968 resultados para atropisomers, dynamic NMR, maleimides, circular dichroism, DFT calculations


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The folding kinetics of a truncated form of the N-terminal domain of phage lambda repressor [lambda 6-85] has been investigated by using the technique of dynamic NMR. lambda 6-85 has been shown previously to fold in a purely two-state fashion. This allows the determination of folding and unfolding rates from simulation of the exchange-broadened aromatic resonances of Tyr-22. The folding kinetics were determined over a range of 1.35 to 3.14 M urea. The urea dependence of both folding and unfolding rate constants is exponential, suggesting that the rate-determining step is invariant at the urea concentrations studied. The folding and unfolding rates extrapolated to 0 M urea at 37 degrees C are 3600 +/- 400 s-1 and 27 +/- 6 s-1, respectively. The observed lambda 6-85 folding rate constant exceeds that of other fast-folding globular proteins by a factor of 14-54. The urea dependence of the folding and unfolding rate constants suggests that the transition state of the rate-determining step is considerably more exposed to solvent than previously studied protein-folding transition states. The surprising rapidity of lambda 6-85 folding and unfolding may be the consequence of its all-helical secondary structure. These kinetic results clearly demonstrate that all of the fundamental events of protein folding can occur on the submillisecond time scale.


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This thesis is devoted to the investigation of inter and intramolecular charge transfer (CT) in molecular functional materials and specifically organic dyes and CT crystals. An integrated approach encompassing quantum-chemical calculations, semiempirical tools, theoretical models and spectroscopic measurements is applied to understand structure-property relationships governing the low-energy physics of these materials. Four main topics were addressed: 1) Spectral properties of organic dyes. Charge-transfer dyes are constituted by electron donor (D) and electron acceptor (A) units linked through bridge(s) to form molecules with different symmetry and dimensionality. Their low-energy physics is governed by the charge resonance between D and A groups and is effectively described by a family of parametric Hamiltonians known as essential-state models. These models account for few electronic states, corresponding to the main resonance structures of the relevant dye, leading to a simple picture that is completed introducing the coupling of the electronic system to molecular vibrations, treated in a non-adiabatic way, and an effective classical coordinate, describing polar solvation. In this work a specific essential-state model was proposed and parametrized for the dye Brilliant Green. The central issue in this work has been the definition of the diabatic states, a not trivial task for a multi-branched chromophore. In a second effort, we have used essential-state models for the description of the early-stage dynamics of excited states after ultrafast excitation. Crucial to this work is the fully non-adiabatic treatment of the coupled electronic and vibrational motion, allowing for a reliable description of the dynamics of systems showing a multistable, broken-symmetry excited state. 2) Mixed-stack CT salts. Mixed-stack (MS) CT crystals are an interesting class of multifunctional molecular materials, where D and A molecules arrange themselves to form stacks, leading to delocalized electrons in one dimension. The interplay between the intermolecular CT, electrostatic interactions, lattice phonons and molecular vibrations leads to intriguing physical properties that include (photoinduced) phase transitions, multistability, antiferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and potential multiferroicity. The standard microscopic model to describe this family of materials is the Modified Hubbard model accounting for electron-phonon coupling (Peierls coupling), electron-molecular vibrations coupling (Holstein coupling) and electrostatic interactions. We adopt and validate a method, based on DFT calculations on dimeric DA structures, to extract relevant model parameters. The approach offers a powerful tool to shed light on the complex physics of MS-CT salts. 3) Charge transfer in organic radical dipolar dyes. In collaboration with the group of Prof. Jaume Veciana (ICMAB- Barcellona), we have studied spectral properties of a special class of CT dyes with D-bridge-A structure where the acceptor group is a stable radical (of the perchlorotriphenylmethyl, PTM, family), leading to an open-shell CT dyes. These materials are of interest since they associate the electronic and optical properties of CT dyes with magnetic properties from the unpaired electron. The first effort was devoted to the parametrization of the relevant essential-state model. Two strategies were adopted, one based on the calculation of the low-energy spectral properties, the other based on the variation of ground state properties with an applied electric field. 4) The spectral properties of organic nanoparticles based on radical species are investigated in collaboration with Dr. I. Ratera (ICMAB- Barcellona). Intriguing spectroscopic behavior was observed pointing to the presence of excimer states. In an attempt to rationalize these findings, extensive calculations (TD-DFT and ZINDO) were performed. The results for the isolated dyes are validated against experimental spectra in solution. To address intermolecular interactions we studied dimeric structures in the gas phase, but the preliminary results obtained do not support excimer formation.


