984 resultados para Weak Hyperbolicity


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The ultrafast vibrational phase relaxation of O–H stretch in bulk water is investigated in molecular dynamics simulations. The dephasing time (T2) of the O–H stretch in bulk water calculated from the frequency fluctuation time correlation function (Cω(t)) is in the range of 70–80 femtosecond (fs), which is comparable to the characteristic timescale obtained from the vibrational echo peak shift measurements using infrared photon echo [W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 49 (1998) 99]. The ultrafast decay of Cω(t) is found to be responsible for the ultrashort T2 in bulk water. Careful analysis reveals the following two interesting reasons for the ultrafast decay of Cω(t). (A) The large amplitude angular jumps of water molecules (within 30–40 fs time duration) provide a large scale contribution to the mean square vibrational frequency fluctuation and gives rise to the rapid spectral diffusion on 100 fs time scale. (B) The projected force, due to all the atoms of the solvent molecules on the oxygen (FO(t)) and hydrogen (FH(t)) atom of the O–H bond exhibit a large negative cross-correlation (NCC). We further find that this NCC is partly responsible for a weak, non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the dephasing rate.


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The supramolecular structures of eight aryl protected ethyl-6-methyl-4-phenyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4 tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxyl ates were analyzed in order to understand the effect of variations in functional groups on molecular geometry, conformation and packing of molecules in the crystalline lattice. It is observed that the existence of a short intra-molecular C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interaction between the aromatic hydrogen of the aryl ring with the isolated double bond of the six-membered tetrahydropyrimidine ring is a key feature which imparts additional stability to the molecular conformation in the solid state. The compounds pack via the cooperative involvement of both N-H center dot center dot center dot S=C and N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C intermolecular dimers forming a sheet like structure. In addition, weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi intermolecular interactions provide additional stability to the crystal packing.


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We examine the 2D plane-­strain deformation of initially round, matrix-­bonded, deformable single inclusions in isothermal simple shear using a recently introduced hyperelastoviscoplastic rheology. The broad parameter space spanned by the wide range of effective viscosities, yield stresses, relaxation times, and strain rates encountered in the ductile lithosphere is explored systematically for weak and strong inclusions, the effective viscosity of which varies with respect to the matrix. Most inclusion studies to date focused on elastic or purely viscous rheologies. Comparing our results with linear-­viscous inclusions in a linear-­viscous matrix, we observe significantly different shape evolution of weak and strong inclusions over most of the relevant parameter space. The evolution of inclusion inclination relative to the shear plane is more strongly affected by elastic and plastic contributions to rheology in the case of strong inclusions. In addition, we found that strong inclusions deform in the transient viscoelastic stress regime at high Weissenberg numbers (≥0.01) up to bulk shear strains larger than 3. Studies using the shapes of deformed objects for finite-­strain analysis or viscosity-­ratio estimation should establish carefully which rheology and loading conditions reflect material and deformation properties. We suggest that relatively strong, deformable clasts in shear zones retain stored energy up to fairly high shear strains. Hence, purely viscous models of clast deformation may overlook an important contribution to the energy budget, which may drive dissipation processes within and around natural inclusions.


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This thesis concerns the dynamics of nanoparticle impacts on solid surfaces. These impacts occur, for instance, in space, where micro- and nanometeoroids hit surfaces of planets, moons, and spacecraft. On Earth, materials are bombarded with nanoparticles in cluster ion beam devices, in order to clean or smooth their surfaces, or to analyse their elemental composition. In both cases, the result depends on the combined effects of countless single impacts. However, the dynamics of single impacts must be understood before the overall effects of nanoparticle radiation can be modelled. In addition to applications, nanoparticle impacts are also important to basic research in the nanoscience field, because the impacts provide an excellent case to test the applicability of atomic-level interaction models to very dynamic conditions. In this thesis, the stopping of nanoparticles in matter is explored using classical molecular dynamics computer simulations. The materials investigated are gold, silicon, and silica. Impacts on silicon through a native oxide layer and formation of complex craters are also simulated. Nanoparticles up to a diameter of 20 nm (315000 atoms) were used as projectiles. The molecular dynamics method and interatomic potentials for silicon and gold are examined in this thesis. It is shown that the displacement cascade expansionmechanism and crater crown formation are very sensitive to the choice of atomic interaction model. However, the best of the current interatomic models can be utilized in nanoparticle impact simulation, if caution is exercised. The stopping of monatomic ions in matter is understood very well nowadays. However, interactions become very complex when several atoms impact on a surface simultaneously and within a short distance, as happens in a nanoparticle impact. A high energy density is deposited in a relatively small volume, which induces ejection of material and formation of a crater. Very high yields of excavated material are observed experimentally. In addition, the yields scale nonlinearly with the cluster size and impact energy at small cluster sizes, whereas in macroscopic hypervelocity impacts, the scaling 2 is linear. The aim of this thesis is to explore the atomistic mechanisms behind the nonlinear scaling at small cluster sizes. It is shown here that the nonlinear scaling of ejected material yield disappears at large impactor sizes because the stopping mechanism of nanoparticles gradually changes to the same mechanism as in macroscopic hypervelocity impacts. The high yields at small impactor size are due to the early escape of energetic atoms from the hot region. In addition, the sputtering yield is shown to depend very much on the spatial initial energy and momentum distributions that the nanoparticle induces in the material in the first phase of the impact. At the later phases, the ejection of material occurs by several mechanisms. The most important mechanism at high energies or at large cluster sizes is atomic cluster ejection from the transient liquid crown that surrounds the crater. The cluster impact dynamics detected in the simulations are in agreement with several recent experimental results. In addition, it is shown that relatively weak impacts can induce modifications on the surface of an amorphous target over a larger area than was previously expected. This is a probable explanation for the formation of the complex crater shapes observed on these surfaces with atomic force microscopy. Clusters that consist of hundreds of thousands of atoms induce long-range modifications in crystalline gold.


