933 resultados para Vegetative Compatibility
The use of online data is becoming increasingly essential for the generation of insight in today’s research environment. This reflects the much wider range of data available online and the key role that social media now plays in interpersonal communication. However, the process of gaining permission to use social media data for research purposes creates a number of significant issues when considering compatibility with professional ethics guidelines. This paper critically explores the application of existing informed consent policies to social media research and compares with the form of consent gained by the social networks themselves, which we label ‘uninformed consent’. We argue that, as currently constructed, informed consent carries assumptions about the nature of privacy that are not consistent with the way that consumers behave in an online environment. On the other hand, uninformed consent relies on asymmetric relationships that are unlikely to succeed in an environment based on co-creation of value. The paper highlights the ethical ambiguity created by current approaches for gaining customer consent, and proposes a new conceptual framework based on participative consent that allows for greater alignment between consumer privacy and ethical concerns.
IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic is widely used in modern, general-purpose computers. It is based on real arithmetic and is made total by adding both a positive and a negative infinity, a negative zero, and many Not-a-Number (NaN) states. Transreal arithmetic is total. It also has a positive and a negative infinity but no negative zero, and it has a single, unordered number, nullity. Modifying the IEEE arithmetic so that it uses transreal arithmetic has a number of advantages. It removes one redundant binade from IEEE floating-point objects, doubling the numerical precision of the arithmetic. It removes eight redundant, relational,floating-point operations and removes the redundant total order operation. It replaces the non-reflexive, floating-point, equality operator with a reflexive equality operator and it indicates that some of the exceptions may be removed as redundant { subject to issues of backward compatibility and transient future compatibility as programmers migrate to the transreal paradigm.
In most in vitro studies of oral drug permeability, little attempt is made to reproduce the gastrointestinal lumenal environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the compatibility of simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) solutions with Caco-2 cell monolayers and Ussing chamber-mounted rat ileum under standard permeability experiment protocols. In preliminary experiments, fasted-state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF) and fed-state simulated intestinal fluid (FeSSIF) solutions based on the dissolution medium formulae of Dressman and co-workers (1998) were modified for compatibility with Caco-2 cells to produce FaS-SIF and FeSSIF "transport" solutions for use with in vitro permeability models. For Caco-2 cells exposed to FaSSIF and FESSIF transport solutions, the transepithelial electrical resistance was maintained for over 4 h and mannitol permeability was equivalent to that in control (Hank's Balanced Salt Solution-treated) cell layers. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that microvilli generally maintained a normal distribution, although some shortening of microvilli and occasional small areas of denudation were observed. For rat ileum in the Ussing chambers, the potential difference (PD) collapsed to zero over 120 min when exposed to the FaSSIF transport solution and an even faster collapse of the PD was observed when the FeSSIF transport solution was used. Electron micrographs revealed erosion of the villi tips and substantial denudation of the microvilli after exposure of ileal tissue to FaSSIF and FeSSIF solutions, and permeability to mannitol was increased by almost two-fold. This study indicated that FaSSIF and FeSSIF transport solutions can be used with Caco-2 monolayers to evaluate drug permeability, but rat ileum in Ussing chambers is adversely affected by these solutions. Metoprolol permeability in Caco-2 experiments was reduced by 33% using the FaSSIF and 75% using the FeSSIF compared to permeability measured using HBSS. This illustrates that using physiological solutions can influence permeability measurements.
A flood warning system incorporates telemetered rainfall and flow/water level data measured at various locations in the catchment area. Real-time accurate data collection is required for this use, and sensor networks improve the system capabilities. However, existing sensor nodes struggle to satisfy the hydrological requirements in terms of autonomy, sensor hardware compatibility, reliability and long-range communication. We describe the design and development of a real-time measurement system for flood monitoring, and its deployment in a flash-flood prone 650 km2 semiarid watershed in Southern Spain. A developed low-power and long-range communication device, so-called DatalogV1, provides automatic data gathering and reliable transmission. DatalogV1 incorporates self-monitoring for adapting measurement schedules for consumption management and to capture events of interest. Two tests are used to assess the success of the development. The results show an autonomous and robust monitoring system for long-term collection of water level data in many sparse locations during flood events.
