918 resultados para allelic imprinting
Increasing levels of tissue hypoxia have been reported as a natural feature of the aging prostate gland and may be a risk factor for the development of prostate cancer. In this study, we have used PwR-1E benign prostate epithelial cells and an equivalently aged hypoxia-adapted PwR-1E sub-line to identify phenotypic and epigenetic consequences of chronic hypoxia in prostate cells. We have identified a significantly altered cellular phenotype in response to chronic hypoxia as characterized by increased receptor-mediated apoptotic resistance, the induction of cellular senescence, increased invasion and the increased secretion of IL-1 beta, IL6, IL8 and TNFalpha cytokines. In association with these phenotypic changes and the absence of HIF-1 alpha protein expression, we have demonstrated significant increases in global levels of DNA methylation and H3K9 histone acetylation in these cells, concomitant with the increased expression of DNA methyltransferase DMNT3b and gene-specific changes in DNA methylation at key imprinting loci. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a genome-wide adjustment of DNA methylation and histone acetylation under chronic hypoxic conditions in the prostate. These epigenetic signatures may represent an additional mechanism to promote and maintain a hypoxic-adapted cellular phenotype with a potential role in tumour development.
INTRODUCTION: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous clonal disorder often associated with dismal overall survival. The clinical diversity of AML is reflected in the range of recurrent somatic mutations in several genes, many of which have a prognostic and therapeutic value. Targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) of these genes has the potential for translation into clinical practice. In order to assess this potential, an inter-laboratory evaluation of a commercially available AML gene panel across three diagnostic centres in the UK and Ireland was performed.
METHODS: DNA from six AML patient samples was distributed to each centre and processed using a standardised workflow, including a common sequencing platform, sequencing chips and bioinformatics pipeline. A duplicate sample in each centre was run to assess inter- and intra-laboratory performance.
RESULTS: An average sample read depth of 2725X (range 629-5600) was achieved using six samples per chip, with some variability observed in the depth of coverage generated for individual samples and between centres. A total of 16 somatic mutations were detected in the six AML samples, with a mean of 2.7 mutations per sample (range 1-4) representing nine genes on the panel. 15/16 mutations were identified by all three centres. Allelic frequencies of the mutations ranged from 5.6 to 53.3 % (median 44.4 %), with a high level of concordance of these frequencies between centres, for mutations detected.
CONCLUSION: In this inter-laboratory comparison, a high concordance, reproducibility and robustness was demonstrated using a commercially available NGS AML gene panel and platform.
Borderline ovarian tumors represent an understudied subset of ovarian tumors. Most studies investigating aberrations in borderline tumors have focused on KRAS/BRAF mutations. In this study, we conducted an extensive analysis of mutations and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in borderline ovarian tumors. Using the Sequenom MassArray platform, we investigated 160 mutations/polymorphisms in 33 genes involved in cell signaling, apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell cycle regulation and cellular senescence. Of 52 tumors analyzed, 33 were serous, 18 mucinous and 1 endometrioid. KRAS c.35G>A p.Gly12Asp mutations were detected in eight tumors (six serous and two mucinous), BRAF V600E mutations in two serous tumors, and PIK3CA H1047Y and PIK3CA E542K mutations in a serous and an endometrioid BOT, respectively. CTNNB1 mutation was detected in a serous tumor. Potentially functional polymorphisms were found in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), ABCB1, FGFR2 and PHLPP2. VEGF polymorphisms were the most common and detected at four loci. PHLPP2 polymorphisms were more frequent in mucinous as compared with serous tumors (P=0.04), with allelic imbalance in one case. This study represents the largest and most comprehensive analysis of mutations and functional SNPs in borderline ovarian tumors to date. At least 25% of borderline ovarian tumors harbor somatic mutations associated with potential response to targeted therapeutics.
