999 resultados para Traffic Records.


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Colour segmentation is the most commonly used method in road signs detection. Road sign contains several basic colours such as red, yellow, blue and white which depends on countries.The objective of this thesis is to do an evaluation of the four colour segmentation algorithms. Dynamic Threshold Algorithm, A Modification of de la Escalera’s Algorithm, the Fuzzy Colour Segmentation Algorithm and Shadow and Highlight Invariant Algorithm. The processing time and segmentation success rate as criteria are used to compare the performance of the four algorithms. And red colour is selected as the target colour to complete the comparison. All the testing images are selected from the Traffic Signs Database of Dalarna University [1] randomly according to the category. These road sign images are taken from a digital camera mounted in a moving car in Sweden.Experiments show that the Fuzzy Colour Segmentation Algorithm and Shadow and Highlight Invariant Algorithm are more accurate and stable to detect red colour of road signs. And the method could also be used in other colours analysis research. The yellow colour which is chosen to evaluate the performance of the four algorithms can reference Master Thesis of Yumei Liu.


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Friction plays a key role in causing slipperiness as a low coefficient of friction on the road may result in slippery and hazardous conditions. Analyzing the strong relation between friction and accident risk on winter roads is a difficult task. Many weather forecasting organizations use a variety of standard and bespoke methods to predict the coefficient of friction on roads. This article proposes an approach to predict the extent of slipperiness by building and testing an expert system. It estimates the coefficient of friction on winter roads in the province of Dalarna, Sweden using the prevailing weather conditions as a basis. Weather data from the road weather information system, Sweden (RWIS) was used. The focus of the project was to use the expert system as a part of a major project in VITSA, within the domain of intelligent transport systems


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Internet protocol TV (IPTV) is predicted to be the key technology winner in the future. Efforts to accelerate the deployment of IPTV centralized model which is combined of VHO, encoders, controller, access network and Home network. Regardless of whether the network is delivering live TV, VOD, or Time-shift TV, all content and network traffic resulting from subscriber requests must traverse the entire network from the super-headend all the way to each subscriber's Set-Top Box (STB). IPTV services require very stringent QoS guarantees When IPTV traffic shares the network resources with other traffic like data and voice, how to ensure their QoS and efficiently utilize the network resources is a key and challenging issue. For QoS measured in the network-centric terms of delay jitter, packet losses and bounds on delay. The main focus of this thesis is on the optimized bandwidth allocation and smooth data transmission. The proposed traffic model for smooth delivering video service IPTV network with its QoS performance evaluation. According to Maglaris et al [5] first, analyze the coding bit rate of a single video source. Various statistical quantities are derived from bit rate data collected with a conditional replenishment inter frame coding scheme. Two correlated Markov process models (one in discrete time and one in continuous time) are shown to fit the experimental data and are used to model the input rates of several independent sources into a statistical multiplexer. Preventive control mechanism which is to be including CAC, traffic policing used for traffic control. QoS has been evaluated of common bandwidth scheduler( FIFO) by use fluid models with Markovian queuing method and analysis the result by using simulator and analytically, Which is measured the performance of the packet loss, overflow and mean waiting time among the network users.


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GPS tracking of mobile objects provides spatial and temporal data for a broad range of applications including traffic management and control, transportation routing and planning. Previous transport research has focused on GPS tracking data as an appealing alternative to travel diaries. Moreover, the GPS based data are gradually becoming a cornerstone for real-time traffic management. Tracking data of vehicles from GPS devices are however susceptible to measurement errors – a neglected issue in transport research. By conducting a randomized experiment, we assess the reliability of GPS based traffic data on geographical position, velocity, and altitude for three types of vehicles; bike, car, and bus. We find the geographical positioning reliable, but with an error greater than postulated by the manufacturer and a non-negligible risk for aberrant positioning. Velocity is slightly underestimated, whereas altitude measurements are unreliable.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) as descriptors for traffic signs recognition. The test dataset consists of speed limit traffic signs because of their high inter-class similarities.   HOG features of speed limit signs, which were extracted from different traffic scenes, were computed and a Gentle AdaBoost classifier was invoked to evaluate the different features. The performance of HOG was tested with a dataset consisting of 1727 Swedish speed signs images. Different numbers of HOG features per descriptor, ranging from 36 features up 396 features, were computed for each traffic sign in the benchmark testing. The results show that HOG features perform high classification rate as the Gentle AdaBoost classification rate was 99.42%, and they are suitable to real time traffic sign recognition. However, it is found that changing the number of orientation bins has insignificant effect on the classification rate. In addition to this, HOG descriptors are not robust with respect to sign orientation.