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Owing to the discrete disclosure practices of the Reserve Bank of Australia, this paper provides new evidence on the channels of monetary policy triggered by central bank actions (monetary policy announcements) and statements (explanatory minutes releases), in the Australian equity market. Both monetary policy announcements and explanatory minutes releases are shown to have a significant and comparable impact on the returns and volatility of the Australian equity market. Further, distinct from US and European studies that find strong evidence of the interest rate, bank loan and balance sheet channels and no evidence of the exchange rate channel following central bank actions, this paper finds that monetary policy impacts the Australian equity market via the exchange rate, interest rate and bank loan channels of monetary policy, with only weak evidence of the balance sheet channel of monetary policy. These channels are found to be operating irrespective of the trigger (monetary policy announcements or explanatory minutes releases), though results are somewhat weaker when examining the explanatory minutes releases. These results have important implications for central bank officials and financial market participants alike: by confirming a comparable avenue to affect monetary policy; and providing an explication of its impact on the Australian equity market.


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The electroweak theory is the part of the standard model of particle physics that describes the weak and electromagnetic interactions between elementary particles. Since its formulation almost 40 years ago, it has been experimentally verified to a high accuracy and today it has a status as one of the cornerstones of particle physics. Thermodynamics of electroweak physics has been studied ever since the theory was written down and the features the theory exhibits at extreme conditions remain an interesting research topic even today. In this thesis, we consider some aspects of electroweak thermodynamics. Specifically, we compute the pressure of the standard model to high precision and study the structure of the electroweak phase diagram when finite chemical potentials for all the conserved particle numbers in the theory are introduced. In the first part of the thesis, the theory, methods and essential results from the computations are introduced. The original research publications are reprinted at the end.


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When ordinary nuclear matter is heated to a high temperature of ~ 10^12 K, it undergoes a deconfinement transition to a new phase, strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma. While the color charged fundamental constituents of the nuclei, the quarks and gluons, are at low temperatures permanently confined inside color neutral hadrons, in the plasma the color degrees of freedom become dominant over nuclear, rather than merely nucleonic, volumes. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the accepted theory of the strong interactions, and confines quarks and gluons inside hadrons. The theory was formulated in early seventies, but deriving first principles predictions from it still remains a challenge, and novel methods of studying it are needed. One such method is dimensional reduction, in which the high temperature dynamics of static observables of the full four-dimensional theory are described using a simpler three-dimensional effective theory, having only the static modes of the various fields as its degrees of freedom. A perturbatively constructed effective theory is known to provide a good description of the plasma at high temperatures, where asymptotic freedom makes the gauge coupling small. In addition to this, numerical lattice simulations have, however, shown that the perturbatively constructed theory gives a surprisingly good description of the plasma all the way down to temperatures a few times the transition temperature. Near the critical temperature, the effective theory, however, ceases to give a valid description of the physics, since it fails to respect the approximate center symmetry of the full theory. The symmetry plays a key role in the dynamics near the phase transition, and thus one expects that the regime of validity of the dimensionally reduced theories can be significantly extended towards the deconfinement transition by incorporating the center symmetry in them. In the introductory part of the thesis, the status of dimensionally reduced effective theories of high temperature QCD is reviewed, placing emphasis on the phase structure of the theories. In the first research paper included in the thesis, the non-perturbative input required in computing the g^6 term in the weak coupling expansion of the pressure of QCD is computed in the effective theory framework at an arbitrary number of colors. The two last papers on the other hand focus on the construction of the center-symmetric effective theories, and subsequently the first non-perturbative studies of these theories are presented. Non-perturbative lattice simulations of a center-symmetric effective theory for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory show --- in sharp contrast to the perturbative setup --- that the effective theory accommodates a phase transition in the correct universality class of the full theory. This transition is seen to take place at a value of the effective theory coupling constant that is consistent with the full theory coupling at the critical temperature.


