968 resultados para Transformations.


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According to the method of path integral quantization for the canonical constrained system in Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin scheme, the supersymmetric electromagnetic interaction system was quantized. Both the Hamiltonian of the supersymmetric electromagnetic interaction system in phase space and the quantization procedure were simplified. The BRST generator was constructed, and the BRST transformations of supersymmetric fields were gotten; the effective action was calculated, and the generating functional for the Green function was achieved; also, the gauge generator was constructed, and the gauge transformation of the system was obtained. Finally, the Ward-Takahashi identities based on the canonical Noether theorem were calculated, and two relations between proper vertices and propagators were obtained.


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Due to a low mineral content, the sapropelic sediments depositing in Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, provide an excellent opportunity to explore for possible additions of sulfur to organic matter during the early stages of diagenesis. We evaluated early diagenetic organic sulfur transformations by monitoring the concentrations and stable isotopic compositions of a number of inorganic and organic sulfur pools, thereby accounting for all of the sulfur in the sediments. We have identified and quantified the following sulfur pools: porewater sulfate, porewater sulfide, elemental sulfur, pyrite sulfur, hydrolyzable organic sulfur (HYOS), chromium-reducible organic sulfur (CROS), and nonchromium-reducible organic sulfur (Non-CROS). Of the organic sulfur pools, the Non-CROS pool is by far the largest, followed by CROS, and finally HYOS. By 60 cm depth these pools contribute, respectively, to 85, 7.9, and 3.6% of the total solid phase sulfur. The HYOS pool is probably of biological origin and shows no interaction with the sulfur compounds produced during diagenesis. By contrast, CROS is produced, most likely, from the diagenetic addition of polysulfides to functionalized lipids in the upper, H2S-poor, elemental sulfur-rich, region of the sediment. A portion of this sulfur pool is unstable and decomposes on contact with the H2S-rich porewaters. The portion of CROS that remains in the sulfidic waters appears to readily exchange sulfur isotopes with H2S. While some of the Non-CROS pool is of biological origin, some is also formed by the diagenetic addition of sulfur to organic compounds in the upper H2S-poor region of the sediment. By contrast with CROS, Non-CROS is not diagenetically active in the H2S-rich porewaters. Overall, somewhere between 27 and 53 % of the organic sulfur buried in Mangrove Lake sediments is of diagenetic origin, with the remaining organic sulfur derived from biosynthesis. We extrapolate our Mangrove Lake results and calculate that in typical coastal marine sediments between 11 and 29 μmol g−1 of organic sulfur will form during early diagenesis, of which 2–5 μmol g−1 will be chromium reducible.


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Soil net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) of four grasslands across the elevation and precipitation gradients was studied in situ in the upper 0-10 cm soil layer using the resin-core technique in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia, China during the growing season of 2006. The primary objectives were to examine variations of NNM among grassland types and the main influencing factors. These grasslands included Stipa baicalensis (SB), Aneulolepidum Chinense (AC), Stipa grandis (SG), and Stipa krylovii (SK) grassland. The results showed that the seasonal variation patterns of NNM were similar among the four grasslands, the rates of NNM and nitrification were highest from June to August, and lowest in September and October during the growing season. The rates of NNM and nitrification were affected significantly by the incubation time, and they were positively correlated with soil organic carbon content, total soil nitrogen (TN) content, soil temperature, and soil water content, but the rates of NNM and nitrification were negatively correlated with available N, and weakly correlated with soil pH and C:N ratio. The sequences of the daily mean rates of NNM and nitrification in the four grasslands during the growing season were AC > SG > SB > SK, and TN content maybe the main affecting factors which can be attributed to the land use type.


