928 resultados para Tibia fractures


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BACKGROUND: Complex foot and ankle fractures, such as calcaneum fractures or Lisfranc dislocations, are often associated with a poor outcome, especially in terms of gait capacity. Indeed, degenerative changes often lead to chronic pain and chronic functional limitations. Prescription footwear represents an important therapeutic tool during the rehabilitation process. Local Dynamic Stability (LDS) is the ability of locomotor system to maintain continuous walking by accommodating small perturbations that occur naturally during walking. Because it reflects the degree of control over the gait, LDS has been advocated as a relevant indicator for evaluating different conditions and pathologies. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in LDS induced by orthopaedic shoes in patients with persistent foot and ankle injuries. We hypothesised that footwear adaptation might help patients to improve gait control, which could lead to higher LDS: METHODS: Twenty-five middle-aged inpatients (5 females, 20 males) participated in the study. They were treated for chronic post-traumatic disabilities following ankle and/or foot fractures in a Swiss rehabilitation clinic. During their stay, included inpatients received orthopaedic shoes with custom-made orthoses (insoles). They performed two 30s walking trials with standard shoes and two 30s trials with orthopaedic shoes. A triaxial motion sensor recorded 3D accelerations at the lower back level. LDS was assessed by computing divergence exponents in the acceleration signals (maximal Lyapunov exponents). Pain was evaluated with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). LDS and pain differences between the trials with standard shoes and the trials with orthopaedic shoes were assessed. RESULTS: Orthopaedic shoes significantly improved LDS in the three axes (medio-lateral: 10% relative change, paired t-test p < 0.001; vertical: 9%, p = 0.03; antero-posterior: 7%, p = 0.04). A significant decrease in pain level (VAS score -29%) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Footwear adaptation led to pain relief and to improved foot & ankle proprioception. It is likely that that enhancement allows patients to better control foot placement. As a result, higher dynamic stability has been observed. LDS seems therefore a valuable index that could be used in early evaluation of footwear outcome in clinical settings.


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Osteoporosis is well recognized as a public health problem in industrialized countries. Because of the efficiency of new treatments to decrease fracture risk, it is of a major interest to detect the patients who should benefit from such treatments. A diagnosis of osteoporosis is necessary before to start a specific treatment. This diagnosis is based on the measurement of the skeleton (hip and spine) with dual X-ray absorptiometry, using diagnostic criteria established by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In Switzerland, indications for bone densitometry are limited to precise situations. This technique cannot be applied for screening. For this purpose, peripheral measurements and particularly quantitative ultrasounds of bone seem to be promising. Indeed, several prospective studies clearly showed their predictive power for hip fracture risk in women aged more than 65 years. In order to facilitate the clinical use of bone ultrasounds, thresholds of risk of fracture and osteoporosis of the hip will be shortly published. This will integrate bone ultrasound in a global concept including bone densitometry and its indications, but also other risk factors for osteoporosis recognized by the Swiss association against osteoporosis (ASCO).


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the technical feasibility of harvesting a vascularized bone graft from the acromion pedicled on the acromial branch. BACKGROUND: Complex fractures of the proximal humerus may result in partial or total avascular necrosis of the head fragment. Treatment of avascular necrosis of the humeral head is dependent upon the stage of disease as well as the dimension and location of necrosis. In general, the outcome is poor and complete restoration of the shoulder function is rarely attained. Contrary to osteonecrosis of carpal bones (where vascularized bone grafts have been routinely carried out for decades), reports of analogous procedures at the humeral head are anecdotal. METHODS: Based on selective post-mortem computer-tomographic angiography of 5 and the dissection of 30 embalmed human cadaver shoulders, we describe the anatomy of the acromial branch of the thoracoacromial trunk. The main focus was the constancy of its anatomical course, its dimensions and potential use as a nutrient vessel for a pedicled bone graft from the acromion. RESULTS: The course of the acromial branch revealed a constant topographic relationship to anatomical landmarks. Its terminal branches reliably supplied the anterior part of the acromion. The vascularized bone graft could be sufficiently mobilized to allow tension-free transfer to the humeral head as well as to the lateral two-thirds of the clavicle. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated the feasibility of vascularized bone graft harvesting from the acromion. This technique could be a joint-preserving procedure for osteonecrosis of the humeral head or may assist in the revision of a clavicular pseudoarthrosis.


