966 resultados para Tiopurina metil transferase


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Las masas forestales tienen una importancia colosal para nuestra sociedad y el conjunto de la biosfera. Estudios recientes a escala mundial indican que la sequía es el factor abiótico que más afecta a su crecimiento y supervivencia, seguida por las temperaturas extremas y la salinidad. Aunque comprender los mecanismos con que las especies arbóreas toleran estas formas de estrés tiene un interés aplicado evidente, dichos mecanismos se han estudiado mucho más en especies herbáceas modelo o de interés agronómico. Existen sin embargo diferencias notables entre ellas, como se demuestra en esta tesis y en otros trabajos recientes. Nuestro estudio se centra concretamente en la respuesta molecular del chopo –el sistema modelo forestal más desarrollado– al estrés abiótico, con particular énfasis en la sequía. Utilizando una estrategia proteómica y tratamientos controlados, hemos identificado componentes mayoritarios de dicha respuesta. Su participación en la misma se ha validado mediante análisis transcripcionales detallados utilizando tecnología qRT-PCR (PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real). Hemos identificado proteínas cuyo nexo funcional con mecanismos de tolerancia ya era conocido, como chaperonas moleculares sHSP o enzimas que atenúan el estrés oxidativo, pero también proteínas cuya relación funcional con el estrés es menos clara o incluso novedosa, como polifenol oxidasas (PPO), deshidrogenasas/reductasas de cadena corta (SDR), o bicupinas (BIC), entre otras. El cuerpo central de la tesis consiste en la caracterización detallada de una PPO inusual, cuya inducción por estrés hídrico se describe por vez primera. Estas enzimas están ampliamente distribuidas en plantas, si bien su número es muy variable de unas especies a otras. Algunas, como nogal, tienen un único gen, mientras que Arabidopsis no tiene ninguno. En la última versión del genoma de chopo hemos identificado un total de 12 miembros bona fide, corrigiendo trabajos previos, y hemos caracterizado su expresión individual ante diferentes situaciones de estrés controlado y tratamientos hormonales. La isoforma antedicha es el único miembro de la familia que responde claramente a la deshidratación. También responde a salinidad y a la mayor parte de tratamientos hormonales ensayados, pero no a daño mecánico o tratamientos con metil jasmonato. Esto la diferencia de enzimas homólogas presentes en otras especies de plantas, que se han relacionado experimentalmente con estrés biótico. Los patrones de acumulación de transcritos en árboles adultos son compatibles con un papel protector frente a la sequía. La integración de nuestros estudios funcionales y filogenéticos sugiere que la familia ha sufrido un proceso reciente de diversificación y neofuncionalización, siendo la protección frente a deshidratación su papel primigenio. Aunque se conoce la actividad bioquímica in vitro de este tipo de enzimas, sus sustratos naturales son esencialmente una incógnita. Mediante expresión heteróloga en Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) hemos detectado que la enzima de chopo es capaz de oxidar L-DOPA a dopaquinona, siendo menos activa frente a otros sustratos. Por otra parte, hemos demostrado su localización cloroplástica mediante transformación transitoria de protoplastos con fusiones a la proteína fluorescente YFP. Mediante la obtención de plantas transgénicas de A. thaliana hemos demostrado que la enzima de chopo aumenta considerablemente la tolerancia in vivo frente a la deshidratación y al estrés salino. El análisis fenotípico detallado de las líneas transgénicas, combinando múltiples metodologías, nos ha permitido sustanciar que la tolerancia tiene una base compleja. Esta incluye una mayor protección del sistema fotosintético, una capacidad antioxidante muy incrementada y la acumulación de solutos osmoprotectores como la prolina. Los análisis metabolómicos nos han permitido asociar la expresión de la proteína a la síntesis de un flavano no descrito previamente en A. thaliana, vinculando la enzima de chopo con la síntesis de fenilpropanoides. También hemos observado alteraciones en los niveles hormonales que podrían subyacer a efectos pleiotrópicos con interés aplicado, como un aumento consistente del tamaño de la planta o el acortamiento del ciclo de crecimiento. Además de aportar datos novedosos sobre la funcionalidad in vivo de esta familia de oxidasas, los resultados de esta tesis demuestran que los árboles son sistemas de estudio interesantes para caracterizar nuevas estrategias de tolerancia al estrés abiótico con potencial aplicado. ABSTRACT Forests masses have an extraordinary importance for our society and the biosphere. Recent worldwide studies indicate that drought is the abiotic factor that affects more their growing and survival, followed by extreme temperatures and salinity. The understanding of how the arboreal species tolerate the stress has an evident practical interest, but their mechanisms have been studied much more in herbaceous species or with agronomic interest. However, considerable differences exist between them, as this thesis and recent studies show. Our study is focused on the molecular response of the poplar –the more developed forestry model system- to abiotic stress, specifically focused in the drought. Using a proteomic strategy and controlled treatments, we have identified main components in such response. Its participation has been validated through transcriptional analysis using qRT-PCR technology. We have identified proteins whose functional connection with tolerance mechanisms were already known, as molecular chaperones sHSP or enzymes that attenuate the oxidative stress, but also some proteins whose functional relationship with the stress is less clear or even novel, as polifenol oxidases (PPO), short chain deshidrogenases/reductases (SDR), or bicupines (BIC), among others. The central body of the thesis consists of the detailed characterization of an unsual PPO, whose induction due to drought stress is first described. These enzymes are thoroughly distributed in plants, but their number of members is very variable among species. Some of them, as the walnut tree, have a single gene, while Arabidopsis has none. We have identified a total of 12 members in the last version of the poplar genome, correcting previous works, and have characterized their individual expression against different situations of controlled stress and hormone treatments. The aforementioned isoform is the only member of the family that responds clearly to the drought. It also reacts to salinity and the majority of hormonal treatments tested, but it does not respond to mechanical damage or treatments with methyl jasmonate. This is the difference with homologue enzymes present in other plant species, which have been related experimentally with abiotic stress. The accumulation patterns of transcripts in adult trees are compatible with a protector role against drought. The integration of our functional and phylogenetic studies suggests that the family has suffered a recent process of diversification and neofunctionalization, being the protection against drought their original role. Although the in vitro biochemistry activity of this kind of enzymes is already known, their natural substracts are essentially a mystery. By means of heterologous expression of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) we have detected that the enzyme of poplar is able to oxidize L-DOPA to dopaquinone, being less active against other substrates. Additionally, we have proven its chloroplastic location with transitory transformation of protoplasts with YFP protein fusion. By means of getting transgenic plants of A. thaliana, we have demonstrated that the poplar enzyme increases notably the in vivo tolerance against the drought and salinity stresses. The phenotypic analysis of the transgenic lines, and the use of multiple methodologies, allowed us to test the complexity of the tolerance. This includes a major protection of the photosynthetic system, a very increased antioxidant capacity and the accumulation of osmoprotectant solutes as the proline. The metabolic analysis has allowed to associate the protein expression with the synthesis of a Flavan non described previously in A. thalaiana, linking the enzyme of poplar with the synthesis of phenylpropanoids. We have observed alterations in the hormonal levels that could underlie pleiotropic effects with applied interest, as a consistent increase of the size of the plant and the reduction of the growth cycle. The results of this thesis, in addition to provide novel data about the in vivo functionality of the oxidase family, demonstrate that the trees are interesting systems of study to characterize new strategies of tolerance against abiotic stress with applied potential.