The softshell clam Mya arenaria (L.) is currently widespread on the east and west coasts of North America. This bivalve also occurs on western European shores, where the post-Pleistocene origin of the species, whether introduced or relict, has been debated. We collected 320 M. arenaria from 8 locations in Europe and North America. Clams (n = 84) from 7 of the locations were examined for mitochondrial DNA variation by sequencing a section of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1) gene. These were analysed together with 212 sequences, sourced from GenBank, from the same gene from 12 additional locations, chiefly from eastern North America but also 1 site each from western North America and from western Europe. Ten microsatellite loci were also investigated in all 320 clams. Nuclear markers showed reduced levels of variation in certain European samples. The same common COX1 haplotypes and microsatellite alleles were present throughout the range of M. arenaria, although significant differences were identified in haplotypic and allelic composition between many samples, particularly those from the 2 continents (Europe and North America). These findings support the hypothesis of post-Pleistocene colonisation of European shores from eastern North America (and the recorded human transfer of clams from the east to the west coast of North America in the 19th century).
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of schizophrenia have yielded more than 100 common susceptibility variants, and strongly support a substantial polygenic contribution of a large number of small allelic effects. It has been hypothesized that familial schizophrenia is largely a consequence of inherited rather than environmental factors. We investigated the extent to which familiality of schizophrenia is associated with enrichment for common risk variants detectable in a large GWAS. We analyzed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for cases reporting a family history of psychotic illness (N = 978), cases reporting no such family history (N = 4,503), and unscreened controls (N = 8,285) from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC1) study of schizophrenia. We used a multinomial logistic regression approach with model-fitting to detect allelic effects specific to either family history subgroup. We also considered a polygenic model, in which we tested whether family history positive subjects carried more schizophrenia risk alleles than family history negative subjects, on average. Several individual SNPs attained suggestive but not genome-wide significant association with either family history subgroup. Comparison of genome-wide polygenic risk scores based on GWAS summary statistics indicated a significant enrichment for SNP effects among family history positive compared to family history negative cases (Nagelkerke's R(2 ) = 0.0021; P = 0.00331; P-value threshold <0.4). Estimates of variability in disease liability attributable to the aggregate effect of genome-wide SNPs were significantly greater for family history positive compared to family history negative cases (0.32 and 0.22, respectively; P = 0.031). We found suggestive evidence of allelic effects detectable in large GWAS of schizophrenia that might be specific to particular family history subgroups. However, consideration of a polygenic risk score indicated a significant enrichment among family history positive cases for common allelic effects. Familial illness might, therefore, represent a more heritable form of schizophrenia, as suggested by previous epidemiological studies.
BACKGROUND: Asthma and rhinitis have a complex etiology, depending on multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. An increasing number of susceptibility genes are currently being identified, but the majority of reported associations have not been consistently replicated across populations of different genetic backgrounds. PURPOSE: To evaluate whether polymorphisms of IL4R (rs1805015), IL13 (rs20541), IL17A (rs2275913) and GSTP1 (rs1695) genes are associated with rhinitis and/or asthma in adults of Portuguese ancestry. METHODS: 192 unrelated healthy individuals and 232 patients, 83 with rhinitis and 149 with asthma, were studied. All polymorphisms were detected by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using TaqMan assays. RESULTS: Comparing to controls, significant association with asthma was observed for GSTP1 rs1695 AA genotype (odds ratio (OR) - 1.96; 95% CI - 1.18 to 3.25; p=0.010). The association sustains for allergic asthma (OR - 2.17; 95% CI - 1.23 to 3.80; p=0.007). IL13 rs20541 GG genotype was associated with less susceptibility to asthma (OR - 0.55, 95% CI - 0.33 to 0.94, p=0.028). Among patients, IL17A rs2275913 AA genotype was less associated with asthma than with rhinitis (OR - 0.20; 95% CI of 0.07 to 0.56; p=0.002). A similar association was found for IL13 rs20541 GG genotype (OR - 0.48; 95% CI of 0.25 to 0.93; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequencies between patients and controls for the IL4R polymorphism' analyzed. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of a significant association between GSTP1 rs1695 and IL13 rs20541 SNPs, with susceptibility to asthma, in the population studied. Different genotype profiles of IL17A and IL13 genes seem to influence the clinical pattern of disease expression mainly confined to the upper airways, as rhinitis, or including the lower airways, as asthma.
We analyzed genome-wide association studies (GWASs), including data from 71,638 individuals from four ancestries, for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of kidney function used to define chronic kidney disease (CKD). We identified 20 loci attaining genome-wide-significant evidence of association (p < 5 × 10(-8)) with kidney function and highlighted that allelic effects on eGFR at lead SNPs are homogeneous across ancestries. We leveraged differences in the pattern of linkage disequilibrium between diverse populations to fine-map the 20 loci through construction of "credible sets" of variants driving eGFR association signals. Credible variants at the 20 eGFR loci were enriched for DNase I hypersensitivity sites (DHSs) in human kidney cells. DHS credible variants were expression quantitative trait loci for NFATC1 and RGS14 (at the SLC34A1 locus) in multiple tissues. Loss-of-function mutations in ancestral orthologs of both genes in Drosophila melanogaster were associated with altered sensitivity to salt stress. Renal mRNA expression of Nfatc1 and Rgs14 in a salt-sensitive mouse model was also reduced after exposure to a high-salt diet or induced CKD. Our study (1) demonstrates the utility of trans-ethnic fine mapping through integration of GWASs involving diverse populations with genomic annotation from relevant tissues to define molecular mechanisms by which association signals exert their effect and (2) suggests that salt sensitivity might be an important marker for biological processes that affect kidney function and CKD in humans.
O cancro é um dos maiores causadores globais de mortalidade e morbilidade, ocorrendo cerca de 14 milhões de novos casos por ano e 8,2 milhões de mortes anuais com esta patologia, números que tendem a aumentar 70% nas próximas duas décadas. A característica tumoral mais nefasta é a sua capacidade de metastização para outros órgãos, um mecanismo que pode ser despoletado pela falha dos mecanismos normais de controlo de crescimento, proliferação e reparação celulares, que facilita o processo de transformação de células normais em células cancerígenas. A oncogénese processa-se em três etapas, a iniciação, a promoção e a progressão e pode ter origem em células estaminais cancerígenas, que regulam as capacidades de propagação e recidiva do tumor. As neoplasias hematológicas resultam de alterações genéticas e /ou epigenéticas que conduzem à desregulação da proliferação, ao bloqueio da diferenciação e/ou à resitência à apoptose. Para além dos fatores de risco exógenos, como agentes carcinogénicos físicos, químicos e biológicos, existem também fatores endógenos, incluindo características genéticas, que podem alterar a predisposição para o aparecimento de neoplasias, bem como influenciar a resposta à terapêutica. Uma das terapêuticas aplicadas no tratamento do cancro é a quimioterapia. Os fármacos administrados a doentes oncológicos seguem normalmente o percurso de absorção, distribuição, metabolização e eliminação. Este curso pode sofrer alterações caso as proteínas transportadoras e metabolizadoras necessárias não atuem corretamente. Para um melhor conhecimento da influência das alterações provocadas por variações nos genes que codificam proteínas transportadoras de efluxo (MDR1, MRP1), proteínas de influxo (OCTN2) e proteínas metabolizadoras (UCK2), o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação de polimorfismos nos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e da sua relação com a predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas. Para isto, foram utilizadas amostras de 307 doentes com neoplasias hematológicas, 83 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica (SMD), 63 Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA), 16 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica/Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (SMD/NMP), 77 de Mieloma Múltiplo (MM) e 68 de Gamapatia Monoclonal de Significado Indeterminado (MGUS) e 164 de controlos não neoplásicos e/ou indivíduos saudáveis. As amostras de ADN foram extraídas do sangue periférico com protocolo adequado. De forma a determinar os genótipos correspondentes a cada amostra, realizaram-se técnicas de RFLP-PCR e ARMS-PCR. Posteriormente, calcularam-se estatisticamente as frequências alélicas e genotípicas relativas às variantes polimórficas dos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e verificou-se se estavam em Equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. De seguida, avaliou-se a força de associação entre as formas polimórficas e o risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas, através do cálculo do risco relativo por análise de regressão logística. Avaliaram-se ainda os perfis genéticos e a possível relação com o desenvolvimento e progressão da neoplasia com recurso a regressão logística e análise de Kaplan-Meier. De um modo geral as frequências alélicas e genotípicas não se revelaram alteradas comparativamente ao esperado. A análise do odds ratio associado ao polimorfismo rs1045642 do gene MDR1 revelou que o genótipo CT pode constituir um fator de risco aumentado de 1,84x para o desenvolvimento de Gamapatias Monoclonais e 2,27x para o desenvolvimento de Mieloma Múltiplo. Por outro lado, a presença de genótipos portadores do alelo T têm um efeito protetor no desenvolvimento de MM (OR=0,41). O cálculo do risco associado ao polimorfismo rs4148330 do gene MRP1 revela que o genótipo AG é um fator protetor (OR=0,50) para o desenvolvimento de LMA, assim como o alelo G (OR=0,50). Além disso, verificámos que existe uma associação de risco de desenvolver neoplasia com o polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2. De facto, a presença dos genótipos CC e AC representam um fator de risco 4,59x aumentado para o desenvolvimento de SMD/NMP. O polimorfismo rs274561 do gene OCTN2 não apresenta relação com o risco relativo de desenvolvimento neoplásico. Da avaliação da influência dos polimorfismos em estudo na sobrevivência global dos doentes, podemos assumir que a presença do genótipo GG relativo ao polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2 representa uma diminuição da sobrevivência em 11 meses. Os resultados obtidos a partir do nosso estudo permitem-nos concluir que os polimorfismos podem ser fatores relevantes na predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas e na progressão destas doenças.