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Feature-based image watermarking schemes, which aim to survive various geometric distortions, have attracted great attention in recent years. Existing schemes have shown robustness against rotation, scaling, and translation, but few are resistant to cropping, nonisotropic scaling, random bending attacks (RBAs), and affine transformations. Seo and Yoo present a geometrically invariant image watermarking based on affine covariant regions (ACRs) that provide a certain degree of robustness. To further enhance the robustness, we propose a new image watermarking scheme on the basis of Seo's work, which is insensitive to geometric distortions as well as common image processing operations. Our scheme is mainly composed of three components: 1) feature selection procedure based on graph theoretical clustering algorithm is applied to obtain a set of stable and nonoverlapped ACRs; 2) for each chosen ACR, local normalization, and orientation alignment are performed to generate a geometrically invariant region, which can obviously improve the robustness of the proposed watermarking scheme; and 3) in order to prevent the degradation in image quality caused by the normalization and inverse normalization, indirect inverse normalization is adopted to achieve a good compromise between the imperceptibility and robustness. Experiments are carried out on an image set of 100 images collected from Internet, and the preliminary results demonstrate that the developed method improves the performance over some representative image watermarking approaches in terms of robustness.


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A facile magnetic control system was designed in bioelectrocatalytic process based on functionalized iron oxide particles. The iron oxide particles were modified with glucose oxidase, and ferrocene dicarboxylic acid was used as electron transfer mediator. Functionalized iron oxide particles can assemble along the direction of applied magnetic field, and the directional dependence of the assembled iron oxide particles can be utilized for device purposes. We report here how such functionalized magnetic particles are used to modulate the bioelectrocatalytic signal by changing the orientation of the applied magnetic field. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A convenient and efficient synthesis of substituted dihydrofurans is developed via ring-enlargement of 1-dimethylaminopropenoyl-1-carbamoyl/benzoyl cycloproparres catalyzed by ammonium acetate in acetic acid with high regio- and stereoselectivity. Some of the newly synthesized substituted dihydrofurans are subjected to further synthetic transformation in the presence of NaOH (aq) in ethanol to afford the corresponding 5-aryl-2,3-dihydrofuro[3,2-c]pyfidin-4(5H)-ones in high yields.


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A series of silica-supported silicotungstic acid catalysts (H4SiW12O40, abbreviated as HSiW), modified with various loadings of Teflon (HSiW/SiO2-Teflon), were prepared by impregnation method. The surface properties of the catalysts were studied by means of XRD, BET, NH3-TPD and the Drop Shape Analyzer (DSA) measurements. Both the surface hydrophobicity and the surface lipophobicity of HSiW/SiO2-Teflon catalysts are enhanced by means of the addition of Teflon.


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The morphology transition of polystyrene-block-poly(butadiene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (SBV) triblock thin film induced in benzene vapor showing weak selectivity for PS is investigated. The order-order transitions (OOT) in the sequence of core-shell cylinders (C), sphere in 'diblock gyroid' (sdG), sphere in lamella (sL) and sphere (S) are observed. The projection along (111) direction in Gyroid phase (sdG(111)) is found to epitaxially grow from C(001) in the film.


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A series of W-type ferrites with the composition of Ba1-xLaxCo2Fe16O27 (where, x = 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 020 and 0.25) were prepared by solid-state reaction method. The structure transformations of the ferrites were examined by XRD, DTA-TG and XPS, and the microwave-absorbing properties were investigated by evaluating the permeability and permittivity of materials (mu(r), epsilon(r)). The results showed that the phase-transition temperature increased with the addition of La2+ content, and a single-phase was formed at 1250 degrees C at last. Microwave properties were obviously improved as a result of the substitution of La3+ for Ba2+ at the frequency range of 0.5 similar to 18.0 GHz.


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We have developed a two-phase approach for the synthesis of shape-controlled colloidal zirconia nanocrystals, including spherical-, teardrop-, rod-, and rice grain-shaped particles. We found that the key factors for controlling the shape were the reaction time, the nature of the capping agent, and the monomer concentration. We have analyzed the morphologies, crystallinity, optical properties, and structural features of the as-prepared ZrO2 nanoparticles by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution TEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and UV-vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The possible nucleation and growth process is also discussed.