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The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural metric that can be extracted from the two-dimensional lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image. TBS is related to bone microarchitecture and provides skeletal information that is not captured from the standard bone mineral density (BMD) measurement. Based on experimental variograms of the projected DXA image, TBS has the potential to discern differences between DXA scans that show similar BMD measurements. An elevated TBS value correlates with better skeletal microstructure; a low TBS value correlates with weaker skeletal microstructure. Lumbar spine TBS has been evaluated in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The following conclusions are based upon publications reviewed in this article: 1) TBS gives lower values in postmenopausal women and in men with previous fragility fractures than their nonfractured counterparts; 2) TBS is complementary to data available by lumbar spine DXA measurements; 3) TBS results are lower in women who have sustained a fragility fracture but in whom DXA does not indicate osteoporosis or even osteopenia; 4) TBS predicts fracture risk as well as lumbar spine BMD measurements in postmenopausal women; 5) efficacious therapies for osteoporosis differ in the extent to which they influence the TBS; 6) TBS is associated with fracture risk in individuals with conditions related to reduced bone mass or bone quality. Based on these data, lumbar spine TBS holds promise as an emerging technology that could well become a valuable clinical tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and in fracture risk assessment.


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Rapport de synthèse : L'ostéoporose est reconnue comme un problème majeur de santé publique. Comme il existe actuellement des traitements préventifs efficaces pour minimiser le risque de fracture, il est essentiel de développer des nouvelles stratégies de détection des femmes à risque de fracture. Les marqueurs spécifiques du remodelage osseux dosés dans les urines ainsi que les ultrasons quantitatifs du talon ont été étudiés comme outils cliniques pour prédire le risque fracturaire chez les femmes âgées. Il n'existe cependant que très peu de donnée sur la combinaison de ces deux outils pour améliorer la prédiction du risque de fracture. Cette étude cas-contrôle, réalisée chez 368 femmes âgées de 76 ans en moyenne d'une cohorte suisse de femmes ambulatoires, évalue la capacité discriminative entre 195 femmes avec fracture non-vertébrale à bas traumatisme et 173 femmes sans fractures - de deux marqueurs urinaires de la résorption osseuse, les pyridinolines et les deoxypyridinolines, ainsi que deux ultrasons quantitatifs du talon, le Achilles+ (GE-Lunar, Madison, USA) et le Sahara (Hologic, Waltham, USA). Les 195 patientes avec une fracture ont été choisies identiques aux 173 contrôles concernant Page, l'indice de masse corporel, le centre médical et la durée de suivi jusqu'à la fracture. Cette étude montre que les marqueurs urinaires de la résorption osseuse ont une capacité environ identique aux ultrasons quantitatifs du talon pour discriminer entre les patientes avec fracture non-vertébrale à bas traumatisme et les contrôles. La combinaison des deux tests n'est cependant pas plus performante qu'un seul test. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent aider à concevoir les futures stratégies de détection du risque fracturaire chez les femmes âgées, qui intègrent notamment des facteurs de risque cliniques, radiologiques et biochimiques. Abstract : Summary : This nested case-control analysis of a Swiss ambulatory cohort of elderly women assessed the discriminatory power of urinary markers of bone resorption and heel quantitative ultrasound for non-vertebral fractures. The tests all discriminated between cases and controls, but combining the two strategies yielded no additional relevant information. Introduction : Data are limited regarding the combination of bone resorption markers and heel quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) in the detection of women at risk for fracture. Methods In a nested case-control analysis, we studied 368 women (mean age 76.213.2 years), 195 with low-trauma non-vertebral fractures and 173 without, matched for age, BMI, medical center, and follow-up duration, from a prospective study designed to predict fractures. Urinary total pyridinolines (PYD) and deoxypyridinolines (DPD) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. All women underwent bone evaluations using Achilles+ and Sahara heel QUS. Results : Areas under the receiver operating-characteristic curve (AUC) for discriminative models of the fracture group, with 95% confidence intervals, were 0.62 (0.560.68) and 0.59 (0.53-0.65) for PYD and DPD, and 0.64 (0.58-0.69) and 0.65 (0.59-0.71) for Achilles+ and Sahara QUS, respectively. The combination of resorption markers and QUS added no significant discriminatory information to either measurement alone with an AUC of 0.66 (0.600.71) for Achilles+ with PYD and 0.68 (0.62-0.73) for Sahara with PYD. Conclusions : Urinary bone resorption markers and QUS are equally discriminatory between non-vertebral fracture patients and controls. However, the combination of bone resorption markers and QUS is not better than either test used alone.


