935 resultados para Tidal flushing
The segment of Carnaubais Fault located in the southeasthern portion of Guamaré Graben (Potiguar Basin) was studied. Several structures were detected and some of them strongly suggest that the last movements in Carnaubais Fault are of Neotectonic age. The study comprises an integrated interpretation of geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (gravimetry, magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods). According to the size of the studied areas, two approaches were used in this research. The first approach is of a regional nature and was conducted in an area, hereafter named Regional Area, having approximately 6,000 km2 and localized in the northern portion of Rio Grande do Norte state, around Macau city. The second approach comprises detailled studies of two small areas inside the Regional Area: the Camurupim and São Bento areas. Gravimetric and topographic data were used in the Regional Area. A separation into regional and residual components were conducted both on gravimetric and topographic data. The interpretation of the residual component of the gravimetric data allows a precise mapping of the borders of the Guamaré Graben. The regional component features of the topographic data are controlled by the pair of conjugate faults composed by the Carnaubais Fault (NE direction) and the Afonso Bezerra Fault (NW direction). On the other hand, the residual component of the topographic data shows that river valleis of NW direction are sharply interrupted where they intersect Carnaubais Fault. This fact is interpreted as an evidency that the last significant moviments occured in the Carnaubais Fault. Geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods) were used in the Camurupim Area. The geologic mapping allows to identify five lithophacies unities. The first two unities (from base to top) were interpreted as composing a marine (or transitional) depositional sequency while the other were interpreted is composing a continental depositional sequence. The two sequences are clearly separated of an erosional discordance. The unities grouped in the marine sequence are composed by calcarenites (Unity A) and mudstones (Unity B). Unity A was deposited in a shalow plataform while Unity B, in a tidal flat. The unities grouped in the continental sequence are composed of conglomerate (Unity C) and sandstones (Unities D and E). Unities C and D are fluvial deposits while unity E is an eolian deposit. Unities A and B can be stratigraphycally correlated with Guamaré Formation. Unities C and D present three possible correlations. They may be correlated with Tibau Formation; or with Barreiras Formation; or with a clastic sediment deposit, commonly found in some rivers of Rio Grande do Norte state, and statigraphycally positioned above Barreiras Formation. Based on the decrease of the grain sizes from base to top both on unities C and D, it is proposed that these unities are correlated with the clastic sediment above mentioned. In this case, these unities would have, at least, Pleistocenic age. Finally, it is proposed that Unity E represent an eolian deposit that sufferred recent changes (at least in the Quaternary). The integrated interpretation of hydrographic, morphologic and geophysical data from Camurupim Area shows that Carnaubais Fault is locally composed by a system of several paralel subvertical faults. The fault presenting the larger vertical slip controls the valley of Camurupim river and separates the area in two blocks; in the nothern block the top of the Jandaira limestone is deeper than in the southern block. In addition, at least one of the faults in the northern block is cutting the whole sedimentary section. Because unities C , D, and/or E may be of Quaternary age, tectonic moviments possibly occured in Carnaubais Fault during this period. Detailled geologic mapping were conducted in beachrocks found in São Bento Area. This area is located at the intersection of the coast line with the Carnaubais Fault. The detected structures in the beachrocks are very similar to those caused by fragile deformations. The structures mapped in the beachrocks are consistent with a stress field with maximun compressional stress in E-W direction and extensional stress in the N-S direction. Since the Carnaubais Fault has a NE direction, it is optimally positioned to suffer tectonic movements under the action of such stress field. In addition, the shape of the coastal line appear to be controlled by the Carnaubais Fault. Furthemore, the observed structures in Camurupim Área are consistent with this stress field. These facts are interpreted as evidences that Carnaubais Fault and beachrocks suffered coupled tectonic movements. These moviments are of Neotectonic age because the beachrocks present ages less than 16,000 years