Background Somatic embryogenesis (SE) in plants is a process by which embryos are generated directly from somatic cells, rather than from the fused products of male and female gametes. Despite the detailed expression analysis of several somatic-to-embryonic marker genes, a comprehensive understanding of SE at a molecular level is still lacking. The present study was designed to generate high resolution transcriptome datasets for early SE providing the way for future research to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate this process. We sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana somatic embryos collected from three distinct developmental time-points (5, 10 and 15 d after in vitro culture) using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Results This study yielded a total of 426,001,826 sequence reads mapped to 26,520 genes in the A. thaliana reference genome. Analysis of embryonic cultures after 5 and 10 d showed differential expression of 1,195 genes; these included 778 genes that were more highly expressed after 5 d as compared to 10 d. Moreover, 1,718 genes were differentially expressed in embryonic cultures between 10 and 15 d. Our data also showed at least eight different expression patterns during early SE; the majority of genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos after 5 d. Comparison of transcriptomes derived from somatic embryos and leaf tissues revealed that at least 4,951 genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos than in the leaf; increased expression of genes involved in DNA cytosine methylation and histone deacetylation were noted in embryogenic tissues. In silico expression analysis based on microarray data found that approximately 5% of these genes are transcriptionally more active in somatic embryos than in actively dividing callus and non-dividing leaf tissues. Moreover, this identified 49 genes expressed at a higher level in somatic embryos than in other tissues. This included several genes with unknown function, as well as others related to oxidative and osmotic stress, and auxin signalling. Conclusions The transcriptome information provided here will form the foundation for future research on genetic and epigenetic control of plant embryogenesis at a molecular level. In follow-up studies, these data could be used to construct a regulatory network for SE; the genes more highly expressed in somatic embryos than in vegetative tissues can be considered as potential candidates to validate these networks.
The Land surface Processes and eXchanges (LPX) model is a fire-enabled dynamic global vegetation model that performs well globally but has problems representing fire regimes and vegetative mix in savannas. Here we focus on improving the fire module. To improve the representation of ignitions, we introduced a reatment of lightning that allows the fraction of ground strikes to vary spatially and seasonally, realistically partitions strike distribution between wet and dry days, and varies the number of dry days with strikes. Fuel availability and moisture content were improved by implementing decomposition rates specific to individual plant functional types and litter classes, and litter drying rates driven by atmospheric water content. To improve water extraction by grasses, we use realistic plant-specific treatments of deep roots. To improve fire responses, we introduced adaptive bark thickness and post-fire resprouting for tropical and temperate broadleaf trees. All improvements are based on extensive analyses of relevant observational data sets. We test model performance for Australia, first evaluating parameterisations separately and then measuring overall behaviour against standard benchmarks. Changes to the lightning parameterisation produce a more realistic simulation of fires in southeastern and central Australia. Implementation of PFT-specific decomposition rates enhances performance in central Australia. Changes in fuel drying improve fire in northern Australia, while changes in rooting depth produce a more realistic simulation of fuel availability and structure in central and northern Australia. The introduction of adaptive bark thickness and resprouting produces more realistic fire regimes in Australian savannas. We also show that the model simulates biomass recovery rates consistent with observations from several different regions of the world characterised by resprouting vegetation. The new model (LPX-Mv1) produces an improved simulation of observed vegetation composition and mean annual burnt area, by 33 and 18% respectively compared to LPX.
Groundnuts cultivated in the semiarid tropics are often exposed to water stress (mid-season and end season) and high temperature (> 34 °C) during the critical stages of flowering and pod development. This study evaluated the effects of both water stress and high temperature under field conditions at ICRISAT, India. Treatments included two irrigations (full irrigation, 100 % of crop evapotranspiration; and water stress, 40 % of crop evapotranspiration), four temperature treatments from a combination of two sowing dates and heat tunnels with mean temperatures from sowing to maturity of 26.3° (T1), 27.3° (T2), 29.0° (T3) and 29.7 °C (T4) and two genotypes TMV2 and ICGS 11. The heat tunnels were capable of raising the day temperature by > 10 °C compared to ambient. During the 20-day high-temperature treatment at flowering, mean temperatures were 33.8° (T1), 41.6° (T2), 38.7° (T3) and 43.5°C (T4). The effects of water stress and high temperature were additive and temporary for both vegetative and pod yield, and disappeared as soon as high-temperature stress was removed. Water use efficiency was significantly affected by the main effects of temperature and cultivar and not by water stress treatments. Genotypic differences for tolerance to high temperature can be attributed to differences in flowering pattern, flower number, peg-set and harvest index. It can be inferred from this study that genotypes that are tolerant to water stress are also tolerant to high temperature under field conditions. In addition, genotypes with an ability to establish greater biomass and with a significantly greater partitioning of biomass to pod yield would be suitable for sustaining higher yields in semiarid tropics with high temperature and water stress.
