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The effects of estradiol (E(2)) on growth hormone (GH) production was investigated in gonad-intact female goldfish. It was first necessary to generate a specific antibody for use in immunocytochemistry, Western, and dot-blot analyses of GH production. To accomplish this, grass carp GH (gcGH) cDNA was cloned by the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and expressed in Echerichia coli and a specific polyclonal antibody to recombinant gcGH was generated in the rabbit. In Western blot, the anti-gcGH antibody specifically immunoreacted with recombinant gcGH, purified natural common carp GH, and with a single 21.5-kDa GH form from pituitary extracts of grass carp, common carp, goldfish, and zebrafish but not salmon, trout, or tilapia. Intraperitoneal injection of the recombinant gcGH enhanced the growth rates of juvenile common carp demonstrating biological activity of this GH preparation. Electron microscopic studies showed that the anti-gcGH-I antibody specifically reacted with GH localized in the secretory granules of the goldfish somatotroph. Using anti-gcGH-I in a dot-blot assay, it was found that in vivo implantation of solid silastic pellets containing E(2) (100 mu g/g body weight for 5 days) increased pituitary GH content by 150% in female goldfish. In a second, independent study employing a previously characterized anticommon carp GH antibody for radioimmunoassay, it was found that E(2) increased pituitary GH content by 170% and serum GH levels by approximately 350%. The E(2)-induced hypersecretion of GH and increase in pituitary GH levels was not associated with changes in steady-state pituitary GH mRNA levels, suggesting that this sex steroid may enhance GH synthesis at the posttranscriptional or translational level. Previous observations indicate that GH can stimulate ovarian E(2) production. The present results show that E(2) can in turn stimulate GH production, indicating the existence of a novel pituitary GH-ovarian feedback system in goldfish. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
灵长类胚胎干细胞(ES 细胞)不仅能为研究生殖发育生物学基础理论提供良好的 模型,而且可为细胞替代治疗提供大量的供体细胞,因此具有重要的研究价值。当前 灵长类ES 细胞研究还有很多问题需要解决,如分离建立更多的胚胎干细胞系,优化培 养体系,提高ES 细胞定向分化为特定细胞的比例,研究ES 细胞自我更新和分化的机 制等。本文一方面概括了灵长类ES 细胞的研究进展,另一方面并对制备抗体,免疫外 科手术法分离灵长类胚胎内细胞团,建立猕猴ES 细胞的无饲养层、无血清培养体系和 诱导猕猴ES 细胞分化成高纯度的O2A 神经胶质前体细胞进行了研究。主要结论如下: 1)分别以猕猴脾脏淋巴细胞和人外周血单个核细胞作为免疫原,免疫日本大耳白兔, 得到免疫血清。在补体介导的细胞毒作用下,兔抗人和兔抗猕猴免疫血清可以裂解人 和猕猴囊胚滋养层细胞,从而分离出内细胞团,用于分离培养人和猕猴胚胎干细胞。2) 猕猴ES 细胞在以层粘连蛋白(laminin)为胞外基质,含转化生长因子beta1(TGFβ1) 的无血清培养基(SFM)中可以稳定的增殖至少22 代,保持不分化,并具有分化成三 个胚层细胞的能力。进一步的研究发现去除TGFβ1 后,猕猴ES 细胞出现分化,整合 素表达降低,推测TGFβ1 可能通过促进猕猴ES 细胞整合素的表达,加强其与胞外基 质的相互作用,从而维持ES 细胞的自我更新。然而猕猴ES 细胞不能在纤粘连蛋白 (fibronectin)和明胶上生长。3)无饲养层、无血清培养体系中长期培养的猕猴ES 细 胞,分化出拟胚体,14 天的拟胚体在血清中分化培养一周后,在含碱性成纤维生长因 子bFGF、表皮生长因子EGF 和胰岛素+转铁蛋白+亚硒酸钠ITS 的培养基中培养, 获得97%的O2A 胶质前体细胞,得到的O2A 细胞能够稳定增殖,并且可以自发分化 为II 型星型胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞。本实验的结果有助于猕猴ES 细胞分离建系和培 养系统的优化、推动猕猴ES 细胞自我更新和诱导为神经胶质细胞机制的研究,便于建 立ES 细胞替代治疗的猕猴模型,从而为人类ES 细胞的临床疾病治疗提供参考。
A third-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory and non-free-parameter difference scheme magnetohydrodynamic solver has been established to investigate the mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamics controlling separation induced by an oblique shock wave impinging on a flat plate. The effects of magnetohydrodynamic interaction-zone location on the separation point, reattachment point, separation-bubble size, and boundary-layer velocity profiles are analyzed. The results show that there exists a best location for the magnetohydrodynamic zone to be applied, where the separation point is delayed the farthest, and the separation bubble is decreased up to about 50% in size compared to the case without magnetohydrodynamic control, which demonstrated the promising of magnetohydrodynamics suppressing the separation induced by shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions.
