906 resultados para Theses--Classical languages and literature
Citharichthys cornutus and C. gymnorhinus, diminutive flatfishes inhabiting continental shelves in the western Atlantic Ocean, are infrequently reported and poorly known. We identified 594 C. cornutus in 56 different field collections (68–287 m; most between 101–200 m) off the eastern United States, Bahamas, and eastern Caribbean Sea. Historical records and recently captured specimens document the northern geographic range of adults on the shelf off New Jersey (40°N, 70°W). Citharichthys cornutus measured 17.2–81.3 mm standard length (SL); males (20.0–79.1 mm SL) and females (28.0–81.3 mm SL) attain similar sizes (sex could not be determined for fish <20 mm SL). Males reach nearly 100% maturity at ≥60 mm SL. The smallest mature females are 41.5 mm SL, and by 55.1 mm SL virtually all are mature. Juveniles are found with adults on the outer shelf. Only 214 C. gymnorhinus were located in 42 different field collections (35–201 m, with 90% between 61 and 120 m) off the east coast of the United States, Bahamas, and eastern Caribbean Sea. Adults are found as far north as the shelf off Cape Hatteras, NC (35°N, 75°W). This diminutive species (to 52.4 mm SL) is among the smallest flatfishes but males (n=131; 20.3–52.4 mm SL) attain a slightly larger maximum size than that of females (n=58; 26.2–48.0 mm SL). Males begin to mature between 29 and 35 mm SL and reach 100% maturity by 35–40 mm SL. Some females are mature at 29 mm SL, and all females >35.1 mm SL are mature. Overlooked specimens in museum collections and literature enabled us to correct long-standing inaccuracies in northern distributional limits that appear in contemporary literature and electronic data bases for these species. Associated locality-data for these specimens allow for proper evaluation of distributional information for these species in relation to hypotheses regarding shifts in species ranges due to climate change effects.
A presente investigação se volta para a expressão de objeto direto anafórico (ODA) na produção de dados espontâneos de aquisição bilíngue simultânea (BFLA Bilingual First Language Acquisition) de Português Brasileiro (PB) e de inglês. A literatura em BFLA tem assumido que as duas línguas são adquiridas de maneira independente (DE HOUWER, 1990, 2005; PARADIS; GENESEE, 1996), porém indica que pode haver momentos de interação entre os dois sistemas linguísticos, resultando em transferência entre propriedades paramétricas das línguas (HULK; MÜLLER, 2000; MÜLLER; HULK, 2001; PÉREZ-LEROUX, et al 2009 ; STRIK; PÉREZ-LEROUX, 2011; SORACE, 2011). Essa investigação é conduzida com base na teoria de Princípios & Parâmetros (CHOMSKY, 1981) do Gerativismo, reformulada com o Programa Minimalista (CHOMSKY, 1995). PB e inglês se diferenciam em relação à marcação paramétrica para ODA: o PB admite objeto nulo anafórico (ON) e o inglês não. A hipótese de trabalho adotada é de que haverá transferência do PB para o inglês. Dois tipos de categorias nulas são observados: objetos nulos dêitico (Odeit) e anafórico (ON). Assume-se que a manifestação do primeiro tipo indica um estágio default universal, que constituiria uma estratégia facilitadora (RIZZI, 2005). A possibilidade de uso de ONs agramaticais no inglês é concebida como resultado da presença de dados ambíguos, que reforçariam essa possibilidade equivocadamente no inglês, em consonância com o defendido em Hulk & Müller (2000) e Müller & Hulk (2001). Assume-se, ademais, que as restrições semânticas que regem a distribuição das formas possíveis para ODA no PB (CYRINO, 2006; LOPES, 2009) só poderiam ser detectadas em uma faixa etária mais alta. São analisados dados espontâneos de três bilíngues simultâneos (N, L e A) em interação com seus pais. N foi acompanhado dos 2;1,18 aos 3;8,24 anos de idade, enquanto L foi acompanhada dos 2;5,30 aos 3;1,1 anos e A foi acompanhado dos 3;2,6 aos 3;8,26 anos. As manifestações de ODA foram identificadas e classificadas em DP, pronome, ON e ODeit. Comparando os bilíngues, constatou-se que cada criança parece estar em um momento de aquisição: N apresenta instâncias de ODeit em contextos imperativos e pronomes aparecem apenas no inglês aos 2;5,2 anos. L tem preferência por DPs nas duas línguas e usa pronomes apenas na língua inglesa. Aos 2;6,22 anos, surgem instâncias de ON com mais frequência no PB, mas também no inglês. A criança A apresenta todos os tipos de preenchimento de ODA e ONs aparecem nas duas línguas. Os dados indicam que ONs agramaticais estão presentes no inglês, sugerindo que há transferência do PB para o inglês
