998 resultados para Unstable conditions


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Stable isotopes of N provide a new approach to the study of algal production in the ocean, yet knowledge of the isotope fractionation (epsilon) in various oceanic regimes is lacking. Here we report large and rapid changes in isotope composition (delta(15)N) of 2 coastal diatoms and 2 clones (open and coastal) of a coccolithophore grown in the simultaneous presence of nitrate, ammonium and urea under varying conditions of N availability (i.e. N-sufficiency and N-starvation followed by N-resupply) and hence different physiological states, During N-sufficiency, the delta(15)N of particulate organic N (PON) was well reproduced, using a model derived from Rayleigh distillation theory, with constant epsilon similar to that for growth on each individual N source. However, following N-resupply, the variations in delta(15)N(PON) could be well explained only in the case of the open ocean Emiliania huxleyi, with epsilon similar to N-sufficient conditions. It was concluded that the mechanism of isotope fractionation changed rapidly with N availability for the 3 coastal clones. However, in the case of E. huxleyi isolated from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean, no evidence of a change in mechanism was found, suggesting that perhaps open ocean species can quickly recover from N-depleted conditions.


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Me optimal conditions were established for the extraction of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins from gonad of Chlamys nobills using acetic acid and hydrochloric acid in the concentration range of 0.04-1.0 mol/L. A 10-g portion of gonad of Chlamys nobilis was extracted by boiling for 5 min with 1.0 mL acetic acid and hydrochloric acid in a 50-mL beaker. Meanwhile, a portion of gonad of Chlamys nobilis was extracted by sonication in the solution of 0.3 mol/L HAc + 0.2 mol/L HCl for a total period of 5-30 min. The raw extract was centrifuged at 3500 r/min for 5 min and the pH of supernatant was adjusted from 2.0 to 4.0 by 0.1 mol/L NaOH or 5 mol/L HCL After passing through a Millipore ultrafiltration membrane (10000 MW cut-off), ultrafiltrate was then analyzed by HPLC. The results showed that hydrochloric acid in the concentration range of 0.25-1.0 mol/L caused a significant decrease of N-sulfocarbarnoyl-11-hydroxysulfate toxin C1 (C1), C2 and gonyautoxin 5 (GTX5) and the concomitant increase of GTX2,3. However, the amount of the three unstable toxins did not show any change using the extraction with acetic acid. Under the same concentration of acetic acid (0.3 mol/L) and hydrochloric acid (0.2 mol/L), the amount of C1 in the ultrasonic extraction was obviously lower than the boiling one, while C2 showed slightly higher than the latter.


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Ti and Ti alloys can be applied to steels as a protective coating in view of its excellent resistance to corrosive environment. Cold spraying, as a new coating technique, has potential advantages in fabrication of Ti coating in comparison with conventional thermal spraying techniques. In this study, Ti coatings were prepared on carbon steel substrates by cold spraying via controlling the process conditions. The microstructure of coatings was observed by SEM. The porosity of coatings was estimated by image analysis and the bond strength was tested for comparison of the process conditions. Potentiodynamic polarization and open-circuit potential (OCP) measurements were performed to understand the corrosion behavior of the coatings. The SEM examination shows that the coatings become more compact with the increases of pressure and temperature of driving gas. The potentiodynamic polarization curves indicate that the coating which has lower porosity has lower corrosion current. The polarization and OCP measurement reveal that cold-sprayed Ti coating can provide favorable protection to carbon steel substrate. The polishing treatment of coating surface polishes the rough outer layer including the small pores as well as decreases the actual surface area of the coating, leading to the considerable improvement of corrosion resistance.


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Hydrogen permeation behaviours of high strength steel 35CrMo under different cyclic wet-dry conditions have been investigated by using Devanathan-Stachurski's technique. Four electrolytes were used: distilled water, seawater, seawater containing 1500 ppm H2S and seawater containing 0.03 mol L-1 SO2. The corrosion weight loss of 35CrMo in the wet-dry cycles was measured simultaneously. The experimental results show that hydrogen can be detected at the surface opposite to the corroding side of the specimen during wet-dry cycles and the permeation current density during a wet-dry cycle showed a maximum during the drying process. The hydrogen permeation was obviously promoted by Cl- ions, H2S and SO2. The hydrogen permeation in the real marine atmosphere has also been investigated. There is a clear correlation between the amount of hydrogen permeated and the corrosion weight losses. Results show the importance of hydrogen permeation that merits further investigation.