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CONTEXT: Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased fracture risk but paradoxically greater bone mineral density (BMD). Trabecular bone score (TBS) is derived from the texture of the spine dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image and is related to bone microarchitecture and fracture risk, providing information independent of BMD. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the ability of lumbar spine TBS to account for increased fracture risk in diabetes. DESIGN AND SETTING: We performed a retrospective cohort study using BMD results from a large clinical registry for the province of Manitoba, Canada. Patients: We included 29,407 women 50 years old and older with baseline DXA examinations, among whom 2356 had diagnosed diabetes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lumbar spine TBS was derived for each spine DXA examination blinded to clinical parameters and outcomes. Health service records were assessed for incident nontraumatic major osteoporotic fractures (mean follow-up 4.7 years). RESULTS: Diabetes was associated with higher BMD at all sites but lower lumbar spine TBS in unadjusted and adjusted models (all P < .001). The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for a measurement in the lowest vs the highest tertile was less than 1 for BMD (all P < .001) but was increased for lumbar spine TBS [aOR 2.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.30-2.97]. Major osteoporotic fractures were identified in 175 women (7.4%) with and 1493 (5.5%) without diabetes (P < .001). Lumbar spine TBS was a BMD-independent predictor of fracture and predicted fractures in those with diabetes (adjusted hazard ratio 1.27, 95% CI 1.10-1.46) and without diabetes (hazard ratio 1.31, 95% CI 1.24-1.38). The effect of diabetes on fracture was reduced when lumbar spine TBS was added to a prediction model but was paradoxically increased from adding BMD measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Lumbar spine TBS predicts osteoporotic fractures in those with diabetes, and captures a larger portion of the diabetes-associated fracture risk than BMD.


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El objetivo es comparar la prevalencia de fractura en casos incidentes de diabetes y en controles apareados. Estudio casos-control que incluye todos los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 diagnosticados entre 2006-2011 y dos controles sin diabetes. Se identificaron fracturas y enfermedad cardiovascular prevalentes, calculando prevalencias de fracturas osteoporóticas, mayores y de cadera, y de enfermedad cardiovascular. Se identificaron 58931 diabéticos y 117862 controles. Los diabéticos presentaban mayor prevalencia de accidente cerebro-vascular y de cardiopatía isquémica. Las prevalencias de fracturas osteoporóticas, de cadera y mayores fue similar en ambos grupos. En conclusión el riesgo de fractura es similar al de los controles no diabéticos.


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Holymenia clavigera (Herbst, 1784) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas, 1852) (Hemiptera, Coreidae) present a remarkable similarity regarding egg and nymphal morphology. On the contrary, their adult stages are remarkably different. This study describes and compares the immature stages of these two coreid species. Excepting for the last instar and the shape of the hind tibia from third to last instar, nymphs of both species were identical in their gross morphologies and ultrastructures. However, H. clavigera was significantly larger than A. foliacea marginella in all stages. Thus, we suggest that these species may have evolved through evolutionary convergence, parsimony between the immature stages after speciation, Müllerian mimicry or genetic drift.


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Although high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) and central quantitative computed tomography (QCT) studies have shown bone structural differences between Chinese American (CH) and white (WH) women, these techniques are not readily available in the clinical setting. The trabecular bone score (TBS) estimates trabecular microarchitecture from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry spine images. We assessed TBS in CH and WH women and investigated whether TBS is associated with QCT and HRpQCT indices. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, lumbar spine (LS) TBS, QCT of the LS and hip, and HRpQCT of the radius and tibia were performed in 71 pre- (37 WH and 34 CH) and 44 postmenopausal (21 WH and 23 CH) women. TBS did not differ by race in either pre- or postmenopausal women. In the entire cohort, TBS positively correlated with LS trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (r = 0.664), femoral neck integral (r = 0.651), trabecular (r = 0.641) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.346), and cortical thickness (C/I; r = 0.540) by QCT (p < 0.001 for all). TBS also correlated with integral (r = 0.643), trabecular (r = 0.574) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.491), and C/I (r = 0.541) at the total hip (p < 0.001 for all). The combination of TBS and LS aBMD predicted more of the variance in QCT measures than aBMD alone. TBS was associated with all HRpQCT indices (r = 0.20-0.52) except radial cortical thickness and tibial trabecular thickness. Significant associations between TBS and measures of HRpQCT and QCT in WH and CH pre- and postmenopausal women demonstrated here suggest that TBS may be a useful adjunct to aBMD for assessing bone quality.