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Cholinergic neurons respond to the administration of nerve growth factor (NGF) in vivo with a prominent and selective increase of choline acetyl transferase activity. This suggests the possible involvement of endogenous NGF, acting through its receptor TrkA, in the maintenance of central nervous system cholinergic synapses in the adult rat brain. To test this hypothesis, a small peptide, C(92-96), that blocks NGF-TrkA interactions was delivered stereotactically into the rat cortex over a 2-week period, and its effect and potency were compared with those of an anti-NGF monoclonal antibody (mAb NGF30). Two presynaptic antigenic sites were studied by immunoreactivity, and the number of presynaptic sites was counted by using an image analysis system. Synaptophysin was used as a marker for overall cortical synapses, and the vesicular acetylcholine transporter was used as a marker for cortical cholinergic presynaptic sites. No significant variations in the number of synaptophysin-immunoreactive sites were observed. However, both mAb NGF30 and the TrkA antagonist C(92-96) provoked a significant decrease in the number and size of vesicular acetylcholine transporter–IR sites, with the losses being more marked in the C(92-96) treated rats. These observations support the notion that endogenously produced NGF acting through TrkA receptors is involved in the maintenance of the cholinergic phenotype in the normal, adult rat brain and supports the idea that NGF normally plays a role in the continual remodeling of neural circuits during adulthood. The development of neurotrophin mimetics with antagonistic and eventually agonist action may contribute to therapeutic strategies for central nervous system degeneration and trauma.


