908 resultados para WATER-SOLUBLE DRUGS


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With an objective to replace a water droplet from a steel surface by oil we study here the impact of injecting a hydrophilic/lipophilic surfactant into the droplet or into the surrounding oil reservoir. Contact angle goniometery, Grazing angle FTIR spectroscopy and Atomic force microscopy are used to record the oil/water interfacial tension, surface energetics of the substrate under the oil and water phases as well as the corresponding physical states of the substrates. Such energetics reflect the rate at which the excess surfactant molecules accumulate at the water/oil interface and desorb into the phases. The molecules diffuse into the substrate from the phases and build up specific molecular configurations which, with the interfacial tension, control the non-equilibrium progress of and the equilibrium status of the contact line. The study shows that the most efficient replacement of water by the surrounding oil happens when a surfactant is sparingly soluble in the supplier oil phase and highly soluble in the recipient water phase.


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Click chemistry has been successfully extended into the field of molecular design of novel amphiphatic adducts. After their syntheses and characterizations, we have studied their aggregation properties in aqueous medium. Each of these adducts forms stable suspensions in water. These suspensions have been characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The presence of inner aqueous compartments in such aggregates has been demonstrated using dye (methylene blue) entrapment studies. These aggregates have been further characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), which indicates the existence of bilayer structures in them. Therefore, the resulting aggregates could be described as vesicles. The temperature-induced order-to-disorder transitions of the vesicular aggregates and the accompanying changes in their packing and hydration have been examined using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence anisotropy, and generalized polarization measurements using appropriate membrane-soluble probe, 1,6-diphenylhexatriene, and Paldan, respectively. The findings of these studies are consistent with each other in terms of the apparent phase transition temperatures. Langmuir monolayer studies confirmed that these click adducts also form stable monolayers on buffered aqueous subphase at the air-water interface.


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The oil phase, in an oil-in-water emulsion on a steel substrate, is strongly repelled by the substrate. The oil in this situation does not wet the steel and steel/steel friction is high. In this work we disperse anionic surfactants in an oil film and study the effect of this dispersion on the force of interaction between a silica colloid probe (AFM) carrying the oil film and a steel substrate in water. It is observed that when the surfactant is oil insoluble and the interaction time is short the strong entropic repulsion (without the surfactant) is replaced by a strong attraction. The steel on steel sliding friction in this case is low compared to that what is achieved when the surfactant is soluble in oil. The rationale underlying these interactions is explored here. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The enzyme, D-xylose isomerase (D-xylose keto-isomerase; EC is a soluble enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the aldo-sugar D-xylose to the keto-sugar D-xylulose. A total of 27 subunits of D-xylose isomerase from Streptomyces rubiginosus were analyzed in order to identify the invariant water molecules and their water-mediated ionic interactions. A total of 70 water molecules were found to be invariant. The structural and/or functional roles of these water molecules have been discussed. These invariant water molecules and their ionic interactions may be involved in maintaining the structural stability of the enzyme D-xylose isomerase. Fifty-eight of the 70 invariant water molecules (83%) have at least one interaction with the main chain polar atom.


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The present study demonstrates a method to deliver hydrophobic drugs by incorporation into thin films and microcapsules fabricated via a layer-by-layer assembly approach. The hydrophobic molecule binding properties of albumin have been exploited for solubilization of a water-insoluble molecule, pyrene (model drug), by preparation of non-covalent conjugates with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Conjugation with BSA renders a highly negative zeta potential to the previously uncharged pyrene which favors the assembly formation by electrostatic interaction with a positively charged polyelectrolyte, chitosan (at acidic pH). The growth of the assembly was followed by monitoring pyrene absorbance with successive layer deposition. The thin film assembly was demonstrated to be capable of releasing its hydrophobic cargo under physiological conditions. We demonstrated the applicability of this approach by encapsulating a water-insoluble drug, curcumin. These assemblies were further loaded with the anti-cancer drug Doxorubicin. Biocompatible calcium carbonate microparticles were used for capsule preparation. The porous nature of the microparticles allows for the pre-encapsulation of therapeutic macromolecules like protein. The fabrication of protein encapsulated stable microcapsules with hydrophobic molecules incorporated into the shell of the microcapsules has been demonstrated. The microcapsules were further capable of loading hydrophilic molecules like Rhodamine B. Thus, using the approach described, a multi-agent carrier for hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs as well as therapeutic macromolecules can be envisioned.


