928 resultados para US-Brazil relations


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It is by now clear that the infrared sector of quantum electrodynamics (QED) has an intriguingly complex structure. Based on earlier pioneering work on this subject, two of us recently proposed a simple modification of QED by constructing a generalization of the U(1) charge group of QED to the ``Sky'' group incorporating the well-known spontaneous Lorentz violation due to infrared photons, but still compatible in particular with locality (Balachandran and Vaidya, Eur Phys J Plus 128:118, 2013). It was shown that the ``Sky'' group is generated by the algebra of angle-dependent charges and a study of its superselection sectors has revealed a manifest description of spontaneous breaking of the Lorentz symmetry. We further elaborate this approach here and investigate in some detail the properties of charged particles dressed by the infrared photons. We find that Lorentz violation due to soft photons may be manifestly codified in an angle-dependent fermion mass, modifying therefore the fermion dispersion relations. The fact that the masses of the charged particles are not Lorentz invariant affects their spin content, and time dilation formulas for decays should also get corrections.


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Infrared magnitude-redshift relations for the 3CR and 6C samples of radio galaxies are presented for a wide range of plausible cosmological models, including those with non-zero cosmological constant OmegaLambda. Variations in the galaxy formation redshift, metallicity and star formation history are also considered. The results of the modelling are displayed in terms of magnitude differences between the models and no-evolution tracks, illustrating the amount of K-band evolution necessary to account for the observational data. Given a number of plausible assumptions, the results of these analyses suggest that: (i) cosmologies which predict T_0xH_0>1 (where T_0 denotes the current age of the universe) can be excluded; (ii) the star formation redshift should lie in the redshift interval 5


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Let us ask the following questions concerning any given mental process: (i) which are the reasons for its being, (ii) which are the ostensible characteristics of its evolution, (iii) which is the inner essence of the process, its identity, its suchness, and (iv) which are the relations between such why, how, and what. Sometimes these questions can be answered to our complete satisfaction: when somebody asks “Why did you eat the pie?” and the answer is “Because I was hungry” the exchange can at a neutral level be considered complete. But when one reflects further into the more profound reasons of anything that happens, then it is impossible to say if a good explanation can always be given concerning such why. Obvious answers to daily questions may satisfy our unreflecting curiosity, but not our deeper inquisitiveness.


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Resumen: A partir de la primera versión literaria en lengua vernácula del “Cuento de la doncella sin manos”, escrita por Philippe de Remi en el siglo XIII, la literatura medieval no dejó de reelaborar el relato a lo largo y a lo ancho del Occidente europeo. Del periodo que abarca desde el siglo XIII hasta el XVII nos llegan, por lo menos, unas treinta y cuatro versiones escritas solo en los ámbitos románico y germánico. Existe asimismo una tradición arábiga del cuento, probablemente de origen semítico, que constituiría, según algunos autores, una rama narrativa independiente. En la tradición oral el relato ha pervivido hasta nuestros días, en diversos países del mundo, incluida América del Sur, particularmente Brasil, Chile y la Argentina. El legado folclórico en Europa, inicialmente recopilado y puesto por escrito por los hermanos Grimm en 1812, presenta, ciertamente, numerosos puntos de contacto con las versiones americanas. Sin embargo, se ha establecido un vínculo aún más estrecho entre estas y los Cuentos populares españoles recogidos por Aurelio Espinosa en 1923, por un lado, así como también con una de las tres versiones provenientes del ámbito árabe. Luego de trazar un panorama histórico del corpus y estudiar los puntos de contacto entre la tradición europea y la americana, nos centraremos en el análisis de las versiones sudamericanas, particularmente las recogidas en la Argentina


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Resumen: Empleando la teoría de la “estructura comunitaria”, un muestreo de diarios principales en 28 ciudades grandes en Estados Unidos examina la cobertura del tema “El manejo de contaminación de agua y acceso a agua potable”. Mediante el análisis de todos los artículos de más de 250 palabras publicados a través de diez años entre 01/01/2001 y 01/01/2011 (339 artículos), se compararon sistemáticamente características comunitarias y el “Vector Mediático” de Pollock (combinando en un valor dos medidas de contenido: la “prominencia” de un artículo en un periódico con la orientación o tono). Cobertura “favorable”, que apoya la mayor ayuda gubernamental para mejorar el abastecimiento de agua potable, fue vinculada con medidas de “los interesados”, por ejemplo, con el porcentaje de hispanos (r de Pearson = .349, p = .04). El análisis de las medidas y su regresión reveló dos medidas significativas asociadas con apoyo para manejo gubernamental por agua potable: porcentaje de hispanos (12.2% de la varianza), y con porcentaje de ciudadanos de 18-24 años, 16.7%. Inesperadamente, la cobertura de manejo gubernamental para mejorar las existencias de agua potable no fue vinculado ni con medidas de “vulnerabilidad” (pobreza, desempleo) ni con medidas de “estabilidad” (educación, ingreso).