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Components of cellular stress responses can be identified by correlating changes in stress tolerance with gain or loss of function of defined genes. Previous work has shown that yeast cells deficient in Ppz1 protein phosphatase or overexpressing Hal3p, a novel regulatory protein of unknown function, exhibit increased resistance to sodium and lithium, whereas cells lacking Hal3p display increased sensitivity. These effects are largely a result of changes in expression of ENA1, encoding the major cation extrusion pump of yeast cells. Disruption or overexpression of HAL3 (also known as SIS2) has no effect on salt tolerance in the absence of PPZ1, suggesting that Hal3p might function upstream of Ppz1p in a novel signal transduction pathway. Hal3p is recovered from crude yeast homogenates by using immobilized, bacterially expressed Ppz1p fused to glutathione S-transferase, and it also copurifies with affinity-purified glutathione S-transferase-Ppz1p from yeast extracts. In both cases, the interaction is stronger when only the carboxyl-terminal catalytic phosphatase domain of Ppz1p is expressed. In vitro experiments reveal that the protein phosphatase activity of Ppz1p is inhibited by Hal3p. Overexpression of Hal3p suppresses the reduced growth rate because of the overexpression of Ppz1p and aggravates the lytic phenotype of a slt2/mpk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase mutant (thus mimicking the deletion of PPZ1). Therefore, Hal3p might modulate diverse physiological functions of the Ppz1 phosphatase, such as salt stress tolerance and cell cycle progression, by acting as a inhibitory subunit.


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The ubiquitously expressed nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl contains three nuclear localization signals, however, it is found in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of proliferating fibroblasts. A rapid and transient loss of c-Abl from the nucleus is observed upon the initial adhesion of fibroblasts onto a fibronectin matrix, suggesting the possibility of nuclear export [Lewis, J., Baskaran, R., Taagepera, S., Schwartz, M. & Wang, J. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 15174–15179]. Here we show that the C terminus of c-Abl does indeed contain a functional nuclear export signal (NES) with the characteristic leucine-rich motif. The c-Abl NES can functionally complement an NES-defective HIV Rev protein (RevΔ3NI) and can mediate the nuclear export of glutathione-S-transferase. The c-Abl NES function is sensitive to the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B. Mutation of a single leucine (L1064A) in the c-Abl NES abrogates export function. The NES-mutated c-Abl, termed c-Abl NES(−), is localized exclusively to the nucleus. Treatment of cells with leptomycin B also leads to the nuclear accumulation of wild-type c-Abl protein. The c-Abl NES(−) is not lost from the nucleus when detached fibroblasts are replated onto fibronectin matrix. Taken together, these results demonstrate that c-Abl shuttles continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and that the rate of nuclear import and export can be modulated by the adherence status of fibroblastic cells.


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Developmental commitment involves activation of lineage-specific genes, stabilization of a lineage-specific gene expression program, and permanent inhibition of inappropriate characteristics. To determine how these processes are coordinated in early T cell development, the expression of T and B lineage-specific genes was assessed in staged subsets of immature thymocytes. T lineage characteristics are acquired sequentially, with germ-line T cell antigen receptor-β transcripts detected very early, followed by CD3ɛ and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, then pTα, and finally RAG1. Only RAG1 expression coincides with commitment. Thus, much T lineage gene expression precedes commitment and does not depend on it. Early in the course of commitment to the T lineage, thymocytes lose the ability to develop into B cells. To understand how this occurs, we also examined expression of well defined B lineage-specific genes. Although λ5 and Ig-α are not expressed, the μ0 and Iμ transcripts from the unrearranged IgH locus are expressed early, in distinct patterns, then repressed just before RAG1 expression. By contrast, RNA encoding the B cell receptor component Ig-β was found to be transcribed in all immature thymocyte subpopulations and throughout most thymocyte differentiation. Ig-β expression is down-regulated only during positive selection of CD4+CD8– cells. Thus several key participants in the B cell developmental program are expressed in non-B lineage-committed cells, and one is maintained even through commitment to an alternative lineage, and repressed only after extensive T lineage differentiation. The results show that transcriptional activation of “lymphocyte-specific” genes can occur in uncommitted precursors, and that T lineage commitment is a composite of distinct positive and negative regulatory events.