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The efficient deprotection of several acetals, dithioacetals, and tetrahydropyranyl (THP) ethers under ambient conditions, using chloral hydrate in hexane, is described. Excellent yields were realized for a wide range of both aliphatic and aromatic substrates. The method is characterized by mild conditions (room temperatures or below), simple workup, and the ready availability of chloral hydrate. High chemoselectivity was also observed in the deprotection, acetonides, esters, and amides being unaffected under the reaction conditions. Products were generally purified chromatographically and identified spectrally. These results constitute a novel addition to current methodology involving a widely employed deprotection tactic in organic synthesis. It seems likely that the mechanism of the reaction involves adsorption of the substrate on the surface of the sparingly soluble chloral hydrate.


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A new colorimetric probe has been developed for the detection and estimation of Pd-II at sub-nanomolar concentrations. The probe consisted of rhodamine (signaling unit), which was linked with a bis-picolyl moiety (binding site) through a phenyl ring. Pd-II induced opening of the spirolactam ring of the probe with the generation of a prominent pink color. The excellent selectivity of the probe towards Pd-II over Pd-0 or Rh-II ensured its potential utility for the detection of residual palladium contamination in pharma-ceutical drugs and in Pd-catalyzed reactions. The probe showed a ``turn-on'' (bright yellow) fluorescence upon the addition of Pd-II, which made it suitable for the detection of Pd contaminants in mammalian cells.


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Hepatic cell culture on a three-dimensional (3D) matrix or as a hepatosphere appears to be a promising in vitro biomimetic system for liver tissue engineering applications. In this study, we have combined the concept of a 3D scaffold and a spheroid culture to develop an in vitro model to engineer liver tissue for drug screening. We have evaluated the potential of poly(ethylene glycol)-alginate-gelatin (PAG) cryogel matrix for in vitro culture of human liver cell lines. The synthesized cryogel matrix has a flow rate of 7 mL/min and water uptake capacity of 94% that enables easy nutrient transportation in the in vitro cell culture. Youngs modulus of 2.4 kPa and viscoelastic property determine the soft and elastic nature of synthesized cryogel. Biocompatibility of PAG cryogel was evaluated through MTT assay of HepG2 and Huh-7 cells on matrices. The proliferation and functionality of the liver cells were enhanced by culturing hepatic cells as spheroids (hepatospheres) on the PAG cryogel using temperature-reversible soluble-insoluble polymer, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm). Pore size of the cryogel above 100 mu m modulated spheroid size that can prevent hypoxia condition within the spheroid culture. Both the hepatic cells have shown a significant difference (P < 0.05) in terms of cell number and functionality when cultured with PNIPAAm. After 10 days of culture using 0.05% PNIPAAm, the cell number increased by 11- and 7-fold in case of HepG2 and Huh-7 cells, respectively. Similarly, after 10 days of hepatic spheroids culture on PAG cryogel, the albumin production, urea secretion, and CYP450 activity were significantly higher in case of culture with PNIPAAm. The developed tissue mass on the PAG cryogel in the presence of PNIPAAm possess polarity, which was confirmed using F-actin staining and by presence of intercellular bile canalicular lumen. The developed cryogel matrix supports liver cells proliferation and functionality and therefore can be used for in vitro and in vivo drug testing.


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We examined the impacts of mechanical shredding (i.e.. shredding plants and leaving biomass in the system) of the water chestnut (Trapa natans) on water quality and nutrient mobilization in a control and experimental site in Lake Champlain (Vermont-New York). A 1-ha plot was mechanically shredded within 1 h on 26 July, 1999. Broken plant material was initially concentrated on the lake surface of the experimental station after shredding, and was noticeable on the lake surface for 19 d. Over a two week period after shredding. concentrations of total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and soluble reactive P increased in the lower water column of the experimental station, coinciding with decomposition of water chestnut. Sediments in the control and experimental stations exhibited vet-v low rates of N and P release and could not account for increases in nutrient concentrations in the water column after mechanical shredding. Shredded plant material deployed in mesh bags at the experimental station lost similar to 70% of their total mass, and 42%, N and 70% P within 14 d. indicating Substantial nutrient mobilization via autolysis and decomposition. Chlorophyll a concentrations increased to 35 g/L at the experimental station on day 7 after shredding, compared to a concentration of 4 g/L at the control station. suggesting uptake of mobilized nutrients by phytoplankton. Disruption Of the Surface canopy of water chestnut by shredding was associated with marked increases in turbidity and dissolved oxygen, suggesting increased mixing at the experimental site.


