977 resultados para annular pancreas
Sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extent are the most critical variables to evaluate the Southern Ocean paleoceanographic evolution in relation to the development of the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 variability and ocean-atmosphere circulation. In contrast to the Atlantic and the Indian sectors, the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean has been insufficiently investigated so far. To cover this gap of information we present diatom-based estimates of summer sea surface temperature (SSST) and winter sea-ice concentration (WSI) from 17 sites in the polar South Pacific to study the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the EPILOG time slice (19,000-23,000 cal. years BP). Applied statistical methods are the Imbrie and Kipp Method (IKM) and the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) to estimate temperature and sea-ice concentration, respectively. Our data display a distinct LGM east-west differentiation in SSST and WSI with steeper latitudinal temperature gradients and a winter sea-ice edge located consistently north of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge in the Ross sea sector. In the eastern sector of our study area, which is governed by the Amundsen Abyssal Plain, the estimates yield weaker latitudinal SSST gradients together with a variable extended winter sea-ice field. In this sector, sea-ice extent may have reached sporadically the area of the present Subantarctic Front at its maximum LGM expansion. This pattern points to topographic forcing as major controller of the frontal system location and sea-ice extent in the western Pacific sector whereas atmospheric conditions like the Southern Annular Mode and the ENSO affected the oceanographic conditions in the eastern Pacific sector. Although it is difficult to depict the location and the physical nature of frontal systems separating the glacial Southern Ocean water masses into different zones, we found a distinct temperature gradient in latitudes straddled by the modern Southern Subtropical Front. Considering that the glacial temperatures north of this zone are similar to the modern, we suggest that this represents the Glacial Southern Subtropical Front (GSSTF), which delimits the zone of strongest glacial SSST cooling (>4K) to its North. The southern boundary of the zone of maximum cooling is close to the glacial 4°C isotherm. This isotherm, which is in the range of SSST at the modern Antarctic Polar Front (APF), represents a circum-Antarctic feature and marks the northern edge of the glacial Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). We also assume that a glacial front was established at the northern average winter sea ice edge, comparable with the modern Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). During the glacial, this front would be located in the area of the modern APF. The northward deflection of colder than modern surface waters along the South American continent leads to a significant cooling of the glacial Humboldt Current surface waters (4-8K), which affects the temperature regimes as far north as into tropical latitudes. The glacial reduction of ACC temperatures may also result in the significant cooling in the Atlantic and Indian Southern Ocean, thus may enhance thermal differentiation of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental cooling. Comparison with temperature and sea ice simulations for the last glacial based on numerical simulations show that the majority of modern models overestimate summer and winter sea ice cover and that there exists few models that reproduce our temperature data rather well.
We report on properties of high quality ~60 nm thick InAlN layers nearly in-plane lattice-matched to GaN, grown on c-plane GaN-on-sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Excellent crystalline quality and low surface roughness are confirmed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. High annular dark field observations reveal a periodic in-plane indium content variation (8 nm period), whereas optical measurements evidence certain residual absorption below the band-gap. The indium fluctuation is estimated to be +/- 1.2% around the nominal 17% indium content via plasmon energy oscillations assessed by electron energy loss spectroscopy with sub-nanometric spatial resolution.
— In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people, 2.8% of the population worldwide, suffered from diabetes. The Centres for Disease Control has defined it as an epidemic disease. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030 this number will almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when pancreas does not assure enough insulin secretion or when the body does not consume the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is the hyperglycaemia (blood sugar), which eventually seriously damage many organs and systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Diabetes type 2 (most common type of diabetes) is highly correlated with elderly people, obesity or overweight. Promoting a healthy lifestyle helps patients to improve their quality of life and in many cases to avoid complications related to the disease. This paper is intended to describe an iPhone-based application for self-management of type 2 diabetic patients, which allow them improving their lifestyle through healthy diet, physical activity and education
Phase changing flows are being considered for thermal management in space platforms. The resulting flow patterns are very complicated and extremely sensitive to gravity action. Concerning fluid flow in ducts, the available evidence indicates that although the pressure loss does not depend too much on the fluid flow pattern,the heat transfer (and resulting phase change) does. A simple exercise to illustrate this point is presented in this paper. It deals with condensing flow in straight circular cross-sectional ducts. Two extreme configurations are considered here, one corresponds to a stratified flow and the other to an annular flow. Both types of flow patterns have been extensively considered in the past and from this point of view almost nothing is new in the paper, but past results look conflictive and this could be due to the limitations and computational intricacies of the models used. Thus the problem has been reformulated from the onset and the results are presented as the evolution of the vapor quality (vapor to total mass flow rate) along the duct, in typical cases. The results presented here indicate that within the validity of the present models and the assumed ranges of mass flow rate, duct diameter, thermal conditions and fluid characteristics,the length of the ducts required to achieve complete condensation under zero gravity are an order of magnitude larger than in horizontal tubes under normal terrestrial conditions.