This dissertation presents the results of research developed in the Nísia Floresta-Papeba-Guaraíras Lagoon Complex, located on the south coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State. The main objectives of this dissertation were the stratrigraphic characterization, in detail scale, of the and the coastal dynamics study of the lagoonal deposits sedimentation, as well as the morpho-dynamic analysis of the area. Therefore, an interdisciplinary methodology was adopted, in which all sedimentological, morpho-tectonic and geomorphological data were integrated. Vibracore up to 4m in length were carried out in the lagoons. The referred lagoon complex made of a system of three lagoons that interact through two artificial channels, named Boqueirão and Surubajá. The Guaraíras lagoon, the largest one in the system, corresponds to the estuary zone of the Trairi and Jacu rivers. The sedimentary load brought by these rivers is strongly reworked by tide currents, forming an important net-work of channels and sandy bars inside this lagoon and close to its channel connection with the sea. The stratigraphic units of the area are Cenozoic in age, and are represented by sedimentary rocks of the Barreiras Formation (sandstones, mudstones and conglomerates) and by rocks beach, as well as by siliciclastics sediments related with the fluvial dynamics of tide plain (clay and sandy bars), and coast (sand dunes and beaches). Among the recognized geomorphologic aspects, there are the elements associated with continental enviroments (drainage basins of the Trairi, Baldum and Jacu rivers, coastal tableland supported by the Barreiras Formation), and transitional environments (lagoon complex, dune fields, cliffs, tidal channels and beach rocks lines). The morphotectonic analysis indicates that fauts affect Barreiras Formation sedimentary rocks, with two sets of main lineaments: SW-NE and SE-NW. The anomalies in the drainage net are directly associated with these fault/fracture system, which control and subdivede the low courses of the Trairi and Jacu rivers, at least a tail of their flowing principal courses. The Nísia Floresta, Papeba and Guaraíras lagoons present strong morphological control according to the lineament directions. Taking into account the lagoonal deposits, the sedimentological analyses reflect a sediment distribution related to the interaction of the fluvial and sea processes that act in the study area. The correlated deposits show textural mainly microclastic characteristics of shallow waters, and of currents of low to moderate energy.In general, the Nísia Floresta-Papeba-Guaraíras lagoon Complex, constitutes a very intrinsec group, that undewent important changes in historical times that are reflected in the currents clays. Inaddition to the natural processes that act in this system, we should take into account the antrohopic intervention, which have increased in the past years
The work concerns on the evolutionary study of the environmental conditions of the coastal area of Guamaré-RN, where was investigated the geo-environmental transformation occourred in this region, whose primordial purpose was to diagnose the changes verified in the temporary space of five decades (1950 to 2001). With the objective of evaluanting the action of the active coastal processes (currents, waves, tides and winds), in order to understand the generating mechanisms of the erosion/sedimentation, evidenced by constant morphologic changes. The adopted methodological procedure consisted of a succession of stages, involving bibliographical and cartographic study, aereal photographs study, digital treatment of images, field work (sample collection, beaches profiles, characterization of the beach environment and morfodynamics), mapping correction and laboratory analyses (granulometry). The evolutionary study of the morphologic features indicated significant variations in the studied period, mainly, in the dunes, sea terraces, variation of the shore line and tidal flat, evidencing the largest transformations in the temporary space between 1988 and 2001. The analyses of the beach profiles showed a sedimentation tendency in the area of the profiles P1, P2 and P3, however in the monitored pediod, it was observed in the referred profiles, erosive and depositionals intervals evidencing a need of more effective monitoring. The results of the granulometric analyses indicate a predominance of mean to coarse sand in the backshore and estirancy area, as in the shoreface, the analyses indicated medium to fine sand. The morfodynamic state, showed that beach of Minhoto is intermediate state, with alternancy to reflective. The areas of larger vulnerability and sensibility are the tidal flat, shore line, barrier island and mobile dunes, that actually is suffering great environmental impact with expansion of the carcinoculture, urban presence and natural impacts (erosion of the shoreline)
This study presents the Environmental Sensibility Mapping to oil spillings on the Potengi estuary - RN and neighboring coastline through remote sensing data, collecting, treatment and integration of the geomorphologic, oceanographic (temperature, salinity, density, direction and intensity), meteorological (wind speed and direction) and high resolution seismic (bathymetry and sonography) data. The Potengi river estuary is located on the eastern coastline of the Rio Grande do Norte State, being inserted in the geological context for the coastal Pernambuco-Paraíba basin and spreading over 18 km; it shelters the Natal harbor zone and an oil terminal, centralizing, therefore, important oil transport operations that can cause accidental spillings. Under the oceanographic point of view, the Potengi estuary is characterized by the absence of any expressive thermic stratification, being classified as partially mixed, B type according to Pritchard (1955), and 2 type in conformity to the stratification-circulation diagram by Hansen & Rattray (1966). Two main wind systems are responsable for the formation of wave sets that occur in the area. The dynamic tide