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The chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean leaves was observed by a portable fluorometer CF-1000 under field conditions. On clear days, F-0 increased while F, and F-v/F-m decreased gradually in the morning. At midday F-O reached its maximum while F-v and F-v/F-m reached their minimum. The reverse changes occurred in the afternoon. At dusk these parameters could return to levels near those at dawn. Following exposure to a strong sunlight for more than 3 h, the dark-recovery process displayed three phases: (1) slow increases in F-0, F-v and F-v/F-m within the first hour; (2) a faster decrease in F-0 and faster increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within subsequent two hours; (3) a slow decrease in F-0 and slow increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within the fourth hour. In comparison with darkness, weak irradiance had no stimulating effect on the recovery from photoinhibition. Hence the photoinhibition in soybean leaves is mainly the reflection of reversible inactivation of some photosystem 2 reaction centres, but not the result of D1 protein loss.


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The loess-paleosol sequences in China are among the best continental records of paleoclimate changes. Although numerous sedimentological and geochemical studies have contributed greatly to the understanding of past climate changes during this period, it is still necessary to decipher more details through investigating these sequences using various approaches including biological analyses. In this study, we analyze the mollusk fossil assemblages preserved in the upper part of the Xifeng section, from the fifth loess layer (L5) to the Holocene soil (S0), with the sampling interval of 10 cm. The main results and conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. A continuous terrestrial mollusk fossil record, covering the past 500 ka, has been obtained from the Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence, which provides important biological data for the study of paleoenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau and its comparison with marine record during this period. A total of 475 mollusk assemblages were studied, and twenty-one species have been identified among the 210,000 mollusk individuals counted. Among these species, most have modern representatives and are found in previous terrestrial mollusk studies of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Thus, they can be grouped into cold-aridiphilous, thermo-humidiphilous, oriental, and cool-humidiphilous ecological groups, as defined by previous studies. 2. Comparison of mollusk assemblages between the last five glacials and four interglacials and Holocene shows very different climate conditions. The warmest period occurred at MIS 11, MIS 5e, and Holocene, respectively. The coldest period is the Last Glacial Maximam, rather than the MIS 12. 3. Our mollusk record provides insight into the climate conditions in the Loess Plateau during the MIS 11, interpreted as the closest analog to the present interglacial. S4 paleosol, equivalent of MIS 11, developed under two major different climate regimes: ranging from the very warm–humid early phase to the mild-cool late interval. Furthermore, a cooling spell has been documented at the interglacial optimum, reflecting unstable climate conditions. The early warm–humid conditions lasted over 30 ka, supporting that MIS 11 is a unique long interglacial in the Quaternary climate history. 4. Comparison of MIS 11 and Holocene climates based on the mollusk species compositions indicates major differences. The climate at the early part of MIS 11 was warmer and more humid than during the Holocene optimum period, but the conditions during the late part of MIS 11 were similar to or cooler than late Holocene. Our study indicates that the extent of warming during the Holocene might be significantly less than the conditions that prevailed during the early part of MIS 11 interglacial period. 5. Two strong summer monsoon events were observed during the MIS 12 and MIS 10. They correspond to the maximam values of insolation gradient between low and high latitudes, suggesting a causal linkage. 6. Our study, combined with the previously investigated Luochuan land snail record, reveals that the climate in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3 experienced three stages: relatively warm, humid climate prevailed during MIS 3c, relatively cold, dry climate during MIS 3b, and relatively warm-humid period during MIS 3a. Climate at this time fluctuated frequently in Luochuan, and changed from warm-cool to cold-dry in Xifeng. Our results reveal that the relatively warm-humid climate during MIS 3c may be resulted from an increasing insolation gradient controlled by obliquity. Our result also reveals that obvious regional difference existed in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3. A greater climate gradient occurred during this time compared with today’s climate pattern in the Loess Plateau.


