974 resultados para Tower shadow


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What is academic quality? On the decline of academic autonomy In light of the transformations that universities currently undergo, with Bologna as a keyword, the following questions are put: What ideals lie behind the assessment of academic “excellence” and “quality”? What agents have the ability to define what is good science and education today? These questions are approached through Pierre Bourdieus concept of field. Looking at the development the last decade, traditional academic values, such as the ideal of universal knowledge as (personal and collective) enrichment and the intellectual independence “of all political authority and economic power”, as stated in the Magna Charta Universitatum, seem to have emerged into the shadow of employability, knowledge control, competitiveness, and economic benefit. In connection with the formation of concepts such as “the knowledge society” and “knowledge based economies” the university has received a somewhat different and more central role in society. The university has come to take the role more of a knowledge producing enterprise clearly directed towards the surrounding society. There are higher demands on academic knowledge to contribute to economic, regional or national development and competitiveness. When the university is regarded as a knowledge company whose task is to accoun tfor the requests of the students, the labour market, and the business world it undertakes to follow trends and short term social phases rather than to critically examine them, which has been a traditional task for the university. If the academic work is guided by the market economical principle, that the client requests decide what quality is, instead of the experts on the academic field themselves (i.e. the scientists,) it is obviously not scientific ideals that constitute the criteria for what is good science and education.


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Esta tesina tiene el propósito de analizar las características de algunos de lospersonajes principales de La Sombra del Viento de Carlos Ruiz Zafón desde un punto de vistade género. El estudio se basa en diferentes teorías de género que pretenden funcionar comoherramientas para poder destacar las diferencias entre las descripciones femeninas y lasmasculinas que aparecen en la obra. Primero, definimos y concretamos el término género conla ayuda de las teorías de Yvonne Hirdman. En segundo lugar, presentamos la teoría deldualismo, de acuerdo con la cual Lena Gemzöe hace una división entre las cualidadesmasculinas y femeninas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido hacer un análisis de lascaracterísticas de algunos de los personajes principales de para demostrar si existenconstrucciones de identidad de género desde una perspectiva dualista. Como resultado denuestro estudio podemos afirmar que Zafón refuerza la división entre las cualidadesmasculinas y femeninas. Los personajes masculinos son descritos como fuertes, valientes,lógicos, intelectuales e independientes. Paralelamente, las mujeres son descritas como débiles,cobardes, intuitivas y dependientes. Además, consideramos que Zafón da a todos lospersonajes masculinos mayor espacio, estatus y protagonismo en el desarrollo de la historia.En todo momento, queda claro que Zafón crea de forma inconsciente el orden de género yrefuerza así las diferencias sexuales.


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This thesis presents a system to recognise and classify road and traffic signs for the purpose of developing an inventory of them which could assist the highway engineers’ tasks of updating and maintaining them. It uses images taken by a camera from a moving vehicle. The system is based on three major stages: colour segmentation, recognition, and classification. Four colour segmentation algorithms are developed and tested. They are a shadow and highlight invariant, a dynamic threshold, a modification of de la Escalera’s algorithm and a Fuzzy colour segmentation algorithm. All algorithms are tested using hundreds of images and the shadow-highlight invariant algorithm is eventually chosen as the best performer. This is because it is immune to shadows and highlights. It is also robust as it was tested in different lighting conditions, weather conditions, and times of the day. Approximately 97% successful segmentation rate was achieved using this algorithm.Recognition of traffic signs is carried out using a fuzzy shape recogniser. Based on four shape measures - the rectangularity, triangularity, ellipticity, and octagonality, fuzzy rules were developed to determine the shape of the sign. Among these shape measures octangonality has been introduced in this research. The final decision of the recogniser is based on the combination of both the colour and shape of the sign. The recogniser was tested in a variety of testing conditions giving an overall performance of approximately 88%.Classification was undertaken using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The classification is carried out in two stages: rim’s shape classification followed by the classification of interior of the sign. The classifier was trained and tested using binary images in addition to five different types of moments which are Geometric moments, Zernike moments, Legendre moments, Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments, and Binary Haar features. The performance of the SVM was tested using different features, kernels, SVM types, SVM parameters, and moment’s orders. The average classification rate achieved is about 97%. Binary images show the best testing results followed by Legendre moments. Linear kernel gives the best testing results followed by RBF. C-SVM shows very good performance, but ?-SVM gives better results in some case.


