979 resultados para ammonia nitrogen


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Macduff, J. H., Humphreys, M. O., Thomas, Howard (2002). Effects of a stay-green mutation on plant nitrogen relations in Lolium perenne during N starvation and after defoliation. Annals of Botany, 89 (1), 11-21. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Donnison, I. S., Gay, A. P., Thomas, Howard, Edwards, K. J., Edwards, D., James, C. L., Thomas, A. M., Ougham, H. J. (2007). Modification of nitrogen remobilization, grain fill and leaf senescence in maize (Zea mays) by transposon insertional mutagenensis in a protease gene. New Phytologist, 173 (3), 481-494. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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James Macduff, Neil Raistrick and Mervyn Humphreys (2002). Differences in growth and nitrogen productivity between a stay-green genotype and a wild-type of Lolium perenne under limiting relative addition rates of nitrate supply. Physiologia Plantarum, 116 (1), 52-61. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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This thesis describes a broad range of experiments based on an aerosol flow-tube system to probe the interactions between atmospherically relevant aerosols with trace gases. This apparatus was used to obtain simultaneous optical and size distribution measurements using FTIR and SMPS measurements respectively as a function of relative humidity and aerosol chemical composition. Heterogeneous reactions between various ratios of ammonia gas and acidic aerosols were studied in aerosol form as opposed to bulk solutions. The apparatus is unique, in that it employed two aerosol generation methods to follow the size evolution of the aerosol while allowing detailed spectroscopic investigation of its chemical content. A novel chemiluminescence apparatus was also used to measure [NH4+]. SO2.H2O is an important species as it represents the first intermediate in the overall atmospheric oxidation process of sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. This complex was produced within gaseous, aqueous and aerosol SO2 systems. The addition of ammonia, gave mainly hydrogen sulfite tautomers and disulfite ions. These species were prevalent at high humidities enhancing the aqueous nature of sulfur (IV) species. Their weak acidity is evident due to the low [NH4+] produced. An increasing recognition that dicarboxylic acids may contribute significantly to the total acid burden in polluted urban environments is evident in the literature. It was observed that speciation within the oxalic, malonic and succinic systems shifted towards the most ionised form as the relative humidity was increased due to complete protonisation. The addition of ammonia produced ammonium dicarboxylate ions. Less reaction for ammonia with the malonic and succinic species were observed in comparison to the oxalic acid system. This observation coincides with the decrease in acidity of these organic species. The interaction between dicarboxylic acids and ‘sulfurous’/sulfuric acid has not been previously investigated. Therefore the results presented here are original to the field of tropospheric chemistry. SHO3-; S2O52-; HSO4-; SO42- and H1,3,5C2,3,4O4-;C2,3,4O4 2- were the main components found in the complex inorganic-organic systems investigated here. The introduction of ammonia produced ammonium dicarboxylate as well as ammonium disulfite/sulfate ions and increasing the acid concentrations increased the total amount of [NH4+].


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An analytical model was developed to describe in-canopy vertical distribution of ammonia (NH(3)) sources and sinks and vertical fluxes in a fertilized agricultural setting using measured in-canopy mean NH(3) concentration and wind speed profiles. This model was applied to quantify in-canopy air-surface exchange rates and above-canopy NH(3) fluxes in a fertilized corn (Zea mays) field. Modeled air-canopy NH(3) fluxes agreed well with independent above-canopy flux estimates. Based on the model results, the urea fertilized soil surface was a consistent source of NH(3) one month following the fertilizer application, whereas the vegetation canopy was typically a net NH(3) sink with the lower portion of the canopy being a constant sink. The model results suggested that the canopy was a sink for some 70% of the estimated soil NH(3) emissions. A logical conclusion is that parametrization of within-canopy processes in air quality models are necessary to explore the impact of agricultural field level management practices on regional air quality. Moreover, there are agronomic and environmental benefits to timing liquid fertilizer applications as close to canopy closure as possible. Finally, given the large within-canopy mean NH(3) concentration gradients in such agricultural settings, a discussion about the suitability of the proposed model is also presented.