Currently researchers in the field of personalized recommendations bear little consideration on users' interest differences in resource attributes although resource attribute is usually one of the most important factors in determining user preferences. To solve this problem, the paper builds an evaluation model of user interest based on resource multi-attributes, proposes a modified Pearson-Compatibility multi-attribute group decision-making algorithm, and introduces an algorithm to solve the recommendation problem of k-neighbor similar users. Considering the characteristics of collaborative filtering recommendation, the paper addresses the issues on the preference differences of similar users, incomplete values, and advanced converge of the algorithm. Thus the paper realizes multi-attribute collaborative filtering. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is proved by an experiment of collaborative recommendation among multi-users based on virtual environment. The experimental results show that the algorithm has a high accuracy on predicting target users' attribute preferences and has a strong anti-interference ability on deviation and incomplete values.
Dictyostelium is a popular experimental organism, in particular for studies of actin dynamics, cell motility and chemotaxis. We find that the motility of axenic cells is unexpectedly different from other strains during growth. In particular, vegetative AX3 cells do not show detectable localisation of SCAR and its regulatory complex to actin-rich protrusions such as filopodia and pseudopodia. Similarly, a range of different mutations, in particular knockouts of members of the SCAR complex and Ras proteins, cause different phenotypes during vegetative growth in different parental strains. Development reverses this unusual behaviour; aggregation-competent AX3 cells localise SCAR in the same way as cells of other strains and species. Studies on cell motility using vegetative cells should therefore be interpreted with caution.
Two decades ago, Canada, Mexico, and the United States created a continental economy. The road to integration from the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement has not been a smooth one. Along the way, Mexico lived through a currency crisis, a democratic transition, and the rising challenge of Asian manufacturing. Canada stayed united despite surging Quebecois nationalism during the 1990s; since then, it has seen dramatic economic changes with the explosion of hydrocarbon production and a much stronger currency. The United States saw a stock-market bust, the shock of 9/11, and the near-collapse of its financial system. All of these events have transformed the relationships that emerged after NAFTA entered into force in 1994. Given the tremendous changes, one might be skeptical that the circumstances and details of the negotiation and ratification of NAFTA hold lessons for the future of North America. However, the road to NAFTA had its own difficulties, and many of the issues involved in the negotiations underpin today's challenges. NAFTA was conceived at a time of profound change in the international system. When Mexican leaders surveyed the world two decades ago, they saw emerging regional groupings in Europe, Asia, and South America. Faced with a lack of interest or compatibility, they instead doubled down on North America. How did Mexican leaders reconsider their national interests and redefine Mexico's role in the world in light of those transformations? Unpublished Mexican documents from SECOFI, the secretariate most involved in negotiating NAFTA, help illustrate Mexican thinking about its interests and role at that time. Combining those insights with analysis of newly available evidence from U.S. presidential archives, this paper sheds light on the negotiations that concluded two decades ago.
The utility of the decimal growth stage (DGS) scoring system for cereals is reviewed. The DGS is the most widely used scale in academic and commercial applications because of its comprehensive coverage of cereal developmental stages, the ease of use and definition provided and adoption by official agencies. The DGS has demonstrable and established value in helping to optimise the timing of agronomic inputs, particularly with regard to plant growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides and soluble nitrogen fertilisers. In addition, the DGS is used to help parameterise crop models, and also in understanding the response and adaptation of crops to the environment. The value of the DGS for increasing precision relies on it indicating, to some degree, the various stages in the development of the stem apex and spike. Coincidence of specific growth stage scores with the transition of the apical meristem from a vegetative to a reproductive state, and also with the period of meiosis, is unreliable. Nonetheless, in pot experiments it is shown that the broad period of booting (DGS 41–49) appears adequate for covering the duration when the vulnerability of meiosis to drought and heat stress is exposed. Similarly, the duration of anthesis (61–69) is particularly susceptible to abiotic stresses: initially from a fertility perspective, but increasingly from a mean grain weight perspective as flowering progresses to DGS 69 and then milk development. These associations with DGS can have value at the crop level of organisation: for interpreting environmental effects, and in crop modelling. However, genetic, biochemical and physiological analysis to develop greater understanding of stress acclimation during the vegetative state, and tolerance at meiosis, does require more precision than DGS can provide. Similarly, individual floret analysis is needed to further understand the genetic basis of stress tolerance during anthesis.
