975 resultados para Tuning.


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This paper introduces a recursive rule base adjustment to enhance the performance of fuzzy logic controllers. Here the fuzzy controller is constructed on the basis of a decision table (DT), relying on membership functions and fuzzy rules that incorporate heuristic knowledge and operator experience. If the controller performance is not satisfactory, it has previously been suggested that the rule base be altered by combined tuning of membership functions and controller scaling factors. The alternative approach proposed here entails alteration of the fuzzy rule base. The recursive rule base adjustment algorithm proposed in this paper has the benefit that it is computationally more efficient for the generation of a DT, and advantage for online realization. Simulation results are presented to support this thesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that context influences our perception of visual motion direction. For example, spatial and temporal context manipulations can be used to induce two well-known motion illusions: direction repulsion and the direction after-effect (DAE). Both result in inaccurate perception of direction when a moving pattern is either superimposed on (direction repulsion), or presented following adaptation to (DAE), another pattern moving in a different direction. Remarkable similarities in tuning characteristics suggest that common processes underlie the two illusions. What is not clear, however, is whether the processes driving the two illusions are expressions of the same or different neural substrates. Here we report two experiments demonstrating that direction repulsion and the DAE are, in fact, expressions of different neural substrates. Our strategy was to use each of the illusions to create a distorted perceptual representation upon which the mechanisms generating the other illusion could potentially operate. We found that the processes mediating direction repulsion did indeed access the distorted perceptual representation induced by the DAE. Conversely, the DAE was unaffected by direction repulsion. Thus parallels in perceptual phenomenology do not necessarily imply common neural substrates. Our results also demonstrate that the neural processes driving the DAE occur at an earlier stage of motion processing than those underlying direction repulsion.


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This paper presents an optimization-based approach to the design of asymmetrical filter structures having the maximum number of return- or insertion-loss ripples in the passband such as those based upon Chebyshev function prototypes. The proposed approach. has the following advantages over the general purpose optimization techniques adopted previously such as: less frequency sampling is required, optimization is carried out with respect to the Chebyshev (or minimax) criterion, the problem of local minima does not arise, and optimization is usually only required for the passband. When implemented around an accurate circuit simulation, the method can be used to include all the effects of discontinuities, junctions, fringing, etc. to reduce the amount of tuning required in the final filter. The design of asymmetrical ridged-waveguide bandpass filters is considered as an example. Measurements on a fabricated filter confirm the accuracy of the design procedure.


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Mid-to-late Holocene high-resolution testate amoebae-derived water table reconstructions from two peatlands in the North of Ireland are presented. The proxy climate records are dated and correlated using a combination of AMS 14C dating, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and tephrochronology. The reconstructions start prior to the Hekla 4 tephra isochron (2395–2279 BC) and thus span the last ~4500 years. The records are compiled by the process of tuning within chronological errors, standardisation and stacking. Comparisons are made to existing palaeoclimate records from peatlands in Northern Britain and Ireland and the compiled lake-level record for mid-latitude Europe. Four coherent dry phases are identified in the records at ca 1150–800 BC, 320 BC–AD 150, AD 250–470 and AD 1850–2000. Recent research has shown that peat-derived water table reconstructions reflect summer water deficit and therefore the dry phases are interpreted as periods with a higher frequency and/or greater magnitudes of summer drought. These ‘drought phases’ occur during periods of relatively low 14C production, which may add support to the hypothesis of persistent solar forcing of climate change during the Holocene. Any relationship with the North Atlantic stacked drift ice record is less clear. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Functional and non-functional concerns require different programming effort, different techniques and different methodologies when attempting to program efficient parallel/distributed applications. In this work we present a "programmer oriented" methodology based on formal tools that permits reasoning about parallel/distributed program development and refinement. The proposed methodology is semi-formal in that it does not require the exploitation of highly formal tools and techniques, while providing a palatable and effective support to programmers developing parallel/distributed applications, in particular when handling non-functional concerns.


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A method is proposed to accelerate the evaluation of the Green's function of an infinite double periodic array of thin wire antennas. The method is based on the expansion of the Green's function into series corresponding to the propagating and evanescent waves and the use of Poisson and Kummer transformations enhanced with the analytic summation of the slowly convergent asymptotic terms. Unlike existing techniques the procedure reported here provides uniform convergence regardless of the geometrical parameters of the problem or plane wave excitation wavelength. In addition, it is numerically stable and does not require numerical integration or internal tuning parameters, since all necessary series are directly calculated in terms of analytical functions. This means that for nonlinear problem scenarios that the algorithm can be deployed without run time intervention or recursive adjustment within a harmonic balance engine. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the developed approach as compared with the Ewald method for which these classes of problems requires run time splitting parameter adaptation.


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We present a protocol that sets maximum stationary entanglement between remote spins through scattering of mobile mediators without initialization, post-selection or feedback of the mediators' state. No time-resolved tuning is needed and, counterintuitively, the protocol generates two-qubit singlet states even when classical mediators are used. The mechanism responsible for this effect is resilient against non-optimal coupling strengths and dephasing affecting the spins. The scheme uses itinerant particles and scattering centres and can be implemented in various settings. When quantum dots and photons are used a striking result is found: injection of classical mediators, rather than quantum ones, improves the scheme efficiency.


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We demonstrate that perfect state transfer can be achieved using an engineered spin chain and clean local end-chain operations, without requiring the initialization of the state of the medium nor fine-tuning of control pulses. This considerably relaxes the prerequisites for obtaining reliable transfer of quantum information across interacting-spin systems. Moreover, it allows us to shed light on the interplay among purity, entanglement, and operations on a class of many-body systems potentially useful for quantum information processing tasks.


