplasm were the major features seen in 94% of all cases. In 14/16 cases (88%), plasmacytoid cells, prominent nucleoli and cytoplasmic vacuolation were identified. Melanin and multinucleation were detected in 44% of cases and intranuclear cytoplasmic invaginations in 63%. Necrosis was present in more than half of the cases (56%). Conclusion MM should be considered in the differential diagnosis of breast FNA specimens when atypical cells are seen that present as plasmacytoid cells in a dispersed or pseudopapillary pattern, or as spindle, pleomorphic or pigmented cells. These features, combined with clinical history and immunocytochemistry, may assist in correctly identifying MM and directing optimal treatment.