La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la nula o insuficiente producción de insulina, o la resistencia del organismo a la misma. La insulina es una hormona que ayuda a que la glucosa (por ejemplo la obtenida a partir de los alimentos ingeridos) llegue a los tejidos periféricos y al sistema nervioso para suministrar energía. Hoy en día la tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del llamado “páncreas endocrino artificial”, que consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa subcutánea, una bomba de infusión subcutánea de insulina y un algoritmo de control en lazo cerrado que calcule la dosis de insulina requerida por el paciente en cada momento, según la medida de glucosa obtenida por el sensor y según unos objetivos. El mayor problema que presentan los sistemas de control en lazo cerrado son los retardos, el sensor de glucosa subcutánea mide la glucosa del líquido intersticial, que representa la que hubo en la sangre un tiempo atrás, por tanto, un cambio en los niveles de glucosa en la sangre, debidos por ejemplo, a una ingesta, tardaría un tiempo en ser detectado por el sensor. Además, una dosis de insulina suministrada al paciente, tarda un tiempo aproximado de 20-30 minutos para la llegar a la sangre. Para evitar trabajar en la medida que sea posible con estos retardos, se intenta predecir cuál será el nivel de glucosa en un futuro próximo, para ello se utilizara un predictor de glucosa subcutánea, con la información disponible de glucosa e insulina. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar una metodología para estimar el valor futuro de los niveles de glucosa obtenida a partir de un sensor subcutáneo, basada en la identificación recursiva del sistema glucorregulatorio a través de modelos lineales y determinando un horizonte de predicción óptimo de trabajo y analizando la influencia de la insulina en los resultados de la predicción. Se ha implementado un predictor paramétrico basado en un modelo autorregresivo ARX que predice con mejor precisión y con menor RMSE que un predictor ZOH a un horizonte de predicción de treinta minutos. Utilizar información relativa a la insulina no tiene efecto en la predicción. El preprocesado, postprocesado y el tratamiento de la estabilidad tienen un efecto muy beneficioso en la predicción. Diabetes mellitusis a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin produced. The insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose to reach to outlying tissues and the nervous system to supply energy. Nowadays, the actual technology allows raising the development of the “artificial endocrine pancreas”. It involves a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin bump, and a full closed loop algorithm that calculate the insulin units required by patient at any time, according to the glucose measure obtained by the sensor and any target. The main problem of the full closed loop systems is the delays, the glucose sensor measures the glucose in the interstitial fluid that represents the glucose was in the blood some time ago. Because of this, a change in the glucose in blood would take some time to be detected by the sensor. In addition, insulin units administered by a patient take about 20-30 minutes to reach the blood stream. In order to avoid this effect, it will try to predict the glucose level in the near future. To do that, a subcutaneous glucose predictor is used to predict the future glucose with the information about insulin and glucose. The goal of the proyect is to design a method in order to estimate the future valor of glucose obtained by a subcutaneous sensor. It is based on the recursive identification of the regulatory system through the linear models, determining optimal prediction horizon and analyzing the influence of insuline on the prediction results. A parametric predictor based in ARX autoregressive model predicts with better precision and with lesser RMSE than ZOH predictor in a thirty minutes prediction horizon. Using the relative insulin information has no effect in the prediction. The preprocessing, the postprocessing and the stability treatment have many advantages in the prediction.