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Les décisions de gestion des eaux souterraines doivent souvent être justiffées par des modèles quantitatifs d'aquifères qui tiennent compte de l'hétérogénéité des propriétés hydrauliques. Les aquifères fracturés sont parmi les plus hétérogènes et très difficiles à étudier. Dans ceux-ci, les fractures connectées, d'ouverture millimètrique, peuvent agir comme conducteurs hydrauliques et donc créer des écoulements très localisés. Le manque général d'informations sur la distribution spatiale des fractures limite la possibilité de construire des modèles quantitatifs de flux et de transport. Les données qui conditionnent les modèles sont généralement spatialement limitées, bruitées et elles ne représentent que des mesures indirectes de propriétés physiques. Ces limitations aux données peuvent être en partie surmontées en combinant différents types de données, telles que les données hydrologiques et de radar à pénétration de sol plus commun ément appelé géoradar. L'utilisation du géoradar en forage est un outil prometteur pour identiffer les fractures individuelles jusqu'à quelques dizaines de mètres dans la formation. Dans cette thèse, je développe des approches pour combiner le géoradar avec les données hydrologiques affn d'améliorer la caractérisation des aquifères fracturés. Des investigations hydrologiques intensives ont déjà été réalisées à partir de trois forage adjacents dans un aquifère cristallin en Bretagne (France). Néanmoins, la dimension des fractures et la géométrie 3-D des fractures conductives restaient mal connue. Affn d'améliorer la caractérisation du réseau de fractures je propose dans un premier temps un traitement géoradar avancé qui permet l'imagerie des fractures individuellement. Les résultats montrent que les fractures perméables précédemment identiffées dans les forages peuvent être caractérisées géométriquement loin du forage et que les fractures qui ne croisent pas les forages peuvent aussi être identiffées. Les résultats d'une deuxième étude montrent que les données géoradar peuvent suivre le transport d'un traceur salin. Ainsi, les fractures qui font partie du réseau conductif et connecté qui dominent l'écoulement et le transport local sont identiffées. C'est la première fois que le transport d'un traceur salin a pu être imagé sur une dizaines de mètres dans des fractures individuelles. Une troisième étude conffrme ces résultats par des expériences répétées et des essais de traçage supplémentaires dans différentes parties du réseau local. En outre, la combinaison des données de surveillance hydrologique et géoradar fournit la preuve que les variations temporelles d'amplitude des signaux géoradar peuvent nous informer sur les changements relatifs de concentrations de traceurs dans la formation. Par conséquent, les données géoradar et hydrologiques sont complémentaires. Je propose ensuite une approche d'inversion stochastique pour générer des modèles 3-D de fractures discrètes qui sont conditionnés à toutes les données disponibles en respectant leurs incertitudes. La génération stochastique des modèles conditionnés par géoradar est capable de reproduire les connexions hydrauliques observées et leur contribution aux écoulements. L'ensemble des modèles conditionnés fournit des estimations quantitatives des dimensions et de l'organisation spatiale des fractures hydrauliquement importantes. Cette thèse montre clairement que l'imagerie géoradar est un outil utile pour caractériser les fractures. La combinaison de mesures géoradar avec des données hydrologiques permet de conditionner avec succès le réseau de fractures et de fournir des modèles quantitatifs. Les approches présentées peuvent être appliquées dans d'autres types de formations rocheuses fracturées où la roche est électriquement résistive.


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Therapeutic goal of vitamin D: optimal serum level and dose requirements Results of randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses investigating the effect of vitamin D supplementation on falls and fractures are inconsistent. The optimal serum level 25(OH) vitamin D for musculoskeletal and global health is > or = 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) for some experts and 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) for some others. A daily dose of vitamin D is better than high intermittent doses to reach this goal. High dose once-yearly vitamin D therapy may increase the incidence of fractures and falls. High serum level of vitamin D is probably harmful for the musculoskeletal system and health at large. The optimal benefits for musculoskeletal health are obtained with an 800 UI daily dose and a serum level of near 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l).