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Polímeros de coordenação têm atraído a atenção de pesquisadores na última década por conta de sua incrível versatilidade e virtualmente infinito número de possibilidades de combinação de ligantes orgânicos e centros metálicos. Estes compostos normalmente herdam as características magnéticas, eletrônicas e espectroscópicas de seus componentes base. Entretanto, apesar do crescente número de trabalhos na área, ainda são raros os polímeros de coordenação que apresentem condutividade elétrica. Para este fim, utilizou-se a N,N\'-bis(4-piridil)-1,4,5,8-naftaleno diimida, ou NDI-py, que pertence a uma classe de compostos rígidos, planares, quimicamente e termicamente estáveis e que já foram extensamente estudados por suas propriedades fotoeletroquímicas e semicondução do tipo n. O primeiro polímero de coordenação sintetizado, MOF-CoNDI-py-1, indicou ser um polímero linear, de estrutura 1D. O segundo, MOF-CoNDI-py-2, que conta com ácido tereftálico como ligante suporte, é um sólido cristalino com cela unitária monoclínica pertencente ao grupo espacial C2/c, determinado por difração de raios-X de monocristal. A rede apresenta um arranjo trinuclear de íons Co(II) alto spin com coordenados em uma geometria de octaedro distorcido, enquanto os ligantes NDI-py se encontram em um arranjo paralelo na estrutura, em distâncias apropriadas para transferência eletrônica. Com o auxílio de cálculo teóricos a nível de DFT, foi realizado um estudo aprofundado dos espectros eletrônicos e vibracionais, com atribuição das transições observadas, tanto para o MOF-CoNDI-py-2 quanto para o ligante NDI-py livre. A rede de coordenação absorve em toda a região do espectro eletrônico analisada, de 200 nm a 2500 nm, além de apresentar luminescência com característica do ligante. Dispositivos eletrônicos fabricados com um cristal do MOF-CoNDI-py-2 revelaram condutividades da ordem de 7,9 10-3 S cm -1, a maior já observada para um MOF. Além de elevada, a condutividade elétrica dos cristais demonstrou-se altamente anisotrópica, sendo significativamente menos condutor em algumas direções. Os perfis de corrente versus voltagem foram analisados em termos de mecanismos de condutividade, sendo melhores descritos por um mecanismo limitado pelo eletrodo to tipo Space-Charge Limited Current, concordando com a proposta de condutividade através dos planos de NDI-py na rede. A condutividade dos cristais também é fortemente dependente de luz, apresentando fotocondução quando irradiado por um laser vermelho, de 632 nm, enquanto apresenta um comportamento fotorresistivo frente a uma fonte de luz branca. Estes resultados, combinados, trazem um MOF em uma estrutura incomum e com elevada condutividade elétrica, modulada por luz, em medidas diretas de corrente. Não existem exemplos conhecidos de MOFs na literatura com estas características.