Esta dissertação analisa as obras do autor, quadrinista, teatrólogo e ator Lourenço Mutarelli, principalmente, os romances O cheiro do ralo, O natimorto, Jesus Kid e as narrativas gráficas Caixa de Areia, Mundo Pet, Réquiem e Quando meu pai encontrou o e.t. fazia um dia quente, a partir de duas perspectivas presentes na escrita contemporânea: o hibridismo entre diversas linguagens e os novos modos da escrita de si. Quanto ao primeiro aspecto, privilegia-se o dialogismo entre cinema e literatura, com importantes questionamentos e discussões acerca de quanto a literatura, por ser a obra original, é de fato superior em relação à sétima arte. A fim de analisar algumas questões essenciais que advêm da intertextualidade entre cinema e literatura − como originalidade, hierarquia e fidelidade −, este trabalho propõe abordagens que buscam explicitar que, ao se adaptar um texto literário, o cinema cria uma outra obra, híbrida, dotada de novas perspectivas, já contextualizadas no momento presente ao da adaptação, ou seja, trazendo para o texto literário um olhar suplementar, a partir de experiências, ideias e vivências do diretor. Em relação à segunda tendência observada na atualidade, a exposição da intimidade através de diferentes meios − blogs, portais da internet, reality shows, entre outros − vem alterando a forma de o autor lidar com a própria obra e com o público leitor. O escritor parece criar uma persona, tornando-se, muitas vezes, personagem de seu texto e fazendo uso da autoficção, com a mescla de elementos biográficos e ficcionais. Essa nova forma de escrita de si para além dos tradicionais diários, cartas e autobiografias resgata o autor da morte anunciada por Barthes e o traz novamente como objeto de análise do texto literário
Trabalho de pesquisa que pretende retirar o teatro de Gil Vicente de um possível período mais obscurantista, tardo-gótico, para colocá-lo em meio às grandes transformações ocorridas na Europa durante o século XVI, mais propriamente o Renascimento artístico e cultural. A partir de uma crítica textual de autores contemporâneos como Nicolau de Cusa e Martinho Lutero, ou da literatura da Grécia clássica como Platão e Ésquilo, aproximamos o teatro vicentino das fontes clássicas da literatura, ao mesmo tempo em que, por uma crítica de determinadas correntes hegemônicas na análise da literatura como as que vêm do existencialismo e da psicanálise, afastamos seu teatro dessa crítica que antes obscurece do que propriamente o coloca à plena luz. Posto na luz correta, vemos um Gil Vicente em meio aos grandes movimentos de transformação da civilização mediterrânica do século XVI.
Tradicionalmente, teóricos dos estudos literários têm dado pouco enfoque aos textos orais por acreditarem na escritura como única fonte teorizadora dos textos artísticos desmerecendo, assim, o valor histórico e o caráter próprio da literatura oral. O mesmo ocorre com a literatura voltada para o público infantojuvenil, que, apesar de ter conquistado o mercado editorial, ainda encontra dificuldades em entrar para o rol dos livros aceitos pelo cânone literário. Por meio de adaptações e traduções, tem-se oportunizado a aproximação dos jovens leitores das obras clássicas, cujas linguagens e distância cronológica e social configuram fator de impedimento de sua leitura. O que se pretendeu neste trabalho foi discutir como se deu a passagem da literatura popular/oral para a literatura canônica, tendo como exemplo o caso do Rei dos Elfos e a constituição de um mito literário com base no oral/popular: do Faustbuch ao Fausto de Goethe. Buscou-se fazer uma reflexão acerca do próprio processo de literarização, a partir de histórias contadas através da transmissão e transformadas em literatura para, por fim, ser possível analisar as múltiplas adaptações de Fausto para a literatura infantojuvenil contemporânea.