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ETR1 represents a prototypical ethylene receptor. Homologues of ETR1 have been identified in Arabidopsis as well as in other plant species, indicating that ethylene perception involves a family of receptors and that the mechanism of ethylene perception is conserved in plants. The amino-terminal half of ETR1 contains a hydrophobic domain responsible for ethylene binding and membrane localization. The carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide contains domains with homology to histidine kinases and response regulators, signaling motifs originally identified in bacteria. The putative histidine kinase domain of ETR1 was expressed in yeast as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase and affinity purified. Autophosphorylation of the purified fusion protein was observed on incubation with radiolabeled ATP. The incorporated phosphate was resistant to treatment with 3 M NaOH, but was sensitive to 1 M HCl, consistent with phosphorylation of histidine. Autophosphorylation was abolished by mutations that eliminated either the presumptive site of phosphorylation (His-353) or putative catalytic residues within the kinase domain. Truncations were used to delineate the region required for histidine kinase activity. An examination of cation requirements indicated that ETR1 requires Mn2+ for autophosphorylation. These results demonstrate that higher plants contain proteins with histidine kinase activity. Furthermore, these results indicate that aspects of ethylene signaling may be regulated by changes in histidine kinase activity of the receptor.


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In a survey of microbial systems capable of generating unusual metabolite structural variability, Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 15439 is notable in its ability to produce two distinct groups of macrolide antibiotics. Methymycin and neomethymycin are derived from the 12-membered ring macrolactone 10-deoxymethynolide, whereas narbomycin and pikromycin are derived from the 14-membered ring macrolactone, narbonolide. This report describes the cloning and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster for these antibiotics. Central to the cluster is a polyketide synthase locus (pikA) that encodes a six-module system comprised of four multifunctional proteins, in addition to a type II thioesterase (TEII). Immediately downstream is a set of genes for desosamine biosynthesis (des) and macrolide ring hydroxylation. The study suggests that Pik TEII plays a role in forming a metabolic branch through which polyketides of different chain length are generated, and the glycosyl transferase (encoded by desVII) has the ability to catalyze glycosylation of both the 12- and 14-membered ring macrolactones. Moreover, the pikC-encoded P450 hydroxylase provides yet another layer of structural variability by introducing regiochemical diversity into the macrolide ring systems. The data support the notion that the architecture of the pik gene cluster as well as the unusual substrate specificity of particular enzymes contributes to its ability to generate four macrolide antibiotics.


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Three distinct protein prenyl transferases, one protein farnesyl transferase (FTase) and two protein geranylgeranyl transferases (GGTase), catalyze prenylation of many cellular proteins. One group of protein substrates contains a C-terminal CAAX motif (C is Cys, A is aliphatic, and X is a variety of amino acids) in which the single cysteine residue is modified with either farnesyl or geranylgeranyl (GG) by FTase or GGTase type-I (GGTase-I), respectively. Rab proteins constitute a second group of substrates that contain a C-terminal double-cysteine motif (such as XXCC in Rab1a) in which both cysteines are geranylgeranylated by Rab GG transferase (RabGGTase). Previous characterization of CAAX prenyl transferases showed that the enzymes form stable complexes with their prenyl pyrophosphate substrates, acting as prenyl carriers. We developed a prenyl-binding assay and show that RabGGTase has a prenyl carrier function similar to the CAAX prenyl transferases. Stable RabGGTase:GG pyrophosphate (GGPP), FTase:GGPP, and GGTase-I:GGPP complexes show 1:1 (enzyme:GGPP) stoichiometry. Chromatographic analysis of prenylated products after single turnover reactions by using isolated RabGGTase:GGPP complex revealed that Rab is mono-geranylgeranylated. This study establishes that all three protein prenyl transferases contain a single prenyl-binding site and suggests that RabGGTase transfers two GG groups to Rabs in independent and consecutive reactions.