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Supported liquid phase catalyst (SLPC) is one of effectively heterogenized homogeneous catalysts using organometallic complexes as active components, which are dissolved in a small quantity of liquid phase dispersed in the form of isle or film on the surface of supports. The SLPC has successfully been applied for several chemical transformations and this article will review recent results with respect to the preparation and catalytic performance, the applicability to continuous flow operations, and the capability of multifunctional catalysis.


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The crystallization and phase transformation of amorphous Si3N4 ceramics under high pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) between 800 and 1700 degreesC were investigated. A greatly enhanced crystallization and alpha-beta transformation of the amorphous Si3N4 ceramics were evident under the high pressure, as characterized by that, at 5.0 GPa, the amorphous Si3N4, began to crystallize at a temperature as low as 1000 degreesC (to transform to alpha modification). The subsequent alpha-beta transformation occurred completed between 1350 and 1420 degreesC after only 20 min of pressing at 5.0 GPa. In contrast, under 0.1 MPa N-2, the identical amorphous materials were stable up to 1400 degreesC without detectable crystallization, and only a small amount of a phase was detected at 1500 degreesC. The crystallization temperature and the alpha-beta transformation temperatures are reduced by 200-350 degreesC compared to that at normal pressure. The enhanced phase transformations of the amorphous Si3N4, were discussed on the basis of thermodynamic and kinetic consideration of the effects of pressure on nucleation and growth.


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Sinking particulate material collected from Nansha Yongshu reef lagoon and the continental shelf of the East China Sea by sediment traps has been analyzed and studied for the first time using organic geochemical method. The results show that about half of the sinking particulate organic matter in the two study areas are consumed before reaching the depth of 5 m to the sea floor and the degree of this consumption in Yongshu reef lagoon is larger than that in the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The distributions of hydrocarbons and fatty acids indicate that the minor difference of biological sources of sinking particulate organic matter exists between Yongshu reel lagoon and the continental shelf of the East China Sea, but they mainly come from marine plankton. Stronger biological and biochemical transformations of sinking particulate organic matter are also observed and the intensity of this transformation in Yongshu reef lagoon is greater than that in the continental shelf of the East China Sea. It is found that the occurrence of C-25 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) diene may be related to the composition of diatom species.


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Attaining sufficient accuracy and efficiency of generalized screen propagator and improving the quality of input gathers are often problems of wave equation presack depth migration, in this paper,a high order formula of generalized screen propagator for one-way wave equation is proposed by using the asymptotic expansion of single-square-root operator. Based on the formula,a new generalized screen propagator is developed ,which is composed of split-step Fourier propagator and high order correction terms,the new generalized screen propagator not only improving calculation precision without sharply increasing the quantity of computation,facilitates the suitability of generalized screen propagator to the media with strong lateral velocity variation. As wave-equation prestack depth migration is sensitive to the quality of input gathers, which greatly affect the output,and the available seismic data processing system has inability to obtain traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals, to estimate of great residual statics, to merge seismic datum from different projects and to design inverse Q filter, we establish difference equations with an embodiment of Huygens’s principle for obtaining traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals,bring forward a time variable matching filter for seismic datum merging by using the fast algorithm called Mallat tree for wavelet transformations put forward a method for estimation of residual statics by applying the optimum model parameters estimated by iterative inversion with three organized algorithm,i.e,the CMP intertrace cross-correlation algorithm,the Laplacian image edge extraction algorithm,and the DFP algorithm, and present phase-shift inverse Q filter based on Futterman’s amplitude and phase-velocity dispersion formula and wave field extrapolation theory. All of their numerical and real data calculating results shows that our theory and method are practical and efficient. Key words: prestack depth migration, generalized screen propagator, residual statics,inverse Q filter ,traveltime,3D seismic datum mergence