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Isoprene (ISO),the most abundant non-methane VOC, is the major contributor to secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation. The mechanisms involved in such transformation, however, are not fully understood. Current mechanisms, which are based on the oxidation of ISO in the gas-phase, underestimate SOA yields. The heightened awareness that ISO is only partially processed in the gas-phase has turned attention to heterogeneous processes as alternative pathways toward SOA.

During my research project, I investigated the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in bulk water. Below, I will report on the λ > 305 nm photolysis of H2O2 in dilute ISO solutions. This process yields C10H15OH species as primary products, whose formation both requires and is inhibited by O2. Several isomers of C10H15OH were resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected as MH+ (m/z = 153) and MH+-18 (m/z = 135) signals by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This finding is consistent with the addition of ·OH to ISO, followed by HO-ISO· reactions with ISO (in competition with O2) leading to second generation HO(ISO)2· radicals that terminate as C10H15OH via β-H abstraction by O2.

It is not generally realized that chemistry on the surface of water cannot be deduced, extrapolated or translated to those in bulk gas and liquid phases. The water density drops a thousand-fold within a few Angstroms through the gas-liquid interfacial region and therefore hydrophobic VOCs such as ISO will likely remain in these relatively 'dry' interfacial water layers rather than proceed into bulk water. In previous experiments from our laboratory, it was found that gas-phase olefins can be protonated on the surface of pH < 4 water. This phenomenon increases the residence time of gases at the interface, an event that makes them increasingly susceptible to interaction with gaseous atmospheric oxidants such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals.

In order to test this hypothesis, I carried out experiments in which ISO(g) collides with the surface of aqueous microdroplets of various compositions. Herein I report that ISO(g) is oxidized into soluble species via Fenton chemistry on the surface of aqueous Fe(II)Cl2 solutions simultaneously exposed to H2O2(g). Monomer and oligomeric species (ISO)1-8H+ were detected via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) on the surface of pH ~ 2 water, and were then oxidized into a suite of products whose combined yields exceed ~ 5% of (ISO)1-8H+. MS/MS analysis revealed that products mainly consisted of alcohols, ketones, epoxides and acids. Our experiments demonstrated that olefins in ambient air may be oxidized upon impact on the surface of Fe-containing aqueous acidic media, such as those of typical to tropospheric aerosols.

Related experiments involving the reaction of ISO(g) with ·OH radicals from the photolysis of dissolved H2O2 were also carried out to test the surface oxidation of ISO(g) by photolyzing H2O2(aq) at 266 nm at various pH. The products were analyzed via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Similar to our Fenton experiments, we detected (ISO)1-7H+ at pH < 4, and new m/z+ = 271 and m/z- = 76 products at pH > 5.


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Cases of mutual exclusion of two species of organisms in nature are known in large numbers. In the majority, they make different demands on the environ- ment which makes co-occurrence impossible. Less frequent are those cases in which a definite activity of one species prevents the occurrence of the other in the same region. An experiment was carried out n order to establish if Chydorus sphaericus can co-occur with water-snails. It emerged that a substance soluble in water which is given off by snails is responsible for the negative effect on small crustacea.


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A decade-long time series recorded in southern Monterey Bay, California demonstrates that the shallow, near-shore environment (17 m depth) is regularly inundated with pulses of cold, hypoxic and low pH water. During these episodes, oxygen can drop to biologically threatening levels, and pH levels were lower than expected. Weekly water chemistry monitoring revealed that the saturation state of aragonite (the more soluble form of calcium carbonate) was often below saturation and had a moderate positive relationship with pH, however, analytical and human error could be high. Pulses of hypoxia and low pH water with the greatest intensity arise at the onset of the spring upwelling season, and fluctuations are strongly semidurnal (tidal) and diurnal. Arrival of cold, hypoxic water on the inner shelf typically occurs 3 days after the arrival of a strong upwelling event and appears to be driven by upwelling modulated by internal tidal fluctuations. I found no relationship between the timing of low-oxygen events and the diel solar cycle nor with terrestrial nutrient input. These observations are consistent with advection of hypoxic water from the deep, offshore environment where water masses experience a general decline of temperature, oxygen and pH with depth, and inconsistent with biochemical forcing. Comparisons with concurrent temperature and oxygen time series taken ~20 km away at the head of the Monterey Canyon show similar patterns but even more intense hypoxic events due to stronger semidiurnal forcing there. Analysis of the durations of exposure to low oxygen levels establishes a framework for assessing the ecological relevance of these events. Increasing oceanic hypoxia and acidification of both surface and deep waters may increase the number, intensity, duration and spatial extent of future intrusions along the Pacific coast. Evaluation of the resiliency of nearshore ecosystems such as kelp forests, rocky reefs and sandy habitats, will require consideration of these events.