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O Brasil possui uma posição privilegiada quando se refere à produção de etanol. Por questões históricas e geográficas o país é responsável por mais de 30 % da produção mundial de etanol, com uma produção nacional de mais de 28 bilhões de litros em 2014. Para maximizar o rendimento desse processo, está em desenvolvimento a tecnologia associada ao etanol de segunda geração ou etanol lignocelulósico. Os principais desafios desta tecnologia são: melhorar a eficiência de conversão do substrato em produto e a produção em grande escala utilizando substratos de baixo custo. Com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência do processo de conversão foram estudadas proteínas auxiliares (expansinas) que, em conjunto com celulases, melhoram a despolimerização de biomassa lignocelulósica em açúcares fermentescíveis. Além disso, realizou-se também a caracterização de enzimas ativas de carboidratos (CAZymes) de origem termofílica do organismo Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, devido a capacidade que estas proteínas apresentam de manter a atividade e conformação estrutural em altas temperaturas por um prolongado período de tempo. A partir de análises utilizando bioinformática, os genes que codificam para expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei foram clonados e expressos em E. coli, e seus produtos gênicos (as expansinas) tiveram seus índices de sinergismo (devido atuação conjunta com coquetéis comerciais) e atividade catalítica determinados. Adicionalmente, dispondo de alinhamentos estruturais, foi proposto um mecanismo hidrolítico para elas. Em relação à bactéria Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, foram realizadas análises genômicas e proteômicas, a fim de selecionar enzimas superexpressas em meio celulósico. Seus genes foram clonados heterologamente em E. coli e o produto de expressão caracterizado bioquimicamente (cromatografia, ensaios de atividade e perfil de hidrólise) e estruturalmente (SAXS e dicroísmo circular). Os índices de sinergismo determinados foram de 2,47; 1,96 e 2,44 para as expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei, respectivamente. A partir dos alinhamentos estruturais foi proposto a díade Asp/Glu como sitio catalítico em expansinas. As análises de proteômica possibilitaram a seleção de quatro alvos de clonagem, por apresentarem alto índice de expressão quando a bactéria foi cultivada em meio celulósico. Estas proteínas foram caracterizadas quanto a atividade e apresentaram um perfil comum: temperatura ótima de ação (de 70 a 75 °C), pH ótimo de 5, e hidrolisam preferencialmente substratos hemicelulósicos (xilano). A porcentagem de estruturais secundárias das proteínas em estudo foram confirmadas com predições teóricas ao se utilizar a técnica de dicroísmo circular. Desta maneira, os objetivos iniciais propostos neste projeto foram concluídos com a determinação do grau de sinergismo das proteínas expansinas em estudo e a proposição de um mecanismo de hidrólise para as mesmas, considerando que tais proteínas por mais de 20 anos tiveram sua atividade definida exclusivamente como acessória. Além disso, este estudo contribui com a identificação e seleção de genes para CAZymes termofilícas com aplicação biotecnológica devido às propriedades termoestáveis apresentadas.


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A galectina-4 humana (HGal-4), pertencente à família das galectinas, possui dois domínios de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRDs) com alta afinidade para β-galactosídeos e se encontra amplamente distribuída em células normais e neoplásicas de diferentes organismos. Suas funções snglobam uma grande variedade de eventos celulares, tais como processos inflamatórios, neoplásicos, progressão tumoral e metástase. Entretanto, muitas perguntas sobre suas interações com diferentes carboidratos, a especificidade destas interações e o papel específico das galectinas permanecem ainda sem resposta. No presente trabalho, propomos a investigação das interações galectina-glicano da galectina-4 humana e de seus domínios CRDs independentes (CRD-I e CRD-II) através de um conjunto de métodos biofísicos. Através do método de dicroísmo circular (CD), usando várias regiões espectrais, e fluorescência fomos capazes de entender mudanças ocorrentes na estrutura secundária e terciária das protéinas quando da interação com lactose/sacarose. Estes dados, juntamente com testes de hemaglutinação, mostraram que a glectina-4 e os CRDs respondem de forma distinta à ligação com açúcar. Por diferentes técnicas (fluorescência, ITC e MST) determinamos as constantes de dissociação para os domínios CRDs (Kd ~0,5 mM) e para HGal-4 e, de forma qualitativa, os valores obtidos indicaram possíveis estados oligoméricos dessas proteínas. A investigação da interação proteína-membrana da HGal-4 foi feita, primeiramente, com miméticos de membranas e monitorada pela técnica de RPE em crescente complexidade de composição de tais miméticos, indo desde composições mais simples, passando por lipid rafts na presença de diferentes glicolipídeos (GM1, LPS) e chegando-se à interação com células tumorais (U87MG, T98G e HT-29). Tais experimentos mostraram que galectina-4 reconhece e se liga naqueles modelos onde existem glicanos complexos na superfície. Investigamos também a participação de HGal-4 endógena e exógena no tratamento quimioterápico de células tumorais e verificamos um papel importante de HGal-4 para células HT-29. Finalizando esta tese, apresentamos o trabalho realizado em um ano de estágio na University of Oxford, durante o qual, investigamos a estrutura da região C-terminal de um receptor da família GPCR, qual seja o receptor de neurotensina NTS1. Aqui, mais uma vez, foi empregada a técnica de RPE que aliada à produção/marcação de mutantes do receptor, permitiu determinar que a hélice H8 se estabiliza quando em proteolipossomos.