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Resumen: En este trabajo seguimos la presentación de la materia, la forma y la privación realizada por Santo Tomás de Aquino en los dos primeros capítulos del De principiis naturae. Identificados como los principios de la naturaleza, son la clave para entender las definiciones de generación de las que nos provee el Aquinate. Él entiende la generación, protagonista de los cambios del mundo material, en sus principios, descubiertos en sus relaciones acto-potenciales. Completa esta presentación la distinción entre las substancias y los accidentes y sus consecuencias en el campo de los cambios de los cuerpos. Luego, Santo Tomás extiende los análisis de la privación y de la materia. La privación, entonces, es bien distinguida de la negación, porque el Aquinate muestra su dimensión potencial. La materia, por otro lado, se descubre en su pluralidad de sentidos y nos permite hablar de una participación de la materia, a partir de la principalísima materia ex qua o primera. Por último, tomamos nota de las fuentes secundarias de este texto, revisando pasajes de San Agustín y Averroes.


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Na linguagem comum, confiança denota "segurança íntima de procedimento", "fé" e "esperança", de acordo com o Novo Dicionário Aurélio Buarque de Holanda. Na Ciência Política, a confiança aparece como facilitadora dos regimes democráticos, em uma literatura que, apesar das críticas, atravessa diversos momentos históricos, sendo aplicada, "democraticamente", em diversos países, há quase cinquenta anos. O artigo revisa essa literatura, por vezes incompreendida, para melhor entender aspectos da instável relação entre confiança e democracia: uma união estável muito próxima das bodas de ouro nessa bibliografia. Releva ainda a importância da mesma em democracias como o Brasil, que este ano comemora bodas de prata - 25 anos de regime democrático sem interrupção -, em um cenário de grandes assimetrias sociais e desafios inerentes ao processo de consolidação.


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This paper appears to be the first where the multi-temperature shock slip-relations for the thermal and chemical nonequilibrium flows are derived. The derivation is based on analysis of the influences of thermal nonequilibrium and viscous effects on the mass, momentum and energy flux balance relations at the shock wave. When the relaxation times for all internal energy modes tend to sere, the multi-temperature shock slip-relations are converted into single-temperature ones for thermal equilibrium hows. The present results can be applied to flows over vehicles of different geometries with or without angles of attack. In addition, the present single-temperature shock slip-relations are compared with those in the literature, and Some defects and limitations in the latter are clarified.


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 Burgers suggested that the main properties of free-turbulence in the boundless area without basic flow might be understood with the aid of the following equation, which was much simpler than those of fluid dynamics, 


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Using the approach of local expansion, we analyze the magnetostatic relations in the case of conventional turbulence. The turbulent relations are obtained consisten tly for themomentum equation and induction equation of both the average and fluctuation relations.In comparison with the magnetostatic relations as discussed usually, turbulent fluctuationfields produce forces, one of which 1/(4π)(α1×B0)×B0 may have parallel and perpendicular components in the direction of magnetic field, the other of which 1/(4π)K×B0 is introduced by the boundary value of turbulence and is perpendicular to the magnetic field. In the case of 2-dimensional configuration of magnetic field, the basic equation will be reduced into a second-order elliptic equation, which includes some linear and nonlinear terms introduced by turbulent fluctuation fields. Turbulent fields may change the configuration of magnetic field and even shear it non-uniformly. The study on the influence of turbulent fields is significant since they are observed in many astrophysical environments.


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The influences of the fluctuation fields are important in many astrophysical environments as shown by the observations, and can not be neglected. On the basis of the first-order smoothing approximation, in the present paper, we demonstrate the magnetostatic equations for both the cases of the conventional turbulence aud the random waves, and discuss the consistent conditions of the equations. In the static problem, the fluctuation Lorentz force(▽×δB)×δB influences the large-scale configurations of magnetic field. To study this influence in detail is quite necessary for the explanations of the observation features, especially for the astrophysical environments where the magnetic fields, including the fluctuation fields, are the dominant factors in the equilibrium of momentum and energy.