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Cambrian-Ordovician dolostones in Tarim Basin are hydrocarbon reservoir rocks of vital importance. Under the guidance of the theories of sedimentology and the sedimentology of carbonate reservoir, based on the first-hand qualitative and quantitative data especially, combined with micro-study, geochemical and reservoir capacity analysis, and precursor research, the origin and reservoir characteristics of the dolostones were discussed. Based on detailed petrographic investigations, four types of dolostone have been recognized, which are, respecitively, mud-silt-sized dolostones, algal laminated dolostones (ALD), prophyritic dolostone, and neomorphic dolostone. Mud-silt-sized dolostones always presents as laminas together with evaporated signatures, its REE patterns and ΣREE are all close to that of the finely crystalline limestone. This kind of dolomite probably experienced relatively low fluid-rock ratio during diagenesis was formed in hypersaline and oxidizing environment and involved fast dolomitization process. It was dolomitized by evaporated seawater in sabkha environment.The main primary fabrics of algal lamination in algal laminated dolomite (ALD) can still be identified and its ΣREE (21.37) is very close to that of algae. This reveals that ALD was dolomitized during early diagenesis and algae possibly played an important role. The ALD was formed under mediation of organic matter and Mg2+ were supplied by magnesium concentrated algal laminites and sea water. Prophyritic dolostones presents mainly as patchy occurrence and yield the lowest δ13C and Z value. Its ΣREE is much less than that of the finely crystalline limestone. These characteristics reveal that the cloudy cores were dolomitized in shallow early diagenetic environments by pore fluids riched in Mg2+. Whereas the clear rims were likely formed in subsequent burial into deeper subsurface environments, and the Mg2+ needed for further dolomitization possibly was supplied by the transformations of clay minerals. Neomorphic dolostones consist of coarse, turbid crystals and exhibits sucrosic and mosaic textures. It has highest Fe2+ contents and average homogeneous temperature (110.2℃). Collectively, these characteristics demonstrate that the neomorphic dolostones was likely formed by recrystallization of pre-existing dolomites during deep burial. The ΣREE of the four types of dolostone distinctly differentiates from each other. However, their REE patterns are all enriched in LREE, depleted in HREE and have Eu negative anomalies. Its ΣREE 13.64 ppm, less than 1/4 of finely crystalline limestone, and ranks the lowest in the 4 types.These characteristics are comparable to those of finely crystalline limestone, and are mainly infuenced by the sea water. These four types of dolostone show similar REE mobility behaviour and no significant fractionation, althouth they have been subjected to evidently different diageneses. Seven main pore types are identified in the dolostones , which are fenestral, moldic, intercrystal, dissolved,breccia, dissolved breccia and stylolite pores. Fenestral pores are primary and the others are secondary. The dissolved pores and intercrystal pores are the most important reservoir spaces and followed by breccias and dissolved breccia pores, and the moldic and fenestral pores are less important. Stylolites can enhance permeability of reservoir rocks in one hand, for the other hand, the capacity of reservoir and permeability are enhanced and then better reservoir rocks can be formed when they are combined with patchy dolostones. The relationship between porosity and the type of dolostones is that the dissolved neomorphic dolostones have the highest porosity of 3.65%, than followed by dissolved Mud-silt-sized dolostones of 3.35%. The mud-silt-sized dolostones without dissolution have the lowest porosity of 0.90%. Moreover, the porosity of prophyritic dolostones and the neomorphic dolostones without dissolution are lower, respectively 1.675% and 1.41%. Although algal laminated dolostones consist of euhedral crystals and riched in intercrystal pores, its porosity just yields 1.20%. The relationship between permeability and the type of dolostones is that that algal laminated dolostones have the highest permeability of 0.462mD and followed by 0.065mD of prophyritic dolostones. Dissolution have no significant influence on the permeability of neomorphic dolostones and this presented by the permeability of dissolved and non-dissolved are very close, respectively 0.043mD and 0.062mD. No matter dissolved or not, mud-silt-sized dolostones are much less permeable. The permeability of non-dissolved and dissolved are 0.051mD and 0.016mD. Collectively, in the study area, neomorphic dolostones can form high quality reservoir.