随着全球气候变暖和温室效应加剧,干旱和荒漠化成为威胁人类生存和发展的主要 灾害,许多被子植物对干旱胁迫的生理、生态和生化响应已逐步得以报道,但很少有开 展干旱胁迫对雌雄异株植物的影响方面的研究。由于这类植物在长期进化过程中已经在 生长、性比、生殖格局、空间分布、资源配置和生物量分配等方面形成了明显的性别差 异,因此,干旱胁迫必将对其雌雄植株产生不同的生理生态影响。本研究以青杨为模式 植物,采用植物生态、生理及生物化学等研究方法,系统研究青杨雌雄植株在常温、增 温以及喷施外源脱落酸的条件下对干旱胁迫的响应,揭示其在生长形态、生物量分配、 光合作用、用水效率和生理生化等方面的性别间差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨雌雄植株对干旱胁迫的综合响应。 与较好水分条件相比,干旱胁迫显著降低了青杨雌雄植株的光合作用和生长发育, 影响了许多生理生化过程,并导致雌雄植株在生长发育、气体交换、用水效率、膜脂抗 氧化和抗氧化系统酶活性方面表现出显著的性别间差异。在较好水分条件下,雌雄植株 之间在株高、基径、生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、用水效率以及丙二醛、脱落酸和 游离脯氨酸等生化物质含量方面均无显著差异。但在干旱胁迫下,雄株在生长发育、气 体交换、水分利用效率、膜脂过氧化保护和抗氧化系统酶活性方面均显著高于雌株,表 现出比雌株更高的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、总生物量、总色素含量、类胡萝卜 素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、羧化效率、光系统II最大光化学效率、内在水分利用 效率、碳同位素组分、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性等,而在CO2补偿点、比叶面积、 叶绿素a/b、丙二醛、脱落酸和超氧化物歧化酶活性等指标上显著低于雌株。与雌株相比, 雄株表现出更高的干旱胁迫适应能力,而雌株的生长发育和生理生化过程更易遭受干旱 胁迫的影响。 2. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对增温处理的综合响应 与环境温度相比,增温在干旱胁迫前后均显著促进了雌雄植株的生长发育、气体交 换,降低水分利用效率,影响生化物质含量,并促使青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱胁迫下表 现出显著的差异。在较好水分条件下,增温导致雌株的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、 总生物量和超氧化物歧化酶活性显著高于雄株,而用水效率、丙二醛、脱落酸和游离脯 氨酸、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和过氧化物酶活性低于雄株。在干旱胁迫下,增温将导致雄 株的株高、基径、叶面积、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、总色素含量、 相对含水量、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等显著高于雌株,而光系统II 最大 光化学效率、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脱落酸、游离脯氨酸和超氧 化物歧化酶活性显著低于雌株。与雄株相比,水分较好条件下的增温有利于促进雌株的 生长发育,并在生理生态特征上优于雄株。而干旱胁迫下的增温则加剧了水分胁迫强度, 致使雌株的生长发育遭受比雄株更多的负面影响。 3. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对喷施外源脱落酸处理的综合响应 与对照相比,在干旱胁迫下喷施外源脱落酸可显著增加青杨雌雄植株的生长发育、 气体交换、降低水分利用效率,影响了生化物质含量,并导致青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱 胁迫下表现出显著的生理生态差异。在干旱胁迫下,喷施外源脱落酸致使雌株的株高、 叶面积、叶干重、细根干重、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光系统II 最大光化学效率、非光化学淬灭系数、相对含水量、总光合色素、类胡萝卜素、脱落酸、 超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性的增加量显著高于雄株,而根重比、根冠比、细根/ 总根、比叶面积、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脯氨酸、过氧化氢酶和 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等指标的减少量上显著低于雄株。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下的 喷施外源脱落酸则一定程度能减缓植株遭受胁迫的压力,促进植株生长和气体交换,减 少了植株体内的过剩自由基数量,并促使雌株的生长发育和光合能力显著提高,增强其 抗干旱胁迫能力。 With development of global warming and greenhouse effect, drought and desertification have been became main natural disasteres in resent years. Studies on ecophysiological responses of most angiosperm species to environmental stress have been reported, but little is known about dioecious plant responses to drought stress. Since significant differences on growth, survival, reproductive patterns, spatial distribution, as well as resource allocation between males and females of dioecious plant have been formed during evolutionary process, sexual different ecophysiological responses should be caused by drought stress. In this experiment, Populus cathayana Rehd. was used as model plant to study the sex-related responses to drought by using the ecological, physiological and biochemical methods under normal atmospheric temperature, elevated temperatures and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application treatment respectively, and to expose the sexual differences in growth, biomass allocation, photosynthesis, water use efficiency and some biochemical material contents in the males and females of dioecious plant. The results are follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses of males and females of P. cathayana to drought stress Compared with well-watered treatment, drought significantly