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We have identified a mammalian protein called GIPC (for GAIP interacting protein, C terminus), which has a central PDZ domain and a C-terminal acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain. The PDZ domain of GIPC specifically interacts with RGS-GAIP, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Gαi subunits recently localized on clathrin-coated vesicles. Analysis of deletion mutants indicated that the PDZ domain of GIPC specifically interacts with the C terminus of GAIP (11 amino acids) in the yeast two-hybrid system and glutathione S-transferase (GST)-GIPC pull-down assays, but GIPC does not interact with other members of the RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) family tested. This finding is in keeping with the fact that the C terminus of GAIP is unique and possesses a modified C-terminal PDZ-binding motif (SEA). By immunoblotting of membrane fractions prepared from HeLa cells, we found that there are two pools of GIPC–a soluble or cytosolic pool (70%) and a membrane-associated pool (30%). By immunofluorescence, endogenous and GFP-tagged GIPC show both a diffuse and punctate cytoplasmic distribution in HeLa cells reflecting, respectively, the existence of soluble and membrane-associated pools. By immunoelectron microscopy the membrane pool of GIPC is associated with clusters of vesicles located near the plasma membrane. These data provide direct evidence that the C terminus of a RGS protein is involved in interactions specific for a given RGS protein and implicates GAIP in regulation of additional functions besides its GAP activity. The location of GIPC together with its binding to GAIP suggest that GAIP and GIPC may be components of a G protein-coupled signaling complex involved in the regulation of vesicular trafficking. The presence of an ACP domain suggests a putative function for GIPC in the acylation of vesicle-bound proteins.


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Several G-protein coupled receptors, such as the β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR), contain polyproline motifs within their intracellular domains. Such motifs in other proteins are known to mediate protein–protein interactions such as with Src homology (SH)3 domains. Accordingly, we used the proline-rich third intracellular loop of the β1-AR either as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in biochemical “pull-down” assays or as bait in the yeast two-hybrid system to search for interacting proteins. Both approaches identified SH3p4/p8/p13 (also referred to as endophilin 1/2/3), a SH3 domain-containing protein family, as binding partners for the β1-AR. In vitro and in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, SH3p4 specifically binds to the third intracellular loop of the β1-AR but not to that of the β2-AR. Moreover, this interaction is mediated by the C-terminal SH3 domain of SH3p4. Functionally, overexpression of SH3p4 promotes agonist-induced internalization and modestly decreases the Gs coupling efficacy of β1-ARs in HEK293 cells while having no effect on β2-ARs. Thus, our studies demonstrate a role of the SH3p4/p8/p13 protein family in β1-AR signaling and suggest that interaction between proline-rich motifs and SH3-containing proteins may represent a previously underappreciated aspect of G-protein coupled receptor signaling.


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Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that is transmitted by cough-propelled droplets that carry the etiologic bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although currently available drugs kill most isolates of M. tuberculosis, strains resistant to each of these have emerged, and multiply resistant strains are increasingly widespread. The growing problem of drug resistance combined with a global incidence of seven million new cases per year underscore the urgent need for new antituberculosis therapies. The recent publication of the complete sequence of the M. tuberculosis genome has made possible, for the first time, a comprehensive genomic approach to the biology of this organism and to the drug discovery process. We used a DNA microarray containing 97% of the ORFs predicted from this sequence to monitor changes in M. tuberculosis gene expression in response to the antituberculous drug isoniazid. Here we show that isoniazid induced several genes that encode proteins physiologically relevant to the drug’s mode of action, including an operonic cluster of five genes encoding type II fatty acid synthase enzymes and fbpC, which encodes trehalose dimycolyl transferase. Other genes, not apparently within directly affected biosynthetic pathways, also were induced. These genes, efpA, fadE23, fadE24, and ahpC, likely mediate processes that are linked to the toxic consequences of the drug. Insights gained from this approach may define new drug targets and suggest new methods for identifying compounds that inhibit those targets.


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Adenovirus (Ad) gene transfer vectors are rapidly cleared from infected hepatocytes in mice. To determine which effector mechanisms are responsible for elimination of the Ad vectors, we infected mice that were genetically compromised in immune effector pathways [perforin, Fas, or tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)] with the Ad vector, Ad5-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). Mice were sacrificed at 7–60 days postinfection, and the levels of CAT expression in the liver determined by a quantitative enzymatic assay. When the livers of infected mice were harvested 28 days postinfection, the levels of CAT expression revealed that the effectors most important for the elimination of the Ad vector were TNF-α > Fas > perforin. TNF-α did not have a curative effect on infected hepatocytes, as the administration of TNF-α to infected severe combined immunodeficient mice or to infected cultures in vitro had no specific effect on virus persistence. However, TNF-α-deficient mice demonstrated a striking reduction in the leukocytic infiltration early on in the infection, suggesting that TNF-α deficiency resulted in impaired recruitment of inflammatory cells to the site of inflammation. In addition, the TNF-deficient mice had a significantly reduced humoral immune response to virus infection. These results demonstrate a dominant role of TNF-α in elimination of Ad gene transfer vectors. This result is particularly important because viral proteins that disable TNF-α function have been removed from most Ad vectors, rendering them highly susceptible to TNF-α-mediated elimination.