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The synthesis of a GSK 2nd generation inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus, by enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between a leucine derived iminoester and tert-butyl acrylate, was studied. The comparison between silver(I) and gold(I) catalysts in this reaction was established by working with chiral phosphoramidites or with chiral BINAP. The best reaction conditions were used for the total synthesis of the hepatitis C virus inhibitor by a four step procedure affording this product in 99% ee and in 63% overall yield. The origin of the enantioselectivity of the chiral gold(I) catalyst was justified according to DFT calculations, the stabilizing coulombic interaction between the nitrogen atom of the thiazole moiety and one of the gold atoms being crucial.


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Chiral complexes formed by phosphoramidites such as (Sa,R,R)-9 and Cu(OTf)2 are excellent catalysts for the general 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azomethine ylides and nitroalkenes affording the corresponding tetrasubstituted proline esters mainly as exo-cycloadducts in high er at room temperature. The exo-cycloadducts can be obtained in enantiomerically pure form just after simple recrystallization. DFT calculations support the stereochemical results.


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The isoprene-mediated lithiation, with lithium metal, of different imidazole derivatives is an interesting methodology for their functionalization. Studies of different possible intermediates involved in the reaction employing density functional theory calculations, at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level are considered. A plausible mechanism is described, in which isoprene is reduced, to the corresponding radical anion, in the presence of Li(s), acting then as a base deprotonating N-methylimidazole (NMI) and producing the 1,1-dimethylallyl radical. This radical is further reduced by the excess of lithium proceeding once more as a base. This final step produces stable final products that compensate the previous equilibriums, making favourable the whole process.


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In this account, we describe the experience of our research group in the implementation of chiral coinage metal complexes into the efficient enantioselective 1,3-DC of azomethine ylides derived from α-amino acids and azlactones with different dipolarophiles. The corresponding chiral metallodipoles were generated in situ and next focused on the synthesis of highly substituted prolines. For this purpose, privileged ligands such as phosphoramidites and binap with silver(I), gold(I) and copper(II) salts are described. Depending from the ligand and mainly from the metal salt it can be possible to control the facial endo/exo-diasteroselectivity and the enantioselectivity of these types of processes. The synthetic processes are also supported by DFT calculations in order to elucidate the most plausible mechanism and the stereochemical results.


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Do polyacenes, circumacenes, periacenes, nanographenes, and graphene nanoribbons show a spin polarized ground state? In this work, we present monodeterminantal (Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) types), and multideterminantal calculations (Møller–Plesset and Coupled Cluster), for several families of unsaturated organic molecules (n-Acenes, n-Periacenes and n-Circumacenes). All HF calculations and many DFT show a spin-polarized (antiferromagnetic) ground state, in agreement with previous calculations. Nevertheless, the multideterminantal calculations, carried out with perturbative and variational wavefunctions, show that the more stable state is obtained starting from the unpolarized HF wavefunction. The trend of the stabilization of wavefunctions (polarized or unpolarized) with respect to exchange and correlation potentials, and to the number of benzene rings, has been analyzed. A study of the spin (〈Ŝ2〉) and the spin density on the carbon atoms has also been carried out.


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Chiral complexes formed by privileged phosphoramidites and silver triflate or silver benzoate are excellent catalysts for the general 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azomethine ylides generated from α-amino acid-derived imino esters and nitroalkenes affording with high dr the exo-cycloadducts 4,5-trans-2,5-cis-4-nitroprolinates in high ee at room temperature. In general, better results are obtained using silver rather than copper(II) complexes. In many cases the exo-cycloadducts can be obtained in enantiomerically pure form just after simple recrystallization. The mechanism and the justification of the experimentally observed stereodiscrimination of the process are supported by DFT calculations. These enantiomerically enriched exo-nitroprolinates can be used as reagents for the synthesis of nitropiperidines, by ester reduction and ring expansion, which are inhibitors of farnesyltransferase.