P>Aim To evaluate the kinetics of the inflammatory tissue response to three root canal sealers using a physicochemical method for quantification of the enhanced vascular permeability and histopathological analysis. Methodology Twenty-eight male Wistar rats randomly assigned to four groups according to the evaluation periods (1, 3, 7 and 14 days) were used to assess the vascular permeability and histopathological reaction to RoekoSeal, AH Plus and Sealapex (new formulation) sealers, using saline and Chloropercha as negative and positive controls, respectively. Seven rats were sacrificed per period. The biocompatibility of the sealers was evaluated spectrophotometrically and histopathologically. Results At day 14, Sealapex produced significantly more inflammatory exudate than AH Plus and RoekoSeal (P < 0.05); however, there was no significant difference between AH Plus and RoekoSeal (P > 0.05). Sealapex (new formulation) was the most irritating sealer, producing severe inflammation with the presence of multinucleated giant cells. RoekoSeal was the most biocompatible sealer, producing the least amount of inflammatory exudate. Conclusions RoekoSeal root canal sealer was biocompatible when implanted in connective tissue.
Weather conditions in critical periods of the vegetative crop development influence crop productivity, thus being a basic parameter for crop forecast. Reliable extended period weather forecasts may contribute to improve the estimation of agricultural productivity. The production of soybean plays an important role in the Brazilian economy, because this country is ranked among the largest producers of soybeans in the world. This culture can be significantly affected by water conditions, depending on the intensity of water deficit. This work explores the role of extended period weather forecasts for estimating soybean productivity in the southern part of Brazil, Passo Fundo, and Londrina (State of Rio Grande do Sul and Parana, respectively) in the 2005/2006 harvest. The goal was to investigate the possible contribution of precipitation forecasts as a substitute for the use of climatological data on crop forecasts. The results suggest that the use of meteorological forecasts generate more reliable productivity estimates during the growth period than those generated only through climatological information.
Laurencia marilzae Gil-Rodriguez, Senties & MT Fujii is recorded for the first time for the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, occurring in Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexican Caribbean. The specimens were collected in November 2008 and June 2009, growing epilithically in the lower intertidal zone on moderately exposed rocky shores. This species is characterized by its distinctive yellow-orange color in the natural environment, four pericentral cells per vegetative axial segment, the presence of secondary pit-connections between adjacent cortical cells, which are markedly projecting at the apices, and by the presence of one ""corp en cerise"" per cell in all cells of the thallus: cortical, medullary, including pericentral and axial cells, and trichoblasts. Morphological similarities and molecular data support the determination of this material as L. marilzae. The present study expands the geographical distribution of L. marilzae to the Caribbean Sea in the tropical Western Atlantic Ocean.
This paper deals with the morphological features of the tracheary elements of the vegetative organs in four Portulaca species (Portulaca hirsutissima Camb., P. halimoides L., P. wedermannii Poelln. and P. mucronata Link.) occurring in Southeast and Northeast Brazil. The vessel elements are small (< 25 mu m) and with simple perforation plate. The pattern of wall thickening varied from bordered pitting (in roots) to scalariform and helicoidal (stem and leaves). Statistical methods show variation in vessel-element diameter in different vegetative organs; wider elements were observed in roots. Tracheids occurring in leaves of P. hirsutissima and P. wedermannii, have morphological features that are similar to terminal tracheids or tracheoid idiolasts frequently associated with xerophytes. The paedomorphic features (juvenlism) observed here may be related, in part, to aspects of water transport and storage as described in Cactaceae.