presents, in the Natal Harbor, mean amplitude in spring and quadrature tides, with around 2.8 and 2m, respectively. The mechanism of saline tide mixing was defined through the salinity which is the main parameter for the identification of this mechanism. Important variations of the salinity mean values (36.32 psu), temperature (28.11ºC) and density (22.96 kg/m3) in the estuarine waters presented features belonging to low latitude regions. The water temperature follows the air temperature variations, in the region, with expressive daily amplitudes. In this study, the identification of the estuarine bed morphology through bathymetric and sonographic analysis, had the purpose to evaluate the influence of the superficial and bottom currents for the bottom shaping. In this way, the use of the side scan sonar showed, to be very useful in the identification of the bottom morphology and its relationship with the predominant action of the tidal currents in the Potengi estuary. Besides, it showed how the sonograms can be a support to the comparison of the several patterns derived from the local hydrodynamic variations. The holocene sediments, which fill the estuarine channel, are predominantly sandy, varying from selected, sometimes silty. The sedimentation is controlled by the environmental hydrodynamic conditions, being recognized two important textural facies: Muddy Facies and Sandy Facies. The distribution of these textural facies apparently oscillates owing to the tidal cycle and flow intensity. Each one of the above mentioned data was integrated in a Geographic Information System (GIS), from which was produced the Environmental Sensibility Map to oil spillings with Coastal Sensibility Index (CSI) to the Potengi estuary. The integrated analysis of these data is essential to oil spilling contingency plans, in order to reduce the spilling environmental consequences and to make efficient the endeavours of contention and cleaning up/removal on the Natal Harbor. This study has the aim to collaborate for the increase of informations about the estuarine environment and contribute to a better management of the question: environment/polluting loads
This study has as a main objective to make a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian-Albian interval in the east part of Araripe Basin, NE of Brazil which correspond, litostratigraphically, to Rio Da Batateira, Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo formations. The stratigraphic analysis was based on three different stages, the 1D, 2D and 3D analysis; these ones were adapted to the sequence stratigraphy concepts in order to create a chronostratigraphic framework for the study area within the basin. The database used in the present study contains field and well information, wells that belong to Santana Project, carried out by the Ministério de Minas e Energia- DNPM- CPRM from 1977 to 1978. The analysis 1D, which was done separately for each well and outcrop allowed the recognition of 13 sedimentary facies, mainly divided based on predominant litologies and sedimentary structures. Such facies are lithologically represented by pebble, sandstones, claystones, margas and evaporates; these facies are associated in order to characterize different depositional systems, that integrate from the continental environment (fluvial system and lacustre), paralic system (delta system and lagunar) to the marine environment (shelfenvironment). The first one, the fluvial system was divided into two subtypes: meandering fluvial system, characterized by fill channel and floodplain deposits; the facies of this system are associated vertically according to the textural thinning upward cycles (dirting-up trend pattern in well logs). Lacustrine environment is mainly related with the lithotypes of the Crato Formation, it shows a good distribution within the basin, been composed by green claystone deposits and calcareous laminated. Deltaic System represented by prodelta and delta front deposits which coarsening upward tendency. Lagunar system is characterised by the presence of anhydrite and gypsum deposits besides the black claystone deposits with vegetal fragments which do not contain a fauna typically marine. The marine platform system is composed by successions of black and gray claystone with fossiliferous fauna of Dinoflagellates (Spiniferites Mantell, Subtilisphaera Jain e Subtilisphaera Millipied genre) typical of this kind of depositional system. The sedimentary facies described are vertically arranged in cycles with progradational patterns which form textural coersening upward cycles and retrogradational, represented by textural thinning dowward cycles. Based in these cycles, in their stack pattern and the vertical change between these patterns, the systems tracks and the depositional sequences were recognized. The Low System Track (LST) and High System Track (HST) are composed by cycles with progradational stack pattern, whereas the Trangessive System Track (TST) is composed by retrogradational stack pattern cycles. The 2D stratigraphic analysis was done through the carrying out of two stratigraphic sections. For the selection of the datum the deepest maximum flooding surface was chosen, inside the Sequence 1, the execution of these sections allowed to understand the behaviour of six depositional systems along the study area, which were interpreted as cycles of second order or supercycles (cycles between 3 and 10 Ma), according