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This thesis presents a system to recognise and classify road and traffic signs for the purpose of developing an inventory of them which could assist the highway engineers’ tasks of updating and maintaining them. It uses images taken by a camera from a moving vehicle. The system is based on three major stages: colour segmentation, recognition, and classification. Four colour segmentation algorithms are developed and tested. They are a shadow and highlight invariant, a dynamic threshold, a modification of de la Escalera’s algorithm and a Fuzzy colour segmentation algorithm. All algorithms are tested using hundreds of images and the shadow-highlight invariant algorithm is eventually chosen as the best performer. This is because it is immune to shadows and highlights. It is also robust as it was tested in different lighting conditions, weather conditions, and times of the day. Approximately 97% successful segmentation rate was achieved using this algorithm.Recognition of traffic signs is carried out using a fuzzy shape recogniser. Based on four shape measures - the rectangularity, triangularity, ellipticity, and octagonality, fuzzy rules were developed to determine the shape of the sign. Among these shape measures octangonality has been introduced in this research. The final decision of the recogniser is based on the combination of both the colour and shape of the sign. The recogniser was tested in a variety of testing conditions giving an overall performance of approximately 88%.Classification was undertaken using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The classification is carried out in two stages: rim’s shape classification followed by the classification of interior of the sign. The classifier was trained and tested using binary images in addition to five different types of moments which are Geometric moments, Zernike moments, Legendre moments, Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments, and Binary Haar features. The performance of the SVM was tested using different features, kernels, SVM types, SVM parameters, and moment’s orders. The average classification rate achieved is about 97%. Binary images show the best testing results followed by Legendre moments. Linear kernel gives the best testing results followed by RBF. C-SVM shows very good performance, but ?-SVM gives better results in some case.


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This paper aims to present three new methods for color detection and segmentation of road signs. The images are taken by a digital camera mounted in a car. The RGB images are converted into IHLS color space, and new methods are applied to extract the colors of the road signs under consideration. The methods are tested on hundreds of outdoor images in different light conditions, and they show high robustness. This project is part of the research taking place in Dalarna University / Sweden in the field of the ITS.


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A system for weed management on railway embankments that is both adapted to the environment and efficient in terms of resources requires knowledge and understanding about the growing conditions of vegetation so that methods to control its growth can be adapted accordingly. Automated records could complement present-day manual inspections and over time come to replace these. One challenge is to devise a method that will result in a reasonable breakdown of gathered information that can be managed rationally by affected parties and, at the same time, serve as a basis for decisions with sufficient precision. The project examined two automated methods that may be useful for the Swedish Transport Administration in the future: 1) A machine vision method, which makes use of camera sensors as a way of sensing the environment in the visible and near infrared spectrum; and 2) An N-Sensor method, which transmits light within an area that is reflected by the chlorophyll in the plants. The amount of chlorophyll provides a value that can be correlated with the biomass. The choice of technique depends on how the information is to be used. If the purpose is to form a general picture of the growth of vegetation on railway embankments as a way to plan for maintenance measures, then the N-Sensor technique may be the right choice. If the plan is to form a general picture as well as monitor and survey current and exact vegetation status on the surface over time as a way to fight specific vegetation with the correct means, then the machine vision method is the better of the two. Both techniques involve registering data using GPS positioning. In the future, it will be possible to store this information in databases that are directly accessible to stakeholders online during or in conjunction with measures to deal with the vegetation. The two techniques were compared with manual (visual) estimations as to the levels of vegetation growth. The observers (raters) visual estimation of weed coverage (%) differed statistically from person to person. In terms of estimating the frequency (number) of woody plants (trees and bushes) in the test areas, the observers were generally in agreement. The same person is often consistent in his or her estimation: it is the comparison with the estimations of others that can lead to misleading results. The system for using the information about vegetation growth requires development. The threshold for the amount of weeds that can be tolerated in different track types is an important component in such a system. The classification system must be capable of dealing with the demands placed on it so as to ensure the quality of the track and other pre-conditions such as traffic levels, conditions pertaining to track location, and the characteristics of the vegetation. The project recommends that the Swedish Transport Administration: Discusses how threshold values for the growth of vegetation on railway embankments can be determined Carries out registration of the growth of vegetation over longer and a larger number of railway sections using one or more of the methods studied in the project Introduces a system that effectively matches the information about vegetation to its position Includes information about the growth of vegetation in the records that are currently maintained of the track’s technical quality, and link the data material to other maintenance-related databases Establishes a number of representative surfaces in which weed inventories (by measuring) are regularly conducted, as a means of developing an overview of the long-term development that can serve as a basis for more precise prognoses in terms of vegetation growth Ensures that necessary opportunities for education are put in place


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In 2004, the Victorian Government enacted legislation allowing people treated for transsexualism to correct the record of their sex on the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages and obtain a new certificate reflecting their contemporaneous circumstances. It was the last of all the States and Territories to do so.

The legislation gave effect to some important changes to the law and was generally couched in terms more sensitive than those already in place in the other jurisdictions. In the view of the author, however, its proponents failed to both understand the import of the expert medical evidence adduced in, and to implement the common law position enunciated by, the Family Court in Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] FamCA 1074 and subsequently confirmed on appeal two years later by the Full Court.

The author argues that, while a welcome improvement to the human rights record of successive Victorian Governments, the result is still a largely disappointing piece of legislation. Rather than being truly 'beneficial' to all who need security of their personal identities, it perpetuates some of the very worst discrimination directed at people with transsexualism and their families by continuing to portray them as psychologically deluded rather than physiologically atypical and denying a small number of them their rights on the basis of legal reasoning which is no longer regarded as tenable. She asserts the legislation serves as a clear demonstration that prejudices and misconceptions about transsexualism stilI abound and explains much more is needed if real human rights, acceptance and freedom from discrimination are to be eventually obtained by those affected by the phenomenon.