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China is a mountainous country in which geological hazards occurred frequently, especially in the east of China. Except the geology, topography and extreme climate, the large scale human activities have become a major factor to landslides. Typical human activities which induced landslides are fill, cut and underground mining. On the topic of the deformation mechanism and slope stability, taking three different man-made slopes as examples, deformation mechanism and slope stability were studied by several methods, such as field work, numerical modeling and monitor. The details are as following: (1) The numerical modeling approach advantages over other conventional methods such as limit methods, so the numerical modeling is the major tool in this thesis. So far, there is no uniform failure criterion for numerical simulation. The failure criterion were summarized and analyzed firstly, subsequently the appropriate criterion was determinated. (2) Taking 220kV Yanjin transformation substation fill slope as example, the deformable characteristic, unstable mode and laboratory tests were studied systematically. The results show: the slope deformation was probably caused by a combination effect of unfavorable topographic, geological and hydro geological conditions, and external loading due to filling. It was concluded that the creep deformation of the slope was triggered by external loading applied at the back of the slope. In order to define the calculating parameters, a set of consolidated drained (CD) tests, consolidated undrained (CU) tests, repeated direct shear tests and UCS tests were carried out. The stability of the slope before and after reinforcement was assessed using 3D numerical modeling and shear strength reduction technique. The numerical modeling results showed: the factor of safety (FOS) of the slope was 1.10 in the natural state, and reduced to 1.03 after fill, which was close to the critical state and it caused creeping slip or deformation under rainfall. The failure surface in the slope is in active shear failure, whereas tensile failure occurs at the slope crest. After the site was reinforced with piles, the FOS was 1.27. Therefore, the slope is stable after reinforcement measures were taken. (3) The cut slope stability is a complex problem. Taking the left cut slope of Xiangjiaba as example in this thesis, the deformation and slope stability were studied systematically by numerical modeling and monitor methods. The numerical results show: the displacement is gradually increasing along with the cutting, and the largest displacement is 27.5mm which located at the bench between the elevation 340 and 380. Some failure state units distribute near the undermining part and there is no linked failure state occurred from crest to bottom during cutting. After cutting, some failure units appeared at the ground surface between elevation 340 and 360. The increasing tense stress made the disturbed rock failed. The slope is stable after cutting by the monitor method, such as surface monitor, multipoint displacement meter, inclinometer and anchor cable tensometer. (4) The interaction between underground mining and slope stability is a common situation in mountainous. The slope deformation mechanism induced by underground mining may contributed significantly to slope destabilization. The Mabukan slope in xiangjiaba was analyzed to illustrate this. Failure mechanism and the slope stability were presented by numerical modeling and residual deformation monitor. The results show: the roof deformed to the free face and the floor uplift lightly to the free face. The subsidence basin is formed, but the subsidence and the horizontal movement is small, and there is no failure zone occurred. When the underground mining is going on, the roof deformation, subsidence and the horizontal movements begin increasing. The rock deformation near the free face is larger than the ground surface, and the interaction between these coal seams appeared. There are some tensile failures and shear failures occurred on the roof and floor, and a majority of failure is tensile failure. The roof deformation, subsidence and the horizontal movements increased obviously along with the underground mining. The failure characteristic is shear failure which means the tensile stress transformed to the compressive stress. So the underground mining will induced tensile stress first which lead to structure crack, subsequently the compressive stress appeared which result in slippage. The crest was subjected to horizontal tension which made the rock crack along with the joint. The long term residual deformation monitor demonstrates that the slope is stable after the underground mining stopped.