La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos producido por la insuficiente o nula producción de insulina o la reducida sensibilidad a esta hormona. Es una enfermedad crónica con una mayor prevalencia en los países desarrollados debido principalmente a la obesidad, la vida sedentaria y disfunciones en el sistema endocrino relacionado con el páncreas. La diabetes Tipo 1 es una enfermedad autoinmune en la que son destruidas las células beta del páncreas, que producen la insulina, y es necesaria la administración de insulina exógena. Un enfermo de diabetes Tipo 1 debe seguir una terapia con insulina administrada por la vía subcutánea que debe estar adaptada a sus necesidades metabólicas y a sus hábitos de vida, esta terapia intenta imitar el perfil insulínico de un páncreas no patológico. La tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del denominado “páncreas endocrino artificial”, que aportaría precisión, eficacia y seguridad para los pacientes, en cuanto a la normalización del control glucémico y reducción del riesgo de hipoglucemias. Permitiría que el paciente no estuviera tan pendiente de su enfermedad. El páncreas artificial consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa, una bomba de infusión de insulina y un algoritmo de control, que calcula la insulina a infusionar usando la glucosa como información principal. Este trabajo presenta un método de control en lazo semi-cerrado mediante un sistema borroso experto basado en reglas. La regulación borrosa se fundamenta en la ambigüedad del lenguaje del ser humano. Esta incertidumbre sirve para la formación de una serie de reglas que representan el pensamiento humano, pero a la vez es el sistema que controla un proceso, en este caso el sistema glucorregulatorio. Este proyecto está enfocado en el diseño de un controlador borroso que haciendo uso de variables como la glucosa, insulina y dieta, sea capaz de restaurar la función endocrina del páncreas de forma tecnológica. La validación del algoritmo se ha realizado principalmente mediante experimentos en simulación utilizando una población de pacientes sintéticos, evaluando los resultados con estadísticos de primer orden y algunos más específicos como el índice de riesgo de Kovatchev, para después comparar estos resultados con los obtenidos por otros métodos de control anteriores. Los resultados demuestran que el control borroso (FBPC) mejora el control glucémico con respecto a un sistema predictivo experto basado en reglas booleanas (pBRES). El FBPC consigue reducir siempre la glucosa máxima y aumentar la mínima respecto del pBRES pero es en terapias desajustadas, donde el FBPC es especialmente robusto, hace descender la glucosa máxima 8,64 mg/dl, el uso de insulina es 3,92 UI menor, aumenta la glucosa mínima 3,32 mg/dl y lleva al rango de glucosa 80 – 110 mg/dl 15,33 muestras más. Por lo tanto se puede concluir que el FBPC realiza un mejor control glucémico que el controlador pBRES haciéndole especialmente efectivo, robusto y seguro en condiciones de desajustes de terapia basal y con gran capacidad de mejora futura. SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a poor or null insulin secretion or a reduced sensibility to insulin. Diabetes is a chronic disease with a higher prevalence in the industrialized countries, mainly due to obesity, the sedentary life and endocrine disfunctions connected with the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes is a self-immune disease where the beta cells of the pancreas, which are the responsible of secreting insulin, are damaged. Hence, it is necessary an exogenous delivery of insulin. The Type 1 diabetic patient has to follow a therapy with subcutaneous insulin administration which should be adjusted to his/her metabolic needs and life style. This therapy tries to mimic the insulin profile of a non-pathological pancreas. Current technology lets the development of the so-called endocrine artificial pancreas that would provide accuracy, efficiency and safety to patients, in regards to the glycemic control normalization and reduction of the risk of hypoglycemic. In addition, it would help the patient not to be so concerned about his disease. The artificial pancreas has a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin infusion pump and a control algorithm, that calculates the insulin infusion using the glucose as main information. This project presents a method of control in semi-closed-loop, through an expert fuzzy system based on rules. The fuzzy regulation is based on the human language ambiguity. This uncertainty serves for construction of some rules that represent the human language besides it is the system that controls a process, in this case the glucoregulatory system. This project is focus on the design of a fuzzy controller that, using variables like glucose insulin and diet, will be able to restore the pancreas endocrine function with technology. The algorithm assessment has mainly been done through experiments in simulation using a population of synthetic patients, evaluating the results with first order statistical parameters and some other more specific such as the Kovatchev risk index, to compare later these results with the ones obtained in others previous methods of control. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy control (FBPC) improves the glycemic control connected with a predictive expert system based on Booleans rules (pBRES). The FBPC is always able to reduce the maximum level of glucose and increase the minimum level as compared with pBRES but it is in unadjusted therapies where FBPC is especially strong, it manages to decrease the maximum level of glucose and insulin used by 8,64 mg/dl and 3,92 UI respectively, also increases the value of minimum glucose by 3,32 mg/dl, getting 15,33 samples more inside the 80-110 mg/dl glucose rank. Therefore we can conclude that FBPC achieves a better glycemic control than the controller pBRES doing it especially effective, robust and safe in conditions of mismatch basal therapy and with a great capacity for future improvements.