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Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) pseudomicrorods have been synthesized by alow-temperature hydrothermal method using CaSO4 powder as a precursor and hexadecylamine as a surfactant at 180 degrees C for at different intervals of time. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern indicates that the as-formed pseudomicrorods are of orthorhombic phase with lattice parameters a = 7.0023(4) angstrom, b = 6.9939(5) angstrom and c = 6.2434(4) angstrom. Scanning electron microscopy images show that the pseudomicrorods have diameters of about 0.2-2.5 mm and lengths of about 2-10 mm. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows a strong doublet near 609 and 681 cm(-1) arising from nu(4) (SO42) bending vibrations. The strongest band observed at 1132 cm(-1) is associated with nu(3) (SO42-) stretching vibrations. The band near 420-450 cm(-1) is attributed to nu(2) (SO42-) bending vibrations. The Raman spectrum exhibits an intense peak at 1008 cm(-1) associated with the SO42- mode. The photoluminescence spectrum exhibits UV bands (330, 350 nm), strong green bands (402, 436 nm) and weak blue bands (503 nm). A widening of the optical band gap was observed as the particle size decreased.


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The aim of this thesis was to study the seismic tomography structure of the earth s crust together with earthquake distribution and mechanism beneath the central Fennoscandian Shield, mainly in southern and central Finland. The earthquake foci and some fault plane solutions are correlated with 3-D images of the velocity tomography. The results are discussed in relation to the stress field of the Shield and with other geophysical, e.g. geomagnetic, gravimetric, tectonic, and anisotropy studies of the Shield. The earthquake data of the Fennoscandian Shield has been extracted from the Nordic earthquake parameter data base which was founded at the time of inception of the earthquake catalogue for northern Europe. Eight earlier earthquake source mechanisms are included in a pilot study on creating a novel technique for calculating an earthquake fault plane solution. Altogether, eleven source mechanisms of shallow, weak earthquakes are related in the 3-D tomography model to trace stresses of the crust in southern and central Finland. The earthquakes in the eastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield represent low-active, intraplate seismicity. Earthquake mechanisms with NW-SE oriented horizontal compression confirm that the dominant stress field originates from the ridge-push force in the North Atlantic Ocean. Earthquakes accumulate in coastal areas, in intersections of tectonic lineaments, in main fault zones or are bordered by fault lines. The majority of Fennoscandian earthquakes concentrate on the south-western Shield in southern Norway and Sweden. Onwards, epicentres spread via the ridge of the Shield along the west-coast of the Gulf of Bothnia northwards along the Tornio River - Finnmark fault system to the Barents Sea, and branch out north-eastwards via the Kuusamo region to the White Sea Kola Peninsula faults. The local seismic tomographic method was applied to find the terrane distribution within the central parts of the Shield the Svecofennian Orogen. From 300 local explosions a total of 19765 crustal Pg- and Sg-wave arrival times were inverted to create independent 3-D Vp and Vs tomographic models, from which the Vp/Vs ratio was calculated. The 3-D structure of the crust is presented as a P-wave and for the first time as an S-wave velocity model, and also as a Vp/Vs-ratio model of the SVEKALAPKO area that covers 700x800 km2 in southern and central Finland. Also, some P-wave Moho-reflection data was interpolated to image the relief of the crust-mantle boundary (i.e. Moho). In the tomography model, the seismic velocities vary smoothly. The lateral variations are larger for Vp (dVp =0.7 km/s) than for Vs (dVs =0.4 km/s). The Vp/Vs ratio varies spatially more distinctly than P- and S-wave velocities, usually from 1.70 to 1.74 in the upper crust and from 1.72 to 1.78 in the lower crust. Schist belts and their continuations at depth are associated with lower velocities and lower Vp/Vs ratios than in the granitoid areas. The tomography modelling suggests that the Svecofennian Orogen was accreted from crustal blocks ranging in size from 100x100 km2 to 200x200 km2 in cross-sectional area. The intervening sedimentary belts have ca. 0.2 km/s lower P- and S-wave velocities and ca. 0.04 lower Vp/Vs ratios. Thus, the tomographic model supports the concept that the thick Svecofennian crust was accreted from several crustal terranes, some hidden, and that the crust was later modified by intra- and underplating. In conclusion, as a novel approach the earthquake focal mechanism and focal depth distribution is discussed in relation to the 3-D tomography model. The schist belts and the transformation zones between the high- and low-velocity anomaly blocks are characterized by deeper earthquakes than the granitoid areas where shallow events dominate. Although only a few focal mechanisms were solved for southern Finland, there is a trend towards strike-slip and oblique strike-slip movements inside schist areas. The normal dip-slip type earthquakes are typical in the seismically active Kuusamo district in the NE edge of the SVEKALAPKO area, where the Archean crust is ca. 15-20 km thinner than the Proterozoic Svecofennian crust. Two near vertical dip-slip mechanism earthquakes occurred in the NE-SW junction between the Central Finland Granitoid Complex and the Vyborg rapakivi batholith, where high Vp/Vs-ratio deep-set intrusion splits the southern Finland schist belt into two parts in the tomography model.