to the Vail, et al (1977) classification. The Sequence 1, the oldest of the six identified is composed by the low, transgressive and high systems tracks. The first two system tracks are formed exclusively by fluvial deposits of the Rio da Batateira Formation whereas the third one includes deltaic and lacustrine deposits of the Crato Formation. The sequences 2 and 3 are formed by the transgressive systems tracks (lake spreading phase) and the highstand system track (lake backward phase). The TST of these sequences are formed by lacustrine deposits whereas HST contains deltaic deposits, indicating high rates of sedimentary supply at the time of it s deposition. The sequence 4 is composed by LST, TST and HST, The TST4 shows a significant fall of the lake base level, this track was developed in conditions of low relation between the creation rate of space of accommodation and the sedimentary influx. The TST4 marks the third phase of expansion of the lacustrine system in the section after the basin´s rift, the lacustrine system established in the previous track starts a backward phase in conditions that the sedimentary supply rate exceeds the creation rate of space accommodation. The sequence 5 was developed in two different phases, the first one is related with the latest expansion stage of the lake, (TST5), the basal track of this sequence. In this phase the base level of the lake rose considerably. The second phase (related to the TST5) indicates the end of the lacustrine domain in the Araripe Basin and the change to lagunar system ant tidal flat, with great portions in the supratidal. These systems were formed by restricted lagoons, with shallow level of water and with intermittent connections with the sea. This, was the phase when the Araripe Basin recorded the most several arid conditions of the whole interval studied, Aptian Albian, conditions that allow the formation of evaporitic deposits. The sequence 6 began its deposition after a significant fall of the sea (LST6). The sequence 6 is without any doubtlessly, the sequence that has deposits that prove the effective entrance of the sea into the Araripe Basin. The TST6, end of this sequence, represents the moment which the sea reaches its maximum level during the Aptian Albian time. The stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian Albian interval made possible the understanding that the main control in the development of the depositional sequences recognized in the Araripe Basin were the variations of the local base level, which are controlled itself by the climate changes
This work embraces the application of Landsat 5-TM digital images, comprising August 2 1989 and September 22 1998, for temporal mapping and geoenvironmental analysis of the dynamic of Piranhas-Açu river mouth, situated in the Macau (RN) region. After treatment using several digital processing techniques (e.g. colour composition in RGB, ratio of bands, principal component analysis, index methods, among others), it was possible to generate several image products and multitemporal maps of the coastal morphodynamics of the studied area. Using the image products it was possible the identification and characterization of the principal elements of interest (vegetation, soil, geology and water) in the surface of the studied area, associating the spectral characteristics of these elements to that presented by the image products resulting of the digital processing. Thus, it was possible to define different types of soils: Amd, AQd6, SK1 and LVe4; vegetation grouping: open arboreal-shrubby caatinga, closed arborealshrubby caatinga, closed arboreal caatinga, mangrove vegetation, dune vegetation and areas predominately constituted by juremas; geological units: quaternary units beach sediments, sand banks, dune flats, barrier island, mobile dunes, fixed dunes, alluvium, tidal and inundation flats, and sandy facies of the Potengi Formation; tertiary-quaternary units Barreiras Formation grouped to the clayey facies of the Potengi Formation, Macau Formation grouped to the sediments of the Tibau Formation; Cretaceous units Jandaíra Formation; moreover it was to identify the sea/land limit, shallow submersed areas and suspended sediments. The multitemporal maps of the coastal morphodynamics allowed the identification and a semi-quantitative evoluation of regions which were submitted to erosive and constructive processes in the last decade. This semi-quantitative evoluation in association with an geoenvironmental characterization of the studied area are important data to the elaboration of actions that may minimize the possible/probable impacts caused by the implantation of the Polo Gas/Sal and to the monitoring of areas explorated by the petroleum and salt industries