La Diabetes Mellitus se define como el trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos, resultante de una producción insuficiente o nula de insulina en las células beta del páncreas, o la manifestación de una sensibilidad reducida a la insulina por parte del sistema metabólico. La diabetes tipo 1 se caracteriza por la nula producción de insulina por la destrucción de las células beta del páncreas. Si no hay insulina en el torrente sanguíneo, la glucosa no puede ser absorbida por las células, produciéndose un estado de hiperglucemia en el paciente, que a medio y largo plazo si no es tratado puede ocasionar severas enfermedades, conocidos como síndromes de la diabetes. La diabetes tipo 1 es una enfermedad incurable pero controlable. La terapia para esta enfermedad consiste en la aplicación exógena de insulina con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de glucosa en sangre dentro de los límites normales. Dentro de las múltiples formas de aplicación de la insulina, en este proyecto se usará una bomba de infusión, que unida a un sensor subcutáneo de glucosa permitirá crear un lazo de control autónomo que regule la cantidad optima de insulina aplicada en cada momento. Cuando el algoritmo de control se utiliza en un sistema digital, junto con el sensor subcutáneo y bomba de infusión subcutánea, se conoce como páncreas artificial endocrino (PAE) de uso ambulatorio, hoy día todavía en fase de investigación. Estos algoritmos de control metabólico deben de ser evaluados en simulación para asegurar la integridad física de los pacientes, por lo que es necesario diseñar un sistema de simulación mediante el cual asegure la fiabilidad del PAE. Este sistema de simulación conecta los algoritmos con modelos metabólicos matemáticos para obtener una visión previa de su funcionamiento. En este escenario se diseñó DIABSIM, una herramienta desarrollada en LabViewTM, que posteriormente se trasladó a MATLABTM, y basada en el modelo matemático compartimental propuesto por Hovorka, con la que poder simular y evaluar distintos tipos de terapias y reguladores en lazo cerrado. Para comprobar que estas terapias y reguladores funcionan, una vez simulados y evaluados, se tiene que pasar a la experimentación real a través de un protocolo de ensayo clínico real, como paso previo al PEA ambulatorio. Para poder gestionar este protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de los algoritmos de control, se creó una interfaz de usuario a través de una serie de funciones de simulación y evaluación de terapias con insulina realizadas con MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), conocido como Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica (EPIC). EPIC ha sido ya utilizada en 10 ensayos clínicos de los que se han ido proponiendo posibles mejoras, ampliaciones y/o cambios. Este proyecto propone una versión mejorada de la interfaz de usuario EPIC propuesta en un proyecto anterior para gestionar un protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de algoritmos de control en un ambiente hospitalario muy controlado, además de estudiar la viabilidad de conectar el GUI con SimulinkTM (entorno gráfico de Matlab de simulación de sistemas) para su conexión con un nuevo simulador de pacientes aprobado por la JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation). SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of carbohydrates, as result of an insufficient or null production of insulin in the beta cellules of pancreas, or the manifestation of a reduced sensibility to the insulin from the metabolic system. The type 1 diabetes is characterized for a null production of insulin due to destruction of the beta cellules. Without insulin in the bloodstream, glucose can’t be absorbed by the cellules, producing a hyperglycemia state in the patient and if pass a medium or long time and is not treated can cause severe disease like diabetes syndrome. The type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease but controllable one. The therapy for this disease consists on the exogenous insulin administration with the objective to maintain the glucose level in blood within the normal limits. For the insulin administration, in this project is used an infusion pump, that permit with a subcutaneous glucose sensor, create an autonomous control loop that regulate the optimal insulin amount apply in each moment. When the control algorithm is used in a digital system, with the subcutaneous senor and infusion subcutaneous pump, is named as “Artificial Endocrine Pancreas” for ambulatory use, currently under investigate. These metabolic control algorithms should be evaluates in simulation for assure patients’ physical integrity, for this reason is necessary to design a simulation system that assure the reliability of PAE. This simulation system connects algorithms with metabolic mathematics models for get a previous vision of its performance. In this scenario was created DIABSIMTM, a tool developed in LabView, that