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The aim of this review is to better identify for which women with osteoporosis the treatment is efficient, without taking into account the bone mineral density only. The age, previous fractures, the severity of vertebral deformity identify women at high risk for subsequent fracture. The development of assessment tools for predicting fracture risk, the use of the NNT (number needed to treat), and economical analyses are particularly helpful. The number of patients needed to treat to prevent one patient having the target event expresses the magnitude of a treatment effect in a clinically useful way. Economical analyses take into account the health care resources needed to get these benefits. We analysed the NNT and the cost of the treatments which significantly reduced the risk of fracture.


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Ce travail consiste en l'analyse et la revue des différentes prises en charge de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale dans un groupe nommé « Echantillon CHUV » formé par 16 patients. Les patients ont tous été opérés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV, entre 2008 et 2011 pour cure de pseudarthrose. Une présentation succincte des fractures de la diaphyse fémorale ainsi que de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale consiste en la première partie du rapport. La deuxième partie est une revue des cas des patients de l'échantillon CHUV. Des paramètres tels que le mode initial de fracture, la durée effective de la pseudarthrose, le nombre de révisions avant la consolidation ou la répartition des pseudarthroses selon leur type font partie des différents éléments caractéristiques répertoriés puis analysés dans cette revue. 25 cures de pseudarthroses sont effectuées sur les 16 patients. Les techniques de fixations les plus utilisées sont la fixation par plaque après réduction ouverte (ORIF, 64%, 16 cures sur 25) et l'enclouage centromédullaire (24%, 6 cures sur 25). L'utilisation de substituts osseux est très souvent complémentaire à la refixation mécanique lors des cures de pseudarthrose (recours à la greffe osseuse dans 72% des cures). Le taux d'union après la première cure de pseudarthrose s'établit à 63% et il monte à 100% après l'ensemble des cures. Le retour à une fonction adéquate du membre inférieur est obtenu chez 14 des 16 patients (1 patient est traité par arthrodèse du genou sur pseudarthrose du tiers distal de la diaphyse fémorale et 1 patient tétraplégique est traité par résection de la tête et du col fémoral sur pseudarthrose du tiers proximal de la diaphyse fémorale). La revue quantifie la durée de l'invalidité causée par la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale : la longueur totale du traitement avant union est d'au minimum 12 mois pour 75% des patients. 8 patients sur 16 ont un temps avant union supérieur à 20 mois. La pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale doit être considérée comme une complication grave. La localisation au niveau du fémur réduit voire abolit l'autonomie de marche du patient et limite ses activités de la vie quotidienne. Elle entrave le retour au travail et réduit terriblement la qualité de vie pendant souvent plus d'une année. L'ensemble des symptômes ont un effet dévastateur sur la rééducation et peuvent parfois laisser d'importantes séquelles physiques ou psychologiques sur le long terme. Pour ces raisons, le traitement doit être adapté du mieux possible à la pseudarthrose du patient afin d'augmenter les chances de réussite de la cure.


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The efficacy of treatments for osteoporosis does not become evident when evaluated by fracture incidence (FI). Vertebral FI decreased in all controlled studies on calcitonin, but not significantly. Small sample sizes and short periods of treatment may have masked a possible therapeutic benefit, but longer, controlled studies with sodium fluoride or etidronate in larger groups of patients also failed to show a decrease in FI. The present analysis of nine published, therapeutic studies which indicate the FI per year and the initial prevalence of vertebral fractures, examines the question of whether the initial prevalence of fractures has an effect on the subsequent incidence of new fractures and whether the therapeutic effects have to be evaluated as a function of the initial prevalence of fractures. Bearing in mind the differences in roentgenological evaluation and in the size and quality of the various studies, the analysis revealed (1) that in the control groups there was a higher FI in patients with more than three vertebral fractures at baseline (estimated odds ratio (OR) = 49, p = 0.011); (2) that a similar trend, although not statistically significant, was observed in treated patients; (3) that the groups of control patients treated for more than 1 year showed in general an increase in FI beyond the first year and that the reverse was true in treated patients. In conclusion, failure to allow for the initial prevalence of vertebral fractures at the individual level in therapeutic trials of calcitonin to treat osteoporosis and prevent new fractures might have contributed to the absence of a demonstrable benefit of the treatment in those studies.