The Amapá State has an important natural lake system, known as The Amapá Lakes Region . Most of these lakes are on the southern part of Amapá s coastal plain, which has 300 km of extension and it s composed by holocenic sediments deposited at the northern part of Amazon River to the Orange Cape located on the northern part of Amapá state. This region is under influence of the Amazon River discharge which is the largest liquid discharge of about 209.000 m³/s and biggest sediment budget discharged on the ocean in the order 6.108 ton per day. The climate is influenced by the Intertropical Convergence Zone and El Niño Southern Oscillation which act mainly under precipitation, nebulosity, local rivers and tidal hidrology. In this region lake belts are Ocidental, Oriental and Meridional Lake Belts. The last one is formed by the by the lakes Comprido de Cima, Botos, Bacia, Lodão, Ventos, Mutuco and Comprido de Baixo. These lakes are the closest to the Araguari River and are characterized by pelitic sedimentation associated with fluvial and estuarine flood plains under influence of tides. The lakes are interconnected, suffer influence of flood pulses from the Tartarugal, Tartarugalzinho and Araguari rivers and the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic know edge is poor. Volume and area reduction, natural eutrophication, anthophic influence, hidrodynamic alterations, morphological changes and are factors which can contribute to the closing of such lakes on the Meridional Lake Belt. This belt is inside the boundaries of the Biological Reserve of Piratuba Lake, created in 1980 for integral protection. Due to the fragility of the environment together with the poor knowledge of the system and with the study area relevancy it is necessary to know the hydrodynamic and geoenvironmental processes. This work aims the characterization of morphodynamic and hydrodynamic processes in order to understand the geoambiental context of the Meridional Lake Belt, from the Comprido de Baixo Lake to the dos Ventos Lake, including the Tabaco Igarape. Methodology was based on the hydrodynamic data acquisition: liquid discharge (acoustic method), tides, bathymetry and the interpretation of multitemporal remote sensing images, integrated in a Geographic Information System (GIS). By this method charts of the medium liquid discharges of Lake Mutuco and Tabacco Igarape the maximum velocity of flow were estimated in: 1.1 m/s, 1.6 m/s and 1.6 m/s (rainy season) and 0.6 m/s, 0.6 m/s and 0.7 m/s (dry period), the maximum flow in: 289 m³/s, 297 m³/s and 379 m³/s (rainy season) and 41 m³/s , 79 m³/s and 105 m³/s (dry period), respectively. From the interpretation of multitemporal satellite images, maps were developed together with the analysis of the lakes and Tobaco Igarape evolution from 1972 to 2008, and were classified according to the degree of balance in the area: stable areas, eutrophic areas, areas of gain, and eroded areas. Troughout analysis of the balance of areas, it was possible to quantify the volume of lake areas occupied by aquatic macrophytes. The study sought to understand the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes occurring in the region, contributing to the elucidation of the processes which cause and/or favor geoenvironmental changes in the region; all such information is fundamental to making the management of the area and further definition of parameters for environmental monitoring and contributing to the development of the management plan of the Biological Reserve of Lake Piratuba. The work activities is a part of the Project "Integration of Geological, geophysical and geochemical data to Paleogeographic rebuilding of Amazon Coast, from the Neogene to the Recent
Due to its high resolution, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used to image subsurface sedimentary deposits. Because GPR and Seismic methods share some principles of image construction, the classic seismostratigraphic interpretation method has been also applied as an attempt to interpret GPR data. Nonetheless some advances in few particular contexts, the adaptations from seismic to GPR of seismostratigraphic tools and concepts unsuitable because the meaning given to the termination criteria in seismic stratigraphy do not represent the adequate geologic record in the GPR scale. Essentially, the open question relies in proposing a interpretation method for GPR data which allow not only relating product and sedimentary process in the GPR scale but also identifying or proposing depositional environments and correlating these results with the well known Sequence Stratigraphy cornerstones. The goal of this dissertation is to propose an interpretation methodology of GPR data able to perform this task at least for siliciclastic deposits. In order to do so, the proposed GPR interpretation method is based both on seismostratigraphic concepts and on the bounding surface hierarchy tool from Miall (1988). As consequence of this joint use, the results of GPR interpretation can be associated to the sedimentary facies in a genetic context, so that it is possible to: (i) individualize radar facies and correlate them to the sedimentary facies by using depositional models; (ii) characterize a given depositional system, and (iii) determine its stratigraphic framework highligthing how it evolved through geologic time. To illustrate its use the proposed methodology was applied in a GPR data set from Galos area which is part of the Galinhos spit, located in Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. This spit presents high lateral sedimentary facies variation, containing in its sedimentary record from 4th to 6th cicles caused by high frequency sea level oscillation. The interpretation process was done throughout the following phases: (i) identification of a vertical facies succession, (ii) characterization of radar facies and its associated sedimentary products, (iii) recognition of the associated sedimentary process in a genetic context, and finally (iv) proposal of an evolutionay model for the Galinhos spit. This model proposes that the Galinhos spit is a barrier island constituted, from base to top, of the following sedimentary facies: tidal channel facies, tidal flat facies, shore facies, and aeolic facies (dunes). The tidal channel facies, in the base, is constituted of lateral accretion bars and filling deposits of the channels. The base facies is laterally truncated by the tidal flat facies. In the foreshore zone, the tidal flat facies is covered by the shore facies which is the register of a sea transgression. Finally, on the top of the stratigraphic column, aeolic dunes are deposited due to areal exposition caused by a sea regression