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The study of regional crustal stability of active tectonic region basically includes analysis of recent activity of Earth's crust, single factor assessment, study of complexity, and comprehensive assessment of crust stability. In this thesis, some work are made as follows: · Based on abundant data from gravity field, aeromagnetic survey, magnetism, magnetotelluric deep sounding, remote sensing and geotectonic as well as earthquakes observed in recent years around this region and adjacent zones, we can get a through understanding about the structural features and activity of the earth's crust in Chuan-Dian region. The results from explosion earthquake and telluric electromagnetic sounding are consistent with the structural features of the crust manifested by the geophysical field. The data of deep geologic structures are important for us to work out a vivid three-dimensional model of the earth's crustal structure of the Jinsha River region. According to a synthesis, the author of this thesis proposes some indicators for dividing the faulted blocks. It can also be inferred that the movement of the Chuan-Dian faulted block, which is the relatively active part of southwestern China, is controlled by the boundary faults, and the intensive activity and deformation are concentrated along the boundaries of the block. · Mainly discussing respectively the mechanism and laws of active faults, earthquakes, and geological hazards activity, and their influences on the stability and security of engineering, also trying to probe into the way to assess the risk of single factor in this section. Especially with the method of fractal geometry, the thesis has discussed how to study the complexity of each factor. These geologic hazards which are distributed at the uppermost part of the crust in this region form a typical mountainous set of the active tectonic areas. The results of survey show that some slopes are liable- to -sliding with a weak layer of low shear strength. Occurrences of landslides are to a great extent related to local geological structures, in particular active faults. This is why numerous landslides have occurred simultaneously around the epicenter of a strong earthquake or the center of a strong rainfall, which are related to active faults. · The analysis of the crustal stability is based on a regional grid division, and a fuzzy comprehensive analysis method is used to determine the grade of the quality in each grid. The evaluation factors and their weights are taken from the results of the hierarchical analysis. The evaluation indexes consist of qualitative and quantitative ones. The qualitative ones can be quantified through the experts weighing system, while the quantitative ones can be obtained from statistical analysis. For quality grades, four levels are used: stable, essentially stable, sub-stable, and unstable. The results of the evaluation on Jinshajiang region demonstrate that the crustal stability become distinctly worse in the areas controlled by active deep faults. Therefore, detailed investigations on the active faulting and geologic hazards, include earthquake activity are especially necessary for those areas adjacent to the deep fault belts. On the bases of the data available and the survey results, we have made a preliminary assessment for the construction conditions and adaptability of every planned site in the middle or lower reaches of Jinsha River. Finally, the thesis prospected the vista of the study of crustal stability.


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The studies of this paper is an important part of the "ninth five" science&technology-tackling project of CNPC -The oil and gas distribution regulation and the aims of explortion in jizhong depression. Basing on the former research results, with the materials of regional structural setting, major tectonic movements, bi-and tri-dimension seismic sections, oil well sections and reservoir sections, this paper involves studies of tectonic evolution, sedimentarv evolution, magma movement and reservoir prediction. The existence of huge stripping and gliding nappe is proved in the RaoYang Sag for the frist time. The properties, development, evolution and the relationship with reservoir of the stripping and gliding nappe are discussed in details in this paper. It is also talked about the affects of stripping and nappes to oil and gas exploration theoretically and practically in the paper. The marking attributes of the stripping and gliding nappe includes stripping and gliding plane, two deformation systems, stratigraphic repeat and hiatus close to the stripping and gliding plane, and the deformation attributes in the front and back of stripping and gliding nappe. The RaoYang stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into different belts in north-south direction and different zones in east-west direction. RaoYang Stripping and gliging nappes took place in the late Paleogene period and before the sedimentation of Neogene period. The sliding direction is NWW. The sliding distance is about 6km. The geothermal gradient in the separating slump area is low and stable. The formation of the stripping and gliding nappes is due to the regional structural setting, the sediments of Paleogene system, the soft roof and the uneven rising movement of structure units. The evolution of the stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into the following stages: regional differential elevation and subsidence, unstable gravity and gravitational sliding, the frist wholly stripping faults and sliding stage, and the following second and third stripping faults and sliding stages. The identification of RaoNan stripping and gliding nappes has an important role on the research of regional structure and oil and gas exploration. Basing on the properties of stripping and gliding nappes, we can identtify the gliding fractures, ductile compressional folds, the front and back structures of gliding nappes and gliding plane covered structures. Combination with different reservoir forming conditions, these structures can lead to different categories of reservoirs.