decreased growth and photosynthesis of P. cathayana individuals, affected some physiological and biochemical processes, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences in growth, gas exchange, water use efficiency, lipid peroxidation protection and antioxidant defenses enzyme system. Under well-watered treatment, there were no significant sexual differences in height growth (HG), basal diameter (BD), dry matter accumulation (DMA), net photosynthesis rate (A), transpiration (E), water use efficiency (WUE), and malondialdehyde (MDA), abscisic acid (ABA) and praline (Pro). However, under drought stress, males were found to exhibit higher HG, BD, leaf area (LA), total leaf number (TLA), DMA, total chlorophyll contents (TC), carotenoids content (Caro), A, E, carboxylation efficiency (CE), the maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE ), carbon isotope composition (δ13C), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and lower CO2 compensation point (Γ), specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll a/b ratio (Chla/Chlb), MDA, ABA and superoxide dismutase (SOD) than females. The results suggest that males possess greater drought resistance than do females and females suffer more negative effect on growth and development, physiological and biochemical processes than males under drought stress. 2. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to elevated temperatures Compared with environmental temperature, elevated temperature treatment significant increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents of P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious differences under drought stress. Under good water condition, elevated temperature treatment caused females to show significant higher HG, BD, LA, TLN, DMA, SOD activity, and great lower WUE, MDA, ABA, Pro, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and POD than do males. On contrary, under drought condition, elevated temperature treatment induced males to exhibit higher HG, BD, LA, DMA, A, E, stomatal conductance (gs), relative water content (RWC), CAT, APX activity but lower Fv/Fm, WUE, δ13C, MDA, ABA, Pro, SOD activity than do females. The results suggest that females will benefit from elevating temperature under good water condition by possessing better ecophysiological processes than that of males, but will suffer from greater negative effects than do males when grown under drought stress with elevated temperature treatment. 3. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to exogenous ABA application Compared with controls, exogenous ABA application under drought greatly increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents in P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences under drought. Under drought stress, exogenous ABA application induced females to exhibit more increases in HG, LA, leaf weight (LW), fine root weight (FRW), DMA, A, E, g, Fv/Fm, non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), RWC, TC, Caro, ABA, SOD, POD s activity than males, but to show lower decreases in root/weight ratio (RWR), root mass/foliage area ratio (RF), fine root/total root ratio (FT), SLA, WUE, δ13C, MDA, Pro, CAT, APX than males. The results suggest that exogenous ABA application under drought stress will eliminate negative damages caused by drought stress at a certain extent,promote the growth and gas exchange of plant and decrease the number of superfluous 1O2 in plant cells of males and females of P. cathayana. Furthermore, exogenous ABA application promoted more drought resistance in females than in males by increasing more growth and photosynthetic capacity in females under drought stress.