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Meconium (MEC) is a potent inactivator of pulmonary surfactant. The authors studied the effects of polyethylene glycol addition to the exogenous surfactant over the lung mechanics and volumes. Human meconium was administrated to newborn rabbits. Animals were ventilated for 20 minutes and dynamic compliance, ventilatory pressure, and tidal volume were recorded. Animals were randomized into 3 study groups: MEC group (without surfactant therapy); S100 group (100 mg/kg surfactant); and PEG group (100 mg/kg porcine surfactant plus 5% PEG). After ventilation, a pulmonary pressure-volume curve was built. Histological analysis was carried out to calculate the mean alveolar size (Lm) and the distortion index (DI). Both groups treated with surfactant showed higher values of dynamic pulmonary compliance and lower ventilatory pressure, compared with the MEC group (P .05). S100 group had a larger maximum lung volume, V30, compared with the MEC group (P .05). Lm and DI values were smaller in the groups treated with surfactant than in the MEC group (P .05). No differences were observed between the S100 and PEG groups. Animals treated with surfactant showed significant improvement in pulmonary function as compared to nontreated animals. PEG added to exogenous surfactant did not improve lung mechanics or volumes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratório e analgésico da infusão contínua com propofol e propofol/cetamina em cadelas pré-medicadas com atropina e xilazina, submetidas a ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH). em seis cadelas (GP) a indução anestésica foi realizada com propofol (5mg kg-1 iv), seguido da manutenção anestésica com o mesmo fármaco em infusão contínua intravenosa na taxa inicial de 0,4mg kg-1.min-1. Outras seis cadelas (GPC) receberam a associação de propofol (3,5mg kg-1 iv) e cetamina (1mg kg-1 iv) como indução anestésica. Depois, foi feita manutenção anestésica em infusão contínua intravenosa inicial com 0,28mg kg-1.min-1 e 0,06mg kg-1.min-1 de propofol e cetamina, respectivamente. Os seguintes parâmetros foram mensurados durante a anestesia a cada 10 minutos: freqüências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (f), pressão arterial sistólica, média e diastólica (PA), concentração final expirada de CO2 (EtCO2), volume minuto (VM), pressão parcial de gás carbônico (PaCO2), pressão parcial de oxigênio (PaO2), saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SatO2), pH, bicarbonato, glicemia e temperatura retal (T). Observou-se redução da pressão arterial média entre 20 e 40 minutos de anestesia no GP. Ocorreu redução da temperatura, hipercapnia e acidose respiratória em ambos os grupos durante a anestesia. A PaO2, o bicarbonato e a glicose aumentaram de forma significativa apenas no GPC durante a anestesia. Houve necessidade de aumentar em 50 e 20% a taxa de infusão de propofol no GP e GPC respectivamente para anestesia cirúrgica satisfatória. Dessa forma, ambos os protocolos mostraram-se seguros e suficientes do ponto de vista de anestesia cirúrgica para realização da OSH em cadelas, desde que a ventilação assistida ou controlada seja instituída quando necessária e a velocidade de infusão do propofol seja 0,6 e 0,34mg kg-1.min-1 nos grupos GP e GPC, respectivamente.
Opioids may exert a protective effect against ventricular arrhythmias via a vagally mediated mechanism. This study evaluated the effects of the opioid remifentanil on arrhythmogenicity of epinephrine during halothane anesthesia. Eight dogs were assigned to 2 treatments in a randomized crossover design, with 1-week intervals between treatments. Anesthesia was maintained with 1.3% end-tidal halothane in oxygen and mechanical ventilation to maintain eucapnia. A constant rate infusion of remifentanil (0.72 mu g/kg/min) was administered throughout the study in the experimental treatment, while control animals received physiologic saline as placebo. The arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine (ADE), defined as 4 premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) within 15 s, was determined by administering progressively increasing infusion rates of epinephrine (2.5, 5.0, and 10 mu g/kg/min), allowing 20 min intervals between each infusion rate. In both treatments, epinephrine infusions induced bradyarrhythmias and atrioventricular conduction disturbances, which were followed by escape beats and PVCs. In the remifentanil treatment, mean s ADE values (11.3 +/- 4.9 mu g/kg) did not differ from values observed in control animals (9.9 +/- 6.1 mu g/kg). on the basis of the ADE model for assessing the arrhythmogenity of drugs during halothane anesthesia, the present study did not demonstrate a protective effect of remifentanil (0.72 mu g/kg/min) against ventricular arrhythmias in dogs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)