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Background: Reliability or validity studies are important for the evaluation of measurement error in dietary assessment methods. An approach to validation known as the method of triads uses triangulation techniques to calculate the validity coefficient of a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ).

To assess the validity of an FFQ estimates of carotenoid and vitamin E intake against serum biomarker measurements and weighed food records (WFRs), by applying the method of triads. Design: The study population was a sub-sample of adult participants in a randomised controlled trial of b-carotene and sunscreen in the prevention of skin cancer. Dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered FFQ and a WFR. Nonfasting blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for five carotenoids (a-carotene, b-carotene, b-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene) and vitamin E. Correlation coefficients were calculated between each of the dietary methods and the validity coefficient was calculated using
the method of triads. The 95% confidence intervals for the validity coefficients were estimated using bootstrap sampling.

Results: The validity coefficients of the FFQ were highest for a-carotene (0.85) and lycopene (0.62), followed by b-carotene (0.55) and total carotenoids (0.55), while the lowest validity coefficient was for lutein (0.19). The method of triads could not be used for b-cryptoxanthin and vitamin E, as one of the three underlying correlations was negative.

Results were similar to other studies of validity using biomarkers and the method of triads. For many dietary factors, the upper limit of the validity coefficients was less than 0.5 and therefore only strong relationships between dietary exposure and disease will be detected.


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Although TCP has emerged as the standard in data communication, the introduction of ATM technology has raised numerous problems regarding the effectiveness of using TCP over A TM networks, especially when video traffic performance is considered. This paper presents a simulation model for transmission performance of video traffic via ATM over TCP/IP. The interactivity between TCP/IP and ATM, generation of MPEG traffic and evaluation of traffic performance are implemented in the model. The design and implementation details of the model are carefully described. The experiments conducted using the model and experimental results are briefly introduced, revealing the capability of our model in simulating network events and in evaluating potential solutions to performance issues.


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A large volume of TCP/IP traffic is currently, and in the future will be, carried over ATM networks. A major part of the traffic, which is produced by multimedia sources, is encoded using the MPEG standard. For the performance analysis of transferring MPEG video sequence via TCP/IP over A TM networks, there is a need for appropriate simulation models. This paper describes one such simulation model that we have constructed. A sct of preliminary simulation experiments have been conducted with the mode to assess the impact of different network configurations on the MPEG traffic transmission performance. Our simulation model is able to simulate many of the potential performance issues regarding video traffic via TCPIIP and A TM and can be used to evaluate any potential solutions.


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Mobile ad-hoc networks are characterised by constant topology changes, the absence of fixed infrastructure and lack of any centralised control. Traditional routing algorithms prove to be inefficient in such a changing environment. Ad-hoc routing protocols such as dynamic source routing (DSR), ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV) and destination-sequence distance vector (DSDV) have been proposed to solve the multi hop routing problem in ad-hoc networks. Performance studies of these routing protocols have assumed constant bit rate (CBR) traffic. Real-time multimedia traffic generated by video-on demand and teleconferencing services are mostly variable bit rate (VBR) traffic. Most of these multimedia traffic is encoded using the MPEG standard. (ISO moving picture expert group). When video traffic is transferred over MANETs a series of performance issues arise. In this paper we present a performance comparison of three ad-hoc routing protocols - DSR, AODV and DSDV when streaming MPEG4 traffic. Simulation studies show that DSDV performs better than AODV and DSR. However all three protocols fail to provide good performance in large, highly mobile network environments. Further study is required to improve the performance of these protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks offering VBR services.


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Due to the growing knowledge about the role of specific fatty acids in health and disease, dietary intake measurements of individual fatty acids or classes of fatty acids are becoming increasingly important. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the Nambour FFQ to estimate intakes of specific fatty acids, particularly PUFA. The study population was a sub-sample of adult participants in a randomised controlled trial of [beta]-carotene and sunscreen in the prevention of skin cancer (n 43). Dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered FFQ and a weighed food record (WFR). Non-fasting blood samples were collected and analysed for plasma phospholipid fatty acids. Median intakes on the FFQ were generally higher than the WFR except for the n-3 PUFA groups, where the FFQ estimated higher intakes. Correlations between the FFQ and WFR were moderate (r 0–32-0-59) except for trans fatty acids (r 0–03). Correlations between each of the dietary assessment methods and the plasma phospholipids were poor for all fatty acids other than the PUFA. Using the methods of triads approach, the FFQ validity coefficients for total n-3 fatty acids, total long chain n-3 fatty acids, EPA, arachidonic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and DHA were 0–50, 0–63, 0–45 and 0–62 and 0–62, respectively. For most fatty acids, the FFQ adequately estimates group mean fatty acid intakes and can adequately rank individuals; however, the ability of this FFQ to estimate trans fatty acids was poor.