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As part of its wider promotion of a world that is peaceful and tolerant, the United Nations declared 2005 the International Year of Sport and Physical Education. At the fore of the UN's proclamation was recognition of the important role sport and PE play in nurturing the health and harmony of society. Sport and PE, the UN declared, provide important nodes for social connection around which shared values and understandings can be formed. In the wake of the UN's endorsement of the role that sport and PE can play in fostering social and emotional development, it is more important that ever that we reflect on and refine our practices towards this end. This paper draws on two research narratives to illustrate how easily this potential can be undermined. Indeed, behind some of the wonderful opportunities for connection that exist through a participation in PE and sport exists a dark shadow of alienation and oppression. The challenge raised through this paper centres on the need for PE teachers and coaches to work deliberately and strategically towards the cultivation of inclusive, tolerant and responsible forms of participation, and not leave their development to chance.


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This paper is a study of the intersection of text, context and presentation in Agusta Wibisono's two novels based on the wayang shadow puppet theatre of Central Java, Balada Narasoma (The Ballad of Narasoma) (1990) and Balada Cinta Abimanyu dan Lady Sundari (The Ballad of the Love of Abimanyu and Lady Sundari) (1990). It should be observed from the outset that in the field of modern Indonesian literary studies Agusta Wibisono is a virtually unknown figure, and in Indonesia his two novels are long out of print and now extremely hard to find. The publishing house responsible for the novels' initial print run, Pustakakarya Grafikatama, is now defunct. Adding to the enigma surrounding this man, Agusta Wibisono is in fact a pseudonym for a writer and a pilot in the Indonesian airforce, Mohammad Agus Suhadi.


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This article examines Indonesian émigré Pipit Rochijat's attempts to adapt and renew the tales of the traditional shadow theatre, the wayang. The significance of Pipit's subversive mythologies lies in the historical context in which these reinterpretations occurred: at the height of Suharto's New Order regime in the mid 1980s. At a time when censorship and self-censorship had virtually crippled the critical impulse of Indonesian cultural expression, the return to mythology was in a significant sense an attempt to evade, critique, and undermine the authorities. By appropriating the very same symbols and language in which the New Order authoritarian regime had manipulated so effectively, Indonesian dissidents such as Pipit discovered the perfect symbolic weapon with which to radicalize their opposition.


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Belief in the concept of the self causes suffering. Unfortunately, although conceptual constructions like this may help to define our goal—the casting off of the belief in the self—this is a much more difficult thing to actualize and attain in daily practice. Our building blocks can form a neat tower, and we can climb to the top and gaze at the horizon, but they will topple, leaving us once again over our heads in the hedgerow. Buddha describes his teachings as a raft to ford the river of suffering in order to reach the far off bank of enlightenment: as one does not take the raft after crossing the river, so we must not lean on his teachings to make our way through life. So I intend here to abandon the raft for other accounts of existence written by other thinkers, and in this my purpose is twofold: First, in reading other interpretations we can gain new tools with which to study the architecture of the concept of the self, and second, in studying the history of the concept of self as it progresses through history we can better understand the non-inherentness of this problematic construct. I intend to examine the philosophies of self in the Chinese and European traditions, and their subsequent deconstructive traditions in order to achieve this goal.


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"Completely revised and updated, this new edition of The Politics of Indonesia is an engaging and accessible account of the main political issues and challenges confronting Indonesia as it moves forward into the twenty-first century. Since the forced resignation of Suharto as president in 1998, Indonesia has seemingly lurched from one crisis to the next: the country's first democratically elected president, Abdurrahman Wahid was ejected from government; the army has become politically active again; and militant Islamic politics and a chauvinistic nationalism have emerged as significant forces on the political landscape. Now, with the ascension of Megawati Sukarnoputri to the presidency, Damien Kingsbury looks in detail at her style of government and the fundamental issues and concerns facing Indonesia.
The biggest question facing this heterogeneous nation seems to be whether the Republic of Indonesia will be able to hold together or whether this unitary state was just a brief moment in post-colonial history." "This book is a valuable resource for students of Asian studies, politics, and related disciplines. Likewise, it remains essential reading for those wishing to travel or do business in Indonesia and for anyone living in the strategic shadow of this important, diverse, and fragile country."