In the present work several Pt-based anode catalysts supported on carbon XC-72R were prepared with a novel method and characterized by means of XRD, TEM and XPS analysis. It was found that all these catalysts are consisted of uniform nanosized particles with sharp distribution and Pt lattice parameter decreases with the addition of Ru or Pd and increases with the addition of Sn or W. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements and single direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) tests jointly showed that the presence of Sn, Ru and W enhances the activity of Pt towards ethanol electro-oxidation in the following order: Pt1Sn1/C > Pt1Ru1/C > Pt1W1/C > Pt1Pd1/C > Pt/C. Moreover, Pt1Ru1/C further modified by W and Mo showed improved ethanol electro-oxidation activity, but its DEFC performance was found to be inferior to that measured for Pt1Sn1/C. Under this respect, several PtSn/C catalysts with different Pt/Sn atomic ratio were also identically prepared and characterized and their direct ethanol fuel cell performances were evaluated. It was found that the single direct ethanol fuel cell having Pt1Sn1/C or Pt3Sn2/C or Pt2Sn1/C as anode catalyst showed better performances than those with Pt3Sn1/C or Pt4Sn1/C. It was also found that the latter two cells exhibited higher performances than the single cell using Pt1Ru1/C, which is exclusively used in PEMFC as anode catalyst for both methanol electro-oxidation and CO-tolerance. This distinct difference in DEFC performance between the catalysts examined here would be attributed to the so-called bifunctional mechanism and to the electronic interaction between Pt and additives. It is thought that an amount of -OHads, an amount of surface Pt active sites and the conductivity effect of PtSn/C catalysts would determine the activity of PtSn/C with different Pt/Sn ratios. At lower temperature values or at low current density regions where the electro-oxidation of ethanol is considered not so fast and its chemisorption is not the rate-determining step, the Pt3Sn2/C seems to be more suitable for the direct ethanol fuel cell. At 75 degreesC, the single ethanol fuel cell with Pt3Sn2/C as anode catalyst showed a comparable performance to that with Pt2Sn1/C, but at higher temperature of 90 degreesC, the latter presented much better performance. It is thought from a practical point of view that Pt2Sn1/C, supplying sufficient -OHads and having adequate active Pt sites and acceptable ohmic effect, could be the appropriate anode catalyst for DEFC. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The toxicological effects of realgar after intragastrical administration (1 g/kg body weight) were investigated over a 21 day period in male Wistar rats using metabonomic analysis of H-1 NMR spectra of urine, serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts. Liver and kidney histopathology examination and serum clinical chemistry analyses were also performed. H-1 NMR spectra and pattern recognition analyses from realgar treated animals showed increased excretion of urinary Kreb's cycle intermediates, increased levels of ketone bodies in urine and serum, and decreased levels of hepatic glucose and glycogen, as well as hypoglycemia and hyperlipoidemia, suggesting the Perturbation of energy metabolism. Elevated levels of choline containing metabolites and betaine in serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts and increased serum creatine indicated altered transmethylation. Decreased urinary levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide, phenylacetylglycine and hippurate suggested the effects on the gut microflora environment by realgar.
The effects of blend composition on morphology, order-disorder transition (ODT), and chain conformation of symmetric ABA/AB copolymer blends confined between two neutral hard walls have been investigated by lattice Monte Carlo simulation. Only lamellar structure is observed in all the simulation morphologies under thermodynamic equilibrium state, which is supported by theoretical prediction. When the composition of AB diblock copolymer (phi) increases, both lamellar spacing and the corresponding ODT temperature increase, which can be attributed to the variation of conformation distribution of the diblock and the triblock copolymer chains. In addition, both diblock and triblock copolymer, chains with bridge conformation extend dramatically in the direction parallel to the surface when the system is in ordered state. Finally, the copolymer chain conformation depends strongly on both the blend composition and the incompatibility parameter chi N.
A novel edge degree f(i) for heteroatom and multiple bonds in molecular graph is derived on the basis of the edge degree delta(e(r)). A novel edge connectivity index F-m is introduced. The multiple linear regression by using the edge connectivity index F-m and alcohol-type parameter delta, alcohol-distance parameter L can provide high-quality QSPR models for the normal boiling points (BPs), molar volumes (MVs), molar refraction (MRs), water solubility(log(1/S)) and octanol/water partition (logP) of alcohols with up to 17 non-hydrogen atoms. The results imply that these physical properties may be expressed as a liner combination of the edge connectivity index and alcohol-type parameter, 6, alcohol-distance parameter, L. For the models of the five properties, the correlation coefficient r and the standard errors are 0.9969,3.022; 0.9993, 1.504; 0.9992, 0.446; 0.9924,0.129 and 0.9973,0.123 for BPs, MVs, MRs, log(1/S) and logP, respectively. The cross-validation by using the leave-one-out method demonstrates the models to be highly reliable from the point of view of statistics.