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Albicidin phytotoxins are pathogenicity factors in a devastating disease of sugarcane known as leaf scald, caused by Xanthomonas albilineans. A gene (albD) from Pantoea dispersa has been cloned and sequenced and been shown to code for a peptide of 235 amino acids that detoxifies albicidin. The gene shows no significant homology at the DNA or protein level to any known sequence, but the gene product contains a GxSxG motif that is conserved in serine hydrolases. The AlbD protein, purified to homogeneity by means of a glutathione S-transferase gene fusion system, showed strong esterase activity on p-nitrophenyl butyrate and released hydrophilic products during detoxification of albicidins. AlbD hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate and detoxification of albicidins required no complex cofactors. Both processes were strongly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine enzyme inhibitor. These data strongly suggest that AlbD is an albicidin hydrolase. The enzyme detoxifies albicidins efficiently over a pH range from 5.8 to 8.0, with a broad temperature optimum from 15 to 35°C. Expression of albD in transformed X. albilineans strains abolished the capacity to release albicidin toxins and to incite disease symptoms in sugarcane. The gene is a promising candidate for transfer into sugarcane to confer a form of disease resistance.


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Recently, TAP42 was isolated as a high copy suppressor of sit4−, a yeast phosphatase related to protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). TAP42 is related to the murine α4 protein, which was discovered independently by its association with Ig-α in the B cell receptor complex. Herein we show that a glutathione S-transferase (GST)–α4 fusion protein bound the catalytic subunit (C) of human PP2A from monomeric or multimeric preparations of PP2A in a “pull-down” assay. In an overlay assay, the GST–α4 protein bound to the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of C that were separated in two-dimensional gels and immobilized on filters. The results show direct and exclusive binding of α4 to C. This is unusual because all known regulatory B subunits, or tumor virus antigens, bind stably only to the AC dimer of PP2A. The α4–C form of PP2A had an increased activity ratio compared with the AC form of PP2A when myelin basic protein phosphorylated by mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphorylase a were used as substrates. Recombinant α4 cleaved from GST was phosphorylated by p56lck tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C. A FLAG-tagged α4 expressed in COS7 cells was recovered as a protein containing phosphoserine and coimmunoprecipitated with the C but not the A subunit of PP2A. Treatment of cells with rapamycin prevented the association of PP2A with FLAG-α4. The results reveal a novel heterodimer α4–C form of PP2A that may be involved in rapamycin-sensitive signaling pathways in mammalian cells.


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A gene encoding the rice 16.9-kDa class I low-molecular-mass (LMM) heat-shock protein (HSP), Oshsp16.9, was introduced into Escherichia coli using the pGEX-2T expression vector to analyze the possible function of this LMM HSP under heat stress. It is known that E. coli does not normally produce class I LMM HSPs. We compared the survivability of E. coli XL1-Blue cells transformed with a recombinant plasmid containing a glutathione S-transferase (GST)–Oshsp16.9 fusion protein (pGST-FL cells) with the control E. coli cells transformed with the pGEX-2T vector (pGST cells) under heat-shock (HS) after isopropyl β-d-thiogalactopyranoside induction. The pGST-FL cells demonstrated thermotolerance at 47.5°C, a treatment that was lethal to the pGST cells. When the cell lysates from these two E. coli transformants were heated at 55°C, the amount of protein denatured in the pGST-FL cells was 50% less than that of the pGST cells. Similar results as pGST-FL cells were obtained in pGST-N78 cells (cells produced a fusion protein with only the N-terminal 78 aa in the Oshsp16.9 portion) but not in pGST-C108 cells (cells produced a fusion protein with C-terminal 108 aa in the Oshsp16.9 portion). The acquired thermotolerant pGST-FL cells synthesized three types of HSPs, including the 76-, 73-, and 64-kDa proteins according to their abundance at a lethal temperature of 47.5°C. This finding indicates that a plant class I LMM HSP, when effectively expressed in transformed prokaryotic cells that do not normally synthesize this class of LMM HSPs, may directly or indirectly increase thermotolerance.