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Background: Empowerment and power are well-researched concepts concerning people with chronic diseases. However, few researchers have focused specifically on the process of empowerment in Iranian people with diabetes. Understanding the empowerment process could help health professionals facilitate empowerment.
Aim: To explore the empowerment process in Iranian people with diabetes.
Method: A grounded theory research design was used incorporating in-depth interviews to collect the data from men and women aged 21–73 years (n = 16). Data were collected between February and July 2007. Constant comparative analysis was undertaken to identify key categories.
Findings: Participants indicated being embarrassed by the diagnosis, thirsting to learn, living in the shadow of fear, accepting diabetes as reality, managing diabetes and feeling empowered were distinct but interconnected phases in the empowerment process. The empowerment process was influenced by cultural and religious beliefs including the concept of the doctor as holy man, accepting diabetes as God's will, caring for the body because it was God's gift, paying attention to symptomatic disease, and support from peers and family, especially daughters.
The empowerment process consists of several distinct but interconnected phases. The findings will help health professionals develop a deeper understanding of how Iranian people with diabetes become empowered.


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Physical activity participation can provide benefits for both the health and well-being of the community. Many people, however, are not active enough to achieve these health and well-being outcomes. The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation’s (VicHealth) 2001 Active Recreation Scheme funded 27 projects designed to provide recreation programs to address the active recreation needs of disadvantaged groups who are often the least physically active members of Victorian communities. This research aimed to identify themes and strategies of these projects that increased participation or reduced barriers to participation in active recreation. Site visit interviews were conducted with representatives of 11 projects to become familiar with successful program strategies and barriers to recreation program development. Following the site visits a focus group discussion with representatives from all 27 funded projects was conducted to explore ways in which barriers to recreation participation could be minimized and what strategies were effective in increasing recreation participation. Nine general dimensions that were identified as strategic approaches to increase the participation of disadvantaged groups in recreation programs were relationships, resources, community values/attitudes, communication (promotion and education), participant awareness/motivation, autonomy supportive, planning, program design, and mentors/role models. It was found that a focus on a community coalitions and complementary policy developments had positive effects on creating active communities. Four themes that guided the community and policy developments were i) community partnerships, ii) community support, iii) focus on the participants and iv) program design elements. The study also showed that the management and manipulation of these themes assisted agencies to develop programs that increased recreation participation.


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Seed dispersal is now regularly analyzed using spatially explicit models, relying in part on frugivore gut passage times to produce model outputs. In determining species-specific gut passage times, there is a trade-off in sample size between minimizing collection effort and maintaining statistical reliability. Here we demonstrate that a two-parameter lognormal parametric distribution reliably fits empirical gut passage time distributions and is easily parameterized using relatively small data sets of approximately 30 defecations. We suggest this approach as a statistically reliable substitute for larger empirical gut passage data sets in seed dispersal modeling, and also as a way of using published gut passage data sets to parameterize new models.


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This thesis presents a solution to the problem of receiving a signal in the shadow and fringe areas. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the field behind an obstacle in a line of sight transmission path for UHF / microwave signals has resulted in a new approach to the analysis of electromagnetic fields in the shadow of an obstacle. Analysis using this approach showed the field to consist of varying amplitude and phase distribution. Additional analysis predicted an increase in received signal could be achieved if correlation between the field and antenna structure could be obtained. This was accomplished with a new antenna design. The thesis presents experimental and photographic evidence to support the theory. A novel technique involving the matching of the antenna structure to the field distribution, resulted in an increase of received signal in the diffracted field of up to 4 dB.