later was converted to MATLABTM, and based in the compartmental mathematic model proposed by Hovorka that could simulate and evaluate several different types of therapy and regulators in closed loop. To check the performance of these therapies and regulators, when have been simulated and evaluated, will be necessary to pass to real experimentation through a protocol of real clinical test like previous step to ambulatory PEA. To manage this protocol was created an user interface through the simulation and evaluation functions od therapies with insulin realized with MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), known as “Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica” (EPIC).EPIC have been used in 10 clinical tests which have been proposed improvements, adds and changes. This project proposes a best version of user interface EPIC proposed in another project for manage a real test clinical protocol for checking control algorithms in a controlled hospital environment and besides studying viability to connect the GUI with SimulinkTM (Matlab graphical environment in systems simulation) for its connection with a new patients simulator approved for the JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation).
Numerical simulations of axisymmetric reactive jets with one-step Arrhenius kinetics are used to investigate the problem of deflagration initiation in a premixed fuel–air mixture by the sudden discharge of a hot jet of its adiabatic reaction products. For the moderately large values of the jet Reynolds number considered in the computations, chemical reaction is seen to occur initially in the thin mixing layer that separates the hot products from the cold reactants. This mixing layer is wrapped around by the starting vortex, thereby enhancing mixing at the jet head, which is followed by an annular mixing layer that trails behind, connecting the leading vortex with the orifice rim. A successful deflagration is seen to develop for values of the orifice radius larger than a critical value a c in the order of the flame thickness of the planar deflagration δL. Introduction of appropriate scales provides the dimensionless formulation of the problem, with flame initiation characterised in terms of a critical Damköhler number Δc=(a d/δL)2, whose parametric dependence is investigated. The numerical computations reveal that, while the jet Reynolds number exerts a limited influence on the criticality conditions, the effect of the reactant diffusivity on ignition is much more pronounced, with the value of Δc increasing significantly with increasing Lewis numbers. The reactant diffusivity affects also the way ignition takes place, so that for reactants with the flame develops as a result of ignition in the annular mixing layer surrounding the developing jet stem, whereas for highly diffusive reactants with Lewis numbers sufficiently smaller than unity combustion is initiated in the mixed core formed around the starting vortex. The analysis provides increased understanding of deflagration initiation processes, including the effects of differential diffusion, and points to the need for further investigations corporating detailed chemistry models for specific fuel–air mixtures.
A mathematical model for the group combustion of pulverized coal particles was developed in a previous work. It includes the Lagrangian description of the dehumidification, devolatilization and char gasification reactions of the coal particles in the homogenized gaseous environment resulting from the three fuels, CO, H2 and volatiles, supplied by the gasification of the particles and their simultaneous group combustion by the gas phase oxidation reactions, which are considered to be very fast. This model is complemented here with an analysis of the particle dynamics, determined principally by the effects of aerodynamic drag and gravity, and its dispersion based on a stochastic model. It is also extended to include two other simpler models for the gasification of the particles: the first one for particles small enough to extinguish the surrounding diffusion flames, and a second one for particles with small ash content when the porous shell of ashes remaining after gasification of the char, non structurally stable, is disrupted. As an example of the applicability of the models, they are used in the numerical simulation of an experiment of a non-swirling pulverized coal jet with a nearly stagnant air at ambient temperature, with an initial region of interaction with a small annular methane flame. Computational algorithms for solving the different stages undergone by a coal particle during its combustion are proposed. For the partial differential equations modeling the gas phase, a second order finite element method combined with a semi-Lagrangian characteristics method are used. The results obtained with the three versions of the model are compared among them and show how the first of the simpler models fits better the experimental results.