Perceptual learning improves perception through training. Perceptual learning improves with most stimulus types but fails when . certain stimulus types are mixed during training (roving). This result is surprising because classical supervised and unsupervised neural network models can cope easily with roving conditions. What makes humans so inferior compared to these models? As experimental and conceptual work has shown, human perceptual learning is neither supervised nor unsupervised but reward-based learning. Reward-based learning suffers from the so-called unsupervised bias, i.e., to prevent synaptic " drift" , the . average reward has to be exactly estimated. However, this is impossible when two or more stimulus types with different rewards are presented during training (and the reward is estimated by a running average). For this reason, we propose no learning occurs in roving conditions. However, roving hinders perceptual learning only for combinations of similar stimulus types but not for dissimilar ones. In this latter case, we propose that a critic can estimate the reward for each stimulus type separately. One implication of our analysis is that the critic cannot be located in the visual system. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
A review of aphid parasitoids in China with special emphasis on their production, utilization, and conservation is presented with a brief history of Chinese biological control. Twenty genera, 99 species of Aphidiidae and two genera, 11 species of Aphelinidae were recorded in China. Each parasitoid is listed with a brief description of aphids, host plants, areas of study such as taxonomy, biology, bionomics, geographic distribution, rearing, and literature citations. Achievements, status, and problems in aphid parasitoid production, utilization, conservation, and future prospects are detailed for dominant aphid parasitoids such as Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, A. ervi Haliday and Aphelinus mali Haldeman. Finally, opportunities and challenges of commercialization commercialization of natural enemies, especially aphid parasitoids, in China, are analyzed and discussed.
The object of this paper is to give a complete treatment of the realizability of positive-real biquadratic impedance functions by six-element series-parallel networks comprising resistors, capacitors, and inductors. This question was studied but not fully resolved in the classical electrical circuit literature. Renewed interest in this question arises in the synthesis of passive mechanical impedances. Recent work by the authors has introduced the concept of a regular positive-real functions. It was shown that five-element networks are capable of realizing all regular and some (but not all) nonregular biquadratic positive-real functions. Accordingly, the focus of this paper is on the realizability of nonregular biquadratics. It will be shown that the only six-element series-parallel networks which are capable of realizing nonregular biquadratic impedances are those with three reactive elements or four reactive elements. We identify a set of networks that can realize all the nonregular biquadratic functions for each of the two cases. The realizability conditions for the networks are expressed in terms of a canonical form for biquadratics. The nonregular realizable region for each of the networks is explicitly characterized. © 2004-2012 IEEE.
Classical cultivation and molecular methods based on the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) were used to study the abundance and diversity of beta-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in lake sediments. The eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Donghu), in terms of ammonium (NH4+) concentrations, were sampled. The AOB number was significantly lower in the oligotrophic basin, but significantly higher in the eutrophic basin. In addition, using restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the amoA, ten restriction patterns including six unique ones were found in the eutrophic basin, while five patterns were observed in the oligotrophic basin with only one unique restriction group. Phylogenetic analysis for AOB revealed that Nitrosomonas oligotropha- and Nitrosomonas ureae-related AOB and Nitrosospira-affiliated AOB were ubiquitous; the former dominated in the eutrophic basin (87.2%), while the latter dominated in the oligotrophic basin (65.5%). Furthermore, Nitrosomonas communis-related AOB was only detected in the eutrophic basin, at a small proportion (3.2%). These results indicate significant selection and adaptation of sediment AOB in lakes with differing trophic status. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Cross-species nuclear transfer (NT) has been used to retain the genetic viability of a species near extinction. However, unlike intra-species NT, most embryos produced by cross-species NT were unable to develop to later stages due to incompatible nucleocytoplasmic interactions between the donor nuclei and the recipient cytoplasm from different species. To study the early nucleocytoplasmic interaction in cross-species NT, two laboratory fish species (zebrafish and rare minnow) from different subfamilies were used to generate cross-subfamily NT embryos in the present study. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed to screen out differentially expressed genes from the forward and reverse subtractive cDNA libraries. After dot blot and real-time PCR analysis, 80 of 500 randomly selective sequences were proven to be differentially expressed in the cloned embryos. Among them, 45 sequences shared high homology with 28 zebrafish known genes, and 35 sequences were corresponding to 22 novel expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Based on functional clustering and literature mining analysis, up-and down-regulated genes in the cross-subfamily cloned embryos were mostly relevant to transcription and translation initiation, cell cycle regulation, protein binding, etc. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of genes involved in the early development of cross-species NT embryos of fish. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The delivery of integrated product and service solutions is growing in the aerospace industry, driven by the potential of increasing profits. Such solutions require a life cycle view at the design phase in order to support the delivery of the equipment. The influence of uncertainty associated with design for services is increasingly a challenge due to information and knowledge constraints. There is a lack of frameworks that aim to define and quantify relationship between information and knowledge with uncertainty. Driven by this gap, the paper presents a framework to illustrate the link between uncertainty and knowledge within the design context for services in the aerospace industry. The paper combines industrial interaction and literature review to initially define the design attributes, the associated knowledge requirements and the uncertainties experienced. The framework is then applied in three cases through development of causal loop models (CLMs), which are validated by industrial and academic experts. The concepts and inter-linkages are developed with the intention of developing a software prototype. Future recommendations are also included. © 2014 CIRP.