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The production of long-lived transuranic (TRU) waste is a major disadvantage of fission-based nuclear power. Incineration, and virtual elimination, of waste stockpiles is possible in a thorium (Th) fuelled critical or subcritical fast reactor. Fuel cycles producing a net decrease in TRUs are possible in conventional pressurised water reactors (PWRs). However, minor actinides (MAs) have a detrimental effect on reactivity and stability, ultimately limiting the quality and quantity of waste that can be incinerated. In this paper, we propose using a thorium-retained-actinides fuel cycle in PWRs, where the reactor is fuelled with a mixture of thorium and TRU waste, and after discharge all actinides are reprocessed and returned to the reactor. To investigate the feasibility and performance of this fuel cycle an assembly-level analysis for a one-batch reloading strategy was completed over 125 years of operation using WIMS 9. This one-batch analysis was performed for simplicity, but allowed an indicative assessment of the performance of a four-batch fuel management strategy. The build-up of 233U in the reactor allowed continued reactive and stable operation, until all significant actinide populations had reached pseudo-equilibrium in the reactor. It was therefore possible to achieve near-complete transuranic waste incineration, even for fuels with significant MA content. The average incineration rate was initially around 330 kg per GW th year and tended towards 250 kg per GW th year over several decades: a performance comparable to that achieved in a fast reactor. Using multiple batch fuel management, competitive or improved end-of-cycle burn-up appears achievable. The void coefficient (VC), moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and Doppler coefficient remained negative. The quantity of soluble boron required for a fixed fuel cycle length was comparable to that for enriched uranium fuel, and acceptable amounts can be added without causing a positive VC or MTC. This analysis is limited by the consideration of a single fuel assembly, and it will be necessary to perform a full core coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic analysis to determine if the design in its current form is feasible. In particular, the potential for positive VCs if the core is highly or locally voided is a cause for concern. However, these results provide a compelling case for further work on concept feasibility and fuel management, which is in progress. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents results of a feasibility study aimed at developing a zero-transuranic-discharge fuel cycle based on the U-Th-TRU ternary cycle. The design objective is to find a fuel composition (mixture of thorium, enriched uranium, and recycled transuranic components) and fuel management strategy resulting in an equilibrium charge-discharge mass flow. In such a fuel cycle scheme, the quantity and isotopic vector of the transuranium (TRU) component is identical at the charge and discharge time points, thus allowing the whole amount of the TRU at the end of the fuel irradiation period to be separated and reloaded into the following cycle. The TRU reprocessing activity losses are the only waste stream that will require permanent geological storage, virtually eliminating the long-term radiological waste of the commercial nuclear fuel cycle. A detailed three-dimensional full pressurized water reactor (PWR) core model was used to analyze the proposed fuel composition and management strategy. The results demonstrate the neutronic feasibility of the fuel cycle with zero-TRU discharge. The amount of TRU and enriched uranium loaded reach equilibrium after about four TRU recycles. The reactivity coefficients were found to be within a range typical for a reference PWR core. The soluble boron worth is reduced by a factor of ∼2 from a typical PWR value. Nevertheless, the results indicate the feasibility of an 18-month fuel cycle design with an acceptable beginning-of-cycle soluble boron concentration even without application of burnable poisons.


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A limnological study was carried out to determine the responses of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and soluble protein (SP) contents of 11 common aquatic plants to eutrophication stress. Field investigation in 12 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was carried out from March to September 2004. Our results indicated that non-submersed (emergent and floating-leafed) plants and submersed plants showed different responses to eutrophication stress. Both SOD activities of the non-submersed and submersed plants were negatively correlated with their SP contents (P < 0.000 1). SP contents of non-submersed plants were significantly correlated with all nitrogen variables in the water (P < 0.05), whereas SP contents of submersed plants were only significantly correlated with carbon variables as well as ammonium and Secchi depth (SD) in water (P < 0.05). Only SOD activities of submersed plants were decreased with decline of SD in water (P < 0.001). Our results indicate that the decline of SOD activities of submersed plants were mainly caused by light limitation, this showed a coincidence with the decline of macrophytes in eutrophic lakes, which might imply that the antioxidant system of the submersed plants were impaired under eutrophication stress.