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My thesis tilled Feminist Poetics: Symbolism in an Emblematic Journey Reflecting Self and Vision, consists of thirty oil paintings on canvas, several preparatory sketches and drawings in different media on paper, and is supported and elucidated by an exegesis. The paintings on unframed canvases reveal mise en scčnes and emblems that present to the viewer a drama about links between identities, differences, relationships and vision. Images of my daughter, friends and myself fill single canvases, suites of paintings, diptyches and triptychs. The impetus behind my research derives from my recognition of the cultural means by which women's experience is excluded from a representational norm or ideal. I use time-honoured devices, such as, illusionist imagery, aspects of portraiture, complex fractured atmospheric space, paintings and drawings within paintings, mirrors and reflective surfaces, shadows and architectural devices. They structure my compositions in a way that envelops the viewer in my internal world of ideas. Some of these features function symbolically, as emblems. A small part of the imagery relies on verisimilitude, such as my hands and their shadow and my single observing eye enclosed by my glasses. What remains is a fantasy world, ‘seen’ by the image of my other eye, or ‘faction’, based on memories and texts explaining the significance of ancient Minoan symbols. In my paintings, I base the subjects of this fantasy on my memories of the Knossos Labyrinth and matristic symbols, such as the pillar, snake, blood, eye and horn. They suggest the presence of a ritual where initiates descended into the adyton (holy of holies) or sunken areas in the labyrinth. The paintings attempt a ‘rewriting’ of sacrality and gender by adopting the symbolism of death, transformation and resurrection in the adyton. The significance of my emblematic imagery is that it constructs a foundation narrative about vision and insight. I sought symbolic attributes shared by European oil painting and Minoan antiquity. Both traditions share symbolic attributes with male dying gods in Greek myths and Medusa plays a central part in this linkage. I argue that her attributes seem identical to both those of the dying gods and Minoan goddesses. In the Minoan context these symbols suggest metaphors for the female body and the mother and daughter blood line. When the symbols align with the beheaded Medusa in a patriarchal context, both her image and her attributes represent cautionary tales about female sexuality that have repercussions for aspects of vision. In Renaissance and Baroque oil painting Medusa's image served as a vehicle for an allegory that personified the triumph of reason over the senses. In the twentieth century, the vagina dentata suggests her image, a personified image of irrational emotion that some male Surrealists celebrated as a muse. She is implicated in the male gaze as a site of castration and her representation suggests a symbolic form pertaining to perspective. Medusa's image, its negative sexual and violent connotations, seemed like a keystone linking iconographic codes in European oil painting to Minoan antiquity. I fused aspects of matristic Minoan antiquity with elements of European oil paintings in the form of disguised attribute gestures, objects and architectural environments. I selected three paintings, Dürer's Setf-Portrait, 1500, Gentileschi's Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 1630 and Velazquez's Las Meniruis, 1656 as models because 1 detected echoes of Minoan symbolism in the attributes of their subjects and backgrounds. My revision of Medusa's image by connecting it to Minoan antiquity established a feminist means of representation in the largely male-dominated tradition of oil painting. These paintings also suggested painting techniques that were useful to me. Through my representations of my emblematic journey I questioned the narrow focus placed on phallic symbols when I explored how their meanings may have been formed within a matricentric culture. I retained the key symbols of the patriarchal foundation narratives about vision but removed images of violence and their link to desire and replaced it with a ritual form of symbolic death. I challenged the binary oppositional defined Self as opposed to Other by constructing a complex, fluid Self that interacts with others. A multi-directional gaze between subjects, viewers and artist replaces the male gaze. Different qualities of paint, coagulation and random flow form a blood symbolism. Many layers of paint retaining some aspects of the Gaze and Glance, fuse and separate intermittently to construct and define form. The sense of motion and fluidity constructs a form of multi-faceted selves. The supporting document, the exegesis is in two parts. In the first part, I discuss the Minoan sources of my iconography and the symbolic gender specific meanings suggested by particular symbols and their changed meanings in European oil painting, I explain how I integrate Minoan symbols into European oil paintings as a form of disguised symbolism. In the second part I explain how my alternative use of symbolism and paint alludes to a feminist poetic.