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In the title compound, C16H13ClN2O, the quinoline ring system is essentially planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.021 (2) angstrom. The pyridone ring is oriented at a dihedral angle of 85.93 (6)degrees with respect to the quinoline ring system. In the crystal structure, intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds link the molecules along the b axis. Weak pi-pi stacking interactions [centroid-centroid distances = 3.7218 (9) and 3.6083 (9) angstrom] are also observed.


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In the title compound, C30H24Cl2N2O3, the two quinoline ring systems are almost planar [maximum deviations = 0.029 (2) and 0.018 (3) angstrom] and the dihedral angle between them is 4.17 (8)degrees. The dihedral angle between the phenyl ring and its attached quinoline ring is 69.06 (13)degrees. The packing is stabilized by C-H center dot center dot center dot O, C-H center dot center dot center dot N, weak pi-pi stacking [centroid-centroid distances = 3.7985 (16) and 3.7662(17) angstrom] and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions.


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In the title compound, C17H15ClN2O, the quinoline ring system is nearly planar, with a maximum deviation from the mean plane of 0.074 (2) angstrom, and makes a dihedral angle of 81.03 (7)degrees with the pyridone ring. The crystal packing is stabilized by pi-pi stacking interactions between the pyridone and benzene rings of the quinoline ring system [centroid-centroid distance = 3.6754 (10) angstrom]. Furthermore, weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonding links molecules into supramolecular chains along [001].


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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This study views each protein structure as a network of noncovalent connections between amino acid side chains. Each amino acid in a protein structure is a node, and the strength of the noncovalent interactions between two amino acids is evaluated for edge determination. The protein structure graphs (PSGs) for 232 proteins have been constructed as a function of the cutoff of the amino acid interaction strength at a few carefully chosen values. Analysis of such PSGs constructed on the basis of edge weights has shown the following: 1), The PSGs exhibit a complex topological network behavior, which is dependent on the interaction cutoff chosen for PSG construction. 2), A transition is observed at a critical interaction cutoff, in all the proteins, as monitored by the size of the largest cluster (giant component) in the graph. Amazingly, this transition occurs within a narrow range of interaction cutoff for all the proteins, irrespective of the size or the fold topology. And 3), the amino acid preferences to be highly connected (hub frequency) have been evaluated as a function of the interaction cutoff. We observe that the aromatic residues along with arginine, histidine, and methionine act as strong hubs at high interaction cutoffs, whereas the hydrophobic leucine and isoleucine residues get added to these hubs at low interaction cutoffs, forming weak hubs. The hubs identified are found to play a role in bringing together different secondary structural elements in the tertiary structure of the proteins. They are also found to contribute to the additional stability of the thermophilic proteins when compared to their mesophilic counterparts and hence could be crucial for the folding and stability of the unique three-dimensional structure of proteins. Based on these results, we also predict a few residues in the thermophilic and mesophilic proteins that can be mutated to alter their thermal stability.


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The polarization of radiation by scattering on an atom embedded in combined external quadrupole electric and uniform magnetic fields is studied theoretically. Limiting cases of scattering under Zeeman effect, and Hanle effect in weak magnetic fields are discussed. The theory is general enough to handle scattering in intermediate magnetic fields (Hanle-Zeeman effect) and for arbitrary orientation of magnetic field. The quadrupolar electric field produces asymmetric line shifts, and causes interesting level-crossing phenomena either in the absence of an ambient magnetic field, or in its presence. It is shown that the quadrupolar electric field produces an additional depolarization in the Q/I profiles and rotation of the plane of polarization in the U/I profile over and above that arising from magnetic field itself. This characteristic may have a diagnostic potential to detect steady-state and time-varying electric fields that surround radiating atoms in solar atmospheric layers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.