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Chiral L-prolinamides 2 containing the (R,R)- and (S,S)-trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamine scaffold and a 2-pyrimidinyl unit are synthesized and used as general organocatalysts for intermolecular and intramolecular aldol reactions with 1,6-hexanedioic acid as a co-catalyst under solvent-free conditions. The intermolecular reaction between ketone–aldehyde and aldehyde–aldehyde must be performed under wet conditions with catalyst (S,S)-2b at 10 °C, which affords anti-aldols with high regio-, diastereo-, and enantioselectivities. For the Hajos–Parrish–Eder–Sauer–Wiechert reaction, both diastereomers of catalyst 2 give similar results at room temperature in the absence of water to give the corresponding Wieland–Miescher ketone and derivatives. Both types of reactions were scaled up to 1 g, and the organocatalysts were recovered by extractive workup and reused without any appreciable loss in activity. DFT calculations support the stereochemical results of the intermolecular process and the bifunctional role played by the organocatalyst by providing a computational comparison of the H-bonding networks occurring with catalysts 2a and 2b.


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A united atom force field is empirically derived by minimizing the difference between experimental and simulated crystal cells and melting temperatures for eight compounds representative of organic electronic materials used in OLEDs and other devices: biphenyl, carbazole, fluorene, 9,9′-(1,3-phenylene)bis(9H-carbazole)-1,3-bis(N-carbazolyl)benzene (mCP), 4,4′-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (pCBP), phenazine, phenylcarbazole, and triphenylamine. The force field is verified against dispersion-corrected DFT calculations and shown to also successfully reproduce the crystal structure for two larger compounds employed as hosts in phosphorescent and thermally activated delayed fluorescence OLEDs: N,N′-di(1-naphthyl)-N,N′-diphenyl-(1,1′-biphenyl)-4,4′-diamine (NPD), and 1,3,5-tri(1-phenyl-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)phenyl (TPBI). The good performances of the force field coupled to the large computational savings granted by the united atom approximation make it an ideal choice for the simulation of the morphology of emissive layers for OLED materials in crystalline or glassy phases.


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The electronic structure of isolated finite graphene nanoribbons is investigated by solving, at the Hartree-Fock (HF) level, the Pariser, Parr and Pople (PPP) many-body Hamiltonian. The study is mainly focused on 7-AGNR and 13-AGNR (Armchair Graphene Nano-Ribbons), whose electronic structures have been recently experimentally investigated. Only paramagnetic solutions are considered. The characteristics of the forbidden gap are studied as a function of the ribbon length. For a 7-AGNR, the gap monotonically decreases from a maximum value of ~6.5 eV for short nanoribbons to a very small value of ~0.12 eV for the longer calculated systems. Gap edges are defined by molecular orbitals that are spatially localized near the nanoribbon extremes, that is, near both zig-zag edges. On the other hand, two delocalized orbitals define a much larger gap of about 5 eV. Conductance measurements report a somewhat smaller gap of ~3 eV. The small real gap lies in the middle of the one given by extended states and has been observed by STM and reproduced by DFT calculations. On the other hand, the length dependence of the gap is not monotonous for a 13-AGNR. It decreases initially but sharply increases for lengths beyond 30 Å remaining almost constant thereafter at a value of ~2.1 eV. Two additional states localized at the nanoribbon extremes show up at energies 0.31 eV below the HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) and above the LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital). These numbers compare favorably with those recently obtained by means of STS for a 13-AGNR sustained by a gold surface, namely 1.4 eV for the energy gap and 0.4 eV for the position of localized band edges. We show that the important differences between 7- and 13-AGNR should be ascribed to the charge rearrangement near the zig-zag edges obtained in our calculations for ribbons longer than 30 Å, a feature that does not show up for a 7-AGNR no matter its length.


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We study the conduction band spin splitting that arises in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) semiconductor monolayers such as MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 due to the combination of spin-orbit coupling and lack of inversion symmetry. Two types of calculation are done. First, density functional theory (DFT) calculations based on plane waves that yield large splittings, between 3 and 30 meV. Second, we derive a tight-binding model that permits to address the atomic origin of the splitting. The basis set of the model is provided by the maximally localized Wannier orbitals, obtained from the DFT calculation, and formed by 11 atomiclike orbitals corresponding to d and p orbitals of the transition metal (W, Mo) and chalcogenide (S, Se) atoms respectively. In the resulting Hamiltonian, we can independently change the atomic spin-orbit coupling constant of the two atomic species at the unit cell, which permits to analyze their contribution to the spin splitting at the high symmetry points. We find that—in contrast to the valence band—both atoms give comparable contributions to the conduction band splittings. Given that these materials are most often n-doped, our findings are important for developments in TMD spintronics.