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There is growing evidence that organo-nitrogen compounds may constitute a significant fraction of the aerosol nitrogen (N) budget. However, very little is known about the abundance and origin of this aerosol fraction. In this study, the concentration of organic nitrogen (ON) and major inorganic ions in PM2.5 aerosol were measured at the Duke Forest Research Facility near Chapel Hill, NC, during January and June of 2007. A novel on-line instrument was used, which is based on the Steam Jet Aerosol Collector (SJAC) coupled to an on-line total carbon/total nitrogen analyzer and two on-line ion chromatographs. The concentration of ON was determined by tracking the difference in concentrations of total nitrogen and of inorganic nitrogen (determined as the sum of N-ammonium and N-nitrate). The time resolution of the instrument was 30 min with a detection limit for major aerosol components of ∼0.1 mu;gm-3. Nitrogen in organic compounds contributed ∼33% on average to the total nitrogen concentration in PM2.5, illustrating the importance of this aerosol component. Absolute concentrations of ON, however, were relatively low (lt;1.0 mu;gm-3) with an average of 0.16 mu;gm-3. The absolute and relative contribution of ON to the total aerosol nitrogen budget was practically the same in January and June. In January, the concentration of ON tended to be higher during the night and early morning, while in June it tended to be higher during the late afternoon and evening. Back-trajectories and correlation with wind direction indicate that higher concentrations of ON occur in air masses originating over the continental US, while marine air masses are characterized by lower ON concentrations. The data presented in this study suggests that ON has a variety of sources, which are very difficult to quantify without information on chemical composition of this important aerosol fraction.


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Aquifer denitrification is among the most poorly constrained fluxes in global and regional nitrogen budgets. The few direct measurements of denitrification in groundwaters provide limited information about its spatial and temporal variability, particularly at the scale of whole aquifers. Uncertainty in estimates of denitrification may also lead to underestimates of its effect on isotopic signatures of inorganic N, and thereby confound the inference of N source from these data. In this study, our objectives are to quantify the magnitude and variability of denitrification in the Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA) and evaluate its effect on N isotopic signatures at the regional scale. Using dual noble gas tracers (Ne, Ar) to generate physical predictions of N2 gas concentrations for 112 observations from 61 UFA springs, we show that excess (i.e. denitrification-derived) N2 is highly variable in space and inversely correlated with dissolved oxygen (O2). Negative relationships between O2 and δ15N NO3 across a larger dataset of 113 springs, well-constrained isotopic fractionation coefficients, and strong 15N:18O covariation further support inferences of denitrification in this uniquely organic-matter-poor system. Despite relatively low average rates, denitrification accounted for 32 % of estimated aquifer N inputs across all sampled UFA springs. Back-calculations of source δ15N NO3 based on denitrification progression suggest that isotopically-enriched nitrate (NO3-) in many springs of the UFA reflects groundwater denitrification rather than urban- or animal-derived inputs. © Author(s) 2012.


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© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.Tree growth resources and the efficiency of resource-use for biomass production determine the productivity of forest ecosystems. In nutrient-limited forests, nitrogen (N)-fertilization increases foliage [N], which may increase photosynthetic rates, leaf area index (L), and thus light interception (IC). The product of such changes is a higher gross primary production and higher net primary production (NPP). However, fertilization may also alter carbohydrate partitioning from below- to aboveground, increasing aboveground NPP (ANPP). We analyzed effects of long-term N-fertilization on NPP, and that of long-term carbon storing organs (NPPS) in a Pinus sylvestris forest on sandy soil, a wide-ranging forest type in the boreal region. We based our analyses on a combination of destructive harvesting, consecutive mensuration, and optical measurements of canopy openness. After eight-year fertilization with a total of 70gNm-2, ANPP was 27±7% higher in the fertilized (F) relative to the reference (R) stand, but although L increased relative to its pre-fertilization values, IC was not greater than in R. On the seventh year after the treatment initiation, the increase of ANPP was matched by the decrease of belowground NPP (78 vs. 92gCm-2yr-1; ~17% of NPP) and, given the similarity of IC, suggests that the main effect of N-fertilization was changed carbon partitioning rather than increased canopy photosynthesis. Annual NPPS increased linearly with growing season temperature (T) in both treatments, with an upward shift of 70.2gCm-2yr-1 by fertilization, which also caused greater amount of unexplained variation (r2=0.53 in R, 0.21 in F). Residuals of the NPPS-T relationship of F were related to growing season precipitation (P, r2=0.48), indicating that T constrains productivity at this site regardless of fertility, while P is important in determining productivity where N-limitation is alleviated. We estimated that, in a growing season average T (11.5±1.0°C; 33-year-mean), NPPS response to N-fertilization will be nullified with P 31mm less than the mean (325±85mm), and would double with P 109mm greater than the mean. These results suggest that inter-annual variation in climate, particularly in P, may help explaining the reported large variability in growth responses to fertilization of pine stands on sandy soils. Furthermore, forest management of long-rotation systems, such as those of boreal and northern temperate forests, must consider the efficiency of fertilization in terms of wood production in the context of changes in climate predicted for the region.


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