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Data on seawater carbon isotope in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic is abundant. However, the sulfur isotopic age curve of seawater sulfates determined through the analysis of sulfur isotopic composition of marine evaporite is uncertain in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic since evaporites are generally rare in Precambrian. The Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Carbonate Formations preserve not only the carbon isotopic records, but also the sulfur isotopic records of coeval seawater in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform, China. Sulfur isotopic composition can be determined by the extraction of trace sulfate from carbonate samples. Successive measurements of sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate samples from the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic strata in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform was accomplished through the extracting of trace sulfate from carbonates. Sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of coeval seawater were obtained from analytical results of sulfur and carbon isotopes of the same sample without diagenetic alteration. The high-resolution age curve of sulfur isotope given in this paper may reflect the trend of variations in sulfur isotope composition of seawater sulfates during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. It can be correlated with the characteristics of variation in age curve of carbon isotope of coeval seawater carbonates. The δ34S values of seawater varied from +10.3-37.0‰ during the Mesoproterozoic, which took on oscillated variation on the whole. The δ34S values took on high values in the Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou stage, Tuanshanzi stage Tieling stage and in Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. The average of those was about +30‰. The sulfates have low δ34S values in the Mesoproterozoic Yangzhuang stage and Hongshuizhuang stage, The average of those was all lower than +20‰. There occured large-amplitude changs in δ34S values of seawater during the Mesoproterozoic. Large-amplitude oscillate of 534S values occured in the intervals of 1600~1400Ma and 1300~1200Ma. The δ13C values of seawater are mostly negative in Changcheng stage of late Paleoproterozoic, -0 ± 1‰ range in Jixian stage of Mesoproterozoic , and the positive 2±2‰ commonly in early Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. From 1000 Ma to 900 Ma, about 108 years interval of oceanic 513C record is shortage. At the end of Paleoproterozoic (1700 - 1600 Ma), the oceanic 813C values change from -3‰ to 0‰, but strongly oscillate near 1600 Ma. Two larger variations of seawater 513C values occur in the Mesoproterozoic: one is a cycle of about 4%o happens at ca. 1400 Ma; another is rise from >2‰ to>5‰ at ca. 1250 Ma and then become stable at the near 1000 Ma. There appears a large positive excursion over +20‰ in 534S value of ancient seawater sulfates in the early Doushantuo stage. Simultaneously, 8 C values of ancient seawater occur a positive excursion reaching 10‰. These allow δ4S values and 513C values to reach high values of+51.7‰ and +6.9‰, respectively. The range of variation in 834S values of seawater is relatively narrow and 513C values are quite high in the middle Doushantuo stage. Then, δ34S values of seawater become oscillating, the same happens in δ13C values. Negative excursions in 834S values and 813C values occur simultaneously at the end of the Doushantuo stage, and the minimum of δ34S values and δ13C values dropped to -11.3‰ and -5.7‰, respectively. The ancient seawater in the Dengying stage has high δS values and δ13C values. Most of the δ34S values of the trace sulfate samples varied between +23.6‰ and +37.9‰ except two boundaries of the Dengying Formation, and the S13C values of the carbonate samples of the Dengying Formation varied between +0.5‰ and +5.0‰. There appeared large negative excursion in 834S values and δ13C values of ancient seawater at the bounder of Precambrian-Cambrian. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that the organic productivity and isotopic fractionation caused by biology were low and the palaeoceanic environment was quite unstable during the Mesoproterozoic. The increase and subsequent oscillation of seawater δ13C value occurred from 1700 to 1600 Ma and near 1300 Ma may be responsible to the two global tectonic events happened at coeval time. The characteristics of variation in sulfur and carbon isotopes of ancient seawater imply strong changes in oceanic environment, which became beneficial to inhabitation and propagation of organism. The organic production and the burial rate of organic carbon once reached a quite high level during the Doushantuo stage. However, the state of environment became unstable that means the global climate and the environment possibly were fluctuating and reiterating after the global glaciation. The negative excursions of S34S values and δ13C values occurring at the end of the Doushantuo stage represent a global event, which might be relative to the oxidation of deep seawater. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that there were a high organic productivity and a high burial rate of organic carbon in the Dengying stage. It is obvious that the palaeoceanic environment in Dengying stage was stable corresponding and beneficial for biology to inhabit and propagate except for the two boundaries. The tendency of sulfur and carbon isotopic variations maybe resulted from the gradual oxygenation of ocean environment during the Dengying stage. It has been reported that the secular variations of the sulfur isotopic compositions in seawater was negative correlated with that of carbon isotopic compositions. However, our results show that it is not the case. They were negatively correlated in some intervals and positively in some other intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. The difference in correlation may be associated with the changes in conditions of redox in oceanic environment, e.g. sharp change of the oxidation-reduction interface. The strong changes in global environment may induce the abnormality to occur in the biogeo chemical S and C cycles in the ocean and accordingly sharp Variations in isotopic composition of seawater sulfur and carbon during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Simultaneously, the global tectonism caused large changes of 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The leading factor that causes the variation in isotopic composition is different in the different intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Thus, there may exist different models of the biogeochemical S and C cycles in the ocean during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic.