919 resultados para abnormal return


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Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the United Kingdom approach adulthood knowing that they will be encouraged or even forced to return to their countries of birth. Drawing on a project that promoted voluntary return to Afghanistan, we use interviews with twelve young people, professionals working in the Home Office and in education, local authorities, and voluntary-sector agencies to describe a complex area of immigration policy. We show how the state’s obligations as “corporate parent” clash with increasingly punitive migration controls and with growing political scrutiny of public spending. We propose education as a way to prepare young people for futures as global citizens in either country of settlement or of origin.


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With the advanced technology of medical devices and sensors, an abundance of medical data streams are available. However, data analysis techniques are very limited, especially for processing massive multiple physiological streams that may only be understood by medical experts. The state-of-the-art techniques only allow multiple medical devices to independently monitor different physiological parameters for the patient's status, thus they signal too many false alarms, creating unnecessary noise, especially in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). An effective solution which has been recently studied is to integrate information from multiple physiologic parameters to reduce alarms. But it is a challenge to detect abnormalities from high frequently changed physiological streams data, since abnormalities occur gradually due to the complex situation of patients. An analysis of ICU physiological data streams shows that many vital physiological parameters are changed periodically (such as heart rate, arterial pressure, and respiratory impedance) and thus abnormalities are generally abnormal period patterns. In this paper, we develop a Mining Abnormal Period Patterns from Multiple Physiological Streams (MAPPMPS) method to detect and rank abnormalities in medical sensor streams. The efficiency and effectiveness of the MAPPMPS method is demonstrated by a real-world massive database of multiple physiological streams sampled in ICU, comprising 250 patients' streams (each stream involving over 1.3 million data points) with a total size of 28 GB data.


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We examine stock return predictability for India and find strong evidence of sectoral return predictability over market return predictability. We show that mean-variance investors make statistically significant and economically meaningful profits by tracking financial ratios. For the first time in this literature, we examine the determinants of time-varying predictability and mean-variance profits. We show that both expected and unexpected shocks emanating from most financial ratios explain sectoral return predictability and profits. These are fresh contributions to the understanding of asset pricing.


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Using a sample of Asia-Pacific Islamic stocks we show that momentum profits exist regardless of the credit quality of stocks. A portfolio of low credit quality stocks earns 4.68% per annum more than a portfolio of high credit quality stocks. Market risk factors explain all momentum profits, suggesting that profits are compensation for risks. Post-holding period analysis suggests strong evidence of return reversal, consistent with the behavioral hypothesis. Our main results are also robust to sub-samples of data characterized by the recent global financial crisis and to Islamic and non-Islamic based market risk factors.


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This flyer promotes the U.S. Premiere Screening of Return to Ithaca, a film by Laurent Cantet. The director and writer Cantet, co-writer Leonardo Padura, and actor Fernando Hechavarria attended the screening on November 13, 2015 at the Coral Gables Art Cinema.


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A relação entre reputação organizacional e desempenho nanceiro das empresas tem sido alvo de estudo ao longo dos últimos anos. Empresas com elevados padrões de reputação apresentam maior probabilidade de manter um elevado e sustentado desempenho ao longo do tempo. Seguindo esta linha de pensamento, acionistas que investem em empresas com elevada reputação exigem menos rendibilidades, uma vez que, à partida, o risco a que estão sujeitos é menor. Com o intuito de estudar se empresas com elevada reputação, medida pela presença no ranking de 2015 World's Most Admired Companies da revista Fortune, rejeitam a hipótese das rendibilidades anormais serem iguais a zero, garantindo, por sua vez, um risco inferior, foram utilizados dados em painel que incluem 24,486 observações, entre 26 de dezembro 2014 e 1 de janeiro 2016, de uma amostra total de 462 empresas norte americanas cotadas nos índices bolsistas NYSE e NASDAQ.


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In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive UK evidence on the profitability of the pairs trading strategy. Evidence suggests that the strategy performs well in crisis periods, so we control for both risk and liquidity to assess performance. To evaluate the effect of market frictions on the strategy, we use several estimates of transaction costs. We also present evidence on the performance of the strategy in different economic and market states. Our results show that pairs trading portfolios typically have little exposure to known equity risk factors such as market, size, value, momentum and reversal. However, a model controlling for risk and liquidity explains a far larger proportion of returns. Incorporating different assumptions about bid-ask spreads leads to reductions in performance estimates. When we allow for time-varying risk exposures, conditioned on the contemporaneous equity market return, risk-adjusted returns are generally not significantly different from zero.


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BACKGROUND: The WNT10A protein is critical for the development of ectodermal appendages. Variants in the WNT10A gene may be associated with a spectrum of ectodermal abnormalities including extensive tooth agenesis. METHODS: In seven patients with severe tooth agenesis we identified anomalies in primary dentition and additional ectodermal symptoms, and assessed WNT10A mutations by genetic analysis. RESULTS: Investigation of primary dentition revealed peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors and three individuals had agenesis of at least two primary teeth. The permanent dentition was severely affected in all individuals with a mean of 21 missing teeth. Primary teeth were most often present in positions were succedaneous teeth were missing. Furthermore, most existing molars had taurodontism. Light, brittle or coarse hair was reported in all seven individuals, hyperhidrosis of palms and soles in six individuals and nail anomalies in two individuals. The anomalies in primary dentition preceded most of the additional ectodermal symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed that all seven individuals were homozygous or compound heterozygous for WNT10A mutations resulting in C107X, E222X and F228I. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that tooth agenesis and/or peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors, severe oligodontia of permanent dentition as well as ectodermal symptoms of varying severity may be predictors of bi-allelic WNT10A mutations of importance for diagnosis, counselling and follow-up.


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A project in the UK aiming to prepare young men for return to Afghanistan through an assisted voluntary return programme was unsuccessful. A different, longer-term approach might have been more appropriate and more effective.


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The World Health Organization has noted much progress towards the realisation of Millennium Development Goals related to maternal and child health. Eighty percent of women in many developing economies now receive at least one visit during pregnancy by a skilled birth attendant (although only 52% had the recommended four visits), and 68% of women across developing regions receive skilled health attendant care (up from 56% in 1990). However, disparities follow regional and urban-rural gaps. Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia lag behind other regions in the provision of antenatal care and skilled attendance at birth (although typically attended by a family member or villager) and over 32 million of the 40 million births not attended by skilled health personnel in 2012 occurred in rural areas. Overall, one-quarter of women in developing nations still birth alone or with a relative to assist them. While increased numbers of medically-trained midwives and health workers or midwife assistants would increase coverage by up to 40%, these are longer-term solutions. In the short term, gross disparities in services in some resource-poor areas have been alleviated by recruiting Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) re-trained in emergency obstetric skills to deal with emergency situations and to refer women onto health facilities when necessary. Samoa and Bangladesh are examples. For many women for a range of reasons TBAs are preferable to hospital care. It therefore makes sense to recognise their place within maternity care, to offer basic and ongoing training and to set up registration procedures thus better ensuring the monitoring of outcomes. Incorporating TBAs into the formal healthcare system would meet both physiological and relational components of birth. In terms of the latter, TBAs would act as cultural brokers between Western and traditional cosmologies and provide women with continuity of care from a known carer; in the West a demonstrably simple but effective intervention promoting physiological safety and reducing the need for higher level medical interventions.


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We examine whether intraday Chinese return predictability is linked to optimal portfolio holding and hedging. We find that: (1) S&P500 futures returns only predict Chinese spot market returns in up to 5-minute of trading with predictability disappearing at higher frequencies of trade; (2) the portfolio weight is maximised at the 5-minute trading frequency, when predictability is the strongest; and (3) when predictability is the strongest, significantly less shorting of the futures is required to minimise risk when a long position is taken in the Chinese market.


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Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in context-aware recommender system (CARS), which explores the impact of context factors on personalized Web services recommendation. Basically, the general idea of CARS methods is to mine historical service invocation records through the process of context-aware similarity computation. It is observed that traditional similarity mining process would very likely generate relatively big deviations of QoS values, due to the dynamic change of contexts. As a consequence, including a considerable amount of deviated QoS values in the similarity calculation would probably result in a poor accuracy for predicting unknown QoS values. In allusion to this problem, this paper first distinguishes two definitions of Abnormal Data and True Abnormal Data, the latter of which should be eliminated. Second, we propose a novel CASR-TADE method by incorporating the effectiveness of True Abnormal Data Elimination into context-aware Web services recommendation. Finally, the experimental evaluations on a real-world Web services dataset show that the proposed CASR-TADE method significantly outperforms other existing approaches.


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DAS is required to report on projects funded through the Return on Investment Program (ROI). The ROI program has been funded through an appropriation from the Technology Reinvestment Fund. The Technology Reinvestment Fund was created during the 2006 legislative session, and the first appropriations from this fund were for FY 2006-2007. The first report related to that fiscal year and was delivered to the legislature by January 1, 2008. This current report updates projects from fiscal years 10, 11 and 12.


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The Office of the Chief Information Officer is required to report on projects funded through the Return on Investment Program (ROI). The ROI program has been funded through an appropriation from the Technology Reinvestment Fund. The Technology Reinvestment Fund was created during the 2006 legislative session, and the first appropriations from this fund were for FY 2006-2007. The first report related to that fiscal year and was delivered to the legislature by January 1, 2008. This current report updates projects from fiscal years 11 and 12.