BACKGROUND: Asthma and rhinitis have a complex etiology, depending on multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. An increasing number of susceptibility genes are currently being identified, but the majority of reported associations have not been consistently replicated across populations of different genetic backgrounds. PURPOSE: To evaluate whether polymorphisms of IL4R (rs1805015), IL13 (rs20541), IL17A (rs2275913) and GSTP1 (rs1695) genes are associated with rhinitis and/or asthma in adults of Portuguese ancestry. METHODS: 192 unrelated healthy individuals and 232 patients, 83 with rhinitis and 149 with asthma, were studied. All polymorphisms were detected by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using TaqMan assays. RESULTS: Comparing to controls, significant association with asthma was observed for GSTP1 rs1695 AA genotype (odds ratio (OR) - 1.96; 95% CI - 1.18 to 3.25; p=0.010). The association sustains for allergic asthma (OR - 2.17; 95% CI - 1.23 to 3.80; p=0.007). IL13 rs20541 GG genotype was associated with less susceptibility to asthma (OR - 0.55, 95% CI - 0.33 to 0.94, p=0.028). Among patients, IL17A rs2275913 AA genotype was less associated with asthma than with rhinitis (OR - 0.20; 95% CI of 0.07 to 0.56; p=0.002). A similar association was found for IL13 rs20541 GG genotype (OR - 0.48; 95% CI of 0.25 to 0.93; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequencies between patients and controls for the IL4R polymorphism' analyzed. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of a significant association between GSTP1 rs1695 and IL13 rs20541 SNPs, with susceptibility to asthma, in the population studied. Different genotype profiles of IL17A and IL13 genes seem to influence the clinical pattern of disease expression mainly confined to the upper airways, as rhinitis, or including the lower airways, as asthma.
Epigenetic inheritance is more widespread in plants than in mammals, in part because mammals erase epigenetic information by germline reprogramming. We sequenced the methylome of three haploid cell types from developing pollen: the sperm cell, the vegetative cell, and their precursor, the postmeiotic microspore, and found that unlike in mammals the plant germline retains CG and CHG DNA methylation. However, CHH methylation is lost from retrotransposons in microspores and sperm cells and restored by de novo DNA methyltransferase guided by 24 nt small interfering RNA, both in the vegetative nucleus and in the embryo after fertilization. In the vegetative nucleus, CG methylation is lost from targets of DEMETER (DME), REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1), and their homologs, which include imprinted loci and recurrent epialleles that accumulate corresponding small RNA and are premethylated in sperm. Thus genome reprogramming in pollen contributes to epigenetic inheritance, transposon silencing, and imprinting, guided by small RNA.
In this work, we used sugarcane as a model due to its importance for sugar and ethanol production. Unlike the current plant models, sugarcane presents a complex genetics and an enormous allelic variation. Here, we report the analysis of SAGE libraries produced using the shoot apical meristem from contrasted genotypes by flowering induction (non-flowering vs. early-flowering varieties) grown under São Paulo state conditions. The expression pattern was analyzed using samples from São Paulo (SP) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN) states. These results showed that cDNAs identified by SAGE libraries had differential expression only in São Paulo state samples. Furthermore, the cDNA identified CYP (Citocrome P450) was chosen for in silico and genome characterization because it was found in SAGE libraries and subtractive libraries from samples from RN. Phylogenetic trees showed the relationship for these sequences. Furthermore, the qRT-PCR for CYP showed a potential role as flowering indutor for RN samples considering different isophorms. Considering the results present here, it can be consider that CYP gene may be used as molecular marker
Background: Pigeonpea ( Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) is a drought tolerant legume of the Fabaceae family and the only cultivated species in the genus Cajanus. It is mainly cultivated in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Oceania, Africa and America. In Malawi, it is grown as a source of food and income and for soil improvement in intercropping systems. However, varietal contamination due to natural outcrossing causes significant quality reduction and yield losses. In this study, 48 polymorphic SSR markers were used to assess the diversity among all pigeonpea varieties cultivated in Malawi to determine if a genetic fingerprint could be identified to distinguish the popular varieties. Results: A total of 212 alleles were observed with an average of 5.58 alleles per marker and a maximum of 14 alleles produced by CCttc019 (Marker 40). Polymorphic information content (PIC), ranged from 0.03 to 0.89 with an average of 0.30. A neighbor-joining tree produced 4 clusters. The most commonly cultivated varieties, which include released varieties and cultivated land races, were well-spread across all the clusters observed, indicating that they generally represented the genetic diversity available in Malawi, although substantial variation was evident that can still be exploited through further breeding. Conclusion: Screening of the allelic data associated with the five most popular cultivated varieties, revealed 6 markers – CCB1, CCB7, Ccac035, CCttc003, Ccac026 and CCttc019 – which displayed unique allelic profiles for each of the five varieties. This genetic fingerprint can potentially be applied for seed certification to confirm the genetic purity of seeds that are delivered to Malawi farmers.
Background: Plasmodium falciparum, the most dangerous malaria parasite species to humans remains an important public health concern in Okelele, a rural community in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. There is however little information about the genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in Nigeria. Objective: To determine the population genomic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in malaria patients attending Okelele Community Healthcare Centre, Okelele, Ilorin, Kwara State. Methods: In this study, 50 Plasmodium falciparum strains Merozoite Surface Protein 1, Merozoite Surface Protein 2 and Glutamate Rich Protein were analysed from Okelele Health Centre, Okelele, Ilorin, Nigeria. Genetic diversity of P. falciparum isolates were analysed from nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) of the MSP-1 (K1, MAD 20 and RO33), MSP-2 (FC27 and 3D7) and Glutamate Rich Protein allelic families respectively. Results: Polyclonal infections were more in majority of the patients for MSP-1 allelic families while monoclonal infections were more for MSP-2 allelic families. Multiplicity of infection for MSP-1, MSP-2 and GLURP were 1.7, 1.8 and 2.05 respectively Conclusion: There is high genetic diversity in MSP – 2 and GLURP allelic families of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Okelele Health Centre, Ilorin, Nigeria.
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PARP inhibitors can be used to induce synthetic lethality in cells with bi-allelic BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. However the effect of PARP inhibitors in combination with radiation on cells with mono-allelic mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 is unknown. We have examined the cell survival response of lymphoblastoid cells derived from normal individuals and those derived from carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, following exposure to ionising radiation and the PARP inhibitor Olaparib. Two lymphoblastoid cell lines from normal individuals and three with mono-allelic mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 were exposed to increasing doses of gamma radiation either alone or in combination with 5 μM Olaparib. Cell survival was measured using the MTT assay. Exposure to increasing doses of gamma radiation caused a reduction in cell survival of all cell types. The combined exposure to gamma radiation and 5 μM Olaparib did not enhance cell kill in normal or BRCA2 heterozygote lymphoblastoid cells but significantly enhanced cell kill in cells derived from BRCA1 carriers (P = 0.02). The treatment of cancer patients carrying mutations in the BRCA1 gene with radiotherapy and the PARP inhibitor Olaparib may significantly enhance radiation induced normal tissue toxicity in these patients.