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This article reflects on the changing environment through the passage of time and how certain technologies for a creative proposal allow the preservation and transmission of a significant part of that ephemeral heritage for future generations. The general purpose of this particular project is aimed to achieve the sound synthesis of a specific and representative cityscape as the old train station in Cuenca –located in the heart of the city– that could be preserved and reproduced as an unique document of a present time, ascertainable in the future: a memory that interpret sound as a time capsule. This soundscape was made to mark the arrival of the high speed train in 2010 to a brand new station in the outskirts of the city. Therefore, the goal of this research was focused on achieving a synthetic document that provided a sound memory capable of reflecting the significant social, cultural and logistical features, of what was until then the only railway communication symbol in the city of Cuenca from 1883 to the first decade of the 21st century.


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A novel method for controlling wave energy converters using active bipolar damping is described and compared with current control methods. The performance of active bipolar damping is modelled numerically for two distinct types of wave energy converter and it is found that in both cases the power capture can be significantly increased relative to optimal linear damping. It is shown that this is because active bipolar damping has the potential for providing a quasi-spring or quasi-inertia, which improves the wave energy converter's tuning and amplitude of motion, resulting in the increase in power capture observed. The practical implementation of active bipolar damping is also discussed. It is noted that active bipolar damping does not require a reactive energy store and thereby reduces the cost and eliminates losses due to the cycling of reactive energy. It is also noted that active bipolar damping could be implemented using a single constant pressure double-acting hydraulic cylinder and so potentially represents a simple, efficient, robust and economic solution to the control of wave energy converters.


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A novel scheme for enhancing electron localization in intense-field dissociation is outlined. Through manipulation of a bound vibrational wavepacket in the exemplar deuterium molecular ion, simulations demonstrate that the application of multiple phase-locked, few-cycle IR pulses can provide a powerful scheme for directing the molecular dissociation pathway. By tuning the time delay and carrier–envelope–phase for a sequence of pulse interactions, the probability of the electron being localized to a chosen nucleus can be enhanced to above 80%.


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A newly introduced inverse class-E power amplifier (PA) was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterized. The PA operated at 2.26 GHz and delivered 20.4-dBm output power with peak drain efficiency (DE) of 65% and power gain of 12 dB. Broadband performance was achieved across a 300-Mitz bandwidth with DE of better than 50% and 1-dB output-power flatness. The concept of enhanced injection predistortion with a capability to selectively suppress unwanted sub-frequency components and hence suitable for memory effects minimization is described coupled with a new technique that facilitates an accurate measurement of the phase of the third-order intermodulation (IM3) products. A robust iterative computational algorithm proposed in this paper dispenses with the need for manual tuning of amplitude and phase of the IM3 injected signals as commonly employed in the previous publications. The constructed inverse class-E PA was subjected to a nonconstant envelope 16 quadrature amplitude modulation signal and was linearized using combined lookup table (LUT) and enhanced injection technique from which superior properties from each technique can be simultaneously adopted. The proposed method resulted in 0.7% measured error vector magnitude (in rms) and 34-dB adjacent channel leakage power ratio improvement, which was 10 dB better than that achieved using the LUT predistortion alone.


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We study the dynamical behavior of two initially entangled qubits, each locally coupled to an environment embodied by an interacting spin chain. We consider energy-exchange qubit-environment couplings resulting in rich and highly non-trivial entanglement dynamics. We obtain exact results for the time evolution of the concurrence between the two qubits and find that, by tuning the interaction parameters, one can freeze the dynamics of entanglement, therefore inhibiting their relaxation into the spin environments, as well as activate a sudden-death phenomenon. We also discuss the effects of an environmental quantum phase transition on the features of the two-qubit entanglement dynamics.


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We study the process of low-energy electron capture by the SF(6) molecule. Our approach is based on the model of Gauyacq and Herzenberg [J. P. Gauyacq and A. Herzenberg, J. Phys. B 17, 1155 (1984)] in which the electron motion is coupled to the fully symmetric vibrational mode through a weakly bound or virtual s state. By tuning the two free parameters of the model, we achieve an accurate description of the measured electron attachment cross section and good agreement with vibrational excitation cross sections of the fully symmetric mode. An extension of the model provides a limit on the characteristic time of intramolecular vibrational relaxation in highly excited SF(6)(-). By evaluating the total vibrational spectrum density of SF(6)(-), we estimate the widths of the vibrational Feshbach resonances of the long-lived negative ion. We also analyze the possible distribution of the widths and its effect on the lifetime measurements, and investigate nonexponential decay features in metastable SF(6)(-).


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The motion of a clarinet reed that is clamped to a mouthpiece and supported by a lip is simulated in the time-domain using finite difference methods. The reed is modelled as a bar with non-uniform cross section, and is described using a one-dimensional, fourth-order partial differential equation. The interactions with the mouthpiece Jay and the player's lip are taken into account by incorporating conditional contact forces in the bar equation. The model is completed by clamped-free boundary conditions for the reed. An implicit finite difference method is used for discretising the system, and values for the physical parameters are chosen both from laboratory measurements and by accurate tuning of the numerical simulations. The accuracy of the numerical system is assessed through analysis of frequency warping effects and of resonance estimation. Finally, the mechanical properties of the system are studied by analysing its response to external driving forces. In particular, the effects of reed curling are investigated.