Recently a debate about the initial crystallization process which has not been the hotspot for a long time since the theory proposed by Hoffman- Lauritzen (LH) dominated the field arose again. For a long time the Hoffman-Lauritzen model was always confronted by criticism,and some of the points were taken up and led to modifications, but the foundation remained unchanged which deemed that before the nucleation and crystallization the system was uniform. In this article the classical nucleation and growth theory of polymer crystallization was reviewed, and the confusion of the explanations to the polymer crystallization phenomenon was pointed out. LH theory assumes that the growth of lamellae is by the direct attachment of chain sequences from the melt onto smooth lateral sides.
In this study, bibliometric method was usded in the investigation of 2274 papers concerning child developmental and educational psychology, which were published during the ten years of 1979-1988, in 14 psychological journals and 97 other scientific journals. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the results are as follows: 1979-1988 saw the rapid development and prosperous period in China's child developmental and educational psychology, During which more papers were published and more fields couched than in the psvious thirty years. The number of literature publications increased and went to the peak in 1983 and 1984, and came down since 1985. The trend was found to result from the decrease in popular science introductions of psychology, which reflected that a heat of psychology had appeared in 1983 and started to cool in 1985. At the mean time, the number of research reports had been holding a steady increase by 1987 and decreased obviously in 1988, especially in the fields of cognitive and social development. There could be several possible explanations of this phenonemon: Piagetian studies are becoming fewer and the eakening of Piaget's influence might predict a period of standstill in the field of developmental psychology in China; As researches become more and more difficult, researchers have turned to be more cautious in lay out their reports; the cutdown of fees and staff could also be one of reasons for less publication in 1988. As the factors mentioned above still exist and their influences last, the number of papers are not expected to increase in the near future. The field of thinking and menory is closely connected with that of artificial intelligence. The downhill situations in these two fileds should be taken seriously. 2. The types of research work are divided on the bases of their problem raising. The trends show that the deepening studies, which represent a comaratively higher level of exploration, are waving fewer, while repeated studies and creative studies are becoming more as the years go along. This fact is worth being further analysed. Big progress could be seen from research methods. The methods currently used are mainly experiment, psychological measurement and assessment, and theoretical reasoning. There is a rapid increase of research by using scales. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Binet Scale and Baley Scale have been revised andstandardized. Chinese researchers have also developed several good scales of their own, some of which are valuable and need to be standardized. In the papers investigated, the amount of citation is significantly lower than the world average level as well as the average citation number of whole China's scientific literature. Among the papers cited, most are of Chinese and English languages, and only a small rate were published in resently five years. The renewal of literature cited seems to stay at a low level in the ten years. Tremendous work could be reflected by the number of subjects used the research work in those ten years: 362665. A lot of studies piled on the period of 4-16 year olds. Compared with the previous thirty years, the age range was much enlarged and there were quite a few studies about preschool, school and adolescent periods. The study of newborn of 0-3 has been a weak point so far and it is a field to which chinese developmental psychologists should pay more attention. The progress in using statistics is one of the most obvious part in the development in the research work of child developmental and educational psychology. The one tendency that should be awared and avoid is to put the cart before the horse: seeking for more sophisticated statistic method while neglecting the meanings of research problems. 3. Citation analysis was used in selecting scholars who had great influence in the field of child developmental and educational psychology. Among the often cited and famous scholars, 31 are Chinese researchers and 12 are Western psychologists. The authoritative journal for child developmental psychology and educational psychology is Acta Psychologica Sinica.
The computer science technique of computational complexity analysis can provide powerful insights into the algorithm-neutral analysis of information processing tasks. Here we show that a simple, theory-neutral linguistic model of syntactic agreement and ambiguity demonstrates that natural language parsing may be computationally intractable. Significantly, we show that it may be syntactic features rather than rules that can cause this difficulty. Informally, human languages and the computationally intractable Satisfiability (SAT) problem share two costly computional mechanisms: both enforce agreement among symbols across unbounded distances (Subject-Verb agreement) and both allow ambiguity (is a word a Noun or a Verb?).
Pykett, Lyn. 'Women writing woman: representations of gender and sexuality', In: Women and literature in Britain 1800 - 1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp.78-98, 2008. RAE2008